
The aggressive pounding of the bass flooded Natsus eardrums as he felt the music flow through his body and overwhelm his oversensitive ears. He took a deep breath and could practically taste the salty sweat from the bodies surrounding him as they danced and drank to their hearts content, letting their souls be taken over by the sheer bliss the music provided. As the owner of Starlight it made him proud to see so many happy and carefree faces, as if being here had washed away any problems that had originally driven them to this very building. Starlight served as a family friendly pub during regular hours of the day, however, once ten in the evening hit the music was cranked, the signature dishes were served, drinks were ordered and the tables pushed to the side in order to free up the pride of the club; the huge dance floor that stood proudly in the centre of the building

Natsu, currently lounging about on his favored leather couch for VIP guests only, was chasing down drinks one after the other when suddenly the smell of cheap perfume overwhelmed his nostrils. Had he been somber he may have made a face or moved away, but at the moment he was too drunk to care as a tall brunette made her way towards him.

Natsu looked her over briefly. He supposed she was pretty with her long brown curls, brown eyes and longs legs. She was even wearing a slimming red dress that hugged her curves in all the right places. However, he couldn't miss the fact that she was also wearing way too much make up, her ankles looked like they were going to snap from the too high stilettos she was wearing, her dress was so revealing it made her seem desperate and Natsu wanted to gag every time he inhaled from her overwhelming use of perfume.

No, this woman was no good. He preferred a woman more natural looking, not covered in make up trying to look like someone she wasn't. Natsu hated perfume of all kinds so that wasn't of any help. They burned his nose and made him gag. A persons natural scent was much more appealing, like Lucys. Lucy hadn't been wearing perfume and her natural scent was... Intoxicating. He still hadn't found a comparison for the scent she had but he loved it.

Suddenly realizing he had caught himself thinking of her again, Natsu hardened his heart and gestured for the brunette to come forward in order to speak with him.

"Mr. Dragneel, surely you don't intend to sit out at your own club? There are plenty of people more than happy, and willing to dance with you. Why don't you have a drink with us. We could have some fun and perhaps you could take some time off and... Relax, with us." The brunette looked at him from under her lashes with obvious lust in her eyes as she bit her lip into a practised pout she had clearly mastered. She was good, which meant she had clearly done this before. Natsu looked past her to a couple of girls slightly to the side watching the exchange with anticipation, giggling when he caught them watching, their cheeks going a rosy red. Natsu looked back to the brunette. Usually he would do anything to avoid this kind of woman, but the thought of a blonde haired beauty in his bed had him giving the brunette a sensually, lazy smile.

"And what would you recommend to help me relax, as you so expertly put it?"

The brunette blushed a pretty pink before whispering in his ear so close, her breath tickled his ear and he had to hold his breath so as not to breath in her perfume.

"Perhaps a few drinks with my friends and I, some dancing, and maybe even some quiet down time. Privately." She had cast her eyes down, expertly playing the innocent and inexperienced. Natsu decided to play her little game, even if only to distract him from a different woman entering his thoughts.

Natsu gave his award winning smile, causing the brunette to gasp in surprise. "Why, I could think of no better way to spend my evening." Natsu got up from the couch gracefully, extending his hand to the brunette like a gentleman, which she took with barely repressed smug pleasure.

Before long Natsu was dancing, sorta of, with the three women out on the dance floor. Or more so, they were dancing on him. Drinks were being handed to him from all sides, and Natsu accepted them all like the polite host he was.

It wasn't long before the brunette set her hand on his chest, causing Natsu to stiffen out of reflex as he forced his body to relax. She leaned into his ear and murmured sensually, "We're getting a little tired. Perhaps there is somewhere more quiet and... Secluded, where we may continue our discussion?" She eyed his mouth and subconsciously licked her lips. Indeed, all of the women had a thin layer of sweat on them, making them look all the more appealing under the flashing colours of the club.

Natsu grinned, well past his drinking limit as he leaned down and murmured in a husky voice, "I'm sure I can find somewhere for your you, your friends and I to get better acquainted." He nibbled her ear delicately for emphasis as to his suggestion and heard the woman gasp in surprise, her cheeks a fine shade of red.

"Lead the way," was all she said as her cheeks flushed a bright red. Natsu turned to lead to one of his private rooms just as the brunette waved over her friends to follow. Yes, thought Natsu, tonight is about living in the moment and leaving my problems behind me.

A few moments later Natsu guided his female trio into one of his private rooms, locked the door, and approached the trio of women with a disarming smile as he set on his prey.

Natsu stumbled into his house awkwardly as he closed the door behind him, quietly he hoped, and tiptoed towards the kitchen. He had almost made his way to the fridge when a sharp pain ran up his spine and he cussed as he held his stubbed toe. Christs sake, this was ridiculous. Why was he sneaking around his own damn house like a criminal. So what if he woke her up, this was his house and he could make as much noise and come home as late as he damn well pleased! Yet despite his little pep talk, Natsu continued forward, silently.

He opened the fridge and grabbed two water bottles and chugged back one of them. He was exhausted and dehydrated. And admittedly, drank a bit too much. His head was already beginning to hurt and he knew he was going to regret it all in the morning. And it was all that blondes fault. Lucy. Natsu could feel his own rage building up inside. She needed to leave, now. She was ruining everything he worked so hard for, including his reputation by merely existing. As soon as she was gone, everything would go back to normal. With that in mind, Natsu stormed to his bedroom, no longer giving a damn if she heard him and slammed his bedroom door open.

Nothing could have prepared him for what he saw.

The golden angel was sleeping peacefully in his bed, her golden hair strewn across his pillow as if it belonged there, like little strings of sunlight. Upon closer inspection he could see that she had really long, thick eyelashes that gently caressed her cheeks. It was then he noticed an old trail running down her cheeks. She had been crying, though not recently. Probably around the time he left until the time she fell asleep. Without thinking Natsu found himself stumbling towards Lucy, awed by how her creamy, pale complexion seemed to glow under the moonlight that was seeping in through his window. Tucking a stray golden lock of hair behind her ear, he cursed himself and adamantly turned to storm out of the room. His hand was on the doorknob when he heard Lucy say something in a voice so soft and small, a normal person would never had heard it.

"Thank you, Natsu..."

Never turning to see if she were awake or asleep, he opened the door and marched out. It was decided he would sleep in the spare bedroom located on the other side of the house where he could keep himself a safe distance away from her and any temptation.

Natsu woke up to a splitting headache and a bright beam of light shinning directly into his eyes. He reeked of alcohol and cheap perfume and if he had he eaten recently, he would have thrown everything up. It took him a moment to remember where he was and why, until his dream from the night before of a certain blonde came back to his memory.

Groaning, he flipped over and covered his head with a pillow, with no intention on getting up any time soon. Especially not if she was still here. He'd stay in this room till she left if he had too, he didn't give a damn. Or so he thought, until he heard a heavy door close. The front door.

In no time at all he was on his feet, standing in the spare room in only his sweatpants as he whipped open the door and flew down the stairs three at a time. He flew open the door to his bedroom, heart racing. It was vacant, with no trace left of her except her intoxicating scent and a note on his side table. Natsu held up the note the entailed of a simple message in beautiful cursive. "Thank you. For everything. - Lucy Heartfilia"

The next moment was a blur. Natsu wasn't feeling the relief he originally anticipated at the thought of her leaving, but fear and anger. Not understanding why, he changed into his favourite jeans and a t-shirt in record time and went flying out his front door, slamming it behind him.