Chapter One

1. Chapter One

AN 1: first as to fact that eve came out in 2001 and the story starts in '97, Bite me. Second, as to the fact that multiple ships will be created, I'm using the fact that most eve players have Alts. And in my world Alts are just extensions of the original player therefore he can control all the ships at once

Betaed by: arturus




Ship Classes

Ship Names

Disclaimer: I own nothing of Eve online, Buffy, or Stargate. wish I did and I have no money so don't waste your time suing me people

Oct 31st 1997

Location: Eve Online: Efa system YC-119

Xander looked at all his Spreadsheets and Notes with the complicated calculations once more before logging out of the game.'Ok everything is ready for when I get back. Man the Alliance better appreciate this. Six Freighters and a Titan jumping around and bridging around low sec for a week with 1 jump to go. I'll have to finish this when I get back from Hür Snyders little Brainstorm.' He thought as he grabbed the rest of his outfit, the bald cap he had glued some washers on the back of, and walked out of the room.

SOTL: Titan- Meanwhile back on earth- SOTL: Titan

"Persona se corpum et sanguium commutandum est. Vestra sancta praesentia concrescet viscera. Janus! Sume noctem!" chanted Ethan Rayne before finishing with a wry grin. He looked up at the setting sun, contemplating the best place to get a view of proceedings. The great thing about the spell was the really had no idea what would happen. So he was looking forward to the entertaining chaos to come.

Unnoticed at first, the spell washed over the inhabitants of Sunnydale.

In Space, in geosynchronous orbit 20,000 Km above Sunnydale a 365m long ship appeared. Above the ship a new spacial and gravitational anomaly appeared.

Deep beneath Cheyenne Mountain Complex in Colorado, Colorado Springs, on the 28th sub-floor of NORAD, an alarm sounded. Alien and human-built technology struggling to identify the new anomaly.

"Report Sergeant," ordered General Hammond as he walked down the stairs from the briefing room above.

"Sir, we are getting reading of some type of gravitational eddy approximately 20,000 Km above California. We are having NASA move the Humble to get a good look at it, but it is throwing off waves of energy that are interferring with some of our equipment. According to early reports, it just appeared out of nowhere. Sir" said Chief Master Sergeant Harriman.

General Hammond frowned thoughtfully as he processed the information. "Have SG-1 report to the briefing room and route all the information we have so far there," Hammond ordered, as he turned around and retraced his steps.

SOTL: Titan- Sunnydale -SOTL: Titan

'What the hell am I doing on the planet and why am I not in a dropsuit.' thought Xander Prime as he looked around at his surroundings. 'Should be on my Ragnarok. I just lit my Cyno so I can get this damn move op over and done with and with the Citadel built in O3L-95 delivered to the Alliance. I might finally be able to dock up.'

"XanderOMGdidyouseewhathappentoallthekidstheyturnedintotherecostumes." said Willow in rapid-fire Willow-babble.

"Hold on there take a deep, right Lady. Right, who are you, and why should I care? Unless there some ISK to be made." Said Xander Prime as he tried to understand what the stranger in front of him had said.

"OMG Xander, not you too. Listen closely my name is Willow. You're my best friend and have been since kindergarten. You dressed as you Character from Eve Online. You have to be in there somewhere." Willow was almost pleading.

"Whatever you say, Willow was it? I really don't have time for this. I've got to figure out how I got planetside without a dropsuit or my Pod. I wish you luck but now get out of my way," said Xander as he went to push her. He paused, shocked when his arm passed right through her.

"A hologram really, why don't you have a More Blue outline and where is your Projector? You know what it doesn't matter. Aura, are you there? Aura, where are you? Oi you hologram, you said that you're called Willow. Please direct me to the nearest spaceport so I may return to a capsule." He continued.

"Now see here mister rude pants, I'm not a hologram. I'm a person. Or at least I was a person before whatever this was happened and I turned into my ghost costume." said Willow.

"Ghost of what exactly?" interrupts Xander as he stares at her rather scant clothing somewhat lecherously.

She covered her stomach and turned away slightly as a faint blush covered her cheeks. Trying to get her composure back so she could respond. As she dis she spotted a monster across the street, growling menacing and charging toward the. Xander had also spotted the creature and responded by drawing his CAR9 and taking aim. It seemed to realise that it was 'outgunned and wisely ran away with Xander still tracking it with his weapon.

Moving quickly, Willow jumped in front of him. "No! No guns! That's still a little kid in there!" she exclaims.

"Whatever saves me from wasting what little ammo I have," Xander responded snidely as he holstered his pistol.

Choosing to ignore his rude behaviour she focussed on their next issue. "We just need to find...Buffy!"

Willow took off running across the street to where she spotted Buffy. With a shrug and an eye-roll Xander followed.

"Buffy! Are you okay?" asks Willow before spotting movement.

The monster is back, this time with a friend. Both were roaring as they approached.

Xander drew his CAR9 again and took aim, "So…" he promoted shooting Willow a look that said ' are you happy now look'.

"Buffy, what do we do?" said Willow who looked stunned as Buffy fainted and fell to the ground.

Xander fired off a round into the street in front of the approaching monsters. They both cowered and then turned and ran away as they were pelted with bits of asphalt. With a satisfied grunt, Xander holstered his pistol after reloading the energy cell with one of the spares on his belt. He then joined willow who was kneeling beside Buffy.

"Buffy, are you alright?" says Willow.

"What?" muttered Buffy groggily as she started to regain consciousness.

"Buffy, are you hurt?" repeats Willow

Buffy slowly sat up, looking around with trepidation. "Buffy? Who's Buffy?"

Willow looks at Xander and shook her head. "Oh no, she's not Buffy."

Xander responds with an exasperated, "Who's Buffy?"

Willow looks down at the currently useless Buffy as she rubs her forehead. "Oh, this is going to be fun." Looking at Buffy she gently asked, "Do you know what year is this?"

Xander helped Buffy to stand up. While Buffy looked at Willow, confused and starting to hyperventilate. "The Year of our Lord 1775, I believe. I-I don't understand."

Willow turns to Xander and asked him the same question. "How about you, what year is it?"

Xander was a bit more cautious as he responded, "YC-120."

She looked at him with what she called her resolve face and restated her question. "How about in Earth years."

He gave her a sheepish shrug and responded once more. "I don't know something like 23,350ish AD. History was never my strong suit in School."

As Buffy looks between the two she asks, "Who are you?"

Willow responded with a friendly smile, "We're friends."

Buffy looks at her, even more confused, "F-friends of whom? Y-your dress... Everything is strange! How did I come to be here?" as she finished she started to hyperventilate even more.

Willow go a look of concern on her face, "Breathe, okay, breathe. You're gonna faint again." Worried she shares a look a look with Xander. "How are we supposed to get through this without the Slayer?"

Xander looks somewhat confused, "What's a Slayer?" he asked as a monster comes around the corner of the street behind Buffy and roars, fangs bared and claws raised to attack.

Buffy screams and backs off. Xander draws and fires into its chest.

Willow looks at him with tears at the corner of her eyes. "That was a kid. Why did you kill him Xander?" he holsters his pistol and looks at her.

"I did it your way twice now, and they keep coming back now. Where I come from you don't keep letting someone pod you. Instead, you pod them first."

"Now, I suggest we get inside before we come across anything else," suggests Xander.

Right at that moment, Buffy screams. "A DEMON! A DEMON!" she jumps behind Xander. "A DEMON!" A sports utility vehicle comes driving down the street with its headlights on.

Willow looks at her and tries to calm her as much as she can, "That's not a demon. It's a car."

Buffy peeks around Xander and whispers, "What does it want?"

Xander steps away from Buffy, shooting her a look. "Is this woman insane?"

Willow looks at him and responds, "She's from the past Xander."

Xander looks at her with a sideways glance, "And so are you, plus you're a hologram. And she needs to Harden The Fuck Up."

"No, I'm a ghost. Not a hologram for the last time, I can do whatever I want to do. Now let's get inside. Buffy's house is closest, that way you can stop killing people."

"I just want you to know that I'm taking a lot on faith here. Which way, lead on I will help lady useless and protect the rear."

Willow gives him a nasty look and turns around and started walking down the street. Luckily they make it to Buffy's house without running into any more creatures. As they approach Will walks through the wall and checks out the inside.

"Mrs Summer are you home? It's Willow." Getting no response she turns to exit the same way she entered just as Xander and Buffy open the door and walk through and closing it once more. "Well, good thing is Buffy's mom isn't home."

At this point, they hear a woman screaming outside. Xander looks outside again

"Damn it! Be right Back." Says Xander as he opens the door and goes out to help rescue the woman outside drawing his Scrambler Pistol just as the door closes.

Buffy runs up to Willow. "Surely he'll not desert us!" she says in a quiet voice. Willow just shakes her head and rolls her eyes as she heads into the living room. Buffy is wide-eyed with fear as she scampers in behind her.

Outside, Cordelia screams as she runs from a Sasquatch. "Somebody help me!"

She looks back at the monster chasing her and screams again. When she turns back around again she almost ploughs into Xander. "Xander! Help me!"

He raises his pistol and shoots the Sasquatch in the leg, dropping it as it howls in pain. "Come inside!" He takes her by her elbow and leads her into the house. Inside Willow is watching through the window, as Xander and Cordelia quickly come in through the door.

"Cordelia!" says Willow as she turns away from the window.

"Wait a... What's going on? And when did Xander get a ray gun" says Cordelia.

"Okay, your name is Cordelia, you're not a cat, you're in high school, and we're your friends. Well, sort of." Willow explains as an almost Babble like speed.

"That's nice, Willow. And you went mental when?" replies Cordelia with a smirk on her face.

"You know us?"asked Willow with the first gleam of hope on her face.

Cordelia looks at her sarcastically "Yeah. Lucky me. What's with the name game anyways?"

Will takes a deep breath. "A lot's going on. Almost everyone has turned into their costumes. Look, I dressed as a ghost and look." as she passes her hand through the end table. "Then we got Buffy who dressed as some old-time noble lady. To impress Angel. Then Xander dressed as his main character from Eve Online which takes place like 21,000 years in the future and he a bit off a little. So watch out."

Cordelia looking at Willow her eyes getting wider and wider as she spoke till they just about popped out of her head when Willow's hand went through the table "No kidding. I was just attacked by Jo-Jo, the Dog-Faced Boy. Look at my costume!" shows them the torn sleeve. "Do you really think that Party town's gonna give me my deposit back? Not on the likely. Then before that, I see a Giant golden egg sitting in the park three blocks over."

As soon as Xander hears Giant golden egg he looks at her and recalls that even where he's from, some people who have never seen a Capsule and even some Capsuleers call it an Egg. And the fact he had one of the special Genolution 'Auroral' AU-79 pod Contract with Concord.

"Where did you see the Golden Egg at Cordelia?" he asked with a small smile starting on his face.

"It was Like 3 blocks over back the way I came in the park that's where that monster started chasing me from." As soon as she finishes, Xander reaches for the door to leave. "Wait if you leave, who will protect us?" says both Willow and Cordelia at the same time.

He looks at them and reaches down to his boot and pulls out a Hilt which he then flicks a switch one and the metal seems to expand out till it has a 2 ft. blade looking more like a short sword than a knife and hands it to Cordelia. "Here this is a Nova Knife, while it doesn't look like much, that blade is only a few molecules thick. It will cut through flesh and bone with no problem. Just whatever you do don't push the red button. If you do it will deploy it a thermal layer and go from cool to the touch to hotter than the sun frying you and everything near you to a crisp." he finished as he points out the button on the hilt near the base.

"Now once I check out what you saw, I will be back as soon as possible and get you guys out of this place and somewhere completely safe." He turns around opens the door and walks out closing it behind him.

Just as he's reaching the end of the sidewalk Willow pokes her head through the door and shouts. "Please try not to kill anyone else, you don't know who may be an Innocent victim and who is a real monster of whatever this is." He turns and give her a Salute and takes off at a slow and cautious jog while keeping his eyes open for anything and turn down the street Cordelia came down.

He makes it to the park and sitting there in all its glory is his pod, a small tear falls from the corner of his eye. 'YES, YES, yes now maybe I can figure out what's happening.' As he walks up to the side of the pod and places his hand on it his implant connects with its computer system and come online for the first time tonight. 'Yes,' he thinks as his HUD starts up on it Holo overlay built into his High-Grade Slave Alpha thru Omega implants. As soon as the pod completes its loading cycle it open and he steps in, stripping off his clothes and storing them in their bin. Then sits in the control chair and the pod begins to fill with the Shock Absorbing Hyper Oxygenated Gel. As it leads plug into the port in the back of his head and Man and Machine becomes one.

As soon as the interface is complete, he blasts off at top speed heading for space to get a sensor scan of the system to see if he can find the rest of his assets. As soon as he breaks orbit he detects the active Cyno Beacon and the ship generating it. It's his Alt remote controlled clone. Commonly shortened to ALT. flying his Rapier. That should have been in O3L-95. But he ignores that fact in pulls up his other 7 alts on a mental interface checking with his sitter slash bridge toon in his Ragnarok to see if it was within range of the beacon and also Double checking that all His BPO's and BPC's where there. As soon as he was certain he commands it to activate its jump portal and he bridges all 6 of the Charon-Class freighters and as soon as it cycle down he jumps the Ragnarok into the system. Commanding his alt to eject another Rapier he boards it's, cloaks it, and head back toward his previous location all the while. Down on the planet, all sorts of pandemonium is happening in NORAD.

SOTL: Titan-SGC 10 minutes before the jump -SOTL: Titan

"Well Captain what have you figured out so far?" asked General Hammond as he walked out of his office.

"Well Sir, from the reading we have picked up over the last Twenty Minutes the anomaly hasn't changed size or location. In fact, it does have some similarities to the readings we see from the Stargate, right before the wormhole establishes itself. But the energy readings are nearly off the scale. And it seems to be holding at that point almost like a beacon, waiting for a wormhole to establish," explained Sam.

"Is it Goa'uld in origin?" asked the General.

Sam shrugged, "Sir after talking with Teal'c and looking over everything we know about Goa'uld technology, I don't think so. I think it might be an entirely new species or it could be the gate builders since the energy is so similar. Although it does seem to operate on a completely different wavelength than the Stargate." Seeing the look on her commanding officers face she tried a different tack. "To put it into perspective, even if we look at just the duration it's been operating for and the power levels involved the Stargate would have blown up at the Twenty-second mark. Add in the power it's radiating and the explosion would have atomized most of the West Coast. Potentially an explosive shock wave that would have shattered the planet's crust. But as far as I can tell it stable and harmless. We should be getting out first picture any minute now from the Hubble telescope."

As she finished the picture on the TV mounted on the wall behind her changed.

The image changed from power charts to a ship shaped like a capital H, with a long tail and the vertical line's part of the ship angle in at the top and out at the bottom. "Teal'c does the look familiar to you?" asked Sam.

"It does not look like any ship I have ever seen captain Carter," respond Teal'c

Before anyone could respond, Master Sergeant. Harriman Cuts in over the phone intercom. "Sorry to interrupt Sir, but NORAD Tracking Radar just picked up an Object Leaving the Surface. Somewhere in central California north of LA. The object left the surface at over 1,000 Mph and never slowed all the way into orbit. On a Straight line for the anomaly." right after he finished the monitor under the TV started going haywire.

"Report Captain," stated Hammond

"One-second sir," she replies as she takes a look at the monitor and her eyebrows hit her hairline. "Uhh sir, the reading just skyrocket on the power scale and now have stabilized as though a wormhole has opened between the anomaly and another point in space. And 6 Ships just appeared in a 5km Radius of the centre, and sir all 6 ships are identical, and almost 2.5km long and 900m wide and 200m tall." as they process that Sam continues. "Holy cow sir, a new ship just appeared and it's huge roughly 18km long 3 km wide and 4km tall at its tallest point. Also, sir, the anomaly has disappeared. Sir, we now detect a 9th vessel undocking from the big one. It appears to be similar to the one that opened the anomaly and vessel that launched from the surface. It is approaching it and has now disappeared."

"It looked like it docked but then the new contact also disappeared. But it was different as though it originating at one point and spreading right before it disappeared, it was heading towards California. I have to theorize it activated a cloaking device. As has the first Vessel but before it did it dropped 8 Small objects that took off at high speed in all directions. The 7 Larger Vessels are slowly heading towards the moon at a rough speed of about 135 Mph. Wait a minute sir, their velocity changed to almost 200,000 they seemed to phase through the moon and disappear. We have lost all contact with those 7 ships but had they continued on at that speed we would have seen them by now. So either they Destroyed themselves by hitting the moon. Which left no debris or impact points or they stopped on the dark side and we can no longer see them. Which is good news for us, although the bad news is they would have been visible with a basic telescope from anywhere in the northwest US all the way to Japan for over 3 minutes and the anomaly for over 25 minutes."

"Ok captain, have you figured out where that small launched from?" asked Gen. Hammond. "Yes sir, it launched from right in the middle of Sunnydale CA, plus or minus ½ mile,"responded Sam.

"Okay SG-1, you are going to Sunnydale. Get there and try and locate its launch site, and see if you can find the other ship, maybe it returned there since Carter mention it was coming back planetside before it cloaked. I'm declaring a possible foothold situation. Now get going, I need to brief the president and joint chiefs on what's going on." he says as he turns around and walks into his office for a nice long talk on the red phone, though before he start he shakes a few antacids out of the bottle on his desk and chews on them.

SOTL: Titan-Sunnydale -SOTL: Titan

As Xander approached the small town he had left less than 10 minutes ago. He wondered why he was heading back down. He kept telling himself it had nothing to do with those girls and everything to do with getting his favourite Nova Knife back. He also knew it would be a different experience this time with a fully outfitted scout dropsuit with cloak and some Riot control weaponry.

'Okay, autopilot set to hover at 2100m and keep out of the way of any local traffic. And keep it self cloaked until I call for it to land for pick up time to suit up.' He thinks as he exits his pod and walks through the empty corridors form the cockpit. There sat a Minmatar scout suit with a shield tank since he didn't want to waste what nanobot he had with him since there were no auto nano resupply stations for armour repairer to work with.

As soon as he is finished suiting up with a quick mental command, the small airlock opens in the main cargo bay door and he steps in, and it immediately cycling through and he steps off the edge falling the 2100m to the ground below flaring his jump harness at the last moment. Landing in the backyard of Buffy's house just as Buffy scream and runs out the back door. He hears a man's voice shout "Buffy no" and she collides with him knocking herself out. He kneels down checks on her. Making sure she's ok. Then turns to the open door grabbing his Stun Rifle off his back hard point. As he entered, he saw two men on the ground wrestling around. He shoots the first one and as he went still the second man, who has a ridged for head and yellow eyes tried to stand. Xander aims and shoots him also. But instead of dropping to the ground he shakes for a moment and so Xander just holds down the trigger. As round after round hits Angel, he finally fell to the ground unconscious. Then he sees Cordelia walkthrough from the interior door from the living room.

As soon as she sees him she starts to back up back to the living room. "Wait Cordelia, it's me, Xander," he says as he commanded the helmet to fold up and expose his face.

"Where did you get the suit of armour Dweb? And why does it look like it should be in a junkyard" she asks curiously.

"Wait one second, let me go get Buffy in from outside, and throw these two pieces of trash outside," he says as he picks up both angel and the Dracula wanna be dropping them by the back door and walking over to the Buffy and carrying her bridal style into the house shutting the door behind him and Cordelia locking it. As he enters the living room he sees the hilt of the Nova Knife sticking out of the floor and gives a sideways glance in which Cordelia get a slight blush.

Setting Buffy on the couch he turn towards Cordelia and begins. "As soon as you describe the giant egg in the park i knew it was my command pod. So I made my way there. Thankfully without running into any more creatures, once there my implants came back online. So I took off for Space to see if my ship was there, which it wasn't but one of my Alts was so I connected with it, and once I did I found out that the other 7 of my 8 Alts were, including my Titan. So I bridge in the 6 freighters and jumped my Titan in after the bridge collapsed from there I launch a smaller ship from its hanger, and that's hovering overhead right now though you can't see it due to the cloak. But here's the short version. Now, where is Willow?" He asked, looking around for the redhead.

"Well after you left there was this loud boom, and I dropped that knife you gave me and it got stuck in the floor," explains Cordelia pointing at the hilt. As soon as she does, Xander walks over and kneels down grabbing it, and yanking it out of the wood. He put it in the special mount on his forearm the blade immediately retracted back and the hilt seems to blend seamlessly with the rest of the armour. "Anyways right after that Angel showed up. He asked Willow if she could make it to Giles' house since she was a ghost and couldn't be harmed. Hopefully, he could figure out how to reverse it. While Angel protected us. But who knew, I mean earlier Buffy tried to tell me but I didn't believe her or Willow. That Angel was a real vampire, not someone like you or Willow, and affected by whatever this is that did this." she said as plopped into the recliner near the couch as stress and the horror of today started to get to her.

"Ahh, so yellow eyes and forehead ridges was a real monster, huh. Must have been why it took some many stun round for him to go down," said Xander as his heads up display mini-map zooms out and shows a live feed from the end of the street where a group of about 20 to 25 little monster with a couple of the Yellow-eyed real Vampires in the back give directions. One with white hair seems to be in charge.

"Well we got a bunch monsters incoming, time to go." he grabs Buffy and reengages his helmet, heading for the back door, instead of taking the time to open it he just punches it off the frame and keeps walking. Cordelia follows behind stepping carefully over the broken door. At about that moment the Rapier decloaks and lowers itself down as low as it can, hovering 7 meters off the ground and then opened the main cargo bay door.

"Holy Cow that is huge, and it really does look like it's held together by duct tape, is that thing even safe to fly in?" she asked, put off by its run-down appearance.

"Hey now don't be dissing my ship, that's the pride of the Minmatar Navy, the Rapier-Class Force Recon Cruiser. Now come here and hold on tight we are going up," he says as he reaches over and wraps his remaining arm around her and activates his jump jet to make the 7m jump with no problem.

"Oh MY GOD, don't ever do that again," Cordelia yells after he lets her go and sets Buffy on the deck as the bay door closes behind him.

"Never mind I need to get to the cockpit. And get some altitude so we can cloak back up. Watch out for Buffy and don't leave this bay till I come back." he steps away as the back of the drop-suit splits open and he steps out in the only the speedo like undergarments that Capsuleers wear to interface with the capsule and dropsuits.

'OMG Xander is a hunk.' Thinks Cordelia as Xander walks to the far wall.

The Rapier begins to gain altitude but at that moment the spell ends and Xander collapses. While outside the ship it comes to 2100 m and hold steady but doesn't recloak. All the little monsters collapse and so does everyone else in Sunnydale who was affected.

As his army collapse around him, Spike sees the ship rise behind Buffy's house. "Oh hell no. this ain't bloody fair, shes got aliens on her side. Okay boys, back to the lair and grab a couple of snacks while you're at it." Turning he walks away, pausing to point toward 5 older teens including the injured Jo-Jo and Harmony.

While all over Sunnydale most people glanced at the ship hovering over town and ignored it. Some people took out there Camcorders and Polaroid cameras. Some of these pictures would end up scanned into a computer and uploaded onto Eve: online Message Boards and Fan Sites. But as Rupert Giles walks out of Ethan's Costume Shop. All he can do is take off his glass and begin polishing the lens away.