Due to work, I will be updating monthly but due to know that I will be working on things from time to time and releasing them in mass (2 or 3 chapters for stories). Thank you for everyone that has supported my writing and continues to read on. I really appreciate and those that criticize my writing thanks for keeping me honest.

"talk"- Someone is talking

'talk'- Someone's inner monologue

talk- Texting on a phone

The Purpose of Living

Yuno looking at the corpse in the corner could only sneer at it.

"What do you mean that corpse is you?" Turning to Hokuto Yuno answered,

"It is exactly as I said. That corpse right there is me from apparently some other time line. She came here in the hopes of finding my Yuuki by taking my place. She was going to kill me and then pretend everything was the same while denying the truth around her. Sadly, she did not know about this curse I have." She then showed her picking up the knife and without warning it flung across the room. It was embedded into the wall with a thud and thus terrifying Hokuto. When did she move her wrists? "My curse is that I can do thing most can't dream of and see things that are to be." She smiled, "Which is why when I saw me and Yuuki together I dreamed of a life with him and finally having something to mean something." Tears streamed down her face, "But in the end it seems that dream is nothing more than that, a dream."

Yuno turned away from the girl and walked out of the room and closed it. Hokuto was not sure what to make of this girl, one minute she was trying to kill them and the next she was trying to bond with her through her own trauma. But hearing what she was saying; if this other Yuno really did come form some alternate universe, then that stands to reason there might be other ways of reaching their time line? She wondered is it possible that Naruto-sama in another time line would have never saved her and she would have been made a weapon for someone? That thought made her feel something that she was unused to. It made bile build up in her stomach and she started sweating and almost hyperventilating.

Fear, she knew this is what she was feeling.

Before she could process this anymore she sensed Yuno leaving the house, shocked she dashed out. Exiting the building she saw her running down the street in the dead of night and wondering where the hell she was going. Without waiting she took off on the rooftops and rummaging through her top for her cellphone. After a bit she pulled it out and speed dialed a number.

"Yes Hokuto what is it?"

"Apologize Naruto-sama but I think you should know that Yuno has left the house and is making her way down the street."

"WHAT! What the hell happened!"

"I don't know but she was telling me something that makes me believe she knows more about her powers and our world than she lets on. But-,"

"But what?"

"I think she is in denial that she can still have some semblance of a normal life with her powers or her curse as she calls it."

"Damn it, listen I'm heading back to the house I want you to follow her and find out what is going on. I will contact Seekavaria so she can send back up and I'll make sure they know what to expect."

"Roger Naruto-sama." The line went dead and she quickened her pace but saw Yuno standing at the end of a street and then appearing at the other side within seconds. What the hell is going on? She knew that something about her power seems to move her but she was not a hundred percent sure.

Back with Naruto he is texting Seekavaria while trying to sense out Hokuto. Seekavaria texts back saying she is sending her Pawn and Knight out to help him in his search. One apparently being known for taking very narrow minded missions and the other a sadist who loves to shave people's skin off.

Within seconds, two people appeared next to him. One was a man wearing some dirty looking armor and carrying a short sword and shield while having his head covered by a large helmet. His armor was more light weight than what he has seen on most people who are looking for protection. At this same time, he saw that his counter part was a tall fish looking man wearing a dark black coat. He had a bandage wrapped sword behind him, white eyes, shark teeth, and short black spikey hair.

"So you're my back up?" The helmet man nodded his head,

"Yes so where is our target?"

"She is currently on route to the park, given that I can sense Hokuto heading that way my guess is something is going on there that Yuno needs to see." Kisame snorted,

"I can't believe my king is wasting my time with this babysitting bullshit. Look if you can't keep track of your bitches then don't ask others to do so." Naruto's eyes turn red and black and without warning Kisame found his neck being crushed by a red tentacle.

"Talk to me like that again and I'll eat you." Kisame smiled,

"I bet I won't taste very good." Naruto snorted,

"Contrary I think the taste of fish will be interesting for a ghoul like me." He snapped one of his fingers and he laughed,

"Alright shit head, I'm sorry can you let me go." Naruto retracted his tentacle and Kisame rubbed his throat. "Sorry I tend to not like to care for little shits like you but you at least have the balls to attack me so I can dig my king is going to marry you." Kisame grinned darkly, "So, care to fill us in with the girl in question?"


Yuno was standing in the middle of the park, she had finally lost that damn girl that was stalking her. Apparently the girl was following from the roof top given she could see her. But the issue was losing her as she was insanely fast so she relied on her personal gift to finally lose her before arriving at the park.

The reason she was here is her phone, opening she saw message from Yuuki,

Yuno I'm sorry for how I've treated over the last few days. Please come to the park tonight and I promise I'll make it up to you. We are meant to be together you know?

Reading this Yuno knew that Yuuki was finally seeing what she was seeing and came as quickly as she could. But she didn't see him so she figured he must be hiding out somewhere or just running a little late. So she was going to stand there waiting for him but she didn't see a problem sending a text message to him,

Yuuki where are you I'm here at the park.

Great, listen Yuno it has been tons of fun but I think its time to finish this stupid game don't you?


Yuno turned her head and is shocked to hear growling behind her and saw several large and small dogs charging at her. She is terrified seeing them that she quickly takes off in a dash. While doing this she had her phone out and was texting,

Yuuki why are you doing this to me! I love you!

Please bitch, I know that but I never cared. Honestly, you were always annoying how you were trying to cling to me all the time. Personally I never wanted to do that but the others thought it be good to set things up for tonight

So all those things you never meant them?

Not one damn thing, you are so stupid falling for such a simple act. Makes me wonder if I should be an actor. I could make this a heroic play of a stupid bimbo getting what she wanted. All the attention in the world she deserves and dying because of it.

Yuuki please don't do this!

Sorry bitch but we are live and I'm not planning on ruining the experience. Later!

Yuno was crying her eyes out. She couldn't believe this was happening to her, she only ever wanted to love him. To be with Yuuki and have her life mean something to someone! But now she was not sure life was worth living for if this was what it was going to come down to.

Yuno tripped down the steps and fell down rolling down the stairs. She was cut on her head and bleeding and had several scrapes and bruises.

'I guess this is the end. How pitiful, I fell in love with someone that wanted to kill me for some enjoyment. Is this all my life amounts for? Being someone's toy of torture? God why did you curse me to live this horrible existence? First my parents, then the other girl that showed up, and now this? Please tell me, does it mean anything! My life me purpose what the fuck is it supposed to be!'

She saw a dog leap at her but before it can reach her she then saw Naruto appear out of nowhere and knock the dog away. The dogs were growling but soon whimpering when he glared at them and his red eyes visible to them while his teeth are shown.

"You alright Yuno?"

"W-w-what are you doing here?" Yuno looked at the teen and two others that appeared with one looking like some kind of fish man and the other an armored teen.

"What does it look like dumbass we are saving you."

"Kisame that's no way to talk to a woman." The fishman snorted,

"Whatever so what are we going to do about these dogs?" Naruto narrowed his eyes and saw the foam coming out of their mouths,

"Looks like they got rabies I'll send them to the familiar master as he is able to cure this." Without warning Naruto held his hand out and casted a summoning seal that sent the dogs to the familiar master.

Naruto seeing the area clear turned to Kisame and Goblin Slayer, at least that he is what he called himself, and motioned for them to take off. He wanted to find the little shits that set this up and kill them for it but in the slowest and most brutal way possible. The two took the hint and took off while Hokuto was sitting in a nearby tree making sure nothing happened to her beloved master.

"Yuno." She looked up at him with blood pouring out of her head, Naruto quickly took a rag he summoned and starting cleaning the wound. "Everyone has some purpose for existing. It is a common belief that we are all put on this planet to do some amazing things in life. But what it is, that is for us to find out." He smiled at her, "No one is born alone trust me I should know this." He unwrapped the mask around his face and showed his face to her.

"Why did you take off your mask?"

"To show you the face of the person that makes the biggest promise of his life: I Naruto Lucifuge will personally ensure that you find your purpose for living and do everything in my power to make sure it is possible."

Yuno was shocked, this man, he had no known her for more than about three days and knew nothing about her. Yet he was promising her that she would have her entire life given a purpose through him. She could feel something in her heart she hadn't felt in some time,

Hope for the future and the promise of a better life. The hope that was needed to continue thinking there is a reason to get up in the morning and do the things needed to survive.

Yuno sat up and put her hands on her face crying tears of pain and anguish with Naruto only knowing from his mother and past experiences with others in his life hugged her close. She just wailed into his shoulder and he pat her back.

Naruto soon saw Goblin Slayer return and with some magic put the girl to sleep.

"Well?" He tilted his helmet head,

"The teens were watching the whole thing from the observatory we knocked them out. Do you want to kill them?" Naruto shook his head and his eyes turned red putting the armored man on edge,

"No I want those little fucks to suffer, I'm going to ensure that they lose everything and face agony. Then when it comes down to it I'm going to make sure only when they lose everything including hope then I will kill them." The armored man could feel it, the reason this man was so vindictive was that she was treated similar to how he was when he was first brought to the underworld. His king told him when Naruto was brought into the home of the Lucifer he was treated like a freak and outcast by the other devil clans. It got so bad at points that he never had a chance to be alone and just cry his eyes out. But unlike him, Yuno had a more tragic past from what he could gather from his king and what happened today. More, she had the idea that her life was cursed and she would never find true happiness.

"So what is first?" Naruto smiled and pulled out his phone before pulling up Seekavaria's number,

"Got a favor to ask."

"What is it?"

"I want to pay back the kids that are tormenting Yuno, I'll let your knight and pawn fill you in on the details, and I want it done in a way that is not traceable to us."

"I can do that but you know-,"

"When I get back from my job I will take you out on a fancy date and everything. Promise."

"Great! I'll get right to the plan but note I won't kill them that is something that I promised my parents. To avoid killing people without a good reason or they belong to one of the main factions that are coming after us."

"I understand but I'm sure someone else is going to want to kill them." He looked down at Yuno and saw the smile that was forming on her face. At least she is having a peaceful sleep now. Putting his mask on his face again and making sure the wrappings around his jaw are tight he said, "Destroy their lives, destroy their ties, and then when they feel hope snatch it from them and leave them in the darkness like Yuno was."

"….. All of this for one girl you barely know? I get it that you sympathize with her but it seems excessive."

"No it is not please do this for me."

"….. Fine but that dinner better be so damn good that it is worth it."

"Deal." Naruto hung up his phone and whistled bringing down Hokuto from her hiding place in the trees. "Lets take Yuno home Hokuto and then we are heading out okay?" The woman nodded her head and Goblin slayer started walking away,

"Kisame will take the teens home and erase their memories of us showing up and saving Yuno. Now if you excuse me I have a goblin camp to wipe out today." Naruto nodded his head to him and he disappeared in a teleportation circle.

Naruto and Hokuto rushed home for Yuno and dropped her off with his number now in her phone and the numbers of her friends 'blocked' so they can't see her but in a way she could see them. What? Naruto didn't know how to do this for technology but it turns out that his magic is capable of doing something like this on his phone.

After making sure she was safe he and Hokuto left the house and proceeded to their mission objective, a secret lab that was revealed in the documents they had located deep in Russia. Naruto did not know why but he felt something weird was going to happen on this job.

Next day

Seekavaria was rarely someone that got furious at things. She honestly was considered the most calm of her age group and the one that was considered the biggest strategist next to Sona Sitri. She was also a girl in love with the man of her dreams, the ghoul child of the Lucifer family. But if there was one thing she was right now that was rare, it was pissed.

Goblin Slayer and Kisame told her what the teens that she was asked to ruin did to the poor girl. From the information they tormented her and tricked her in the hopes of killing her or at least seriously maiming her. Seekavaria might have been against killing the humans at first but that feeling changed after finding out everything that happened to the poor girl.

So, for most of today she was doing research on the kids in question and found out interesting information that was very useful to her. The boy named Yuuki apparently was some kind of loner at school and was always on his phone or hanging out with the other kids in his class. Apparently he had some kind of friendship with three kids specifically, a jock named Kosaka, a girl that was the owner of the dogs named Hinata, and the final girl who is friends with Hinata, Mao. Each one had something going on either in the form of clubs, school activities, or personal lives that mattered very much to them.

Setting things in motion she smiled at the folder and thus sent it to her family to let her know what she needed done from their end. While they would normally not waste resources her mother felt bad for the girl when she told her about the circumstances and how this is a favor to Naruto. Hearing this was all the parents needed to do to help the poor child in question. But Naruto did mention that she had some kind of power that allowed her to move through time for brief periods of time and even manipulate it to a degree of what happened and what did not happen. This power intrigued her, she wondered out loud,

"I wonder if she would be interested in becoming my Bishop?" She heard a knock at the door and said, "Its open." Entering the room she was not shocked to see Sona with her peerage and Rias and her peerage including a cute Gasper and little Kirara.

"President?" Sona sighed,

"Yes but please it is just Sona we are equal Seekavaria."

"True but it was funny to see your reaction." She smiled at the girl then glared at Rias. "So what can the Manga club do for you?" Yes, Seekavaria founded the manga club as a way to recruit when she wanted to and have a place of her own to be herself. While she might be a prime and proper heiress in the Underworld here she was just a normal girl who liked to read manga and watch anime.

"We are here to talk about someone in particular." She raised and eyebrow and looked at Rias,

"Is this about MY fiancée?" She saw Rias bristle at this and smiled at her. She loved it that she could rub it in her face that soon Naruto's heart would be hers. Well, minus the other girls that would join their little love life, she would at least be his wife. What? Don't judge devils tend to have harems so it was not a surprise she was open to the idea of other female lovers.

"Where is Naruto?"

"He is out of town right now, apparently a mission from the Maou's or something." Rias growled but Kirara jumped off Gasper's shoulder and landed in Seekavaria's desk. She stared at her and she stared back at the adorable hell cat for a few seconds before she got onto her lap. She laid there and was looked at her with demurring eyes.

"Alright you." She started scratching her behind her ears earning purrs of joy from the fire breathing cat. It got better when she found the specific spot on the back of her head that she liked and soon started moaning from the feelings of her fingers on her scalp.

"To continue, I don't know what the mission was but it was really important to get it done as soon as possible."

"And we are just to just expect that is the truth?" Seekavaria glared,

"If you like you can ask your brother, oh wait you can't as he does not want to see you still." This caused Rias to go stiff and soon her aura flaring in the room making Sona frown.

Ever since Naruto left she had been more temperamental than normal. She had admitted while Issei was cute Naruto's dedication and love to her really won her over. Plus, Naruto truly loved her as Rias and not as some sex object or some heiress that one claims for bragging rights. Knowing this now and how much she fucked up she wanted to make amends to her.

"What would you know about this after all your sisters couldn't control that one rogue piece." This made Seekavaria bristle in rage,

"Want to run that by me again bitch?"

"Gladly." Sona finally having enough dosed both girls with water,

"Calm down both of you! Look we know Naruto is out of town which means he will come back sometime in the future. Please just stop it before you both do something that you both end up regretting." Rias sniffed,

"As if, be wary bitch I will get Naruto back!" With that she stormed out of the room with her peerage quickly following behind her. Seekavaria snorted at the posturing,

"Just try I will put you down if you dare."

Sona sighed, why did all of this have to happen while she is here?


It took them a few days but they finally arrived at Russia. From what Naruto could see it looked like an entire town was built around the church. Guarding it from what he could see but for some reason he was not a hundred percent sure. It was the people he could see something was wrong with them and he couldn't figure out what. His senses were telling him that whatever was down there was not human in the least. Looking at the church he could see that it was sitting at the top of the hill with the entire town between him and the front door.

"Looks like we are doing this the quiet way Hokuto."

"Yes Naruto-sama." She looked up, "Naruto-sama there is something going on."

"What do you mean?" She pointed to the sky and he frowned,

"That's not normal." The colors of the sky were changing, lighting was raining down from the sky, and it looked like portals were opening in this world.

"What the fuck is all of this?" Hokuto shrugged,

"I do not know Naruto-sama, will you punish me for failing you?" Naruto sighed,

"No I won't now quit it." A portal opened next to him snapping his finger, his eyes turned dark red and black and then grew one of his tentacles out of his back. "Hokuto get ready we got company."

"Hai Naruto-sama."

The portal he could not see on the other side but something was dumped out of the portal at his feet.

Four people landed haphazardly at Naruto's feet.

Three women and one man, who was underneath all of the women.

The first person he saw was a young looking girl with an eye patch on her face and a petite frame.

Next to her was a dark skinned woman with purple hair and gold eyes rubbing her ass from the drop, she had a distinct X shaped scar on her left cheek.

"Yes, not a good landing. My boobs hurt a lot now." The

"Indeed, Yoruichi." The woman frowned at the other person next to them,

"You alright Ravel?" The white haired woman with the eyepatch asked.

"Yes I'm fine, Oboro, but I think- Naruto-kun! What happened to you!" Naruto raised an eyebrow at this and looked at the girl closely.

'Definitely Ravel Phenex but something about her is different. Maybe it is her scent, something about it is different compared to the one that I know. But how is that possible there can't be possibly two of her unless Lady Phenex had twins which I doubt.'

"I'm sorry Lady Phenex I'm not that familiar with you."

"How can you say that we are married!" Ravel stated drastically as she, Yoruichi Naruto's eyes shot out of their sockets and Hokuto's eyes widened considerably,

"Married since when? I barely just got engaged to someone from the Agares clan."

"Oh my head." Looking at the solo man in the group he is shocked at what he sees while this man stood up.

It looked like him but different with a small piece of pink in his hair.

"Who the fuck are you?" The man in question raised an eyebrow at him and soon his own aura came to life,

"That's my question asshole."

"I'm Naruto Lucifuge." The man raised an eyebrow at this,

"I'm Naruto Uzumaki." Lucifuge was confused by this and walked up to him,

Ravel, Yoruichi, Oboro, and Hokuto looked back and forth between the two Naruto's, not saying a word, but were confused.

"You can't be me, we are nothing alike." The other Naruto agreed with this comment,

"Yeah I mean I don't have that big of a pole up my ass." Naruto Lucifuge grew a tick mark on his head and then said,

"I at least take things more seriously fuck face." The two Naruto's narrowed their eyes at each other and then cursed,

"Fuck we are the same person." Both looked at each other and narrowed their eyes knowing this is going to be a very odd experience for them.

Chapter End

Goblin Slayer- Goblin Slayer

Kisame- Naruto

Hokuto- Corpse Queen

Kirara- Inuyasha

For the other characters this is a crossover of a friend of mine of his version of Ghoul of Gremory. I hope you guys enjoy as it is going to be picking up now.