Silver searched through the stuff in his room.

The white walls had golden swirls flowing on them as if a painter had seen the walls as a canvas. He had a bed with large, poofy white covers and drawers filled with different things such as toys or clothes. There was also a fan on the ceiling that had to be turned on and off with a remote because it was out of reach three or four feet. He even had a little desk and a round plush chair waiting for when he wanted to use them.

"Going to the restaurant, going to get food with.. Sonic!" The boy started singing his sentences as he looked for his drawing pad and pencil. Ivory loved to draw -even though he wasn't very good at it- and had filled numerous sketchbooks.

He opened the top drawer of his large vanity set that he pretty much used as storage. "Ah ha!" He exclaimed and grabbed a sketchbook from it, a mechanical pencil clipped inside the rings of it.

Silver then proceeded to dash out his room and through a hallway.

He then saw Sonic standing in the main living room, coming into view. "I got my drawing stuff!" He chirped as he drew closer.

"That's good Silv." Sonic said, then handed him a hoodie. "Put this on, it's a little chilly outside."

The younger hedgehog took the hoodie. "But we was just outside and it wasn't cold."

"Yeah Silv, but we're gonna be out longer."

"Oh, ok!" The boy set his supplies down and pulled roughly on his hoodie to get it over his head and quills. He then stuck his arms through. As he pulled it the rest of the way down his ears picked up Sonic's footsteps as the sapient starting walking away.

"H- hey! Wait!" Silver slightly panicked, grabbing the pad and racing toward the blue hero. His rapid footsteps echoing through the wide expanse of the house.

Ivory caught up to blue.

"Don't leave like- Like- Don't leave me-" He panted.

The older hedgehog looked at him. "Sorry, Silver. I thought I was walking slow enough." The hero then reached his arm out and snaked it around the smaller's shoulders, pulling him closer as they walked. "I just want to get our food already. I'm hungry too ya know."

"Yeah.." Silver liked it when the older one held him close, unlike other people.

He only trusted Sonic.

Silver saw the front door and dashed ahead, seemingly forgetting for the moment that he liked being close to the other.

The boy pulled at the door's handle with his free hand and it moved ever so slightly. "Come on door!" He pulled harder with his whole body and it started moving ever so slowly until it was open enough for someone to go through. To give him credit though it was a heavyset door.

The blue blur had stood there for a couple seconds waiting, but he didn't mind. The other wanted to prove himself to Sonic in the simplest things, such as getting a door open or finding something that the hero had lost.

Azure thought that it seemed like simple things were the most important in Silver's mind.

"I got it open for you!" The other shouted. His features showing that he waited for approval from the hero.

"Awesome job, Silv." Sonic gave him that approval, just like he always did. Silver's feelings were just as fragile as his mind. Everything about him was.

The worldwide known sapient walked through the door, the other not far behind. "Ya know Silver.. I should teach you some fighting moves sometime. Just in case I couldn't fight someone off or something. Then you could help me." He said casually.

Cobalt had been wanted to for some time, even though Robotnik hadn't attacked in a while, he still wanted to get the younger a moveset just for him to be able to use in general. But, every time..

"Nooo.. No-" The silver hedgehog shook his head slowly as he spoke.

Cobalt had often tried to get the other to learn a few things, but even something as small as kicking another person make ivory shrink back in fear. And that was when he was instructed to do it.

They had walked down the driveway and stopped at Sonic's car. A Lamborghini.

It was the color of hero's fur until a few weeks after Silver began living with him.

He kept begging the speedster to change it to stars. Silver loved the stars and somewhere along the way envisioned the car with a night sky coat. They eventually got it done and Sonic had to admit that he did like the looks of it.

Ivory ran around to the passenger side and waited for the door to open.

Before it raised up all the way he had hopped in.

Azure took a deep breath. "So Silver." he started as he seated himself, putting his hands on the wheel. "We're going to have company tonight.."