Hello, ArticWolf here!

I just wanted to say real quick to anyone reading my Transforming Destiny that it's coming (I have it fully plotted out except for a few things.). I promise. It's just that I started having problems with characterization in chapter 2 and one other one as well, so I decided to write a fun story with the characters I'm having a problem with. And thus, this was born. (Well I already wanted to write this anyway, but this gave me a reason to.)

So, please tell me if any of the characters are OOC. Thanks!

Also Sorry about the cheesy title… but I thought that it was very Gouda. (I'm so sorry… I like corny jokes… and corn mazes…..)

Disclaimer: I don't own Transformer Prime. (Probably for the best. Otherwise someone would make lots of terrible jokes.)

We're Gonna Howl a Good Time

It was like any weekend at the base; the Autobots had received a signal that another relic had been found and were leaving to retrieve it before the Decpticons. And just like every other time this occurred while the children were there-

"Miko get back here!" Jack chased the mischievous girl, grabbing her arm at the last second before she escaped through the still open groundbridge. Raf worriedly watched both have a mini tug of war over which way to go, but it seemed to be at a stalemate neither willing to let the other win.

"No way! I want to see the epic throw down! I need to get some epic pics; Bulks smashing was too blurry last time!" Miko wrenched with a sudden strength causing both to fall through the swirling portal.

They landed in an unceremonious heap at the edge of the battlefield, the groundbridge closing with a whirl. They laid there a groan leaving them from the impact of their abrupt meeting with the ground. Jack made a comment under his breath about Miko and her reckless thirst for danger, as they stoop up, when a shadow fell over them.

"Look out!" He rammed into her as a metal foot landed where they had been standing a hairs breath away. "Wow..." He really was not appreciating the awed tone from Miko.

Jack grabbed her arm again, towing her to the underbrush away from anymore feet that could turn them into human pancakes. Her phone shutter snapped as the girl used her other hand to take pictures of their near-death experience as she was tugged along. 'Yes, yes. No big deal just take pictures of the blaster pointed at us- never mind Bulkhead just crushed him, or the foot that almost squished us, or the rod that is probably the relic the bots and cons are fighting for that no one has grabbed yet…' He halted his run as his thoughts caught up to him. "Wait!"

"Oof" Miko, at the abrupt stop, nearly dropped her phone as she ran into the young boy's back. "Hey, you almost made he drop my phone. I won't be able to-" "Miko." The seriousness he conveyed in that single word silenced any protests she had. "Look." Her eyes followed his gaze to the yet unclaimed relic sticking up from the ground in the underbrush at the other edge of the clearing. "no one has retrieved the relic."

"We should go grab it!" She got ready to make a break across the battlefield, when she was unexpectedly pulled back.

"Hold it." She got ready to voice her complaint. "We should go this way." He led the way as they skirted the perimeter of the clearing staying just inside the tree line to go (hopefully) unnoticed.

"I can't believe we are actually doing this! That you are doing this! Aren't you always the one who says this it's 'incredibly dangerous to go through a war zone' and all that jazz? Who are you and what have you done to Jack Darby?" Her rambling ceased at his withering glare.

"It is incredibly dangerous, that's why we are going around a warzone, not through. Besides no cons are near it, we can grab it and call Ratchet for a bridge to go before anyone notices."

A minute later, they approached the bronze relic in its own mini clearing. It stood about a foot taller than Jack from the ground up, but since it was partially buried the were unable to see the full size. On the staff was swirling lines riding up the side in glowing patterns all of them meeting at a raised symbol at the top that looked simple in design, just like both the Autobots and Decpticons, but more like that of a Cybertronian animal.

"Okay, let's do this." They grabbed the middle of the staff, tugging with all their combined strength. "Hey! I think it's moving!" Both pulled harder, motivated by their success so far. However, both overestimated how deep the relic might be, when without warning it gave way. They fell causing the relic to fly across the clearing and out into the battle raging at its edge.

"No!" Racing after the relic, Jack forwent all precautions and raced out of the safety of the thick underbrush into to the thick of battle. Subconsciously he noted that Miko was following behind, and as he reached the relic and grabbed it before it could roll any further than the threshold of the clearing, she had stopped and was screaming for him to come back. He didn't have time to as he didn't anticipate for there to be another ha- no- servo to grab the other end, or to be lifted three stories in the air.


"Well well. Looks like the Autobots are using their pets to do the relic grabbing now." Crimson eyes bore into the boy hanging from the staff. "It seems we meet again, human." A vicious grin grew on his metallic face. With little warning, Megatron turned toward the battle, nearly causing Jack to lose his grip. Jack heard Miko squeak in fear when the warlord passed her hiding place.

"Autobots, how nice of you to present me with one of your pets." He swayed the staff, causing Jack to give a shout as one hand slipped off.

The Autobots, having just finished the last of the Vehicons, looked over to see what the leader of the Decpticons was talking about.

"Jack!" Arcee activated her blasters about to rush forward, when the Decpticon having seen the action, sneered before casually swinging the staff again causing Jack to give another vocalization of fear. His right arm strained from being the only thing holding his body weight up.

"Autobots stand down." Optimus, seeing how this could quickly turn bad, ordered, "We must approach this cautiously to insure Jack's safety at all costs."

They all deactivated their blasters but stayed ready to spring into action should the mech do anything.

"Megatron, let Jack go. He has nothing to do with our conflict. This war is between Autobots and Decpticons." Optimus implored.

"You should have thought of that before sending him onto a battlefield."

As the two factions decided his fate, Jack reached up with his left arm so he could at least grip the staff with both hands. His hand reached the top of the relic, landing on the upraised Cybertronian symbol. He felt it depress flush into the staff, and it was then he realized it wasn't only there for looks but was actually an activation switch. A slight vibration started, and the lines blazed a subtler blue. 'That's probably not good.'

This all occurred in seconds, right as Megatron reached a decision.

"I don't feel like taking prisoners today, however." He relished in the horror on his enemies' faces as the mad titan flicked the end of the relic causing Jack to scream as he was thrown to the border of the clearing close to Arcee who ran forward to catch him. What no one was expecting was the relic lighting up and a brilliant beam flying out hitting Jack in the chest, propelling him past the two-wheeler toward a tree at the edge of the clearing. An inhuman yowl sounded right before a loud thump. "Jack!" Arcee raced over to him.

"As exciting as that was," Megatron grinned, having recovered from the light show, and armed with the knowledge that he had dealt a blow to the Autobots. "I believe I will be leaving now." He transformed rocketing into the sky avoiding all the blaster shots targeting him, taking the relic with him.

The others turned toward Arcee who was nearing them cradling, presumably, Jack in her servos.

"Arcee how is Jackson?" Optimus queried.

"Yeah! Jack is alright… right?" Miko ran from her hiding place, hoping that he was, feeling guilt start to well up. Bulkhead stooped down so she could get in his servo. 'Please be alright…'

Arcee looked up with her optics dim with worry before showing what she was carrying.

In her hands was a large black wolf. And it could have been mistaken for a normal Earth Wolf if not for the small bright blue symbol imprinted in the fur on the wolf's chest. One that any Cybertronian would recognize.

The symbol of the Maximal.

Dun Dun Dunnnnn…

So yeah Jack is a wolf now. Isn't that Howl-tastic?! I like wolves if you can't tell by the name, so this was going to happen in one of my fics before long.

I have sooo much planned! Hehe It's gonna be gooood! (I hope)

Okay I just want to say I know almost nothing about the Maximals except what I have read in fanfictions so I just wanted to say that anything I write will probably be inaccurate sooo just consider it an AU of anything about the Maximals… besides this is fanfiction soooo yeah. Basically, I'm only using them for the (made up) relic and that's about it (Maybe). (I'll try to look up some info) I think I remember reading somewhere that they took place after this in the future but I'm just going to put them before this… If only for the plot. :)

Please tell me if you like this and like I said before since this is my way of practicing characterization so please tell me if anyone is out of character or anything else that you notice.


~ ArticWolf ~

PS: I will try to get the next chapter as soon as possible as long as nothing interferes with my writing! (It's turning out to be a really long chapter… I might have to break it up or something.)

PSS: I finally got around to posting on my Youtube channel (link in my profile) where I will be playing Minecraft Maps. Sooooo, if anyone likes Minecraft and would like to critique me and maybe give some helpful advice or some topics to talk about (seriously I don't know what to say in my mic… I suddenly become really nervous and just go; ummm, and then I say 'like' waaaaay too much. Like seriously. Please help!) please come on over and you know comment over there and maybe click the like (or dislike) button. Thanks! :)