And who can say why your heart cries.

While they had gained more demonic forces, the enemy had gained more holy forces.

"You can not save them all," Sesshomaru stated as he walked quickly through the human demon village with her, a fight had begun on the outskirts of it.

I will save who I can!" Kagome yelled at him,

Half breeds were running while others, smaller ones clung to their human mothers,

"You will give it away if you do it, Miko," Sesshomaru told her, grabbing her arm. "You can not save them all."

"I have to try!"

"Will you risk their lives for a few."

Kagome turned when a human woman carrying a baby came up to her, "My husband!" where is my mate!" She called. A male with blue hair raced up to his human wife, "I am here!" He took their newborn baby. Kagome looked at Sesshomaru "They love each other,"

"Then he should protect her."

"He can't protect her against this, and you know it, get your pride out of your ass!"

He growled, "Miko."

"No!" Kagome turned to the couple, "If you could be saved, save to love, and your children live, would you want it?"

"Yes," Both said,

"Would you give up your past memory, only remembering each other?"

"Yes!" They both cried.

Kagome kissed her fingers and marked their foreheads, erasing their memory, and then like zombies, they made their way out of the village.

"They will notice Miko,"

"Then we should go fight before they do,"

"You are letting your human emotions get in the way."

"I am not; this was the plan."

"His offspring agreed to this?"


fools His mind screamed,

"Some people chose to love Sesshomaru, and it's not foolish, so wipe that look off your face!"

He hated how she could read him, much like Rin could.

"Come," He grabbed her arm. "Stop spreading your curse, kiss woman."

"What jealous?" She snapped as he dragged her out of the village and to the battlefield. Kagome rolled her eyes and grabbed her bow, "Better than be licked!" She yelled, released an arrow. Sesshomaru turned her, and she released another arrow, "Kouga down!" She yelled. Kouga ducked as an arrow, flew past his head.

"Where is your mate?" Sesshoamru asked, dodging the end of Kagome's bow as she moves around him.

"Safe thanks for asking,"

Sesshomaru looked down, "Watch it, Miko."

"The shut up and fight you dog!"

He took his sword and swiped at a monk that was far to close. Kagome stepped into him her back, touching his chest. "They're getting to close."

She then yips as Sesshomaru bit her ear, "What the hell!"

"This dog bites as well Miko,"

"I swear to God if you start slobbering on me, I will purify you."

"You kiss me like that woman and you will not escape my poison." He was referring to her memory wipe kiss.

They were closing in; everyone was backing into to them "Kouga get them out of here now, there are too many!"


Kagome and Sesshomaru stood still as others started to retreat. It was so loud, and everything was happening so fast. Kagome turned to look at him, throwing her bow over her shoulder again. Her heart rate was picking up, "How should I kiss you then, my Lord?" She snapped, rubbing her hands together. Sesshoamru knew she was about to do something.

Kagome spread her arms out, "Protect my back."

His arms went under hers, and he held his sword at her back "What are you doing woman?"

"You trust me?" She asked,

He leaned down and rubbed his nose against her cheek; then, his mouth was at her ear, "Hai Miko."

He pulled back and soon he felt her power raise.

To close, to close His alarm was going off,

"Miko, you will purify me control or no control."

"No, I won't," She said, closing her eyes, but her power was hot at her feet she knew he had to feeling it. She needed her power to work for her but caress him, but she could not touch him with her hands. Lights started to erupted around them as the other Mikos and monks' power started to hit against her barrier around them. It sounded like fireworks exploding against a drum.

He looked down at her as her power begin to draw up, "Miko," He warned his eyes narrowing,

"I need to caress you," She whispered, and then her eyes met his. She needed to touch him without touching him.

"Sesshomaru," She needing ideas and fast.

It was like a moment of clarity, and he leaned down, and she tiptoed and closed her eyes, and as her power broke from her hands, their lips mouth moved smoothly against his. It was the only thing calm and warm at the moment. His tongue found its way into her mouth, and he quickly dominated her as her power spread out and burst.

Their bodies were thrown apart when her power popped, and her barrier came down.

"Sesshoamru go!" She screamed as she grabbed her bow again "You have to go!"

"I will not run."

"You have to go, protect your people."

He wanted to protect her.

"Dont Sesshomaru, dont look at me like that!" She yelled, now several feet away from him.

Shes to far away His mind yelled,

"Dont make their mistake, Sesshomaru, go I will find you!"

He hesitated. He was no fool, he knew they need to leave, their numbers were too great, and even her holy power was not enough to face them all.

"I will find you, I always do," She whispered, then she turned her back to him "Ready!" She yelled, and the link of Mikos raised their arrows.

All he could do was remember her kiss and vanish.

Her heart cried out when she felt him disappeared.

"I love you," She whispered, she was doing this because she loved him. She would not let him die because of her, not like his father had not brother had; she would end that curse. But she also knew it was his loyalties to her and not his heart that had him hesitating. But she would allow her heart to believe otherwise for this battle no matter how foolish it seemed.