Chapter 1 - The Intro

"I didn't ask you to choose me!" Harvey's voice echoed across the lobby

""Well you didn't exactly tell me not to!" she hollers back

He stands there, unsure of what to say next. They're on thin ice here and he knows one wrong move will ruin them for good.

"Oh common Harvey, it wasn't exactly a secret you didn't like Thomas, don't pretend like it's hard for you to watch him leave!"

"It's hard for me to see you upset!" he cries back, "And even worse you're blaming this on me!"

"Because it's your god damn fault!"

"How is YOUR decision, on me?"

"Because none of this would have ever happened if you would have just told me my seeing Thomas bothered you!"

"And where would that have gotten us?" he questions

"No where! Like it always does! You should have told me it bothered you and you should have told me why!" she yells

"It wouldn't have mattered! He's a great guy Donna and he made you happy! I couldn't see a damn thing wrong with the man, how could I ruin that for you?!"

"He wasn't perfect…"

"Oh really, what was wrong with the man?"

"HE WASN'T YOU!" she screams before turning on her heel and storming into her office.

She drops her head into her hands and sinks to the floor leaning against her desk, how did they get here? When did everything get so messy? The tears begin to fall, and she makes no effort to wipe them away as they roll down her cheeks as she sits weeping in her office. Would they still be in this position if one of them had been brave enough to take a risk over the years? Or were they destined for this never-ending loop of wanting more but not wanting to risk their friendship?

What would have become of their relationship if he could tell her how he loved her? Or if when she said she wanted more, she'd meant with him? Her mind also wanders to the biggest what if she calls into question, what if she never came with him to Pearson Hardman? Could they have had a shot at a real relationship? As much as she hates to imagine it, she can't help but think, what would have happened if the other time hadn't happened? She knows she's treading dangerous waters, that she should just march herself over to Harvey's office and tell him she's in love with him, and she intends to, once she gets herself together.

In the meantime, while she lets herself calm down, she lets her mind wander, drifting through all the 'what ifs' throughout the years. There are so many it's almost comical and she begins to wonder if perhaps all these missed moments were necessary to get them to where they are. That is, if where they are refers to her finding the courage to truly ask him to risk everything, with her.

Her gaze shifts to the wall that separates her office from his. She knew he'd likely gone back to his office and threw himself into whatever case he was working on, he was always one for distractions. The man was mere metres away from her, yet she couldn't find the strength to tear herself away from her spot on the floor and go talk to him. Instead, she finds her mind wandering back to that night they met in the bar, wondering what would have happened if things played out differently….

Meanwhile, Harvey sulked back to his office and poured himself a drink, sinking against the side of the couch until coming to rest on the floor. He loosens his ties and tosses it across the office in an act of frustration. How could she blame him for this? He'd done everything he was supposed to do this time around. He didn't tell her that her relationship with Thomas bothered him, in fact he was rather nice to the man when they ran into one another.

He was actually quite shocked to hear she had chosen him in the ultimatum Thomas gave her that was ultimately the downfall of their relationship. He was sure she felt nothing of the romantic nature towards him, after all she told him those exact words, that she "felt nothing" after she kissed him a year prior. Things between them seemed to have gone back to normal. She was happy and with Thomas, and he was, well he was bothered by her relationship, but valued their friendship too much to say anything.

As much as he wishes he could deny it, he knows now why her relationship bothered him so much. She had been the only constant in his life for as long as he could remember, and he couldn't live without her. His annoyance with her new relationship was not out of fear of losing her, as it once had been in the past, but rather was because of his feelings for her. It had taken him long enough, but he had finally realized he was in love with her.

He hated to see her angry, and he hated even more so that he was the cause of that anger. Their screaming match from early still resonates in his ears as he downs the amber liquid in his glass and closes his eyes, cradling his head in his hands. Her final comment echoes through his mind, over and over, haunting him. He isn't you. He isn't you. What did it all mean? Did she want more?

She once told him she wanted more. Back when he wasn't ready to face his feelings towards her. But she was referring to her career, wasn't she? What would have happened if she'd told him she wanted more with him? Would they have found a way to make it work? Or was fate playing games with them and this is where they were always supposed to end up, as nothing more than friends and colleagues? What if he would have been able to tell her how he loved her all those years ago? What if he never asked her to join him at the then Pearson Hardman? What if instead he told her he needed her, in a different way? Would he still be sitting on the floor of his office, staring at the wall she's hiding behind?

What if things played out differently in that bar on the night they met? Maybe things would be different between them, he thinks.



Then again, maybe everything they'd been through had just been leading them here… maybe they needed to get through all of the illusive I want more's and the I love you's that led to nothing. Maybe the whole point of the last decade was to lead them here, where the only thing keeping them apart is an office wall and pride. And maybe it was time he swallowed his and went after what he wanted. And he wanted everything.

Would things really be different if one of those moments had gone differently? Or maybe the point of all of this, the missed moments and opportunities was exactly what they needed to lead them here...

Where is HERE exactly? Stick with us and find out ;)

AN: The first chapter is a little bit shorter, but I wanted to introduce the idea behind the story properly before we get into all those what-ifs. I hope you're just as excited to read this story as I am to write it! My plan is to explore all of those what-ifs & just what makes Darvey, Darvey.

Just to help you get as excited as I am, I've named the first few chapters. Chapter 2 - The Night We Met, Chapter 3 - The Other Time