Hello! I wanted to write another Bechloe fic and this came to mind. Is this worth continuing?

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Beca Mitchell sat with her back against a tree in the courtyard of Barden University, her headphones pressed against her ears and her laptop opened. The fall breeze of a new year was cool against her jeans. Her black top just thick enough to keep her warm. Leaves drifted from the tops of trees and covered the courtyard in a hue of orange and red, tinted by the sun. Still, the sky was blue and the courtyard was full of students from every year. New freshmen were getting dropped off by their parents and dragging their luggage all over campus while they looked for their dorm. Overall, Beca was trying not to pay attention. She had a few more hours before she had to meet the other girls in the Quad for the activities fair and she wanted to get done with the mix she was working out before that.

Only, she couldn't focus. Her music was turned as high as it could go and she still couldn't focus on it. No matter how many times she pressed her headphones to her ears, she could still hear the sorority girls giggling behind her and the slamming car doors from beyond the courtyard arch. Not only could she hear them but, they were also extremely loud and obnoxious, drilling in her ears. She couldn't think without every sound in the courtyard destroying every thought she came up with. She could hardly hear her own music.

Memories of the night before flashed through her overworking brain. The slingshots of webs flying through the sky and the way it felt to be soaring through the Atlanta skyline. There was nothing like it. The freedom of jumping from building to building and running off rooftops surpassed any other feeling she knew. But with the freedom and capability to do all of it came the responsibility to help when she could hear the call. There was no ignoring it. She could hear everything and feel it like a sixth sense. When someone was in trouble, she could feel it. And if the memories weren't enough, the bruises on her body were there to remind her too.

She had been dealing with this for a little over a year now. A year since she went on a trip to the Oscorp labs in her required science class, why it was required for a music major, she had never understood. A year since she was bitten by a spider and a year since her life had changed forever. Since then, she was Beca Mitchell, an all-star music major and co-captain of the Barden Bella's by day, and "Spider-Girl," as Atlanta deemed her, by night. Or, whenever the Atlanta needed her. Of course, she kept those two lives as separate as she could spare. Since the change, Spider-Girl had become a popular public image and hero, while Beca Mitchell had just gotten her first internship at a legit recording studio. Which meant she was keeping more secrets than she could grapple with. Chloe was so involved with the Bellas that it felt wrong for her to have an internship, so she hadn't told anyone about that either. That is, except for the one person that did know about everything. Jesse Swanson.

Jesse and Beca had been best friends since the two had arrived at Bardon and Beca trusted him. Not that she didn't trust the other Bella's but she couldn't risk telling all of them and telling a few meant making them keep a secret too. Besides that, she hadn't intended to tell Jesse about being Spider-Girl until she was up to her shoulders in bruises and bleeding wounds she couldn't clean up herself. She had ended up at his apartment halfway through junior year and he did his best to help patch her up, asking every question under the sun in the process. So Jesse knew and being as he knew her biggest secret, the internship slipped out of her mouth soon after. Jesse Swanson knew all of her secrets, but beyond him, there was no one. Which in the grander scheme she knew it was for the best. Even if it hurt and no matter how hard it was. No matter how many lies it took to get out of important events and no matter how many times she had snuck out of the Bella house, it was for the best.

Finally giving up on her mix, for now, Beca shut her laptop and pulled up her phone. Despite hearing every other sound in the courtyard, she had apparently neglected her phone. She had a plethora of texts from the rest of the Bella's about being kicked out of the Activities Fair for their profane performance in front of the President of the United States. She should've figured as much. Now her destination was rerouted to headmasters office in a few hours. She packed up her bag and sighed, leaning her head against the tree. This was going to be a long day and she a feeling that she wasn't going to get anywhere with writing music.

Once again, I'm ezrajclarke on Tumblr

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