"You made me nice for a while. But my dark side's true."─Lana

I woke up hazy from one hell of the restless sleep. Memories rushing back. Mixed with velvet dreams and bitter reality. Dragging me back to happy moments. His voice, the young version of him, shaking me from my deep peaceful sleep with "baby, wake up," over and over again.


"It's already seven. Alice will find you missing."

I opened my eyes. He was all hard abs and pecs, hovering over me. "She stays at Jasper's." I blurted out. The way he squinted his eyes made me realize I just said the wrong thing. It was probably hard for him wrapping up the fact that his best friend fucking his sister.

"You still gotta go." He replied. I really hated it when he turned cold.

"Why?" I already closed my eyes.

"Breakfast with Esme. A phone call from Renee─"

"Shut up."

"─and pretending to behave like a good girl." His smirk back in place. I smacked him with a pillow, but I most likely missed.

I blinked back to reality. The same ceiling. Different situation. I glanced down. At the very same arms, but different feelings.

Six in the morning.

It was too early, yet I knew I couldn't put myself back to sleep. My heart was beating fast against my chest. Meanwhile, he was laying calm as hell.

The irony.

The turning tables.

I used to be madly in love with him. But now, I couldn't even stand the thought of it.

He moved a little, hand unconsciously squeezed my hip. It felt suffocating. Hatred built inside of me. I couldn't believe I used to crave his touch. Right now I wanted to choke him to death.

"Stop with the stare." He said, voice hoarse from sleep. His fingertips were dancing close to the line of my panties. Those eyelids opened. Deep dark haunting greens staring back. But I was unfazed. With this amount of fury, I intended to bring him down.

"What stare?" my voice was acid just because I couldn't help it.

The corner of his lips lifted up. Those emeralds observing. As if I was a fascinating object.

"Your eyes scream murder."

Well, I felt like it.

I was quick to grip his wrist before he ran those fingers over my inner thigh. He withdrew his hand altogether and scooted away, back to his respective side. "Your call, baby."

He smiled in amusement. Inner demon showing up. This man was aware my mask just slipped off. His presence became too much. It triggered something deep in me. Suddenly this room wasn't enough for both of us. "Breathe, Bella." He said. Nothing sounded soothing about it. I just wanted to grab my blade and stab him in the lung. Multiple times. "Think it through. You're not capable to kill me yet." He continued. With that mind reading game again.

I inhaled deep, trying to compose myself. I couldn't mess this up. I needed to fucking hold on until I figured it all out.

"You want to smoke or should we go back to sleep?"

He wasn't the type to give up. If his today's mission was to irritate me, he would do it thoroughly. With his whole heart.

Edward wasn't a man of affection before, but today he proved me otherwise. Always in my range. Seemed like innocent touches, but to me, they were intended movements.

We had breakfast upstairs. Lunch. And possibly dinner. When he had no intention to leave the room, he made sure I stayed in this hellhole, too. Bounded. Obligated. Every single minute of it put me in misery because it wasn't on my terms. After my failed attempts to crack him open, chasing him, now he suddenly wanted me, catching me off guard. We were playing cat and mouse every freaking time. Only switching roles.

I smoked on the floor, the usual spot. He was sitting on the couch, watching some crime documentary on tv. Just chilling and relaxed. While I was on edge and fucking agitated.

An abrupt call on his phone. I tilted my head slightly. Only to find him put it on speaker.

"Where's Bella?" It was Lottie. If she was being straightforward, she meant business.

Edward glanced at me. "There, sitting comfortably."

"Her comfort looks real to you?" she asks incredulously as if she could see me from there. It made him chuckle. Bastard. "I need her tonight." She added, back to business.

"She's mine for the day." He refused right away, winking at me. I didn't know which one I preferred. Spending the night with Lottie or him. Neither could be good.

"You can have her another day. She isn't going anywhere." She argued. That fact hit me square in the face.

"True. But she's still not going." He replied with finality. With that, he disconnected the call and turned back to watch the damn tv.

The day off sounded better if he wasn't involved. I wish I could suck it up and fucking enjoy it.

"Slow down. You smoked so damn fast." He commented as I picked another from the pack. What could I say? I needed to burn my anxiety. And the Zippo just chose this exact moment to be a bitch. It wouldn't light up. Fuck. As if it couldn't get any worse. "That's your cue to fucking stop." He added. I gave up after millions attempts.

"Do you have spare?"

I couldn't stay sane, especially with him in this room, without smoking.

"No." He said. But I could tell he was lying. "Let's play something." He suggested all of a sudden, reaching for the drawer from the coffee table. Wicked mind always portrayed a dangerous game.

He pulled out a revolver, emptying out the bullets, one by one except for one chamber. Then, spinning the cylinder. Russian roulette. I heard about it a lot, but never once participated. Yeah, because I wasn't crazy.

"Well?" he looked up. A sick grin across his lips. He was mental. "Ladies, first." His hand held the barrel, extending his arm, a life-death offer for me to take. There was chance. It was thrilling to imagine. Tempting. His blood spilled. Eyes, white and wide, glaring at the death. It could be my glory. Or my doom. But should I pass the opportunity?

I was on my feet before I could think clear. Hatred clouded my judgment. At this point, I was falling back into his trap. But, what if this was my only fucking chance?

My eyes fixated on the revolver, realizing now we were seven feet apart. I palmed it, the cold metal in my hand.

He was watching every move. Oddly calm. Intrigued, almost. His eyes lighted up. Full of excitement. As if he couldn't wait for it.


I didn't waste time. I aimed and pulled the trigger. With no hesitation. His laughter filled the room. Telling me he was alive and well and of course, not a single bullet in his skull. I lost it. My chance. I was stunned standing there.

"Your disappointment really shows." He stated the obvious, taking back the revolver. Now, it was my life on the line. I was fucked.

"Your turn." I said. Flatly, head held high, such a contrast to the adrenaline flooding my veins. He took it in his hand, caressing it like a baby.

"The thought of losing you is unbearable to me." He put it back into the drawer instead. Safe and away from me. I snorted. Because I knew that was bullshit.

"I'll take a bath."

"Is that an invitation?"

He had an insane bathroom. It had been renovated, I guess, because I remembered it was much simpler before. Now, it screamed luxury. White marble with a slight touch of wood. Combined in such a way as if it splashed money to your face. Three steps of stairs before reaching the heavenly large bathtub.

He set up the candle. Black orchid scent, a favorite of mine. I closed my eyes, already comfortable surrounded by hot water. It relaxed my tense muscles. Only for a mere minute before he joined me. The man hummed in satisfaction, settling beside of me. We were inches apart, but not touching. With him, I was prepared for the worst.

"You still think you stand a chance?" he questioned, mostly my sanity. That stunt back then. I was eager to get rid of him.

I could deflect, but I didn't. "A girl can hope."

He shook his head. "Silly. I emptied out all the bullets."

My eyes flashed open. "You lied. I counted─"

"It's a small revolver, only has five cylinders, not six." He cut off. Fuck. Tell me he was lying because how could I be that stupid? "Try the other way. You're not good with weapons." He challenged.

It got the instant reaction. If he was surprised, he didn't show it. My hand wrapped around his neck, pushing his head down with so much strength. He automatically held breath, sporting a smile though lying flat on the bottom. The water swayed between us. My knees were on his sides, my body hovering over his. Thinking I got him drowned. But those hands came up after giving me a brief glory. Grabbing the back of my neck. Pushing me down against him, bringing me down with him. Our mouth crashed. And now I was the one who was drowning, gasping for air. He lifted me up. Oxygen filled my lungs. Lips evaded my skin. My man was everywhere. And I didn't think I would complain.

He adjusted me on his lap, looking up between his eyelashes. "Stop me now." He whispered darkly, half-begging.

"Why?" I managed to say, pulling his body closer instead. He groaned. "I'm all yours."

It was his undoing. He pressed his face between my breasts. Pulling them free from my bra. Licking the wet skin. I whimpered, holding his shoulders as leverage. He touched it, squeezed it over and over again, giving it full attention. Sucking the hardened nipple and caressing the other. I couldn't sit still.

I yanked his hair then brought his lips to mine. He kissed me hard. But it was expected. Chest to chest. Hands on my waist. Torn between stopping the movement and urging it.

"Your last chance to bail." He offered.

I kissed his ear, whispered, "I pass."

"So, you succeed."

I stopped pouring the milk and looked up at Lottie who was leaning to the breakfast bar. My brow raised. "What?"

She was already in the house when I was coming down to the kitchen. And it's only freaking seven in the morning.

She took a deep drag of her cig, blowing out smokes to the side. "You fucked him." She concluded, unfiltered. I acted impassively. But she was watching me closely. "Congratulations. Men think with two heads. Now you control one of them." She added. "You're winning."

She read me. Right off the bat.

"Please. I don't stand a chance." I rolled my eyes.

She nodded slowly. "I really hope so."

"Ah, finally I see the day Edward Masen going out of the house. I had to convince people you were not dead." Lottie remarked, thick with sarcasm because she had been here every morning. I bit my toast, watching him walk down the stairs in his suit. The first in a couple of days.

"You're lucky I will pretend you didn't say anything." He replied, stopping by the kitchen to grab a coffee.

"Does that mean I can steal your girl for the night?" Lottie tapped her fingers rhythmically against the counter. It was almost annoying to hear.

He glanced at me, raising his eyebrow. "If she wants to go, I won't stop her."

"Fucking finally." She muttered in relief, throwing me a hopeful yet sick grin. An alarm to me that this night couldn't be any good.

I dressed up for the night. Long black coat and a pair of boots. This night was already a disaster as soon as Lottie said we were not going to the club. We drove a black SUV to the unknown place. She was humming the whole trip. Grinning, her excitement was palpable. We parked in the middle of nowhere. Only trees around us. We got out of the car and she was opening the trunk. My eyes gone wild as I saw lots of guns there.

"You crazy?" that was more of statement than a question.

"Just realized?" she had the nerve to chuckle. If cops ambushed us now, we would go straight to the jail.

"What the hell are we gonna do?"

"Well, Bella, we're going to battlefield."