Hi there. This is just going to be a collection of really short fics. I think they're called drabbles?






Jazz opened the door with her hip and struggled to the kitchen. She heaved the grocery bags up onto the counter with a sigh of relief. Usually Mom did the shopping, but she and Dad had been holed up in the lab lately, and there wasn't any food in the house. Or there hadn't been, before Jazz had gone shopping.

She put the groceries away, and intending to rest for a couple hours after such strenuous activity, made her way to the living room. That's when she saw Danny, sprawled out on the couch, fast asleep. Jazz smiled, then, as a thought came to her, bit her lip.

She shouldn't. Danny didn't get enough sleep as it was, and he wouldn't be happy if she woke him. On the other hand, it wasn't likely that he would wake up. He looked dead to the world, pun intended. It wasn't like he was having a nightmare, either, so it was unlikely that he'd panic and try to smack her, either.

As quietly as she could, Jazz approached the couch. Then she bent down and patted Danny's head, ruffling his hair.

"Floof, floof," she whispered. "Cute little floof."

Satisfied, Jazz turned and left. There was a book she wanted to read in her room.

A couple seconds later, Danny sat up, blinking in sleepy confusion. "What was that?"