RWBY and JNPR watch The Blood Gulch Chronicles

Chapter 1- Why are we here?


Each chapter will act as one episode of Red Vs Blue so if you wanna see a reaction to a certain episode just skip to it, also as for mini series I will write those reactions too, Out of Mind is one chapter.

Any and all reviews are fine and you can plagiarize my entire fanfiction just give me some credit. Its not like I earn money on this so I don't care if my ideas are stolen. If you steal my idea and make it better I would love to read it. Hope you enjoy.

This was greatly inspired by the one great fanfiction like this that Turniphater wrote called "RWBY and JNPR watch the show" you should read it, it's about them watching RWBY, But I mainly wrote it because while I liked "Watch react believe yikes" the reactions wee not realistic.

Anyway Hope you enjoy and please review! Knowing you all care will help me get all the way up to season 10! And maybe through 11-13

P.S not counting this as a crossover because no characters ever meet each other, (and barely anyone reads crossover fanfictions because people never make them, hope you all don't mind)

P.S.S: I read all reviews, I love your support and feedback. It doesn't matter how late you are to the party.

"Jaune? is something wrong?" Pyrrha asked cautiously. Her caution was needed as her friend, teammate, and leader was currently slamming his fingers into his scroll angrily.

"Yes!" The frantic blonde shouted startling Pyrrha. "Oh, sorry Pyrrha I didn't mean-"

"Its ok Jaune." Pyrrha said chuckling lightly diffusing the tension. "I can tell its not me making you so...upset."

"Its this scroll! A weird message popped up and then before I could even start reading it my scroll crashed!" Jaune yelled.

"And? Whats wrong with that?" Pyrrha asked seriously wondering.

"My scroll has never done this before, scrolls never do this, they aren't supposed to turn off while they're still open." Jaune explained frustrated. "I'm worried my scroll might be getting hacked."

"What? How would your scroll be getting hacked? I thought scrolls were the safest on the market." Pyrrha said.

Jaune laughed mirthlessly. "Oh please, scrolls are a joke, my sister Saphron was even able to trick the software or whatever- I forgot how she did it she's like Ruby talking about weapons when it comes to tech stuff. Basically me and her can get any music for free and some movies."

"Isn't that illegal?" Pyrrha said suddenly worried.

"Well yeah b- but well- uh doesn't matter I'm just an innocent bystander. Besides the worst that can happen is she has to pay for all the free music and movies shes downloaded." Jaune stuttered out.

"So how did you get a virus?" She asked.

Next to them the overactive redhead Nora gasped "ohhh! Has our fearless leader been making some risky clicks! Bad Jaune! Bad!"

"What!" Jaune yelled face reddening. "No no no no not that no thats not- I don't go on those sites Nora!" It was hard to hear him talk over Nora's evil cackling.

"Nora, I think we would have noticed if Jaune was doing that." Ren calmly said from the center of the room.

"Ren! Not helping!" Jaune flustered face even redder. "I thought you were meditating."

"I am" he said calmly before shutting everything out once again.

"It's probably a...I forgot what my sister called it, a zero day virus? No no thats something else. Probably a uh virus that I got a long time ago. Some viruses work like that, like real viruses. They're dormant then a year or two later the hacker activates it when you've forgotten all about the weird email you got or the dangerous website you visited and do whatever it is they wanted to do with the virus." Jaune explained as he looked at his scroll again.

"Ok thats interesting, I guess." Pyrrha said awkwardly before putting on a gentle smile and sitting next to Jaune. "Is there anything I can do?"

"Uh not really, sorry Pyrrha but thanks." Jaune said standing up. "I could ask team RWBY."

"Oh, I thought they were relaxing after the breach. They said they didn't want to be disturbed." Pyrrha explained.

"I thought they were getting ready for the tournament?" Jaune said confused.

"Speaking of that-" Nora said getting up from annoying Ren.

"Nope! Nope uh I'm going to go awa- going to talk to team RWBY." Jaune said quickly escaping. Pyrrha tried to protest nut he was out the door in a flash.

"Traitor." Pyrrha huffed under her breath as Nora started changing into her workout clothes.

Jaune quickly shut the door behind him and leaned against it sighing in relief. He did not want to go through more of Nora's training, Nora may have an infinite supply of energy But Jaune does not.

Jaune pressed his ear against the door and heard furious weight lifting from Nora and annoyed sighs from Ren. Pyrrha is probably trying to weasle her way out of Nora's early death training but since Jaune left her in the dust that would be hard.

As much as Jaune would like to see Pyrrha and Nora in workout clothes He did not want to go through that hell. Bad Jaune! You're supposed to be a chivalrous gentleman! Jaune thought scolding himself. He chuckled nervously before strolling across the hall and knocking on team RWBY's door.

"Finally something happens!" Yang yelled from inside instantly. Jaune barely had any time to react before Ruby's smiling face was in front of him.

"Hey Jaune!" She shouted excited.

"Uh hey? Can any of you help me with something." Jaune asked.

"What is it?" Yang asked getting up from her bunk.

"I think my scroll has been hacked." Jaune said holding it up.

"What kind of websites have you been going too?" Yang asked suggestively moving her eyebrows.

"Ugh not you too!" Jaune said facepalming.

Blake started laughing and Jaune could already feel his face reddening.

"Blake why are you laughing? Your porn books are worse than anything I could ever find online." Jaune said smugly. Yang had happily told Jaune that little bit of blackmail a while ago. "Not that I'm admitting to anything!" Jaune quickly added.

"Ugh, can't believe I have to share a room with such filthy books." Weiss huffed out while doing homework.

"Such filthy books" Yang mimicked "what books did I catch you trying to steal in the middle of the night?"

"Wha! What do-"

"Almost killed me" Blake said angrily turning a page. She continued to mutter about bunks toppling over and her arms still hurting.

"Ok ok stop!" Jaune yelled before more arguments could start. "Can anyone help me?"

"Uhhhhhhh" Ruby said tapping her chin. "Nope"

"Anyone else?" Jaune asked.

"Sorry." Yang said looking at Jaune's scroll. "Ruby would have been the best person to help but scrolls aren't weapons."

That caused Ruby to gasp excitedly.

"Yang! What if-"



"No! Ruby down!"

"I'm not a dog." Ruby pouted.

"Just ask Professor Oobleck-"

"Doctor" Ruby half heartedly corrected.

"Professor Oobleck" Yang continued. "Ask him if he knows anything."

"Ok." Jaune said with a sigh, "thanks guys, uh girls. Anywa- wait Look! The screen isn't black anymore!" Jaune said happily when his scroll lit up.

Yang and Ruby crowded around him clearly very interested. Jaune's scroll had a bright loading icon and a bar that moving slowly across the screen. The bar moved fast and once it had finished his scroll opened up to reveal a brand new message from "Redacted"

"Redacted?" Ruby questioned.

"Is that their name or was their name redacted?" Yang asked.

Jaune just shrugged.

"Hmm, well tap it Jaune see what they said." Ruby ordered, her curiosity growing.

He did and saw the very long message He had received.

"Dear those who received this message." Jaune read aloud.

That piqued Weiss and Blake's interests. They looked up and turned to Jaune and gestured for him to keep going.

"Uh" Jaune said before clearing his throat.

"Come on already! Suspense is killing me." Yang yelled frustrated.

"Alright alright! uh ok it says dear receivers of this message. I'm [Redacted], And I have hacked your [scroll] and the seven surrounding [scroll]s-"

"What!" Ruby yelled checking her scroll.

"Now I'm sure this has you panicked-"

"Ahhhh!" Ruby screamed looking at her scroll.

"But it is best for everyone if you just remain calm-"

"Ahh! no,no, no, no! What do I do!"

"Ruby!" Yang yelled shutting her up.

"Remain calm by [Redacted] Now I have not hacked your [scroll]s for any uncool purpose, only to download one of my favorite stories ever onto your [scroll]s! Found this show deep in the Archives, it's on your [scroll] The remaining [scroll]s are just extra storage space. You can access this show from the new (RvB app!) that is now on your [scroll]. The show is titled Red Vs Blue, you and the other seven are to watch this show, or not. The choice is up to you, free country yadda yadda yadda, the show Red vs Blue however is from a different universe!-"

"What?" Blake asked.

"This is clearly a joke, or a scam" Weiss added.

"This is not a joke or a scam" Jaune read off. Yang chuckled but Jaune kept reading.

"Yes this show is actually from another universe, I won't explain it but I guess you know the multiverse theory?"

Ruby started raising a hand. "Uhh"

"Basically every universe exists, every possibility is possible, its infinite. That's the theory. Like there's a universe where I never existed, a universe where Grimm don't exist, or maybe something even as small as a fly landing on me or a fly landing on you." Jaune explained.

"Oh, woah! Wow that's so cool what if-" Ruby started going off on a tangent but Yang sighed and held a hand over her mouth. Before the two could start fighting Jaune continued to read.

"I will not explain anything about the show, you will come to your own conclusions. You unlock episode two by watching episode one. A more detailed explanation will be presented in the guide section of the app. Also I will mention this right now before anything happens, just a little tip. You can do whatever you want with this show but, telling others about a show from another universe might come off as Ca-Razy."

"That makes sense" Yang said shrugging.

"I will reveal myself when you finish watching the show! Enjoy" Jaune finished.

Things were silent for a moment. Until Weiss broke it.

"Has to be fake." Weiss said bluntly.

"Well, my entire storage space has been taken up." Blake said holding up her scroll.

"Mine too." Yang said checking hers.

"Nooooo! What about my games? How can I download the next Empire Rush?" Ruby asked.

Jaune ignored her and looked at the new app on his phone. It was weird, when He opened it a loading screen appeared of a spinning futuristic helmet colored red on one side and blue on the other. When it finished loading a welcoming message appeared. He was about to read it until a robotic voice started talking. Weiss and Blake stood up and crowded around him too, along with Ruby and Yang.

"Welcome to the Red Vs Blue app! My name is F.I.L.S.S would you like me to run the tutorial program?" The female robotic voice said as a yes or no option appeared.

"Uh, we should tell my team before we decide anything." Jaune said, they nodded and joined me as Jaune went to his dorm. When He opened the door He sighed.

Ren was back to meditating, Nora was passed out in a sweaty mess, and Pyrrha was nowhere to be seen but the shower was on.

"Yay" Jaune said sarcastically.

It took a little bit but once Jaune convinced Ren to wake Nora up he simply said pancakes and whatever fatigue she felt after her grueling workout was forgotten. Ren and Nora were ready but Pyrrha takes famously long showers.

Jaune knocked on the bathroom door and waited, nothing. He knocked again and waited...again.

"Allow me loverboy" Yang said gently pushing me aside. Instead of knocking she tried the door knob ignoring privacy.

"Yang!" Jaune yelled in vain.

Ruby sighed, "she does the same to me"

"Just don't break down the door." Jaune said pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Blake?" Yang asked. Blake walked up with a questioning look. "Can you pick a lock?"

Blake groaned but complied, in seconds she had a hairpin out and the lock was picked. Yang barged in without a second thought.

5 minutes later

"Whats so urgent that you can't give me any time to shower?" Pyrrha asked with concern.

"All our scrolls are hacked and that weird message y-" Ruby shouted.

"What! All our scrolls!" Nora yelled.

Jaune's team proceeded to freak out for a little before everyone eventually calmed them down. Jaune showed them the message and explained what He could.

while he explained everyone got situated and comfortable.

"So yes or no guys?" Jaune asked.

"Tutorial program? Sounds important." Pyrrha said.

And with that Jaune hit yes.

"Excellent!" Filiss said. "Before I continue, please connect your device to a tv"

It took some doing but eventually they organized a tv in the center of team JNPR's dorm.

"Its like movie night!" Ruby said happily.

"Except we're being forced to watch the movie." Weiss huffed.

"No we aren't?" Yang said.

"Well, we have nothing better to do." Blake explained.

Once it was paired with the tv the tv showed everything on jaune's scroll with only a slight delay.

"Great! Now this is the main menu, from this menu you can access everything about the app." Filiss continued. The option for play highlighted. "This is where you can start watching the show, this-"

"This is boring." Nora said.

"Yeah, lets just skip this part." Ruby said.

"But, its explaining how-" Jaune started.

"Its a regular menu, like any other movie. Look play, scene select, options, its not special." Ruby explained. "The only new thing is the songs option but that's self expla- ex- explanatory" Ruby said proudly.

"Just use small words." Yang said teasing Ruby.

"I'm eating cookies!" Ruby defended.

Jaune sighed and cancelled the training program.

"Uh so, do you all just want to start it?" Jaune asked.

Everyone agreed in some way or another and Jaune tapped play on his scroll. It started loading for a second before it started.

They were all situated watching the tv screen. They had moved bean bag chairs from RWBY's room over for extra seats and used Jaune and Pyrrha's bed for the rest. Jaune hit play.

The song "Blood Gulch Blues" by Trocadero started playing with the season one intro. The camera panned down to show Blood Gulch.

"Why does it look so bad?" Yang said immediately.

"We might get the answer if you would be quiet!" Weiss snapped.

"Hold on pause it!" Ren shouted surprising us.

"What?" Jaune asked pausing it.

"If the show is truly from another universe I want to take notes." Ren said grabbing a notebook.

"Thats a good idea" Weiss agreed.

"So you think is from another universe?" Ruby taunted.

"No but it might be important to take notes from a show shown to us by hackers." Weiss explained which shut Ruby up.

The camera panned down to show Red team.

"Red vs blue? Hmm this is clearly a team, so maybe its two teams Red team vs Blue team." Weiss theorized.

"Thanks captain obvious." Yang said annoyed.

The intro continued and introduced each character. Donut was in Red armor.

"Are you getting this Ren?" Weiss asked, Ren nodded.

The camera then swiftly moved across the canyon to show Blue team and introduced each character.

"The tank is a character? Weird." Nora commented.

The intro continued, it showed Vic but he wasn't named and he was still in his gray suit. Then it showed a combination of action sequences until finally fading to black.

"Blood Gulch Chronicles: Season 1" appeared on the screen.

"Why are we here?"

"I wonder how many seasons there are." Pyrrha commented.

Camera pans up to reveal Grif and Simmons standing on the Red base

Simmons: "Hey."

Grif: "Yeah?"

Simmons: "You ever wonder why we're here?"

"I've always wondered that." Ren said pausing the show. "are-"

"Stop pausing the show" Yang said angrily.

Grif: "It's one of life's great mysteries, isn't it. Why are we here? I mean, are we the product of... some cosmic coincidence or, is there really a God... watching everything? You know, with a plan for us and stuff. I don't know man, but it keeps me up at night."

Simmons: "..."

Grif: "..."

"Wow this show is getting deep already." Jaune commented.

Simmons: "What? I meant why are we out here, in this canyon?"

Grif: "Oh, uh... yeah."

Simmons: "What was all that stuff about God?"

Grif: "Uh... hm? Nothing."

Simmons: "You wanna talk about it?"

Grif: "No"

Simmons: "You sure?"

Grif: "Yeah."

"Strange intro to a show" Pyrrha commented.

"Is this supposed to be a comedy?" Weiss asked.

"Maybe?" Jaune answered.

"Why does it look so bad." Nora said asking Ren.

"I don't know Nora." Ren answered.

Simmons: "Seriously though, why are we out here? Far as I can tell, it's just a box canyon in the middle of nowhere, with no way in or out."

Grif: "Mhm."

Simmons: "And the only reason that we set up a red base here, is because they have a blue base over there. And the only reason they have a blue base over there is because we have a red base here."

Grif: "Yeah, that's because we're fighting each other."

Simmons: "No no, but I mean, even if we were to pull out today, and they were to come take our base, they would have two bases in the middle of a box canyon. Whoop de fucking do!"

"Seems like the show curses a lot." Weiss grumbled.

"So?" Yang questioned.

"It just seems inappropriate and unprofessional."

Jaune groaned, "and? Nothing anyone should do about it. People should be allowed to make whatever shows they want, if the audience doesn't like it then the creators will change it. Production companies shouldn't interfere with creativity. And if a kid watches something too mature for them then the parents should talk it out with them or-"

"We don't want to hear your rant Jaune." Weiss said.

Yang nodded, "Yeah no preaching."

"Sorry." Jaune mumbled.

"Thats an interesting opinion Jaune." Pyrrha praised.

Grif: "What's up with that anyway? I mean, I signed on to fight some aliens. Next thing I know Master Chief blows up the whole Covenant armada, and I'm stuck in the middle of nowhere, fighting a bunch of blue guys."

"Aliens? Maybe in this show they figured out how to use dust and go to space." Ren commented while writing something down.

The camera switched to show Church zoomed in with a sniper rifle on Grif and Simmons.

"Oh oh oh! Thats so cool its not animation guys!." Ruby said excited.

"What? No way their cameras are that bad." Weiss said.

"No no shes right look at the way they move! Its a video game." Yang said.

"Yeah wow, they probably move the characters then put audio over the video." Jaune said amazed.

"Is that why the graphics are so bad?" Blake asked.

"Maybe, graphics used to look that bad in games around 18 to 20 years ago." Ruby said.

"You sure know a lot about video games, are there any games like this one?" Pyrrha asked.

"No but it looks like a shooter, a first person shooter. Basically you control your guy and shoot other guys and whichever team gets the most kills wins." Ruby said as Ren quickly jotted her words down.

Tucker: "What're they doing?"

Church: "What?"

Tucker: "I said what're they doing now?"

Church: "God damn, I'm getting so sick of answering that question!"

Tucker: "Hey you have the fucking rifle, I can't see shit. Don't bitch at me because I'm not going to just sit up here and play with my dick all day."

Weiss groaned at the immaturity.

Church: "Okay, okay look: They're just standing there, and talking, okay? That's all they're doing. That's all they ever do, is just stand there and talk. That's what they were doing last week, that's what they were doing when you asked me five minutes ago. So five minutes from now, when you ask me 'What're they doing?' my answer's gonna be 'They're still just talking, and they're still just standing there!'"

"That voice sounds so familiar" Yang said.

"Yeah I was thinking the same thing." Ruby said leaning forward.

Tucker: "... What're they talking about?"

Church: "You know what? I fucking hate you."

"Really dysfunctional. They don't like each other at all." Pyrrha commented.

"Hmm the Atlas military is a lot more organized and disciplined than these soldiers. The advanced armor is interesting though, nothing in Atlas is like that." Weiss explained.

"Well it is a video game." Yang said.

"Looks really futuristic." Jaune commented.

cut to Grif and Simmons at the red base

Grif: "Talk about a waste of resources. I mean, we should be out there finding new and intelligent forms of life. You know, fight them."

Simmons: "Yeah, no shit. That's why they should put us in charge."

Sarge is standing on the ground, looking up at them

Sarge: "Ladies! Front and center, on the double!"

Simmons: "Fuck, me."

Grif: "Yes sir"

The screen faded to black. And stopped completely, no scene change. It was over.

"What? That's it? That was like five minutes!" Jaune complained.

"Yeah really short episode." Yang said.

"Lets watch another!" Nora said excited.

"I still can't think of why that voice sounds so familiar." Ruby said furrowing her brows.

The one who sent them the show is not I repeat NOT me self inserting, it is a Red Vs Blue character(s) who sent them the show.