-Chapter 5-

Percy Jackson

Waking up in a pool of blood after finding out my uncle and extended family killed my girlfriend was not how I thought my day would go. Slowly I pulled myself up onto the rocky ground. Thalia offered a hand and I took it. Immediately after standing up Thalia socked me right in the jaw! I took the punch in stride and said, "-the hell was that for?"

"If you could remember, you'd know why," she said sternly. Then her eyes softened, and she pulled me into a hug. "I'm glad you're alright Perce."

"I'm glad I'm alright too. What happened?" I asked.

She grabbed my right hand and held it up, "I don't know. Why don't you tell me?"

I looked at the red ring on my hand and I felt a rush of familiar emotions. A few moments passed and I noticed the other two people standing a few meters away. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and said, "I was so angry, Thalia, I've never felt so… so betrayed." I turned away from her and toward the pool of blood. There was a tugging in my gut when I looked out into the dark red liquid. "At first I had no idea what the ring was asking me? Still don't know what a Red Lantern Corps is but, a nearby nymph told me the ring radiated anger and that it hungered for it." I turned back to Thalia and looked at her eyes, "I didn't trust my own anger, I was afraid." I looked back at the glowing ring. It hummed with energy.

Thalia gave me a comforting smile, "I think I get it Percy. Its okay. You were in a bad place. Lady Artemis told me what happened and-" she gave her own face of anger, "-and it pisses me off just as much!"

I took another glance at the large lake of blood and looked out into the barren desert we were apparently in. "So, where are we?" I asked again.

"Don't freak out, but we're on another planet."

Ha, that was a laugh. I let out a snort, "Yeah okay, and thus Leo's theory on the gods actually being aliens is proven true."

"No seriously, look up," she said smirking.

I did so and by the gods what a sight to look at. During my downtime the last two years, not going on life endangering quests, I had studied star constellations with Chiron and Tyson. Looking up at the fading night sky with nearly zero light pollution I could see star patters and shapes made of light I had never seen before in my entire life. The night sky seemed to come straight out of a sci-fi movie. "Oh," was all I said.

"Yup," Thalia said.

A new voice spoke up from behind us, "Yeah it's quite a sight. You should see the outer region of Oa, it's really something." A man in a green and black uniform approached us, "Percy right, I'm-"

"Green Lantern!" I cut him off. I recognized the superhero, one of the members of the Justice League. "Hey, I'm Percy" I said excited. Faintly I heard Thalia give a small chuckle, but I ignored it. "I'm a huge fan of the Justice League, Mr. Green Lantern, sir."

He gave a light laugh and said, "Hey that's awesome! Always nice to meet a fan." He shook my hand. I couldn't believe I was actually meeting a superhero. I recalled Nico saying one time that technically we were superheroes, but it wasn't the same. We were heroes for sure but most of us demigods only ever went on quests that involved an outbreak of monsters or another god throwing a tantrum. The JL actively searched for people in trouble to save them. They always made sure if that if there were ever a world ending event that they were the ones on the front lines. While back at both camps, it was always about secrecy and never involving oneself in mortal affairs. I had realized I'd been shaking Green Lantern's hand for quite a bit.

I looked to Thalia to share the excitement only to see an amused expression. She crossed her arms and said, "You can get his autograph later, Kelp Head." She looked to Green Lantern, "Can we go back home now?"

The other man who was standing a bit off to the side was now next to me said, "First order of business we need to get that ring off. There's no way I can trust the Red Lantern's power to some civilian."

Green Lantern nodded, "Right we need to head to-

"No," I said.

The guy in red walked up into my face, "Excuse me?"

"I'm keeping the ring."

His eyebrows furrowed and he frowned, "I don't think you understand what's attached to you right now, that ring replaces your heart, taking it off will kill you."

"If it comes off," I said coolly.

He gave a dark laugh and turned away from me. Then in a fast motion he swung his red energized fist right at me. I saw it coming a mile away. I grabbed his fist, twisted it, and sent him over my shoulder behind in one fluid move.

He had a surprised confused look as he laid on the ground motionless before he flew up, his entire body becoming encased in red energy. He pointed his fist at me, red ring glowing menacingly, "That was a fancy move." He popped the joints in his neck by doing that half turn with his head and said, "Listen kid, I don't think you have what it takes to be a part of the Red Lanterns Corp. You think you can contain the rage? Why don't you show me what you got." He grinned and his ring glowed brightly.

"Is that a challenge?" I said a smile in my voice. This was a test, I understood that much. I didn't know how to control the ring yet but as if responding to my desire it started to glow red and I felt myself hovering into the air. Hell yeah. The Red Lantern in turn summoned a wicked red ball of energy and launched it at me. I tried and failed to veer left to avoid it. I only managed to turn my body sideways. I gave an "oof!" and was hurled backwards into the ground. I laid flat groaning a bit.

Thalia who was a few feet to my right said, "Come on Perce, kick his ass. He's no Ares."

I gave a thumbs up, "Thanks cuz," I said rolling my eyes and standing back up.

The Red Lantern held up his hand conjuring another red energy ball, "That all you got?"

I closed my eyes and concentrated on the ground. This planet was desolate. I hardly felt any presence of water. Besides the lake of blood, I tried to stretch my range of power to feel for any large body of water underground. I didn't feel any. Damn, I thought annoyed. Instead I tried to do what the other guy did and summon the energy of this ring. It was odd. I could feel the force of the red energy, it was haphazard and formless, I tried to summon a ball of energy and managed to create a hefty red beech ball. I cocked my fist and launched it at the Red Lantern. It soared straight but he easily slapped it out of the air like if it was an actual beech ball.

"Pfft. Weak," he said and flew toward me like a rocket faster than I anticipated. He grabbed me by the front of my shirt and let his momentum carry us higher into the air. Immediately I put my arms under his and grabbed each of his shoulders and with my superior strength I forced him to let me go. I held on to him though and with my own ring I kept myself suspended in air and proceeded to headbutt him. He gave a grunt and used his ring to blast my side sending me far right. I kept myself flying and watched him rub his forehead in pain. Before he could do anything, I flew right at him surrounding my fist with red energy and sucker punched him! He fell fast toward the ground but before hitting the rocking floor he stopped in midair, hovering.

He rubbed his shoulder, the spot where I hit him, and said, "Damn. I'm impressed." I flew down next to him landing a little more unsteady than I would've liked. He looked me up and down. "Are you a soldier?" he asked.

"I'm a demigod," I said. Behind me I heard a surprised cough. I looked back at Thalia who, in turn, gave me a death stare. I grinned back at her. I pointedly both looked at Green Lantern and the Red Lantern, "You both know Wonder Woman, right? She's half god-half amazon. I'm just half god."

Green Lantern gave an impressed whistle. "No wonder you held your own against Guy."

I looked at the two Lanterns and said, "Pleasure to meet you both."