Here it is, the final chapter! Thank you all for reading! :)

"All right, Tony, I think we're all set," Steve said as he zipped up the last of their suitcases, setting it next to the door. "Finally."

"Are ya sure? 'Cause I'm pretty sure there's still a couple of corners in the jet that are still bare, so we can't have everything yet," Tony said with a smirk. "Happy's only made three trips so far."

Steve's eyebrows shot up as he nodded, looking around the now stripped-down hospital room where they had been living the last several weeks. "I sure hope so. It's amazing how much stuff we managed to accumulate in here."

"I'm ready to go now," Peter said as he emerged from the bathroom, his still-damp curls hanging low over his forehead. "I can't wait to get home."

"I know you can't, buddy," Tony said fondly as he ruffled Peter's hair, pointedly ignoring the look of concern that crossed Steve's face. It had only been less than two weeks since Peter had woken up, and while he had already made some huge strides in regaining the strength he had lost while unconscious, he wasn't anywhere near back to his normal yet, something that Tony knew Steve was especially concerned about.

"You sure you don't want anything else to eat before we go, little guy?" Steve asked, watching as Peter sat down to put on his shoes. Tony could tell he was fighting the urge to help him, and he slid his hand into Steve's, giving it a gentle squeeze.

"Not here," Peter said, quite emphatically. "I've had enough of hospital food for a long, long time, thank you very much."

"I'll second that," Tony agreed, just as there was a knock at the door. "Come in."

"We're good to go if you guys are ready," said Happy as he poked his head around the door, pushing an empty wheelchair into the room. "I've got the hallways and elevators cleared, the fighter escorts are standing by, and the jet is already running."

"Well, then let's not keep 'em waiting," Tony said. He reached a hand over to Peter, indicating the wheelchair. "Your chariot awaits, young man."

"Hmph," grumbled Peter, plopping himself down onto the wheelchair so hard that Steve winced. "Don't know why I need to ride in this stupid thing. I can walk just fine."

"Hospital policy, buddy," Tony said, not without a touch of sympathy. "They just want to make sure that you don't trip and fall on your way out the door and then try and sue 'em."

"Nothing wrong with being careful, little guy," Steve added. He leaned down to kiss the top of Peter's head. "Ready?"

"Yes, please," Peter groaned. "And the sooner the better."

"Agent Romanoff is waiting on the jet, so she'll be able to bring you up to speed on everything on the way, and Pepper's already scheduled the press conference for the day after tomorrow," Happy said. He picked up the remaining suitcase, his watchful eyes sweeping across the room as he pulled out his phone. "Barton? We good?"

"Both the skies and the coast are clear, Hap, so let's get boogieing," came Barton's reply. "It's just wrong for it to be this goddamn hot in January."

"I'll second that," Steve said. "I never thought that I'd miss the snow, but I actually miss the snow."

"I just wanna get out of here," Peter mumbled under his breath, causing Tony's heart to give a painful lurch. Peter hadn't admitted as much, but both Tony and Steve knew he was very eager to leave the place where he'd been used as a human lab rat by a group of madmen. Helen had even offered to arrange for one of the hospital counselors to come and talk to Peter about it, but Tony had declined. Not only was it a security risk, as he and Steve had decided to keep Peter's enhancements as secret as possible, Tony really only felt comfortable having Peter talk to Sam Wilson. Sam had proven himself multiple times already, and not only did Tony trust him, he knew Peter did as well.

"We'll be home before you know it, little guy," Steve said fondly.

Thanks to Happy's diligence, the path from Peter's room up to the Quinjet parked on the roof was completely clear, and Tony couldn't help but breathe out a huge sigh of relief once they boarded the jet. He had always hated hospitals, having spent so much of Peter's childhood in and out of them, and was looking forward to getting home almost as much as Peter.

And he knew Steve was as well. Steve hadn't been sleeping well at all thanks to some really nasty nightmares, and Tony was hoping that being back in their own home and in their own bed would help a little. He also knew Steve was looking forward to getting back to his exercise routine since he hadn't had too many opportunities to blow off his proverbial steam lately, which had definitely been influencing his mood.

"Hey, kiddo!" exclaimed Natasha, enveloping Peter in a massive hug before he'd even had a chance to sit down. "It's so good to see you again!"

"Hey, Auntie Nat," Peter said into Natasha's hair, tears welling in his huge brown eyes as he hugged her close. "I missed you too."

"I haven't had anyone to build Legos with me since you've been gone, so we'll have to make a date of it once you get settled in, okay?"

"That sounds really, really awesome," answered Peter, so sincerely that Tony felt a knot rise in his throat. For how tough Natasha Romanoff was, and she was as tough as they came, it still never failed to amaze Tony how soft she could be with Peter.

And how much Peter adored her.

"All right, you guys ready?" Natasha asked once they were in the air, the two F-22 escorts taking flanking positions. Peter had pulled out his headphones and stuck his nose into a book almost as soon as he had sat down, which suited Tony just fine. No need for him to be listening in while they talked shop.

"I'm sure Happy's told you about the press conference already," Natasha began. "It'll be held in the Tower's press room, and only journalists hand-picked by Pepper have been invited. Oh, and no questions will be allowed unless you say it's okay. This is mainly just so we can get our faces back out there and give our side as to what happened."

"Which is, what, exactly?" Steve asked nervously, clinging tightly to Tony's hand. Steve didn't enjoy having to deal with the press at all, and usually allowed Tony to take care of it whenever it had been necessary in the past. Unfortunately, this time the President had asked for the entire team and Steve hadn't felt like he'd been able to say no, especially when he'd promptly put his foot down when the President had initially asked for Peter's presence as well.

Natasha gave Steve a wary look. "Our official statement is the same as its always been; that you two and Peter were taken hostage from the Tower, and that Killian, who's since been ID'd as the Mandarin, then tried to extort ransom from the government for your release. Stane was a disgruntled former Stark Industries employee who was working with him, and they both were killed in the ensuing battle."

"Okay, so then what's the problem?" Tony asked. "I feel like there's a pretty big 'if' or a 'but' in there somewhere that you're not mentioning."

Glancing furtively at Peter, Natasha leaned forward, lowering her voice. "So far this is just a rumour, but word is that some new up-and-coming New York senator is planning to introduce a bill once Congress comes back into session."

"What kind of a bill?" asked Steve

"The details we have right now are a bit sketchy, but from what we've been able to find out, it's supposedly some sort of anti-vigilante bill," Natasha said.

"Anti-vigilante?" Steve said, confused. "Okay, but I still don't get—"

"Is this senator trying to imply that the Avengers are vigilantes?" Tony cut in, a bit more sharply than he intended when Natasha frowned. "'Cause that's just a huge load of bullshit!"

"Yes, it is, Tony, and no, I don't think he's trying to imply anything about the Avengers specifically," retorted Natasha. "It's not like the people don't know who we are."

Tony was already completely over the conversation. "Okay, so then what's the problem?"

Again, Natasha's eyes flicked over to Peter, completely engrossed in his beloved book. "You know that the video of Peter was sent to the press outlets as well, right?"

"Yes, Happy already told us about it," answered Steve. "And he also told us that Pepper's released multiple statements on our behalf that it was faked, so—"

"Yeah, well, this senator isn't buying it," Natasha said. "Apparently his entire view is that by allowing the Avengers to operate as an independent, private organisation, we're inviting copycat individuals and groups who believe that they're above the law and can do whatever they want. Hence, an anti-vigilante bill."

Tony was squeezing Steve's hand so hard that his wedding ring was digging into his fingers. "Okay, I've heard enough. This is just goddamn ridiculous and it'll never even fly, so why are we even discussing it?"

"You're right, it probably won't fly, or at least right away," agreed Natasha. "Right now we have the court of public opinion on our side and the support of the sitting president. But next year just happens to be an election year, and like it or not, it doesn't look good politically for a president to have had to rely on the Avengers to root out his domestic terrorists for him, so whoever his opponent ends up being, you can be sure that'll be a huge part of their campaign. And as a part of that, there will be people who'll start calling for the Avengers to be put under some other higher authority."

"Which will never happen," Tony said firmly. "Even Fury back in the beginning said that the Avengers were under Steve's leadership and no one else's."

"Yes, but unfortunately Fury doesn't have as much pull now as he used to," Natasha pointed out. "I mean, we can't even publicly acknowledge that SHIELD exists anymore, so—'

"That may be, but the Avengers' mission is still the same," Steve said in his Captain's voice. "And it'll remain the same until I say it's not. We've never taken any endorsements or anything else from any outside sources, so there shouldn't be anything that these politicians have on us."

"Except for the video," Natasha said grimly. "We can deny it's authenticity all we want, but there are people out there who won't believe it. And the more people who continue to talk about it, the more it'll chip away at our integrity."

"Oh, 'cause integrity is such a big deal in D.C. and in the press," Tony grumbled. He pressed his free hand to his chest, over the mass of scars where the arc reactor used to be. He still wasn't quite used to its absence.

"We'll take care of this, Nat," Steve said. "Somehow, we'll take care of it. Right now I think the Avengers' record can speak for itself, and we have the support of the current administration. That has to stand for something."

"Yeah, and you can be damn sure that the president is going to milk that support for all it's worth, babe," Tony said. "And if it comes down to it, he'll probably even ask for an official statement, especially if he feels like he might lose the upcoming election."

Steve's eyebrows knitted together in a deep frown. "Well, he's not going to get it. We can't start doing that, Tony, you know that. We can't give anyone the idea that we're supporting specific politicians, or that we're receiving any special treatment from any of them. The Avengers as a group have to remain independent and neutral."

"And private," Tony added.

"Yes, and private," agreed Steve. "So that means—"

"That means we keep the focus of the press conference on the specific incident down in Florida and just refuse to take any questions," Tony said. "No questions should equal no inference."

Steve didn't look quite convinced. "You're sure?"

"Hell no, babe, I can't be absolutely sure," Tony said with a sigh. "This is the press we're talking about. We can say 'have a nice day' and they'd find a way to spin it in a negative way if they were in a bad mood."

"Well, that's encouraging," grumbled Steve. "So then what do we do?"

"Well, Natasha said that only hand-picked journalists will be there, which means that at least Pepper feels like they won't try to nail us right off the bat. Then we just stick to our prepared statement and be done with it. And the shorter the better, give 'em less time to start twisting our words."

"Okay, and what if this senator goes ahead with this whole anti-vigilante thing?" Steve asked. "We can't have people thinking that that video really is Peter, Tony, I won't allow it."

"We won't allow it, babe," Tony stated. "None of us will. No one's gonna be idiotic enough to come after Pete."

"Tony's right, Steve," said Natasha. "Someone would have to be a pretty special kind of stupid to go after the Avengers, as I'm sure we just demonstrated pretty clearly."

"Yeah, but that demonstration, as you put it, almost cost us Tony and Peter!" Steve exclaimed. "And that's just unacceptable!"

"Honey, there's nothing we can do about it right this second, so getting all worked up about it's not gonna help anything," Tony said. He let out a slight grin. "Look at me, trying to reassure Captain Optimistic here. Isn't that usually your job?"

Steve's jaw was so tight Tony was surprised that he hadn't broken any teeth. "All right," he said quietly. "I really hope that you're right about this."

"Me too, babe," Tony murmured. He pressed a kiss to the back of Steve's hand, then tipped his head back against the headrest as he kneaded his temples, trying to keep his caffeine-withdrawal headache at bay. He probably should've grabbed another cup of coffee before they left Miami, but he just couldn't bring himself to choke down another cup of whatever that burnt, watery stuff was that the hospital liked to call coffee, so he didn't. There would be plenty of the good stuff waiting for him back at the Tower.

"Need a nap?" Steve asked as he wrapped his arm around Tony's shoulders, tucking him close. Natasha had excused herself up to the cockpit to sit with Barton, and Peter had already fallen asleep in his chair, his head lolled adorably off to the side and his book in a crumpled heap in his lap. Since he had woken up from his coma he had been trying so hard to act like everything was normal, but Tony knew better. Like Steve, Peter's nightmares had been pretty bad lately as well, and Tony feared that he wouldn't be back to "normal" for a long, long time. If ever.

Thank God for Sam Wilson, and for the rest of their found family.

"Seems like Pete decided he did," Tony replied, jerking his head towards their sleeping son. Steve kissed Tony's forehead as Tony curled himself into him, revelling in the feel of his husband's strong body supporting him and the sound of his heartbeat beneath his ear. It had been far, far too long since he'd been able to sleep curled up next to Steve like this, and he had missed it.

"There you go, sweetheart, I've got you," Steve said, his long fingers threading through Tony's hair and digging into his scalp, causing Tony to moan softly. Steve knew Tony loved when he did that, and he often exploited it.

"Mmm," Tony mumbled, his eyelids already growing heavy. "Damn right you do. Pretty sure you're stuck with me."

"I wouldn't have it any other way," Steve whispered. "Sleep now, mo grá. I love you."

Tony was asleep before he could answer.

Bruce, Bucky, and Sam were all waiting for them on the Tower landing platform when the jet touched down, with Bucky bouncing excitedly on his heels, waiting to pounce on Peter as soon as he disembarked.

"You're still sure this is okay?" Sam asked as they unpacked the jet, piling the luggage and near-mountain of gifts just inside the door to Tony's lab to be dealt with later. "I mean, you guys just got home, and—"

Steve cut him off with a raised hand. "I'm sure, Sam. Peter's been so lonely in the hospital with just Tony and me, and I know he was especially bummed about missing out on Christmas, so… this'll be perfect."

Plus, it'll help take my mind off the press conference. And everything else.

Sam raised his eyebrows as he nodded. "Well, all right. Then let's get this party started!"

"Welcome home, sir, Captain, and Master Peter," JARVIS said as soon as they had crossed the threshold. "It has been far too quiet here in your absence."

"Yeah, we missed you too, J," Tony answered, sliding his hand into Steve's. "And did I hear someone say something about a party? And if so, why wasn't I informed about such an event?"

"Because then it wouldn't've been a surprise, sweetheart," Steve said, rather cheekily. "Peter would've turned on those puppy-dog eyes of his and that would've been it."

"Oh, like you can resist 'em any better than I can," Tony retorted as they stepped inside the lab, where a huge sign reading WELCOME HOME PETER had been stretched across nearly half the room. Through the glass doors Steve could see strings of Christmas lights that had been strung throughout the living room, along with so many hanging streamers and balloons that it was going to be impossible to maneuver without hitting at least one of them. Pepper was there as well, busy putting the finishing touches on a buffet table that had to have been at least five metres long and completely covered with food and drinks.

Peter stepped up next to Steve then, his brown eyes as large as dinner plates as he took in the scene in front of him.

"Papa, what's all this?" he asked as Steve wrapped his arm around his son's shoulders. "I mean—I mean—?"

"Dad and I felt bad that you had to miss out on Christmas, little guy, so I might've asked Sam to set this up for you," Steve answered. "What do you think?"

"Uhh, I think it's awesome!" Peter exclaimed, a huge grin stretching across his face. "And I'm starving!"

"Well, don't let us keep you from the food, buddy," Tony said, chuckling as Peter made a beeline for the taco portion of the buffet, with Bucky right on his heels. He turned to Steve as soon as Peter was out of earshot, quirking an eyebrow. "Please tell me that you had Sam include some coffee in that massive spread?"

Grinning, Steve dipped his head, giving Tony a quick kiss on the lips. "Of course I did. I know better than to forget your coffee."

"Mmm, now that's my man," Tony said, giving Steve's ass a quick squeeze. Steve immediately growled at the touch, grabbing Tony around his waist and planting another, longer kiss on his lips. It had been so long since he and Tony had had any sort of intimate contact aside from a few chaste kisses that his entire body was like a live wire, ready to go off at the slightest provocation.

"You're damn right I am," he murmured against Tony's lips. "And you're mine."

"Hell yes, babe," Tony said with a rather cheeky grin as he palmed Steve's ass again, pressing their hips flush together. "Always."

"Tony," Steve rasped as he nuzzled Tony's temple, very grateful that everyone else was too busy fawning over Peter to be paying them any attention. "God, mo grá, it's been far too long!"

"Yeah, we gotta quit doing that," Tony murmured, his beautiful eyes twinkling mischievously. He pressed a slow kiss to the underside of Steve's jaw, that one spot that never failed to nearly bring Steve to his knees. "I'm guessing that Pete won't last too much past 9pm tonight, especially after all this, so…" he tipped his head back, winking. "Once we can kick everyone out, then—"

"Then I'm gonna carry you off to bed," finished Steve, a bolt of heat racing down his spine when Tony shot him a smirk, that closed-mouth smirk that only he ever saw.

"Why, Captain, is that a threat or a promise?"

"It can be whatever you say it is, as long as it means that I can get you naked."

"Damn right you can, honey," Tony said. He slid his hands up Steve's back, giving him a sweet kiss on the lips that almost had him whimpering. "Now, c'mon. I'm sure you're just as hungry as Pete, and I still need coffee."

"Tease," Steve muttered, clearing his throat and hoping his face wasn't as red as it felt, but knowing that it probably was.

"Takes one to know one, honey."

As the afternoon stretched into evening, Tony couldn't deny that the surprise party/ late Christmas hadn't been an absolutely spectacular idea. Helen Cho had warned Tony and Steve that Peter likely would have symptoms of depression and anxiety after his horrifying experience in the bunker, which, combined with every other horrifying thing he had experienced in the last three years came as no shock to either of them. Helen and Sam both had mentioned to Tony several times that they were amazed at how well-balanced Peter was after everything he had gone through, from the convoy attack and kidnapping to nearly dying in the desert to his enhancements coming out and his dads getting married and then being kidnapped for a second time, it's a wonder that he was still sane at all after all of it.

Tony had always known that Peter was strong; he had known it from the very first second he laid eyes on him. But for a child to be able to resist the mind-control powers of Loki's sceptre for as long as he did, well… that just proved without a doubt how strong Peter really was.

But at the same time he was still just a child, and a quite stubborn child at that, and Helen and Sam had also warned Tony and Steve to be on the lookout for certain signs which would indicate that Peter was struggling especially hard.

And since withdrawing from family and friends was one of the biggest signs, it made Steve's party idea even all that much better. Because as he leaned back in the squashy loveseat across from the sofa, Tony couldn't help but chuckle at his teammates' fumbling attempts to play Twister, a game that Clint had presented to Peter as a late Christmas gift. Being as small and flexible as he was, Peter was currently winning the game, and the sound of his boyish laughter as Clint toppled over and landed smack down on his face filled Tony's heart with joy.

A large hand on Tony's shoulder pulled him from his thoughts, and he looked up as Steve sat down next to him, munching on one of Sam's homemade beignets as he handed Tony a fresh cup of coffee.

"You must've read my mind, babe," Tony said, taking a sip of the heavenly hot liquid. "How'd you know I was out?"

"There was no cup in your hand," Steve replied with a wink. "You might want to eat something too. Drinking that much coffee on an empty stomach can't be good."

"I'm fine, Steve," Tony said automatically, huffing when Steve gave him his eyebrows of disappointment. "You don't need to worry about me, you know that."

"And you know that I'm going to anyway," Steve retorted, softening his words with a kiss to Tony's temple. "Now, can I get you something to eat? Please?"

"Mmm, fine," grumbled Tony. "One of those things that you were just having sounds pretty good."

Steve smiled, giving him a gentle kiss on the lips. "Thank you."

Peter had JARVIS queue up the first Harry Potter movie once everyone finally conceded defeat in Twister, and just as Tony had predicted, he ended up falling asleep before the credits even started to roll, cuddled up between Barnes and Natasha.

"Barnes sure has taken a liking to our kid, babe," Tony murmured as he watched him gently lift Peter up from the couch and carry him towards his room, with Natasha following behind like a protective mother duck.

"Bucky's as loyal as they come, and Peter was the first person to really get through to him after we brought him here," Steve answered. "That'll be something he'll never forget." He turned to Tony, giving him that sheepish, crooked smile of his that never failed to make Tony shiver. "Plus, Peter's the one who taught me all about the twenty-first century, so who better to teach Bucky than him?"

"Yeah, that's true," Tony admitted. "I was too busy trying to keep my eyes off you to do much of anything else."

Steve's smile grew even wider. "Really?"

"Hell yes, babe," Tony said, rather emphatically. "Why do you think I spent so much time down in the workshop that summer?"

"I'm pretty sure it was because you were building your armour," Steve pointed out. "And trying to keep it a secret."

"Well… yeah, I was, but—"

"Okay guys, we got your kid all tucked in for you," Natasha said as she and Barnes—Bucky—reappeared in the living room. "He didn't even move when Bucky laid him down, so I'm guessing he's down for the count."

"Thank you both," Steve said, giving them each a hug. "We really appreciate it, and we know Peter appreciates it even more. He loves you guys."

"Yeah, he does," said Tony as Pepper, Happy, Sam, Clint, Bruce, and Rhodey emerged from the kitchen, having packed up most of the leftovers from the buffet. Tony's throat tightened as his eyes swept around the group of people that he had come to call his family, all of whom had bent over backwards to help them in the last several weeks while he and Peter were in the hospital.

"Peter's the luckiest kid in the world to have a family like ours," Steve said, stating perfectly exactly what Tony was thinking, as he often did. "And Tony and I can't thank you all enough."

"Well, that's the thing," Sam said with a grin, clapping Steve on the shoulder. "You'll never have to."

"We'll all meet outside the press room for the press conference at 0945 day after tomorrow," said Natasha. "I'm assuming that you're not having Peter start school again quite yet?"

"Another week or so," answered Tony. "We want him to get used to being at home first."

Natasha gave a nod. "That's what we thought, so Bucky said he'll stay with Peter during the press conference to try and keep him distracted. I'm not sure how much he knows, but—"

"As little as possible, preferably," Tony said firmly. "So yeah, distraction would be good."

"Петр told me we could watch the next Harry Potter movie," said Bucky. "And he also mentioned something about me taking a sorting test?"

"Oh yeah, that's loads of fun," Tony said with a smirk. "You'll love it."

"All right, then I'm headed back to D.C. at 0600," Rhodey said. He pulled Tony into a hug, clapping his fist on his back. "You take it easy for awhile, Tones, all right?"

"Oh, Steve won't let me otherwise," Tony answered. "He's a master hoverer, so I don't think you need to worry about anything."

"Well, good for him," Pepper said with a knowing grin. She hugged Tony first, then Steve before tugging on Happy's hand and leading him towards the elevator, with everyone else all crowding inside with them. "We'll see you guys later."

As soon as the elevator doors had slid closed Steve grabbed onto Tony's waist, his blue eyes already darkening as they bored into Tony's.

"Are you too tired?" he asked, desperation evident in his voice.

Instead of replying Tony wound his arms around Steve's neck, pulling him down for a deep, bruising kiss that had them both panting for breath by the time they broke apart.

"Does that answer your ridiculous question?" Tony rasped against Steve's lips. "Take me to bed, babe, and preferably right this second."

A growl rumbled up from Steve's chest as he captured Tony's lips again, cupping his hands under Tony's ass to scoop him into his arms. Tony instinctively hitched his legs around Steve's waist as Steve carried him towards their bedroom, laying him carefully down on the middle of the bed. Then he crawled up over him, his eyes sweeping across Tony with such tenderness and awe that Tony had to fight the instinct to look away.

Even after all this time, it was still sometimes hard for Tony to believe that someone like Steve Rogers could possibly love someone like him.

"Don't," Steve whispered as he cupped Tony's cheek, his thumb running softly along his cheekbone. "Please, don't think like that, mo grá. Is breá liom tú anois, agus is beidh grá agam duit go deo."

Tony could only shake his head, making a fumbling attempt to swallow down the huge knot in his throat. There were few things more romantic than Steve speaking in his pillow talk Irish, and Tony would happily listen to him all day.

"I don't—I don't know what you just said, but it sure sounded sexy."

"I said, I love you now," Steve murmured, punctuating his sentence with a kiss. "And I'll love you forever." Another kiss. "And forever." Yet another kiss.

Tony breathed in deeply as he slipped his fingers under Steve's tight t-shirt, gliding his hands up the broad planes of Steve's back until they hooked around his shoulders, pulling him closer.

"Forever sounds good to me, honey," Tony whispered, tugging the t-shirt over his head. "It's more than I could've ever dreamed of."

Steve shuddered as Tony's hands continued to map his shoulders and chest, lingering on his gorgeous pectorals. "I want to grow old with you, sweetheart," he whispered. "I want us to grow old together."

Tony's heart gave a lurch at the fear clouding Steve's navy blue eyes. "Okay, so what makes you think that we're not?"

"Because I almost lost you!" Steve cried as he buried his face into Tony's shoulder, his tears wetting through Tony's shirt. "There were so many days where I just didn't know—I didn't know if you were gonna live, when your heart wasn't even beating, and… oh God, sweetheart, I can't go through that again, I can't! I'm just not strong enough!"

"Shh, baby, it's okay," Tony soothed, threading his fingers into Steve's hair. He brushed soft kisses across his temple and cheek, then over to his ear where he whispered, "You didn't lose me, Steve. I'm right here. You've got me."

"I know." Steve brought his palm to rest on Tony's chest, over his heart framed by Steve's dog tags. Tony had noticed he had been doing that a lot lately, especially after one of his nasty nightmares.

"I like that I can feel your heartbeat now."

"It's not hiding anymore, babe," Tony whispered. "And it's all yours."

Steve nodded against Tony's neck, his upper body still trembling as he sucked in air.

"Maybe we should just go to sleep?" Tony suggested after several heartbeats. "You have to be tired, honey, and—"

"No!" Steve exclaimed. He pushed himself up on his arms, hovering over Tony again. "I mean, if you're too tired, then—"

Tony slid his fingers over Steve's lips to silence him, rolling his hips up to meet Steve's and delighting in his husband's sharp intake of breath.

"Does it feel like I'm too tired, babe?" he asked with a smirk.

Steve's eyes grew impossibly darker, and he ground his hips down against Tony's, sliding one hand under Tony's ass to press him closer, a sly grin stretching across his full lips when Tony gasped.

"Steve," he said. "Baby, please!"

In one swift movement Steve shifted them so he was sitting on the bed with Tony straddling his lap, claiming his lips before Tony even realised what was happening.

"I love you so much, mo grá," Steve murmured as he started trailing soft kisses across Tony's cheek and down to his neck, latching onto his pulse point as his hands slid underneath Tony's shirt, gliding it up his back. "Inis dom conas is féidir liom tú a shásamh. Tell me what you want."

"I just want you, baby," Tony murmured, his entire body humming with pleasure. It had been far too long since he and Steve had made love, and Tony was already drowning in sensation. "Please, just—"

"Can I have you tonight?" Steve asked, brushing his lips across Tony's in the sweetest kiss imaginable. "Please? I need—I just want to feel you around me again, mo grá. I promise I'll be gentle, I just—"

Tony silenced him with another kiss, his tongue stroking against Steve's as he guided Steve's hand down to his ass. "God, Steve, quit talking and get me ready already!"

Steve smiled as he tugged off Tony's shirt and laid him back down on the bed, his fingertips trailing across Tony's collarbone to his sternum and the mass of scars that covered it, touching them so carefully and reverently that tears sprang to Tony's eyes. He had traded in a chest full of shrapnel for a chest full of scars, and yet Steve still didn't seem to mind in the least.

"I need to relearn you, sweetheart," Steve whispered, his mouth trailing feather-light kisses along Tony's neck and shoulder before continuing down his chest and abdomen. "Need to discover you again, need to map you out and memorise you all over again… so you're just gonna have to be patient with me."

"You know patience isn't my strongest suit," Tony said, his breath catching when Steve peeled off his pants and socks, sprinkling the same light kisses along both of Tony's legs. "And this is dangerously close to teasing, Captain."

Steve chuckled against Tony's thigh. "You like dangerous. And I told you you'd have to be patient, sweetheart. I want to savour you."

"Mmm," Tony said, tugging impatiently on Steve's hair. "Then you need to savour me faster, please. Need you, babe. Need to feel you."

But despite Tony's pleas, which quickly turned into outright, shameless begging, Steve took his sweet time, kissing and licking and nibbling and otherwise getting Tony so tightly wound that by the time Steve pulled him back onto his lap and slipped inside him, Tony had to forcibly hold himself back from climaxing right then and there.

"Steve," Tony said on a moan, clinging to him as Steve's broad hands splayed across the globes of his ass, sliding him up and down. "Oh shit, honey, you feel so incredible!"

"I love you," Steve breathed against Tony's neck. "I love you so much. You're my everything, Tony, you and Peter. I can't live without you." His hands moved up to cup Tony's face, touching their lips together as his hips started to move a little faster, their bodies moulding together until Tony could no longer tell where he ended and Steve began.

He was completely and wholly Steve's, just as Steve was completely and wholly his.

And he had never felt so wanted, so loved, ever in his life.

"That's right, baby," Tony said as Steve tore his lips away with a loud moan and threw his head back, his gorgeous face radiating pure, unadulterated pleasure. "Shit, you're so damn pretty like this!"

"Tony!" Steve groaned as his eyes squeezed closed, clutching Tony impossibly closer to him. "Ní féidir liom a choinneáil i bhfad nios faide! Sweetheart, I—I can't—I need—fuck!"

A massive bolt of pleasure shot down Tony's spine at such a forbidden expletive coming from Steve's beautiful mouth, and he grabbed Steve's face, pulling him in for a deep, sloppy kiss. Steve's hands flew to Tony's back, his calloused palms gliding across it to press Tony even closer until there was no space at all between them.

"You feel so good, sweetheart!" Steve cried into his neck. "Tony… I can't—I can't—please!"

"It's okay," Tony said, crying out when Steve snaked a hand between them to wrap around Tony's erection. "Don't hold back, honey, I'm right there with ya."

They came within seconds of each other, clinging to each other with their bodies covered in sweat and tears and garbled words falling from their lips. By the time Tony had regained some of the feeling in his limbs Steve had already laid them back on the bed with Tony settled on top of him, his head resting over Steve's thundering heart. They laid there for several minutes, just enjoying the feel of their naked bodies entwined together until Steve tipped Tony's chin up, pressing a gentle kiss to his lips.

"Are you all right?" he asked gingerly. "I wasn't too rough, was I?"

Tony gave him a soft smile, brushing the sweat-dampened hair off his forehead. "Hell no you weren't too rough. And you don't have to worry about breaking me, Steve. I'm not made of glass."

I'm made of iron, and iron is indestructible.

Steve kissed him again, lingering a bit longer this time. "I know you're not, sweetheart, but it's been so long, and I don't want you to be sore tomorrow."

"If I am it'll be a good kind of sore," Tony said, stifling a yawn. "Mmm, 'm sleepy."

"Then we should get cleaned up so we can sleep," said Steve. "And no alarms tomorrow."

"Nothing 'cept for Pete," Tony said with a nod. "And I'm pretty sure his only alarm will be his stomach."

"I'll make us all breakfast in the morning," Steve murmured. "I can't remember the last time—"

"Yes you can, you have an eidetic memory, babe," Tony cut in. "But yeah, that sounds amazing, and I know Pete'll love it."

"I hope so," said Steve, and Tony gave a start at the worry in his voice. "Tony, I—"

"Shh, honey, let's not worry about that now, yeah?" Tony whispered. "Let's just see how the press conference goes and go from there."

Steve's eyebrows knitted together, prompting Tony to kiss him right over the adorable wrinkle between them. "Whatever happens, we'll handle it together, right? Isn't that how we roll?"

Steve gave a nod, brushing his thumb across Tony's cheekbone.

"Together," he agreed. "That's how we're best."

Steve gulped, nervously adjusting his silk tie as he followed Clint and Tony into the Tower press room, trying to ignore the dozens of clicking camera shutters as they took their seats at the long table facing the assembled members of the press. Natasha sat down on Steve's left, with Bruce and Sam in the two seats next to her. Pepper was at the far end, with Happy in his usual spot about three paces behind her.

"All right," Pepper said, holding up her hands for silence. "Just a reminder that this press conference is being held as a courtesy, and once Captain Rogers has presented his statement there will be no questions allowed."

A rumble of dissent arose from the assembled reporters, which only served to increase Steve's nervousness. He reached for Tony's hand under the table, smiling when Tony met him halfway.

They would handle this together, just like everything else.

Once everyone was quiet Steve cleared his throat, smoothing the paper statement he had placed in front of him.

"Thank you, Ms Potts," he began. "And thank you all for coming. It came to the team's attention while we were recuperating from our recent battle that there were some lingering questions regarding the series of events that led to the confrontation at the Florida Keys bunker." He paused, making deliberate eye contact with three different reporters before continuing. "The truth is that two men, one of whom has since been identified as the terrorist known as the Mandarin and the other as Obadiah Stane, the disgruntled former CFO of Stark Industries, led an army of vigilantes to break into my home, the home I share with my husband and son, and took us against our will, intending to use us to extort ransom from the government. The exact reasons for these perceived slights against the government were never made aware to us during our captivity, and both the Mandarin and Mr Stane were killed during the ensuing battle. The fighting was strictly confined to the bunker in question, and there were absolutely no civilian casualties."

Steve paused again, grateful for Tony's silent, unwavering support.

"Tony and I, as well as the rest of the team, want to thank you all of you for your concern, not only for us but for our son as well, and to reassure you that the Avengers are still the same team that we've always been, and that we always will be. Thank you for your time."

As soon as the final word left Steve's mouth the reporters erupted, firing questions as flashbulbs popped in his face. Steve winced against the brightness of the lights, grateful when Happy clapped his hand on his shoulder, indicating for Steve to follow him out of the room.

"You did great, babe," Tony murmured as soon as the doors closed on the throng of reporters. "Very poised."

"Thanks," Steve muttered. He tugged on his tie to loosen it as Natasha, Sam, Clint, and Bruce exited the room, all of them looking just as relieved as Steve felt.

"That wasn't too bad, Cap, as far as press conferences go," Clint said. "Short and to the point."

Steve had just opened his mouth to reply when three men that he had never seen before suddenly approached them from the direction of the nearby elevators, all wearing Stark Industries Visitor badges. Tony made a move to step in front of Steve but Steve held up his hand, indicating for Tony to stay put. He was the team leader, so whatever this was, it was his responsibility to deal with it.

"Captain Rogers, I presume?" the first man said as he held out his hand. "It's nice to meet you."

"Yes, that's right," Steve said politely. The man was several centimetres shorter than Steve and wearing a rather expensive-looking suit, and also had a fairly limp handshake. "I'm sorry, I'm afraid that I don't know who you—"

"No, I don't suppose that you would know who I am," the man cut in with a rather sly grin. "My name is Joshua Davis, newly elected New York Senator."

Steve's smile wavered for a split-second, recalling Natasha's warning about the proposed anti-vigilante bill.

"Congratulations on your election, Senator," Steve said evenly. "May I introduce our team members—"

"That won't be necessary, Captain, I already know who all of you are," Senator Davis interrupted. "Or at least should I say, I know who all of your official members are."

Tony went rigid next to Steve. "And what the hell's that supposed to—" he started.

"There are no unofficial members of the Avengers, Senator," Steve said in his Captain's voice. "And there never will be."

"Oh, really?" said Senator Davis. "Well, that's a relief. So I shouldn't have to be concerned about anymore wall-crawling, web-slinging, wanna-bes flying through Queens anytime soon?"

Steve's jaw twitched, and he shot Tony a brief look, begging him to stay quiet. "No, sir, you won't. As has been stated multiple times, the Avengers have no unofficial members."

Senator Davis looked unconvinced. "I see. So then do you care to comment on the identity of the wall-crawling web-slinger? Because unless I'm mistaken, it sure appears to me that he's either your son's long-lost identical twin, or it's your son himself."

Drawing in a deep breath, Steve stared the senator directly in the eye, his hands clenched at his sides. "As has been stated multiple times and by multiple press outlets, that particular video was a forgery designed specifically to cast doubt not only on our team, but on my own family. And the fact that they would use our child in such a deception should tell you exactly what you need to know about the kind of people they were."

"Ah huh," Senator Davis said, his lips twitching in amusement and causing Steve's blood pressure to skyrocket. "Well then, Captain, if that's truly the case then you should have nothing to worry about." He jerked his head at his two attendants, turning towards the bank of elevators. "Good day to you, Captain, Mr Stark."

As soon as they were out of earshot, Tony whirled on Happy, a deep scowl marring his face.

"How the hell did that asshole manage to get that close to us?" he demanded. "I'm sure Pepper would've never allowed—"

"Those elevators require a special security badge, sir, which they had, so he obviously knew someone who could grant him access," Happy said sheepishly. "Don't worry, I'll make sure that it doesn't happen again."

"You're damn right you won't!" Tony snapped, prompting Steve to grab his hand.

"Tony, this isn't Happy's fault—"

"Well, I'm guessing that was the senator you were mentioning?" Sam interrupted. "He definitely swaggered like a politician."

"Sure appears that way," answered Steve. Tony's hand was shaking in his, and he gave it a quick squeeze. "At least now we know who to look out for."

"Steve, if that little prick thinks that he can use this stupid bill of his to come after Pete, then—"

"You know we won't allow anything like that to happen, Tony," Natasha said firmly. "We've already had multiple people both at Stark Industries and in the press denounce the authenticity of the video, so the best thing we can do right now is just ignore it. The more we talk about it, the more other people will talk about it."

"Yeah, yeah, I know how the goddamn press works, thank you," Tony grumbled. "But I'm serious. We need to find some dirt on this guy, and we need to find it right now. If he thinks he's gonna play hardball with me, then—"

"Tony, we don't even know if Senator Davis is going to admit the bill or not," Bruce said. "Like Steve said, it would be best for us to just wait and see what happens."

Tony jerked his head back, opening his mouth as if to retort but then snapping it closed again just as fast. Steve knew he was upset, but this was a conversation that would be better held in private.

"Okay," Sam said warily. "Well, on that note, I think I'm gonna head out for a run, take advantage of this winter sunshine that we're having. Feel like joining me, Cap?"

"Ahh," Steve said, hesitating. An outside run actually sounded fantastic, but he didn't want to just abandon Tony when he was upset either.

"Go on, babe," Tony said quietly. "I have some stuff to work on in the lab anyway."

"You're sure?"

"Course I'm sure," insisted Tony. "I know how much you've been missing your runs. I'm surprised you haven't vibrated outta your skin from withdrawal already."

"Well, okay," Steve said to Sam. "Then I guess I'll meet you downstairs in ten minutes?"

"Sounds good, Cap," replied Sam. "And make sure to warm up a bit, yeah? I know it's been awhile for ya, so I don't want you thinking you're still so much faster than me and then pulling something."

Steve let out a chuckle. "Oh, you don't think so, do ya?"

"Well, I guess we'll see, won't we?" Sam said with a sly grin. "In about ten minutes."

They rode up to the penthouse in silence, both deep in their own thoughts. Peter was down in Bucky's apartment watching movies for the morning, so at least they didn't have to face him right away, but Steve knew that he and Tony were going to have to have a very uncomfortable conversation with him about the whole Spider-Man thing, and the sooner the better. Steve hated having to lie about anything, but there was no way that he and Tony were going to publicly admit that it really was Peter on that video.

There was no possible way.

The hard run with Sam did help to lighten Steve's mood a bit, even if he felt woefully out of shape, as did the family dinner that he and Peter prepared together later that evening, managing to finally lure Tony from his lab with one of his favourite meals.

But as he held Tony in his arms later that night, both of them still naked after making love, Steve couldn't help but start to worry all over again. He realised that he had been very naive to think there would never be any outside challenges to his authority over the Avengers, but somehow it had never occurred to him to think those challenges might come from within the U.S. government, the very government who had initially sanctioned Project Rebirth. If anything, he would've thought the U.S. government should've been the Avengers' most vocal supporters, especially after how the team took care of both the Chitauri invasion and Project Insight.

"I can hear you thinking, babe," Tony mumbled against Steve's chest, his fingertips trailing up and down Steve's side. "And it's loud."

Steve gave a sigh as he kissed Tony's forehead. "I'm sorry. Got a lot on my mind."

Tony shifted so his chin was resting on Steve's shoulder, looking up at him through his ridiculously long eyelashes. "No need to be sorry, honey. But as smart as I am, I still haven't invented anything that can read minds. Or at least I haven't yet."

For several heartbeats Steve could only stare at Tony in awe, at the beautiful, wonderful man that he was lucky enough to call his husband. How in the world would he have survived after being thawed if he hadn't found Tony and Peter?

"I'm worried," he finally said. "I'm worried about Peter, and I'm worried about that senator, and I'm worried that the government is gonna try and take over the Avengers, and… Tony, we can't let that happen! We can't allow the Avengers to fall under any sort of government control, we just can't! We have no way of knowing if there's still HYDRA operatives out there who've managed to infiltrate the higher ranks, and—"

"Shh, babe," Tony whispered, brushing a soft kiss across Steve's lips. "You know that no one on the team would support any government oversight, not to mention I'm sure some of the other world leaders might have something to say about it as well. As for HYDRA, I might've already started working on a new algorithm for JARVIS to help with that stuff, kinda like Zola's algorithm but in reverse."

Steve's belly gave a hard swoop. "Tony, are you sure that's such a good idea? I mean—"

"Yes, I do," Tony said firmly. "If those assholes were stupid enough to come after us, to come after Pete, then I'm gonna figure out a way to see it coming. We were fucking blindsided, Steve, and I won't let that happen again. Not ever!"

"All right, all right, I'm sorry," Steve murmured. He hugged Tony close, burying his fingers into his hair and rubbing his scalp. "We're you able to find anything out about Senator Davis?"

"Only a bit," Tony answered. "Which for a politician always means that he's hiding something. Or a lot of somethings."

Steve huffed out a sharp breath. "Well, that's just great."

"I'll keep digging, JARVIS'll uncover something juicy eventually," Tony added. "I did find one thing that was pretty interesting though."


"Looks like a pretty good portion of his campaign funds were donated by J Jonah Jameson."

"J Jonah Jameson?" Steve asked in surprise. "Isn't he the editor of that tabloid—"

"You mean rag, don't you?" interrupted Tony. "'Cause I'm pretty sure tabloid is still too good a word for that piece of shit newspaper that asshole puts out."

"He can really make enough money selling that paper to help fund a senatorial campaign?" asked Steve.

"Nah, Jameson's old man was rich, used to run in the same circles as Howard," Tony answered. "He just runs that paper for fun. And as an excuse to get away from his wife everyday, apparently she's like the biggest nag in the universe or something."

Steve chuckled as he pressed another kiss to Tony's forehead. "And is that why you hide away in your lab all the time? Because I'm too much of a nag?"

"Well…" Tony said with a smirk. "The whole making me eat regular meals and sleep more than a few hours a week thing has put a bit of a cramp in my former lifestyle, but… I'm pretty sure you're worth it."

"Mmm," Steve murmured. "I like hearing you say things like that." Then he hooked his leg around Tony's thighs and flipped them over so he was hovering over him, delighting in the surprised gasp he pulled from Tony's throat.

"Why, Captain," Tony said cheekily, his palms gliding down Steve's back to his ass. "Are you trying to hint at something here?"

Instead of answering Steve dipped his head, fusing their mouths together as he ground his hips down, whimpering at the intense pleasure shot that through him like electricity, sizzling in his veins.

"Oh, honey," Tony said as they broke apart, his blunt nails digging into Steve's flesh and his beautiful brown eyes so intensely vulnerable that Steve's heart skipped a beat. "You're so—you're just so good, too damn good to me, I—"

"Shh, no talkin' like that. Just feel," Steve whispered as he trailed his lips along Tony's jaw and down to his neck, his hand gliding down between them to wrap around their erections, stroking them both together. "How do ya want me, mo grá? Tell me."

"Just like this," Tony murmured, moaning when Steve tightened his grip, rolling his hips. "I want—you're just so pretty, I wanna see you."

"Then look at me, sweetheart," Steve commanded gently when Tony's eyes squeezed closed, his lower lip caught between his teeth. "Look at me, Tony, I wanna see my fella's gorgeous eyes!"

Tony's legs hiked up around Steve's waist as they moved together, their gasps and moans and sobs of pleasure forming such a perfect symphony that Steve never wanted it to end. Tony was like a drug, and Steve was completely addicted to him.

"Look at you, lyin' beneath me like this!" Steve said, his breath hitching on every word, his control slipping rapidly. "You're so damn beautiful, mo grá, I wanna come with you!"

"Steve! Steve, I can't—baby—oh shit!"

The sight of Tony's exquisite face twisted in absolute pleasure was too much for Steve to handle, and he came only three or so seconds later, barely able to keep himself from collapsing on Tony once he was done. They laid there together for a long time, their chests heaving, with Tony's fingertips trailing lazily up and down Steve's back until Steve finally raised his head, cupping Tony's cheek.

"I love you," he whispered. "I love you so much, and I know that no matter what, we'll be okay as long as we're together."

"Damn right, babe," Tony said, gazing up at Steve so tenderly that tears pricked his eyes. "Because I've got your back."

"And I've got yours," Steve said, brushing a light kiss across his husband's lips. "Always."

Whatever it takes.

Peter squinted against the bright, early May sun as he followed Papa down the concrete steps of Citi Field, grateful that he had remembered to bring his sunglasses. He had been so absent-minded lately, forgetting so many stupid little things like calculators and pencils, and even managing to lose yet another backpack, that he was taking any small victory that he could get.

"Here we are, little guy," Papa said, double-checking the tickets in his hand against the numbers on the seats. "Right along the third baseline, just like I wanted."

"I still say we should've gotten one of the luxury boxes," Dad grumbled playfully as he settled himself down on Papa's opposite side, adjusting his baseball cap. "Less danger of getting pelted with flying peanut shells up there."

"Nah, sweetheart, that's all part of the experience of being at the game!" Papa said with a wide grin. "In fact, when I was growing up, it was a privilege to even get to sit inside the stadium. Bucky and I sometimes used to watch the games through the knotholes in the stadium walls."

"Honey, when you were growing up baseball was considered the national pastime because no one had anything better to do," Dad shot back. "And now… well… let's just say—"

"Let's not, shall we?" Papa cut in. "I'd like for Peter to enjoy his first baseball game, thank you very much. Now, what would you two like to eat?"

"I'd love a couple of hotdogs," Peter said, even as his stomach gave a loud rumble. "And maybe some peanuts, oh, and a blue raspberry snowcone."

Papa's grin grew even wider. "And I'm sure that's just for starters?"

"Yep," answered Peter. "Oh, and a Dr Pepper too."

"That sounds great, little guy," Papa said. He kissed Dad quickly on the cheek before getting to his feet. "I'll be back in a bit."

As soon as Papa disappeared up the stairs Dad turned to Peter, leaning in close.

"Hey, buddy, I've made arrangements for us to meet the players once the game is over, but Papa doesn't know about it, okay? It's kinda a late anniversary surprise for him."

"Really?" Peter exclaimed. "Dad, that's so awesome! You know Papa's gonna love it!"

"That's why I did it, bud," Dad said. "Papa's been pretty stressed out lately, so I'm hoping this will help him a bit, yeah?"

"Yeah, I know," Peter said, that ever-present guilt welling up inside him. "You've both been pretty stressed out lately."

Dad's lips twitched into a frown. "Yeah, well, I'm more used to this kind of stress than he is, so… whatever it takes, right?"

Peter nodded as he slumped down into his chair, watching as the players took the field to begin their warmups.

It had been over four months since they had returned home from Miami. Four months of dealing with endless questions from mostly well-meaning school classmates, four months of dealing with nosy reporters coming up to Peter and his dads on the street and asking for comments on the proposed anti-vigilante legislation currently working its way through various Senate committees.

Four months since Dad and Papa had decided that while Peter's intentions with Spider-Man had been pure enough, that he would not be allowed to continue his patrols for a variety of reasons.

Not the least of which was the above-mentioned anti-vigilante legislation.

At least his dads had allowed him to start training with the rest of the team. Dad had initially been opposed to even allowing Peter to do that, but Papa managed to convince him in the end, saying that if it came down to it and the Avengers needed Peter's help, Papa wanted to make sure that he was well-trained. As such, Dad had even helped Peter construct both new web shooters and a new Spider-Man suit, complete with a built-in heater, a tracking device—or three, Peter was convinced Dad had put more than one in there—and even a parachute in case Peter's webs happened to fail while he was in mid-air.

Unfortunately, Peter wasn't sure when he'd ever actually get to use his fancy new suit outside of a closed training session. Dad and Papa had decided not to punish Peter for his disobedience, saying that what he had gone through in the bunker had been more than punishment enough, but that still didn't help at all when it came to his patrols.

He had been doing good things for the people in Queens, and he really wanted to be able to continue. It wasn't fair at all that a few politicians on power trips were attempting to decide for everyone else what constituted being a vigilante versus being a hero.

And at a time when Peter's dad was having nightmares about invading space armies and his papa was up pacing the halls of the penthouse in the middle of the night worried about HYDRA members infiltrating the government, having a friendly, neighbourhood kind of hero seemed to be just what everyone could have used.

But unfortunately, Peter was still, "just a kid". Too young to be doing hero work on his own, and with the political climate the way it was, both of his dads thought it too dangerous as well.

And they were probably right. Peter just really, really wished that they weren't.

"What about you, bud?" Dad asked, rather apologetically. "Sometimes I think Papa and I get so wrapped up in our own issues that we forget to ask about you."

That wasn't true at all, actually. If anything, Dad and Papa were too concerned with how Peter was doing on a day-to-day basis, but Peter wasn't about to say that to Dad.

"I'm good, Dad," Peter answered. "I've told you that you and Papa don't need to worry about me so much."

Dad frowned, shaking his head. "I know bud, but when you're a parent it's just an automatic thing to worry about your kid, yeah? And I know your sessions with Uncle Sam have been helping a lot along with everything else, but Papa and I need you to tell us if things get really bad again, okay?"

"I know, Dad," Peter said, trying to hide his impatience. "You know I'll tell you."

"Mmm," Dad said not quite convinced. "If you say so."

"I am really looking forward to getting up to the Compound in a few weeks," Peter added. "I like it up there."

That brought a smile to Dad's face. "Me too, bud, and I know Papa's excited about it too. He can't wait to teach you how to waterski."

"Someone say something about waterskiing?" Papa said as he arrived back at their row, his arms loaded down with enough food and drinks for at least a dozen people.

"Christ, babe, did you buy out the entire concession stand?" Dad asked, grabbing one of the food trays from Papa's hand before it could tip over.

"I think I just about did," Papa replied. He handed Peter a large cup of Dr Pepper, two hotdogs, and a container of French fries, garnished with plenty of ketchup just the way Peter liked them. "There were some kids up there that asked me for autographs, so that took a few minutes too."

"Always charming the youngsters, aren't you?" Dad said, gratefully accepting the coffee cup from Papa's hand. "Captain America's just too hard to resist."

"Oh, they asked where Iron Man was too, but I didn't feel like giving out our seat numbers," Papa said. "No need to invite extra scrutiny when it always seems to find us anyway."

"That's the life of a celebrity, babe," Dad said, not without a touch of melancholy. Even before Papa came along Dad would often apologise to Peter for being so highly recognisable, saying that he knew it was affecting Peter's childhood, but it hadn't really bothered Peter all that much until after the incident at the bunker.

Which just happened to be the main reason why he was looking forward to their summer at the Compound. The Compound was far more isolated than the Tower, so therefore less chance of running into reporters.

"All right, no more long faces for today, okay?" Papa said. "The sun is shining, it's a beautiful day, and we're all here together at the stadium, so let's just have a good time and try to forget all the other stuff for awhile. Deal?"

"Deal," Peter said through a mouthful of fries.

"Deal," Dad agreed with a wink, grinning when Papa leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. "Careful, babe, someone'll see us!"

"Don't care," Papa said firmly. "I'm spending the day with my husband and my son, and I'll be damned if I'm gonna hide how I'm happy about it." Then he turned to Peter, planting a kiss on Peter's cheek as well. "Right, little guy?"

Peter's belly swooped at Papa's words, and he gulped as he nodded, biting his lip to keep it from shaking.

Because the truth of the matter was, while it was very likely that he and Dad wouldn't even be alive if it weren't for Papa, Peter had no idea what would've happened to Papa without the two of them either. Papa had saved their lives in that desert three years ago, and then again after the battle in the bunker, but in a way, Peter and Dad had saved Papa's life too. Papa had confessed to Peter a few times over the three years since Afghanistan that he had been so confused and depressed when he was first thawed from the ice that he really didn't know what he was supposed to do. All of his friends were dead, he had no idea how to acclimate himself to the twenty-first century, and no one seemed to want to take the time to try and help him.

It wasn't until Director Fury and Agent Coulson had shown up with the mission to find Peter and Dad that Papa had felt like his life had any purpose to it.

Like Papa had said in his wedding vows, Dad gave Papa a home, gave him his heart, and gave him a son.

And all three of them were so much better because of it.

Instinctively, Peter leaned his forehead against Papa's arm, prompting Papa to wrap it around him.

"You okay, little guy?" he asked.

"Yeah, I'm okay," Peter whispered. "Just… feeling really thankful right now."

Papa smiled, kissing the top of Peter's head. "Me too, Peter. Me too. I love you, little guy."

"Love you too, Papa."

Then Papa sat back in his seat and took Dad's hand, giving him one of those googly-eyed looks that usually caused Peter to wrinkle his nose.

But not this time.

This time, it only made him smile.

Because they were together, and together was how they were best.

One happy superfamily.


I can't wait to see what you guys think! Please don't hesitate to leave me a review!

I am also planning a sequel to this story, which I will probably begin posting around the second week of September, so be sure to be on the lookout for it! :)

Thank you all for reading! :)