Elijah: Elena, we need you to take Hope and go on the run. You need to hide. Don't tell anyone where you are, not even me. Get Bonnie to hide both you and Hope's locations. The moment Bonnie finish the spell, run. And don't look back. When this is all over, I'll call you. If something goes wrong, call me...

Elena: Ok. I love you.

She said with tears in her eyes.

Elijah: I love you too. Always and forever.

Elena: Always and forever.

Elena remembers the day she took Hope and ran like it was yesterday. Everything from Hayley being kidnapped to saving Hope from the witches. She would often tell it to Hope, in the shape of a fairy tale at night. The moment Elena pulled off, she went straight to Bonnie and got her to do protection spells and spells to block their location. Her next stop was the store; she stocked up on baby food, food, and clothes for them both, she also got Hope toys. After that she got as much blood bags she could get without going overboard. She went to a small town faraway. These past months since she left, she lived in a isolated house, just her and Hope. She loved and hated this running and hiding. She loved that it made her feel somewhat normal. She loved keeping Hope safe. She hated that, Hope couldn't be with the rest of her family. She hated that there's people out there to get this sweet little baby. Hope didn't do anything wrong.

On week 2, Elena got sick. She was throwing up every morning and she didn't know why. By the third week, she remembered she's a vampire and vampires don't get sick..She wanted to go get a pregnancy test but she didn't want to risk being seen. She was so scared for Hope's life, she didn't want to step near a window, at the start. She decided to wait to see if she would start showing to be sure, before she could think about how She got pregnant when she and Elijah are vampires. She was pretty sure she was somehow pregnant when she noticed all her constant mood swings, and her increase in blood and human food intake. But she was even more sure when her stomach had a little bulge. She often thought back to the night before she ran.

They had just got back from their night out when, Elijah stopped them at the front door to the compound.

Elena: Why did you stop?

Elijah smiles at her. They had been together for a year now. He said as much in his speech right before he got down on one knee. He pulled out a small red box. In it was a ruby ring with a gold band. Elena gasp, bringing her hands to cover her mouth.

Elijah: Elena Gilbert. Will you merry me?

Elena: Yes!

She nodded eagerly, while wiping her tears away.

She remembers telling him the night she left, someone better start planning their wedding the second she gets back after this was all over. She meant it then and now. She gave Hope, a little push on the baby swing. It was now month 9, the baby could be born at any moment. She had no trouble. She didn't have to run off, although she does plan on moving to a different small town just to be on the safe side. She looked over to her right and saw a starling watching her. She remembers the signs of Esther, the originals gave her as clear as day. But it was only one. She shouldn't worry herself, right? She didn't freak out when a second or third bird showed up. But when more started coming, she panicked. She stopped the swing and picked Hope up, pulling the baby bag on her shoulder, she dials, Elijah.

At the compound...

Klaus: Has the earth shifted on its axis? You needing restraint from me?

Elijah looks taken aback, but he's distracted when his phone rings. He pulls it out of his pocket and answers it when he sees it's Elena.

Elena: It's me. I have the baby, and we're on the run. Esther found us. We're safe, for now...I've lost her starlings, but I have no idea where to go.

She says frantically.

Klaus: Tell her to head west. I'll call Hayley.

Elena: Do not tell Hayley! Esther's too smart for that. The only advantage that we have is that she thinks the baby died. Text me the plans.

She gets into her car with Hope. Elijah hangs up with a sigh.

Klaus: Go. I'll take care of Kol and Finn.

Elijah looks at him sympathetically before he gets ready to leave.

Klaus: Elijah. Do whatever it takes to keep her safe.

Elijah: I give you my word.

It's nearly dark, now, and Elijah is still sitting at his booth as the waitress from earlier slowly walks past him. After a moment, Elena walks into the restaurant, with Hope in her baby carrier. Elijah immediately stands when he sees her, and she smiles at him. When she makes it to the booth, she sets Hope's carrier on the table, and Elijah smiles widely as he gazes at her. He and his fiancee share a kiss, before he focuses all his attention on his niece. Elena sits down while Elijah picks up Hope and holds her. Elena decided to wear all black, since it'll make her look smaller. She's going to tell him that she's somehow pregnant with his baby, but she wants to have a plan to keep Hope safe first. He hadn't even took notice.

Elijah: Look at you. So big. So perfect.

He says to Hope and Elena smiles. He's going to be a good father, she can tell.

Elena: Mmm.

Elijah: I can't imagine the joy of spending every day with her. It's...

Elena: ...Quite lovely. It feels so human.

Elijah: Yes... some would argue the most human of experiences.

Elijah rocks Hope in his arms happily.

Elena: Seems Esther's attacking with her usual fervor, so I've been told by Rebekah.

He sits down.

Elijah: Yes, Mother tortured me for days with memories I thought I'd buried long ago.

He licks his lips nervously and pauses for a moment before speaking.

Elijah: Then, she made an offer...to make us all mortal again...even you.

Elena looks stunned. She had wanted to be human when she turned but she's long since gotten over it.

Elijah: You see, Elena, Mother believes that by placing us in new bodies, we can then reclaim some kind of... purity. We can begin families of our own again. And, I have to confess, Elena...this invitation, however cruel in delivery, had a certain...appeal.

But me and you are starting a family of our own, she thought. Elena looks at him sympathetically, and stretches her arms across the table so she can take Elijah's free hand in her own. He continues to gaze at Hope, not noticing when Elena spots a smear of blood on the sleeve of his shirt and becomes even more worried. He notices her concern and misreads it.

Elijah: You needn't worry, Elena. We're safe.

Elena licks her lips and puts on a fake smile before standing on her feet and grabbing Hope's blanket.

Elena: Looks like this little one needs her diaper changed!

Elijah stands so he can hand Hope back to her. Elena turns to Hope.

Elena: Here, my love.

She heads toward the bathroom across the restaurant. Elena's eyes widen in horror as she notices a smear of blood on the counter while she passes it. There's another bloody smear on the door to the kitchen. The waitress from earlier washes her hands at a nearby sink and has presumably been compelled to ignore the blood, because she doesn't seem bothered by it, nor does she seem to mind that Elena is about to enter the kitchen. Elena gently kicks open the kitchen door and gasps when she enters and sees a dozen bloodied bodies strewn around the room. She turns and shields Hope's face with her blanket to keep her from seeing any of the carnage. Elijah continues to stand near their table with his back to her, oblivious to Elena's discovery.

Elena finally comes out of the bathroom after changing Hope's diaper and returns to the table with Elijah. Hope begins to whine restlessly, alerting Elijah to their return. He stands to help her put Hope back into her carrier.

Elena: Well, she is all sorted, and ready for an adventure! Aren't you, my love?

Elijah smiles and watches as Elena settles Hope into her seat.

Elijah: It's difficult to believe we were this innocent once.

He sighs deeply.

Elijah: We mustn't let the world ever hurt her.

Elena comes up behind Elijah and watches him suspiciously as she rubs his arm.

Elena: You're right. We mustn't.

She quickly grabs Elijah by the chin and snaps his neck, allowing him to fall to the floor, unconscious. She sighs and looks overwhelmed, rubbing her very pregnant stomach.

Mikaelson compound...

Klaus smiles.

Klaus: Excuse me.

He steps away from the room to take the call. It's Elijah.

Klaus: Where have you been?

He says annoyed.

Elena: Klaus, it's me. Something's wrong. Elijah slaughtered a dozen people, whose only sin was their terrible taste in food. I mean, when have you known him to kill when he could otherwise compel? It's the kind of act that will draw Esther's attention.

Klaus sighs in horror.

Klaus: Her torture must have affected him more deeply than I'd realized. Where is he now?

Elena: I broke his neck to keep her safe, but I have no clue what to do next.

Klaus walks purposefully down the stairs.

Klaus: There's a house the family and I dined the Christmas after we fled Mikael. I'll text you the address.

Elena: Wait! There's something else. It could be a problem. I wanted to tell Elijah first but I don't have a choice in that matter right now.

Klaus frowns, both at the statement and the worry in her voice.

Klaus: Well, on with it.

Elena's eyes started to water.

Elena: I don't know how, but somehow I'm pregnant. Elijah proposed the night before I took Hope and had to run. I don't know how this is possible. I couldn't risk asking any witch for help on why..

That stopped Klaus dead in his tracks.

Klaus: How far along are you?

Elena: 9 months. The baby can be born at any second. I could risk Esther or someone who works for her to find us.

Elena lets a few tears fall, still trying to stay strong. Klaus starts walking again.

Klaus: Elena, listen to me. Get out of there and drive as fast as you can. If you start to go in to labor, drive faster.

He hangs up. Klaus is just about to leave the compound when he runs into Hayley, who is on her way inside.

Hayley: Klaus, have you seen Elijah? There's something I need to tell you both.

Klaus: You can tell me on the way.

Hayley: What? Where are we going?

She looks confused.

Klaus turns toward her breathlessly, looking happy.

He smiles.

Klaus: To see our daughter.

They stare at each other for a moment, stunned, until Hayley finally rushes toward him, ready to leave as soon as possible.

Rebekah: I'm coming too.

She says and follows them out.

AN: So I was reading this one fanfic where Elena had to take Hope and go into hiding and it inspired me to make my own version.