Date: Uńknown

#ime: Unknown

Loc@tion: Unknown

Tomura placed around the floor in frustration as the other Villains gathered in a circle. When he and his colleagues reported back to Overhaul explaining that their targets got away, he almost killed them. He left Kurogiri alone because the power was too much for him to handle. If only he was sent to grab one of the other ones, he would successfully bring them to his hideout. Then, the massacre would begin...

...But, no...Overhaul had other plans.

"Overhaul...always taking charge..." he muttered. "He thinks that he's the boss. It's his fault that they're gone, that we lost them! This guy is really ticking me off! If I grabbed them one by one, by myself, we could finally get what we wanted! A just society! But, no! He had to come and ruin everything!"

"Well, it's not our fault that you failed so many times," said Dabi, bluntly.

"Shut up! Nobody told you to speak!" Tomura shouted, furiously.

"I'm only stating the obvious, Shigaraki," the burnt man said. "You failed to kill All Might, and now, you failed to grab a single kid. Be happy, though; Toga and I failed, too. That kid I fought was tough. Didn't expect a commoner like him to actually fight a Super Villain. I wish I killed him when I had the chance. He was too naive."

"And the cutie I met had a friend and they fought me, too," Himiko huffed. "I slashed his friend, but not him. I did get a reward, though. I totally killed his friend!"

"Not even a dent on mine," Tomura hissed, "but he was weak as heck! There's no way he could've survived that easily! He was just lucky!"

"Or, you're just at bad everything you do," Dabi remarked. Tomura lunged at him, but a voice cut the brawl short.

"Hey, even if you failed, did you get their names at all?" Twice asked, reading the newspaper.

"No, and why should we care?" Tomura spat.

"Because, if someone knows them, we can find them." Emerging from the darkness was Overhaul. "Those boys don't understand the concept it seems. I mean, come on. They won't make it out of this dimension alive. They don't have Quirks at all. They'll get killed either way, whether we use their Spirit Energy or stab them on the spot."

"But, you said—"

"I know what I said, but if they make it difficult then we'll have no choice but to kill them and use Plan B," Overhaul interrupted.

"And what is 'Plan B', if you don't mind me asking?" Tomura said, mockingly.

"Plan B is, we get the other kid: the one with that stupid light-up powers," he answered.

"Yeah, not a good idea," Twice muttered. "That kid's got some power. Going after her would be bad."

"No, it wouldn't," Overhaul said.

"Catching her is like catching a bull during a bull run! That's suicide!" Twice howled.

"Even a diamond breaks..."

"Yes! And suicide is how we will achieve our goals! You are a genius, Over—You! Zip it! You obviously haven't heard!" Twice pulled out the newspaper, and shoved it into Overhaul's face, Overhaul shuddering slightly. The boss took the time to read the headlines:




Overhaul cringed. "A new Hero, huh?"

"Dang it!" Tomura growled.

"Well, looks like L.E.D. is calling for reinforcements," Dabi said, gazing upon the picture of the new Hero. "Is he a part of the Diamond Monarch?"

"I bet," Himiko chimed in. "The Diamond Monarch is one of the largest agencies in the world."

Overhaul stared at the picture. "What's his name?"

"He's the Category 5 Hero: Ike Daytona!" Twice said, enthusiastically.

"Ike...he sounds Italian..." Overhaul murmured.

"Yeah, and now, he's the new student teacher at U.A. who's supposedly gonna replace All Might," Twice added. "It was all over the news."

"Now, we have a bigger problem," Tomura said impatiently, scratching his neck violently. "Not only did we lose those kids, we now have to deal with more Heroes coming like meteors! This really starting to tick me off! They should all just die!"

"If you really wish for that, spy on Daytona," Overhaul said, suddenly.

"What?" Tomura snapped his head into Overhaul's direction. Did he say—

"Sure, Daytona may seem to be strong, but he's just another clone," said Overhaul. "If you keep a close eye on him, we might be able to find the Guinea pigs. I know someone knows, and they're protecting them."

Tomura...almost cracked a smile. Finally, he could kill the Heroes by himself without the help of those stupid Villains. All these wannabes did was wreck every plan he had made except for their escape. It was about time that they stepped back. Unfortunately, with Kurogiri resting, Tomura would have to find Ike on foot.

He reached the school of U.A. High School, the "prestigious" school that was foolish enough to leave their defenses wide open. If they really cared for their students, they wouldn't have let them come here to begin with. They shouldn't have made this stupid school in the first place.

He looked at the tall wall, separating U.A. from the outside world, in which he had passed through before. He didn't dare touch it. He knew that the school asked the infamously powerful L.E.D. Diamond to amp up the security. I wish that kid never came here...

He heard that the school made dorms for the students' safety, to ensure that they will not be attacked by any outside forces.

Yeah right...

Recently, they just allowed L.E.D. Diamond to create the training session, screams, explosions, and anything loud being heard from miles away...

He decided to walk around to see the dormitory, but who knew if the wall stretched around that area? Regardless, he still had no choice but to climb over. It wouldn't hurt to try.

Surprisingly...nothing happened. When he jumped over, there was no consequence. He must've turned it off. Tomura jogged over the location of the dormitory, finding the large buildings behind the school building. What was sad is that they didn't make it a secret location. He pulled out his binoculars, holding it with only four fingers, to scope out the newest Hero.

He found no one.

How could he find someone by the name of Ike Daytona...if he didn't catch a glimpse at what he looked like? That was an idiot move. Yet, something else caught his eye. He hid behind the trees as he gazed into one of the windows of the 1-A dorm.

He found a boy with spiky, silver hair, which the base of the hair was found strikingly familiar. Yet, the boy's face, when he turned around, wasn't. For some reason, he seemed oddly familiar. Something about him struck his gut, but Tomura didn't understand what it was. Who is this kid?

The boy fearfully backed away from the window, probably knowing that he was out there. Changing his mission, Tomura decided to watch that kid instead.

A while later...

Jaden, Izuku, and Yugi were walking in the streets of Tokyo, getting directions from Jaden's GPS to find the Diamond Monarch. Jaden pounded on his phone. He hated the GPS because it always gave him the longest route, making him run around in circles. Luckily, Izuku knew of the agency's whereabouts.

"Don't worry about it, Prism," said Izuku. "All Heroes get the sense after their experiences. It's not bad or anything."

"Sure, but I just can't help but feel that I'm being watched," Yugi said, shuddering a little.

"Just blame it on Dia," Jaden said, holding up his phone. "She was the one who made that death trap at school. If anything, she's the one who gave us both paranoia. 'Trying to show you the horrors of heroism' my friggin' butt!"

"How did she give you paranoia?" inquired Izuku.

"She nearly killed us all, and so now, I'm worried that she set traps around the city to test us," Jaden said, looking around.

"You just got here, and now, you're worried about getting booby trapped by a four year-old?"

"Expect the unexpected is her number one rule. I am just making sure that no one gets crushed by a building or a piano."

"I think you watch too many cartoons..." muttered Yugi.

"Cartoons can teach you a thing or two," Jaden replied.

"They really can't," Yugi said.

"Oh, there it is!" Izuku pointed to their left. Yugi and Jaden glanced to their left, their sight encountering a large, glass building seen from afar.

"GOSH DANG!" Jaden yelled.

"You said it," Yugi replied. "Is that the Monarch?"

"Yep, it's about ten blocks away," Izuku said.

"Dang, that place is huge," Jaden exhaled.

"Wait, until you see the inside," Izuku murmured.

"How big?" the two Kings asked.

"You'll see." The three walked a little farther as they were greeted by a 3-foot tall bush fence, covered with pink and white colored roses. Later, they encountered a diamond arch and pathway which led to the large building. The sigh over their heads read, "Diamond Monarch". The building was about as wide as the U.A. dorm buildings combined with large, glass windows. The outside was decorated with small diamonds aligned across the middle and a large one resting on top of the roof. Diamonds are really a girl's best friend.

"Pretty neat, huh?" asked Izuku. They could only gape at this beauty piece of architecture. "That's what we said. Come on." Izuku went ahead.

"This is beautiful," Jaden gasped.

"I can't imagine how long this must've took to build this," said Yugi.

"I never realize how rich this kid was!"

"Well, she is a DJ, and she's only four. She's probably worth millions." They trotted the diamond pathway, opening the doors which revealed a larger-than-life lobby, where people either scrambled, strolled, or happily sat, chatting with their co-workers and friends. Some Heroes flew over them while other raced past them. The lobby smelled heavily of fresh lychee which was peculiar, but it bothered them none. This is...amazing!

I have never seen anything like this before, Yubel said, quietly. This must be bigger than Duel Academy!

"It is bigger than Duel Academy!" Jaden growled in awe. "Heck, this could be a school for crying out loud!"

"How did she do this?" Yugi whispered, gazing around the lobby. His eyes shone with awe and astonishment. This has to be bigger than Kaiba Corp. company-wise.

"Hello there, Izuku," a friendly female voice greeted. Izuku turned to find a middle-aged, dark-skinned woman standing behind a counter. "These must be the other two."

Izuku walked up to the woman, dragging Yugi and Jaden with him. "Yes, this is them."

"What?" They snapped back into reality.

"That's perfect," the woman said, smiling kindly at them. "Yugi Muto and Jaden Yuki, am I correct?"

The Kings instinctively positioned themselves into fighting stances, activating their Quirks, but Izuku waved his hands in front of them. "No, guys! It's okay! She's an ally. This is Tyra Williamson."

"I saw that portal up there in the sky the other night at home and then, the bounty came into play at that moment," Tyra explained, quietly. "Dia wanted to sneak past me, but she knew better than to keep a secret from me after all that just happened. Not to worry though, I'll also help you guys get home safely."

"How do we know that?" Yugi asked, skeptically. To him, she could have been a spy.

"Tyra is L.E.D.'s manager," Izuku said. "She's the one who helped her get to the top and build this place. She's also head of the research department and the Assault Team. She also was the one sent those Heroes that night when the bounty started. She gets noted by the alarm system from the prisons that a breakout occurred."

"Really?" the Kings asked.

"Yep, there was no point in keeping it a secret from me," Tyra said. She looked around at the lobby. "Maybe, this isn't the best place to talk about this. Come on."

They began to walk down the corridor where stood different doors. Each was labeled to show off their assigned role. Inside the doors were either conversations, tapping, or grunts, depending on the label on the door. Not to mention, these doors were gigantic. They must have had those with Quirks like Mt. Lady working there.

"So...about the, um..." Yugi was nervous. In fact, both Kings were terrified, knowing that this lady knew about them.

"You guys are safe with me," Tyra said. "I ain't no spy for the Villains. I work with Lola and here at the Diamond Monarch. Anything unnatural that happens is notified to me. I just never expected it to be kids."

"We didn't know that would happen either," Yugi said.

"We seriously need Villain repellent," muttered Jaden.

Forget the repellent; you need a bubble, Yubel said. Honestly, and no offense, you're a disease.

"Gee, thanks, Yubel," Jaden growled in his throat.

"Do you know the reason why they're here?" asked Izuku.

"Not at all." Tyra shook her head. "In fact, we're unable to locate the League's whereabouts, but the bounty was definitely their doing. When we interrogated some of the escapees, one broke and told us that they set this bounty. Our theory is that they created the bounty to cover their tracks, and if they said your names, it would be easier for the police to find you and catch them. So, they left it unmarked."

"So, that means that with this going on, they would have it easier with their plan in secret," Yugi said.

"But, it wouldn't matter, anyway," Jaden interjected. "Even if they catch, we're still doomed here. We're still gonna die somehow."

"That's why you guys can't make a mistake," Izuku interjected. "Why do you think Lola pushed you to the core? She wanted you guys to be efficient. If you just ran around this place like wild animals then you die like wild animals."

"I get that, but no matter what, Heroes are still in danger because of us," Jaden said, shaking his head.

"But, nobody knows who it is except for us," replied Izuku. "Plus, you guys changed your appearance. It'll make it harder for the League of Villains to find you if they hardly recognize you, and by the looks of it, since they set an anonymous bounty on practically nobody, it's a good chance that they don't know your names. With your codenames, you guys can leave this place easily."

"Aww, but I like it here." Jaden grinned.

"I do, too, but we have friends and family to get back home to," Yugi said. Jaden's breath hitched. His friends...


He forgot about what had happened to him. He hoped that they didn't have a second shot at making another portal, because if they did...they'll all be dead.

Jaden attempted to calm his breathing without anybody noticing that he was frightened, and it worked when an explosion from one door occurred.

The door flew out the window; the room flooded the floor with smoke, coughs sounding the area. Tyra, Izuku, and Jaden looked around to check if everyone was alright. Where's Yugi?

Yugi, unfortunately, was caught in that explosion. While Jaden was focused on his memories, Tyra stopped at a door labeled "Metal Workshop." She said that Yusei was in there working. Yugi stepped up to the door and knocked to let him know that they were here, but the door flew off its hinges due to the impact of the explosion.

Yusei rushed out, coughing, trying to get fresh air. His clothes and his face were covered in black smoke. The smoke also fogged up his goggles.

"Hatsume! Are you alright?" he coughed, the sound still ringing in his ears.

Yugi's eyes fluttered open to find a pink-haired girl on top of him. The girl looked up and met his eyes.

"Well, hi there!" she cheered, amiably. "You must be new here!" Yugi meant to look at Yusei, but looked down at what laid on his chest. He blushed, intensely, mentally screaming in his head. Oh, sweet mother of America!

Poor Yugi... the others thought.

I swear I didn't to do that, Lord! Honest! I'm really, really sorry! Yugi cried.

"Hatsume, you good?" Yusei asked, helping the girl up.

"Yessir, Mr. Daytona!" The girl perked up, gleefully, leaving Yugi a mess on the floor.

Jaden began to snicker. "He probably never got that close to a girl before." A wrench hit his head, causing him to hiss and breathe fire. Yusei shook his head at him. "Oh, shut up!"

"Sorry, guys," Yusei said. "I didn't expect that to happen. I guess I put too much power into that engine."

"No, you didn't," the girl said, smiling. "I crossed wires to keep the engine from dying out so quickly after use."

"Let's try to do that again." Yusei smiled, sweetly. "Oh, guys, this is Mei Hatsume. She's a part of the Support Department at U.A. She works here to make support items for the Assault Team, and sometimes, she just makes them for fun."

"Hi there! And, sorry about the explosion!" Mei cheered.

Yugi quickly stood up, collecting himself. "It's fine! We've been through worse."

"I know! The Uproar of Beta!" she squealed. Uproar of Beta?

"That's what the other students call it," Yusei explained. "It's the training session that we did recently."

" mean, Hell," Jaden said.

"We call it, Hell," Yusei corrected. "Hatsume, why don't you take a break for right now? I'll call you back in when it's time."

"Sure thing, Mr. Daytona!" Mei happily skipped away.

"She's a very sweet kid," Yusei said, walking into the workshop. "Anyway, come in. Excuse the mess. We were working on a new vehicle." He seemed a little jumpy than normal.

Tyra waved off and left. The two Kings gaped at the workshop. Despite the explosion, it was very clean. It was a large and cool bluish white room with high-tech computers, new tools and those big, matching tool boxes, a testing area, fresh blueprints, shelves, etc. They had never seen anything quite as beautiful as this. Lola does not play.

"That's what I said when I first came here," Yusei chuckled. "Dia brought me here on my first day, and well, I fell in love."

"Probably the only girlfriend you'll ever get!" Jaden laughed.

Lola and Jaden have the same's scary... Yusei thought, raising an eyebrow.

"So, what were you and Hatsume working on?" Izuku asked.

Yusei pulled out a blueprint and flattened it on the table, pinning it down. When they gazed upon the neat drawing, they were slightly confused. It was a motorcycle with a different design than the average bike. It leaned toward the design of a Kawasaki Ninja, but it was more futuristic. It had electromagnetic wheels, and, when "hovering", it said on the bottom of the wheels, the wheels retract, allowing a powerful electromagnetic pulse to form and lift the weight of both the rider and the bike.

"Dude, just get a Kawasaki," Jaden said, confused.

"Yeah, but where's the fun in that?" Yusei inquired, chuckling. "You don't know this, but I was an orphan, so I couldn't easily get the things I wanted like you guys did. Instead, as I grew up, I learned that everything has value. That was when I learned to build and create things like this on my own. My Duel Runner was something I made with my friends, not store-bought. It looks months to build, but we kept pushing and then, finally, it worked like a charm. Besides, I find great joy in this. If I just buy something then it wouldn't be as precious to me. To me, working hard means that everything will pay off in the future. Nothing comes for free, you know."

They understood that very well. Although younger than him and different in aspects, Yusei was still very wise, and they understood that this is what he loved to do. No wonder why he was a little jumpy. He was excited to be a part of this workshop.

"That's pretty cool, Yusei," Jaden said, smiling. "Sorry about saying that."

"I'm not offended at all," Yusei said. "It's fine if you didn't know."

"So, what is this for?" Yugi asked.

"This project is called the Fortune Project," Yusei said. "This bike right here will help the police catch the convicts that escaped prison. I'm also stashing one away for myself to help enhance my Quirk, and...maybe book in some joyrides." He chuckled. "It can pinpoint the Villain's location in 1.4 to 4.7 seconds by collecting data of Quirk activation through a super scan. It also has armor to resist wind pressure or sound speed, and the hovering part is to help find the Villain in a bird's eye view in case of traffic and citizens blocking the area. The space in between the wheels is electromagnetic suspension which will keep the wheels from breaking off since there won't be any armor on it."

"And the metal overall?" Izuku questioned.

"I tested out a lot of metal that might work for the job, and..." Yusei looked over his shoulder to a test room filled with burnt, twisted, and broken metal. "...we're still working on it..."

"You know, if we were in the MCU, you could use Vibranium," Jaden said, scratching his head. "I mean, hello? Strongest metal in the world?"

You and your Superhero movies...

"If Lola knew the king of Wakanda, she would get me some..." Yusei said, sarcastically.

Yugi looked around the room, realizing that someone wasn't here with him. "Where's Jonas?"

"That's the best part about this place," Yusei said, smiling. "Young Heroes like Jonas who didn't get the chance to enroll into the Hero Course at U.A. are given the opportunity to train in the Diamond Monarch's Assault Team."

"Lola's manager and Izuku mentioned that," Yugi remembered.

"They're Heroes that are being trained and that are allowed to fight in different locations since they're licensed by the Diamond Monarch," Izuku explained. "The Assault Team is split into different groups by age. Each group is given a training room where the settings can be adjusted by level of experience. Sometimes, Lola would come in and train with them. Sometimes, she would give them a session she made or she literally trains with them as their opponent." They shuddered. They remembered how powerful that kid was.

Well, she's not all that evil, now that I think about it, Yubel said. Despite her harsh training, she's so sweet to give these children a chance to be Heroes. She really does care.

"She loves everyone here," Yusei said. "When she started the Youth Quirks Training Program for teens at ages 12 to 18 for the Assault Team, Jonas was the first. He tried out for the Hero Course, but he didn't make it and was placed into the Support Course due to his grades in math, science, and welding. Lola saw that potential and, because she knew him for a long time, she gave him the very first spot beforehand."

"Wow, that's so cool!" Jaden roared, happily. "Now, Jonas has the chance to kick some butt with the rest of the Heroes!"

A shelf suddenly fell over behind Yugi, almost taking him down with it. They slowly glanced at the fallen shelf. " a bonus, he was a new support item..."

"That midget gave him the Death Note..." Jaden growled, deeply.

"I knew I said 'I want to see the Diamond Monarch' by force," Yugi mumbled.

"He got that, yesterday, and he's been trying to kill me with it," Yusei said, casually. "A piano nearly fell on my head. I don't know where it came from or how it got there; it was just there."

"That kid just went from kind to shinigami," Izuku said.

Yusei pounded his fist into his palm, excitedly. "Hey, why don't you guys come and meet the Assault Team? You know, to see what it's like?"

"To die cartoon style? Sure!" Jaden cheered, sarcastically.

Jaden, we won't let that happen, said Yubel. Besides, seeing the Assault Team will mean having strong Heroes to train with. That is, if you want to apply. So, how good is the Youth's Assault Team?

"Really freaking good." Yusei led them out of the workshop and to the training room. Inside the room was a huge glass window separating the Heroes from those in the control center. "Kansei!"

Must be his codename.

Hearing his codename, Jonas turned around from the glass. "Oh, hey, Ike! Prism, Deku, Friedom!"

"So, this is the training room, huh?" Jaden said.

This is amazing, Yubel said in awe, but...I expected it to be a little more...

"Outdoorsy? Yeah, many people do before they start, but it stops damage bills from rising," said Jonas. "The walls are made from rubber polymer that is stronger than the Wubble Bubble Ball. Any attacks or impacts that are forced into them bounce back."

"I thought you were training in there with Shinso and Muse," Yusei said.

"Yeah, but my new support got a little outta hand, so I decided to sit out," Jonas said.

"So, is that why the shelf almost landed on me?" Yugi inquired.

"No, I did that earlier," Jonas said, bluntly, then smiling and jumping a little. "At least, I know it works."

"But, it failed," Yusei stated, puzzled.

"But, it still works!" Jonas hissed. He turned back to the control panel. "Hey, Muse! Kaiju, three o'clock! Shinso! Can you brainwash Mothra?"

"Not really!" the owner of the voice named Shinso called. "I can try!"

"Just checking!" Jonas called back.

Shinso and Muse? Yubel inquired.

"Hitoshi Shinso is one of the students at U.A. that L.E.D. chose to train in the program since he was denied his chance to be a Hero," Yusei said, "and Muse is a middle schooler who trains here with her older sister, another student who was given this opportunity."

"Hey, is that Ike Daytona?" the girl known as Muse called. "'Sah, dude!" Then, she grunted after being hit.

"She sounds cool," Jaden said, smiling.

"Yeah, Muse has a Quirk called Element which allows her to control the elements of wind, fire, earth, electricity, and water around her," Izuku said. "She can even manipulate other Quirks if they're an Elemental type."

That's very intriguing, Yubel thought out loud. And powerful.

"And Shinso?" Yugi asked.

"Shinso has a Quirk called Brainwash in which he will ask a question, and if you answer, he can control you," Yusei replied. "You just have to be careful when he uses it. Sometimes, he activates it without knowing."

"That's so sweet!" Yugi exclaimed.

"Yep." A timer buzzed, indicating that the session was over, and stepped out a purple haired male with tired, matching eyes, and a tall girl with light brown curly hair and green eyes: Hitoshi and Muse.

"So, how do we do, Kansei?" asked Muse, walking to Jonas.

"Your speed has improved greatly along with you, Shinso," Kansei said. "Keep it up and you're ready."

"Dope!" Muse said. She glanced over to the boys. "Ike! Did you see me out there! Pretty lit, right!"

"Yeah, that was great, Muse," Yusei said, confidently. She came up to Ike to give him a high five, and then, the Kings stared at her. DANG! SHE'S TALL!

"So, who are these guys?" she asked, jerking her head to Yugi and Jaden.

"These guys are the recruits," Izuku said. "This is Prism and Friedom."

"Awesome! We needed more people," she said. "The bounty's got a little bigger within a matter of weeks, so we kinda need all the help we can get. Why can't these guys just go home—Oh, wait! They ain't got no lives to live! Don't do drugs, kids."

Jaden chuckled at her comment. "I like this kid."

"So, how's your sister?" Ike asked.

"Still mad at that Villain for busting her kneecap like a bottle, but she got the surgery, cried like a baby over lookin' like a ragdoll, and now, she's acting like she can't move, but that was the first week," Muse babbled. "She's doing better. She tried to sneak in training, but Dad had to throw her in Dia's office to watch her. I feel bad for her."

"Yeah, I bet it must hurt during surgery," Yugi said, rubbing the back of his neck.

"No, I feel bad for Dia because she has to watch her, but...yeah, that too," Muse said, as she walked out.

"That kid is cool." Jaden smiled.

"Yeah, let's go see Ms. Diamond," Hitoshi said.

"What was she doing?" Izuku asked.

"She was calling the police station," he answered.

"Why?" the three Kings asked.

"I'm sorry, L.E.D.," an officer said over the phone. "I wish I knew where they are, but they're really covering their tracks on us. How is your end?"

"Static..." Lola said, grimly. "All...static! With all of this bullcrap going on, I can't even focus on pinpointing the captured Heroes' locations and watch my agency simultaneously. I have kids to train and keep safe, Tsukauchi. Not to mention, we have a new Hero to protect from the bounty. It's straight up crap that he has to go through this when he just got here."

"I heard ya, kid," Officer Naomasa Tsukauchi said. "Do you think you might have time after?"

"No, because Ike and I have to meet with the other Heroes for a debriefing and discussion of battle plans at 6:30," Lola sighed. "I would ask All Might to go with him, but I don't know how they'll react. Plus, I gotta babysit." A girl with dark brown hair and blue eyes perked her head up, glaring at her.

"I see, can't be helped..." sighed Officer Naomasa. "Did you at least find other Villains to interrogate and see what they know?"

"No, because every gosh dang time I try, they somehow commit suicide, like jumping off the buildings, or shooting themselves in the head, or breaking their tooth which is apparently filled with poison," she answered, frustrated. "You know, Hydra style. Jack-A's..."

"Well, what can we do?" he muttered. "Okay, just call me back when you get a lead, and we'll talk. Can you try to ask the one sister to start a stakeout?"

"She can't fight; she's got a knee injury, but it's healing quickly, from the looks of it," Lola said, taking a peek at the girl's knee, "and Muse is training for capture and interrogation in about an hour from now."

"Sounds like you're booked," he said.

"Yeah, and what makes it worse is that I have a concert to do, tonight, after the debriefing!" she shouted. "Gosh, why did this happen?"

"That's the situation; we don't know why," Naomasa said. "The League is hiding behind this bounty very well. They're stopping our tech team from pinpointing their location, creating viruses in the computers."

"Well, Ike has started a project called the Fortune Project," Lola said. "He's making a motorcycle that has a super sensor that will scan an area of 706.3 yards. It has also a hover feature that'll fly you around to make their image stand out."

"Wow...that is some smart kid," said he. "Where did you find him?"

"At the Kamino Ward," Lola said, simply.

"Alright, well, call me back if you can," Naomasa said.

"Okay, see ya, man." Lola hung up, slumping in her seat and sighing. "What am I gonna do?" I can't even make the portal to get the Kings home without getting distracted by these guys...

"Sorry you got a lot on your plate, Lola..." the girl said. Her expression softened into sadness.

"Man, you apologize too much," Lola whispered. "Hun, this isn't your fault. Honestly, this is all horse crap sprinkled all over Japan. I can't even focus on the things in front of me, like you. If I go out, I come back, you're gone, and I'll get a call from your dad that another Villain bust both of your friggin' kneecaps."

"That was not my fault," the girl said, shaking her head.

"Ya' got down and funky with it when ya' should've got up and funky with it," Lola said in her usual sassy tone.

"I can't predict moves like you can," she said.

"You can if you tried, Bre," the child said. "Yes, this is hard, but we need all the help we can get. You're still young, so these things won't become second nature for a while."

"Easy for you to say," the girl, Bre, said. "You're a super genius. You can catch on quickly. As for me, it's harder because I'm not as athletic as everyone else. Plus, my Quirk isn't...combat worthy."

"If you can dodge a cannonball, you can dodge a sucker punch," Lola said, smirking. "We just need a little more training together. We'll get through it, Bre, and soon, you'll be a great Hero!"

Bre smiled. "Thanks. I'll try my best." A knock came from the door. "Looks like you got company."

Lola turned her chair around as the door opened to reveal the three Kings, Izuku, Muse, Hitoshi, and Jonas. "Hello, I have been awaiting your arrival." She turned around with a bubble pipe in her tiny hand.

"Did you wait all day like that just for us?" Jaden asked, raising a brow.

"I was practicing that earlier today, and I also know you called me a midget a little earlier," Lola snapped. "I would beat you with a metal stick, but I had to watch that one." She pointed to Bre who sat on her office couch. Bre wore a light blue armor fabric shirt with a breastplate, a white skirt and shorts, a silver belt, white gloves, and armored heeled boots. A bandage was wrapped around her left knee. Her sister wore a similar supersuit, but instead of a skirt and full gloves, she wore pants and fingerless gloves, and her suit was scarlet red, gold, and black.

"Oh, hi—"

"HEY, RIA!" Muse shouted, strutting with her arms in the air.

Dear gosh, Kelani...

"Okay?" Yusei stared at Kelani. "How's your knee, Armoria?"

"Still hurts, but I can manage," Armoria said. "Thank you, Mr. Daytona."

"Guys, this is Armoria, Muse's older sister," Yusei introduced. "Ria, these are my friends, the Spectral Hero: Prism, and the Legendary Hero: Friedom."

"Nice to meet you, Armoria," Yugi greeted amiably, approaching her to shake her hand.

"You too, Prism," she returned, giving him a big smile and taking his hand to shake.

"Your little sister is very tall—"

"We don't talk about it!" Bre babbled.

"She's mad that her sister outgrew her," Yusei whispered, leaning over a little to Jaden's ear. Jaden nodded in understanding.

"So, what was going on?" Hitoshi asked.

"The police," Lola said. "Officer Naomasa Tsukauchi called me, wondering if I had a lead."

"And?" They wanted her to continue.

"It's horse crap," Lola cursed through censored translation. "I'm getting too distracted. I can't even remember what I was supposed to do after this. Seriously. Ria, what was I supposed to do after this?"

"Train my sister in interrogation, go to a debriefing with the A.M.O.U.F.J.J., and you have a concert," Bre remembered.

"A concert? Now?" exclaimed Muse. "Can I replace you?"

"A.M.O—What?" Jaden questioned.

"Muse, no," Armoria said, irritated. "All Might and the Other Unfortunately Famous Jerks of Japan." They all stared at her funny. "Like anyone will remember the other Pro Heroes that aren't Number One! Muse doesn't!"

"I just don't care," Muse laughed. "They just as crooked as Kansei's hairline. It's a jacked up society, bro."

"You do realize no one can understand you, right?"

"I don't give a freak~!"


"Enough," Lola said. "Thanks, Ria. Yeah, see? Now, I can't remember crap! I think I'm getting Alzheimer's..."

"That's for old people," Jonas said.

"I don't give two freaks!" Lola cursed.

"Watch it!" Yusei yelled. "Lola, it's alright. I'll go to the debriefing with someone else, or if nobody's open, I'll take Armoria with me."

"No, no, Ike." Lola waved it off. "I can do this. I can still remember some things like...crap, I forgot what was on my playlist for tonight! DANG IT!"

The Kings flinched at her screaming. They had never seen her this frustrated. She was always on top of things, but now, she was just as hot of a mess as Yugi was earlier.

"Wait!" She snapped out of her thoughts. "Prism, Friedom! I think I got a job for you guys here! To start off your first day here, you'll be a part of the Watchdogs. The Watchdogs are the lookout that sends Tyra, my manager, the updates on criminal activity."

"Well, that sounds fun," Jaden said, bored.


"You do," the sisters said.

"You guys are with me," Armoria grunted as she stood. "Diamond placed me in the Watchdogs due to my knee injury."

"She was dumb enough to let a Villain bust her Nico Nico Kneecaps," Jonas snickered.

"Shut up, Kansei!" she yelled. "Come on, I'll show you to the stakeout room."

"And, this is alright with you, Diamond?" asked Ike.

"Yep! Anything to stop this bounty," L.E.D. said. "Heroes are captured a little more often, but if we keep a massive number of Heroes coming, they'll have to give sooner or later, and I get to blow up the League of Villains! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!"

She was right, Yubel whispered. She does need a nap...

Later on that evening, L.E.D. Diamond and Ike Daytona went to the police office. The child got the nap that she needed when they drove off with Tyra. Unfortunately, L.E.D. forgot her session with Kelani, but Kelani let her off. Ike was a little intimidated, seeing unfamiliar Heroes, but he slightly shuddered at the sight of Endeavour. He scowled slightly to himself. He had the chance to see more of Endeavour, and his assumptions were correct. He's a rich brat...

During the debriefing, everyone was yelling at each other about the assault plan, but Endeavour was the one doing most of the yelling at L.E.D. Diamond about "wasting precious time."

"You stupid singing, dancing brat!" he yelled. "Why aren't you doing your dang job? The Heroes need you to stay on top of the bounty, and now, they're getting captured!"

"Well, sorry if I'm trying to recruit more Heroes to overwhelm our enemies!" Lola shouted. "You should be doing the same—Oh, wait! You're not 'cause you only care about yourself! Always soaking in a steaming hot bath of fortune and fame while everybody else dies for your lazy, bratty butt! Sometimes, I wish someone would come beat you in the head with a butter sock, you filthy son of a bi—" Yusei lethally glared at her. "—You filthy son of a butternut squash!" He nodded.

"Oh really? I'm not recruiting anyone?"

"You're not! I just checked your stupid agency, and that place is emptier than that walnut you call a head! Yo' mama gave you life! She can take it right back!"

"So can yours..."

"HA! Joke's on you! I ain't got no mama!" She obviously showed no shame. The others Pros gaped at her, stunned. Yusei sighed, heavily, a bit amused with the fight but highly apologetic of Lola. He understood her position. It was sorrowful to know someone her age has no parents. What happened to them?

"Enough, you two!" barked the Pro Hero, Edgeshot.

"Oh no, let's not stop! I know Ike got somethin' to say, right Ike?" She clapped his back.

He slowly shifted his gaze to her without turning his head. "I am not going to jail..." Again...

"Can we please focus on the plan of attack?" Edgeshot asked, irritated.

"We can!" Lola grinned. "Just drown him, or get his mama on the phone to make her slap his jaw off! Now, that would be a miracle!"

"If we carpooled, I will drive off a cliff if it means I don't get to see your chipmunk cheeks ever again!" Endeavour snapped.

"Yeah, but everyone will miss you...not me! I'll be wipin' my butt on your tombstone!" Yusei rubbed his temples. I should've asked to stay and watch Armoria.

"You wouldn't dare!"

"Watch me, Barbecue Pit!"

"I can't wait to get my spot back once you die."

"Well, it ain't gon' happen in ninety years, Aunt Jemina!"

"How about I just lock you in the closet without food or water? How does that blow your hair back, Blart?"

"I'm surprised yo' kids ain't charged you for pedophilia—"

"ENOUGH!" Yusei screamed. Everybody jumped at Ike's sudden outburst, surprised at his vocal range. He panted a little. "Can we PLEASE just get on with our plan?"

"How about you shut up? Stay out of this, Daytona," Endeavour hissed as the flames around his body growled a little like Jaden.

"No, because nobody wants to hear you rant on about how a kid stole the spotlight from you!" Ike shouted. "Sorry if the kid kicked your butt off the podium. Not my fault she trains harder than you." Endeavour turned away from him. " are we going to attack if we don't know where the League of Villains are? Their signals have been blocked."

"Well, someone has to know something," said the Pro Hero, Death Arms.

"We tried that already; my threats of bombing the country aren't doing crap to scare them," Diamond said.

"Does every plan have to, like, involve bombs with you?" Pro Hero, Mt. Lady, griped.

"Like I'm gonna do it, hoochie mama," the child said.

"Stop that," Yusei whispered, pulling on her ear.

"Ike, how is that motorcycle coming along?" All Might asked.

"The engine...kinda sorta blew up," Yusei answered, grimly.

"What else is new?" muttered Endeavour.

"Nobody asked for your comment, Endeavour," Yusei said through his teeth. Now, he was really becoming annoyed. "It's not hard to repair. I ran through the calculations with one of the Support Team's recruits, and it shouldn't take too long to build."

"And does anyone, besides L.E.D., have any recruits that they've been training?" Edgeshot asked.

"Yes, actually—"

"Your son doesn't count, Hades," Lola said.

"Actually, it does, L.E.D.," said Woods. "Please, calm down."

"I'm sorry..." she said, genuinely. Ike patted the top of her head.

"Where and when was the last time we saw the League of Villains?" inquired Ike.

"Last time we saw them was after the attack on the students at the training camp in the Beast Forest during the summer," said Eraserhead, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed. "Until now, we haven't heard from them."

"So, this just came suddenly..." Yusei muttered. Because of us...

"Yep..." Everyone stayed silent.

He saw their emotions dripping out. He couldn't help but feel that this was their fault. They all felt horrible about even being here. It was them that they were after, but they only threw in the Heroes to make everything harder and place them as trophies for their victories.

"Anyway, when you tried to interrogate them, what happened?" Yusei asked, hoping to not poke a nerve. "I was looking over some of the files of the bounty hunters that were caught, and their status has been labeled 'dead'."

"Some managed to escape while some committed suicide which led us to believe that they had some of the information that we needed," Endeavour said. "I guess Diamond isn't as threatening as she was before. So, that means—"

Ike grabbed the back of Endeavour's head and slammed him into the wall, leaving a crater. "Nobody cares!" Ike shouted. "Now, shut up! Nobody wants to hear any more of your complaints with this kid! Do you hear me!"

"I can't wait until you're out of my hair when Diamond falters," Endeavour said, pushing his head back but received another slam in the head into the wall, the crater getting bigger.

"And I can't wait until I see your tombstone, old man!" Ike yelled. "Please, continue before I blow my lid!"

"Okay?" All Might muttered. He looked at Lola. He gets that from you. Lola only shrugged.

"Diamond's threats aren't working, but it's not because she's not threatening," Eraserhead said. "No, she still threatens to bomb the country if the Villains don't surrender, but we think they're being told to die."

"They're being told?" inquired Ike, calmly, throwing Endeavour down onto the floor.

"Yes, probably when they're busted out, they're given the info, but they're just playing dumb with us and taking advantage of the bounty to kill their rivals or Heroes who had thrown them into jail to make us feel their pain, but if they're under pressure, they are ordered to kill themselves to keep anyone from extracting the information," All Might explained.

"And I so wanted to test out my new sodium pentothal, complete with an electric shock in case they try to break the chemical bonding of their blood and the serum because studies have shown that Villains are more likely to have methods of countering the chemical's effect depending on their Quirk," Lola said, game show-style. Everyone gave her a look. "Oh, come on! At least let me have some fun! I'm gonna turn into an oldie like Mt. Lady who just scarfs down ice cream like she depressed or some crap! Like, eat a salad, woman! You're gonna look like Thor in five years, sad and fat!"

"Why is she even here?" Mt. Lady asked. "Because she's Number One?"

Lola glared at her with a grudging expression. "Even though I don't act like a Hero, all serious and whatever, and I make threats and train kids until their bones are nothing but dust, but at least I actually care about saving people! I was put on this planet for that reason! I don't care about the money or fame unlike you!"

"You little!" Ike raised a hand, wind blowing. She scowled at him. "Soon, you won't be able to protect her."

"At least, I won't turn on her," he muttered, "like you did. Just because she's stronger." Heroes...I cannot believe this. Sam was better than this...These guys are nothing like Sam.

They're disgusting...just like everybody else!

What...what am I thinking? Kamui shook his head. "Everyone, please, settle down. You, too, Ike. I know you're new here, but please, don't start a fight, and Ms. Diamond, I expect a lot more from you."

"I'm sorry, Kamui..." He felt a connection between those two, despite the fact that they haven't fought. Maybe, she's better when he's around.

Then, Yusei thought about the theory. If any of that is true, then, that means the League of Villains are trying really hard to keep our kidnapping a secret, but why—

An explosion startled the Heroes. A couple of minutes of comprehending the situation, Lola's phone began to ring; Tyra was calling on the emergency line. She slid the green button. "Diamond, there has been an ambush at the police station! Multiple Villains detected! There are about eight! Hurry! They're calling reinforcements!"

"Crap! Eight Villains have attacked the police station, and now, they're calling reinforcements!" Lola cursed. "Ike, lead the Assault Team, and take Prism and Friedom to the frontlines! And make sure Armoria doesn't sneak out!"

Ike raced out of the building, faster than the speed of sound. did we let this happen?

...9 minutes earlier...

Jaden banged his head against the keyboard, so bored out of his mind that he almost fell sleep until his head hit the keys.

"You gotta stay awake, Friedom," Armoria scolded, lightly.

"This is soooooo boring," Jaden complained. "Can't we go and train? Jonas can watch this..."

"No," Yugi said. "We have to stay here, L.E.D.'s orders."

"AW! THIS IS JUST DUMB!" Jaden roared.

Stay calm, Jaden, Yubel said, quietly. We'll get that time. Just be patient. By the way, can one of you ask Armoria what her Quirk is? I would love to know.

"I got you, Yubel." Yugi turned to Armoria. "So, Armoria...I was kinda wondering; what is your Quirk?"

"Not talkin' 'bout it," she said, staring at the screen.

"She's too insecure about her Quirk," said Muse, watching the other screen. "She thinks it's not good enough."

"Does it involve combat?" Yugi asked.

"None, whatsoever," she said.

"Is that why that Villain bust your kneecaps so easily?" Jaden asked.

"Yes..." she said, irritated. "I really don't wanna talk about it."

"Oh, come on!" Jaden got up and shook Bre, vigorously.

"No, I'm not saying a word," Bre said. Yugi watched the monitors. A roaring feeling stabbed his gut violently.

His eyes bounced from one camera to another. Somebody's watching the cameras.

Bre and Jaden stopped their argument, noticing Yugi's behavior. "Prism?"

Yugi kept staring at the monitors, hoping from screen to screen, but spoke, "Do you guys ever get that feeling that someone's watching?"

Armoria looked at Friedom, then back to Prism. "Méfier de l'eau qui dort."


Still waters run deep, Yubel whispered.

"I never knew you spoke a different language," Jaden whispered.

Your classmate, Monoma, spoke a lot of French to you...I'm just glad you never understood what he said...

"What does that mean?" asked Yugi as he heard Jaden and Yubel's tiny conversation, but he played dumb to keep Yubel a secret.

"We heard it from a student in Class 1-A," Kelani said. "It means, 'Still waters run deep', meaning to be careful of those you trust. It's also another one of L.E.D.'s rules of being a Superhero."

"Not really surprised," Yugi said, "but..."

"It's actually good to have a strong instinct," Izuku said.

"I understand that, but it's not just instinct," Yugi interjected. "It' this feeling that I have when I know something is've felt this somewhere before."

And he had...

He felt a familiar gaze, watching him, especially him, through the cameras.

He tripped over and fell to the ground on his face, accidentally tossing the remains of the older model. The man in a dark blue hoodie who he had bumped into stared at him as he stood up."Dang, I'm so sorry, sir," Yugi said, apologetically and quickly, bowing. He grabbed the Duel Disk and ran off but when he looked back, the man was still staring at him which he found creepy.

One of the monitors flashed a bright light. The others looked to the monitor.

An explosion had occurred at the police station!

Officer Naomasa Tsukauchi coughed violently as he called to his colleagues, "Is everyone alright!"

"Oh, not really," a sinister voice said, cackling. "Don't worry. Their lives won't matter after we kill them, right?" Naomasa flinched at the voice. He knew who it was. He froze, unable to move as the image cleared, including Yugi, who helplessly watched. They looked over to the phones. Diamond! I gotta call her!

Unsuccessful to reach the phone, Naomasa was knocked out, but instead of grabbing the phone, Yugi smashed the alarm, warning Tyra of the situation.


"Who's that guy?" Jaden yelled, jumping out of his seat.

"His name is Muscular," Muse said. "He's...a disgusting son of a gun! Izuku fought him when they were attacked at the training camp during the summer. He also was the one who killed two Heroes known as Water Hose, a married couple with a Water Quirk. He likes it when people bleed! Like, dude! You need some milk!" Jaden shivered. Not another one...

Jaden's scaly face began to turn a bit green. He did not want to be in that situation, again. He tried to breathe again, but it didn't help. All he did was run out of the room.

"Armoria, call Dad," Muse ordered.

"Why do I always have to call Dad?" Ria complained.

"'Cause...I don't feel like it," Muse said, smiling.

"You're a freaking donkey," Armoria cursed.

"I don't care!" Muse ran out of the room with Izuku.

"You guys might as well go, too," Bre said. "I won't be able to help you in the frontlines, but I can try to do something." Yugi heard the tone that she tried to hide. She's unsure of herself.

"Go!" she barked and Prism ran out.

At the entrance, he met up with Yusei. "Where's Jaden?"

"He's right—oh, crap!" Yugi accidentally cursed, taking Yusei aback, but he brushed it off. "Jaden?"

"Not again!" Yusei yelled. "We don't have time! Lola needs help!"

"But, Jaden! She needs him, too!" Yugi argued.

"The Villains are calling in reinforcements," Yusei said. "Who knows? Maybe after looking around in the workshop, Jaden might find a support item to help us bust these Villains. If he doesn't make it to the battle field by the time we get there, we'll call him."

"Alright." Then, they sped off to Hosu City.

In Hosu...

Fire ignited the building, and L.E.D. Diamond managed to run out with quite a few officer but was unable to find Naomasa and Kenji Tsuragamae, the Chief of the Hosu Police Force. Looks like I won't be able to make that concert. Thank goodness!

Luckily, more Heroes were on the way. Lola was forced to call them since the situation was bigger than she thought. The bounty hunters' reinforcements came quicker than Ike running out of the building.

"L.E.D.!" All Might came running toward her.

"All Might!" she yelled. "Back up! Get away from here!" Dang it, Yusei, where are you?

"L.E.D.! There are still more people in the building!" Kamui called, running out.

"You know, this is actually a good thing because we might actually get lucky and find a Villain who understands the truth behind this!" Diamond yelled. She set the officers in a spot away from the fire. She looked around to watch for any Villains.

"Any Villains around?" Eraser asked.

"Nope! I do—" She was forced back by a powerful punch. She skidded her feet against the asphalt as she positioned herself in a low fighting stance to stop herself. Once she looked up, she saw a few familiar faces. "Great...what's up, Spinner?"

A reptile stood with a sinister smile, his face hidden with a filthy white mask and a huge sword resting on his back. "It's so great to meet you in person, Ms. L.E.D. Diamond!"

"Awww~! Flattery is gonna get you killed, you know that, hun?" Diamond said in an angelic tone, batting her silver eyes.

"I know that," the Villain, Spinner, said.

"How did you get out?" she asked, a little anger manifesting in her tone.

"Oh, thanks for the reminder." Spinner snatched the sword from his back, the wraps falling off to reveal multiple blades. "I have to thank my colleagues for busting me out! Plus, someone wants to see you..."

A man beside him smacked his head. "Don't you remember what he said? We can't catch her or else our plans fail. That's straight suicide."

"So what, Magne? She's gonna die like the rest of them!" Spinner came rushing toward Lola, who just smirked.

This should be fun!

Ike and Prism stopped at where they were supposed to meet the other Heroes and the Assault Team, but they were confronted by multiple Villains occupying many Pros.

"Oh, dang!" Yugi exclaimed, brushing his hair back. "There are so many Villains! How are gonna take them all down?"

"That's where we come into play," Yusei exhaled. He searched around the area. "Where's Jaden?"

"Crud...thought he would be here," Yugi mumbled. Yusei began to mess with his unit, searching for Jaden's name in his contacts until someone came flying at them, knocking Yusei back. "Ike!"

"I'm alright!" Ike called, grunting a little.

"Dad!" Muse rushed toward them, now noticing Ike under him. "Ike, you good, man?"

"Yeah, just, uh...who is this?" Ike asked.

"That's my dad," Muse said.

The man grunted as he stood up quickly, picking up Ike by the mint green jacket of his supersuit to place him down on his feet. He was his height, white and bald with a slightly gray goatee and blue eyes. He wore a black tank top with camo boxing shorts. He also had black Nike sneakers and black boxing gloves. Yusei was scared to death by this man. He just suddenly grabbed his jacket, wondering if he was going to pound him into the ground.

The man set him down, clapping Ike's shoulder. "You okay, kid?"

Ike shivered. Yugi, luckily by his side, spoke for him. "Yeah, he is."

"Don't be scared, Ike," Muse said. "This dude may look like he's just gonna beat the crap outta you for no reason, but he's a teddy bear."

"Yeah, it's okay, kid," her father said, holding out his gloved hand. "I'm the Knockout Hero, Wardog."

"N-Nice to meet you, sir," Ike said, quivering in a desperate attempt to keep calm.

"What happened?" Prism asked.

"More Villains came in like drunk drivers," Muse said. "We're all gonna friggin' die!"

"And, I don't think he should be here right now," Wardog said, pointing to Prism.

"L.E.D. asked me to bring Prism and another one, but he's not here," Ike said.

"What are we working with?" Prism asked.

"We have a lot of Villains in this sector; some are trying to escape," Wardog said.

"And he and his kid are dealing with me," a male voice said, turning the Heroes' attention. Yugi recognized the man. Muscular...

"Give me a second eye~!" Muse sang.

Yusei, understanding her, covered her mouth as he noticed that Muscular was missing an eye. "Muse! No!"

"You don't have to cover for her, kid," replied Muscular, giving a toothy smirk. "She's gonna die along with the rest of you." The meat inside Muscular's body weaved its way out and around his arms. Yusei and Yugi gagged. What is this dimension!

Muse and Wardog ran up to Muscular, attacking them with all of their might. Muse pounded the ground, the earth rising diagonally to high Muscular's face at his blindspot. This gave Wardog the opening he needed to knock him out. All he needed were three punches to power up, but Muscular broke off the rock and swung it at him. Fortunately, Yugi crystallized, blinding him with a UV ray, giving Wardog his opening. Wardog punched Muscular in his face, stomach, and then an uppercut in his jaw. Muscular lost a little consciousness, but it wasn't enough somehow.

He smirked, devilishly. "You think that could hurt me, Little Mac?" Wardog cursed.

"If that can't, then this will!" Ike called out his special attack, Divine Wind, on Muscular, cutting the muscles fibers from protecting his skin. Yugi conjured a light spear and threw at him. Muse manipulated the telephone poles to strike electricity at the Villain to hopefully tase him well enough to keep him down. The electricity, instead, was attracted to Yugi's spear, allowing the energy and power of the spear to increase as it pierced through Muscular.

Yugi cheered, silently to himself, but he stared at the figure that was supposed to fall.

"I spent a lot of time in the prison's gym!" Muscular cackled. "Try all you want! The outcome won't change! YOU'LL ALL DIE!" Muscular came rushing toward Wardog and Ike.

Meanwhile, Lola wasn't having trouble with Spinner and his ally, Magne. In fact, she successfully knocked them both out without breaking a sweat or releasing much of her power. She shook her head, sighing. "IS THAT YOU GOT, VILLAINS! Please, my grandmama can beat the crap outta y'all! AND I AIN'T GOT NO GRANDMAMA!" Where are those boys? I hope they didn't get caught with another Villain.

At the corner of her eye, she caught another Villain hopping from building to building.


The burning, pink lasso grabbed the unfamiliar Villain, and she yanked her to knock her head into the building and ran back into the fiery building to find Naomasa and Kenji. She found them with another Villain...

She immediately recognized his suit. "Hi, Deadpool."

"Well, hello there, L.E.—Wait, did you just call me 'Deadpool'?" asked the Villain, Twice, a man who wore a full monotone bodysuit. "Kid, I am not Deadpool."

"I didn't call you, Deadpool," she said, "but, ya kinda look like Deadpool. I mean...the bodysuit."

"But he is red and black."

"So is Shadow the Hedgehog, but he doesn't wear pants."

"Does he use guns?"

"Guns, and drive a motorcycle but he doesn't use swords. That would be you. You got that weird measurin' tape thang goin' on there, pal."

"I am not Deadpool!"

"Are you sure?"

"Can he make clones, and have his clones make clones, and their clones make clones?"

"Am I pushing your buttons, Deadpool?"


"HA! You just admit it!"

"I am not Deadpool!"

"You just answered to the name, so you're Deadpool, dude. Just admitted it. You can't take it back!"

"Have you even know who Deadpool is, first off? Did your parents let you watch that movie?"

"I don't have parents."

"Oh...well, I...I'm very sorry for your lost."

"Eh, don't worry about it. I've matured over the loss of my parents."

"Yeah, you get use to it after a while—What am I doing?"

"We're just having a nice Hero-to-Villain conversation in a fiery building. You know, typical Tuesday."

"I should be fighting you!"

"You really can't, Deadpool."

"You just called me Deadpool!"

"No, I didn't."

"Yes, you did!"

"And you just admit that you were Deadpool. So, we're even." She began to wall up to him, taking Naomasa and Kenji out of his hands and throwing them over her shoulders, throwing Twice off guard. "If you don't mind, I gotta take these guys to the hospital. It was nice talking to ya, Twice. Hey, ask Deadpool if I can an autograph for me and my buddy."

"Hang on! We didn't even do anything! AND I AM NOT RELATED TO DEADPOOL!"

"Well, I mean I distracted you long enough, and seriously, bruh. The suit."

"I AM NOT—Wait, distra—" A crackle of green energy and a battle cry came to play, knocking Twice in his head.

"That distraction," Lola said.

Izuku panted, throwing his arms. "Seriously?"

"What? It was a fun conversation," she said. "I see potential in him, actually."

"You do?" Izuku asked, tossing Twice over his shoulder.

"'s a shame he's a Villain," she sighed.

"We can't save everyone," Izuku said.

"Yeah, I know, and that part sucks." The two Heroes hopped out of the building, running away from the fire.

They set Naomasa and Kenji down with the other unconscious officers, meeting with Jonas in the process. "Kansei! What are you doing here?"

"A couple Villains tried to grab the officers, but, lucky for you, I came just in time," Jonas said, holding up his notebook.

"Okay, so where are the Villains?" Lola questioned, looking around.

"Oh...I may have overdone it a tad," Jonas said, clearing his throat. He pointed to where he had fought the Villains. As the two looked to their side, they found a large pool of blood, a piano, and a safe.

"What the eff?" Lola screamed.

"Where did those come from?" Izuku shouted in a panic. Jonas turned to the page where he had written down what was suppose to happened.

Lola shook her head, giving him the "Kanye West Is Disappointed" look. "Kansei...we're supposed to catch the Villains...NOT KILL THEM! If I write up the report, I'll say that they tried to crush you to kill you, and it failed. Be happy."

"Sorry, Diamond," Jonas said, wincing. "I didn't mean to, I swear!"

"Yeah, and apparently, I need to give you something that'll keep your Quirk tamed."

"But I like my Death Note."

"You tried to kill Prism earlier!"

"How did you know—Oh, yeah."

"No, we're destroying that thing. Where are the boys?"

"I don't know," Izuku said. "I think they caught in the storm."

"Great!" Lola pinched the bridge of her nose.

"Oh no...I forgot! Muscular's here!" Izuku yelled.

"They must be fighting him!" Jonas exclaimed. Then, they heard panting.

They turned their heads to see Yugi out of breath from running.

"Guys..." he wheezed. "Muscular...Muse...Wardog...and Ike...Friedom is...I can't breathe."

"What's happening?" Lola asked.

"Ike, Muse, and Wardog...are fighting Muscular...and, Friedom's not here yet," Yugi huffed.

"Where is he?" Izuku asked.

"I don't know!" Yugi raised his voice a little. "I tried calling him, but he won't pick up. It's also because I was focused on dodging because Muscular tried to squeeze my head."

"Well, I'm gonna help Wardog, Muse, and Ike," Lola said, positioning herself in a runner stance. "You guys focus on catching the other Villains for the other Heroes. Midnight, Mt. Lady, and Endeavour are chasing quite a few Villains, and those hoochie mamas are probably fighting each other right now. Get going!" She sped off quicker than an electric current which confused Yugi. Then again, Lola's Quirk was electric-based.

Yugi suddenly felt a shiver run up his spine. Izuku and Jonas noticed.

"Prism? You good?" Jonas asked.

"You guys help Endeavour and the women," he said, swiftly. "I'll stay here and watch over the officers."

"Are you sure? Diamond said that all of us need to help them," Jonas said, pointing his thumb off in a direction.

"Someone needs to watch over these guys, but don't worry, I can hold my own," Yugi said, reassuringly. The two looked at each other. It was weird how Yugi just suddenly made that announcement. What was with the shiver? Was he alright? They decided to go with what he said, nodded, and ran off to help the Pros. Yugi stared off at them, then he snapped his head into the dark alley where he felt the uncertainty of his and the officers safety.

Yet, he was scared. He had a hunch of who was in there.

"I know you're in there!" he shouted, shakily. "Show yourself!" He tried to hold his ground, but he felt his knees buckle under him.

Whoever was in the alley came out and attacked him.

Meanwhile, in the Diamond Monarch, Jaden hid under Lola's desk in her office, scared out of his wits. He listened to Yusei's voicemails, the last ones involving his screaming and the sounds of him getting punched and kicked. Yugi even tried to call, but his voicemails kept getting cut off. He couldn't think straight. Just from the very little amount of information from Muse alone, he knew that Muscular was just like Himiko: a Villain who only finds entertainment in death in their bloody hands. This was not what he signed up for. He couldn't do it, not after what happened to Jesse. He was his fault that his friends were in danger. He didn't want that for his friends who were in this situation with him.

Yubel couldn't help but feel helpless in this predicament. She wanted to comfort Jaden, but what he had seen had taken a toll on him. She even felt his fear when Yusei was danger during that training session. Never before had she felt so much pain inside his heart. She wanted to leave him alone until he had the guts to stand and go out there, but that would take too long. Who knew the outcome would be after?

Jaden, you have to get out there and fight, she said.

"I can't do it..." Jaden muttered, clutching the sides of his head. "I can', they're just gonna killed."

You don't know that, she interjected.

"Yes, I do! The same, dang thing happened to Jesse!" Jaden cursed. "Even if I go out there, they're just gonna killed! They'll be erased from my memory! I'll never seen them again! It'll be all my fault that they died here!"

But, if you don't do anything about it, then we can guarantee that will happen!

"It won't matter what action I take! I know I'll end up making a mistake somehow...I can't go out there knowing I won't go home without them. What'll happen to Yugi? Will I ever meet him like I did that day? Will I ever meet Yusei when he traveled through time? Will I still remember our first Duel together? The answer to all of those is 'no!' I won't! Everything I did with them will just be dust." still doesn't mean we can't try. They're counting on us, including Lola. I may not help you as much, but I'm not letting you sit around here in hiding. You're better than that...Where's the Jaden I know? The one who was to take risks no matter the outcome?

"That Jaden is gone..."

No, he's not. He's in there somewhere...and the first thing we're gonna do, even if it means getting trouble, is get Armoria and get out of here!

Armoria? "Have you lost it? We can't take her! She has that knee injury!"Jaden exclaimed.

She, too, that I felt, was lacking in confidence just like you. It's not because of that stupid injury. I can tell she doesn't like her Quirk, so we have to help her show that she, like us, can be a Hero. Jaden, God probably gave you this chance and this Quirk to show that you can protect people. Do it with Armoria, and you'll understand why we might be here. We don't know the actual reason, but we can try to find it!

Although, Jaden couldn't see her anymore, that is until they could get back home, he felt her warm smile, but could he do it? He failed Jesse. He knew that Jesse was dead. He couldn't have survived bleeding out for that long. Nobody knew where they were...

He's gone...and I failed...It's because of me.

He, just like the other Kings, felt that the reason for everything was because they were the targets for the League of Villains. But why? That question never left their minds. He knew that the answer was lying in wait with the League. Maybe, they were dumb to let one of them fight the Heroes. Toga, maybe?

If Himiko was there, it was his chance to avenge Jesse. Yubel felt this in his heart, understanding how much Jesse meant to him. That was the brother that Jaden never had. She felt very bad that she used him to get Jaden to love her again. She wanted to know Jesse was alive as well. She wanted Jaden to have someone that he can relate to, an older brother that he can count on, and a friend that she can trust to take care of Jaden.

"Alright," Jaden finally said, breaking the silence. "We're going, and we're gonna take Armoria with us."

It is okay, Jaden, Yubel said, reassuringly.

"Yeah, I can't mope around like a baby," Jaden said. "They need me just as much as I need them. You're right, Yubel. The Big Guy gave me a chance to protect those who need it the most. I am the Legendary Hero: Friedom! Friedom is not afraid of—AH!" As he tried to stand, he hit his head under the desk.

You've been under that desk for who knows how long, and you hit your head...How did you forget? Yubel asked.

"I have no idea," groaned Jaden, holding his head. "Still, setbacks are setbacks!"

That doesn't make any sense...

"I really don't need your two-sense right now," Jaden growled as his tail swayed. "I think Armoria is in the camera room thing. Let's go get some support items, grab her, and beat some—AH! WHY!" He hit his head again. "I better get a reward after this."

Sure, Jaden...

Jaden ran out of the office, dragging Armoria along the way, and into the workshop looking for some items that will help them, but Armoria silently judged his plan.

"You know I can't go with you," she said. "I have a knee injury, and if L.E.D. or my dad saw me, they'll pound my face in."

"Look, you're only using that excuse to stay out of the fight," Jaden said. "They need you, too. They need all the help they can get. Perfect!" Jaden showed Armoria a device that took on the appearance of a pistol. "Do you know what this is?"

"That's Muse's Elemental Pistol," Armoria said. "When she goes over her limit, she uses that to grab elemental particles such as electricity and fire, depending on the environment that she is in."

"And that thing?" Jaden pointed to a large hammer.

"That's mine," Armoria said, walking to grab it. "L.E.D. made it for me to use for battle. I forgot to bring it the day I got my knee busted."

"Including that Captain America shield?" He jerked his at a shield with Armoria's colors and a white star.

"Yes..." she sighed.

"So, you're a MARVEL fan," Jaden noticed. "Who's your favorite?"

"Steve Rogers," she said.

"Nice! He's really cool!" Jaden continued to search for an item for himself. "Do you remember what happened in The First Avenger? Before Steve got his body exposed to vitarays?"

"What do you mean?"

"The scene where he called out a guy for shouting during the previews?"


"What did he do after he called that punk out?"

"He got his butt kicked...but, he also got back up when he kept getting put down. That guy saw weakness, but Steve had a lot of strength he knew he had..."

"1 Corinthians 1:27; God has chosen the weak things of the world to put to shame the things which are mighty. And, I bet you're one of them. Whether or not you have a great Quirk, you have two choices: to be a Villain, or to be a Hero, and you chose the right path. So, there's no going back now. Hey, what's this?" Jaden showed her a larger gun which looked like a bigger, more powerful version of a Ghostbuster's proton pack.

"That's L.E.D.'s Particle Blaster," Armoria said. "She never told me what it does, so I wouldn't touch it if I—" Jaden pressed a button on the the side of the grip, blasting a burning light beam at the wall. It exploded, creating a hole.

Armoria looked toward Friedom with an angry expression, which looked different than her usual look. Jaden even felt Yubel's burning gaze on him. "Well, I guess she wouldn't mind if I used it." Armoria and Yubel shook their heads.

"STUPID, STUPID VILLAINS!" Lola was having trouble with trying to get to Yusei, Wardog, and Muse. A bunch of Villains cornered her, Eraserhead, Kamui, Edgeshot, and several other Heroes.

"Be patient, L.E.D.," the Pro Hero, Death Arms, said.

"I wish I can, but Wardog, Muse, and Ike are in trouble," Diamond said. "Prism found me, Deku, and Kansei, and told us that they were fighting Muscular. Dang it! I wish I took Spinner's sword! That was pretty threatening. It wasn't enough to make me pee my pants, but it was good enough. Can I take it?"

"No!" the Pro Heroes shouted.

"I ain't gon' kill anybody with it," she griped. "I was gon' use that to make a strong metal alloy for Daytona's project. Dang! Always assumin' crap..."

"Because you have the mind of a terrorist," remarked Edgeshot.

"You know, I'm number one on the terrorist list," Lola reminded.

"Just like Madea," Eraserhead whispered.

"Are we sure she's a fictional character?" the Pro Hero, Manual, whispered, nervously.

"I don't even know anymore," Eraser muttered back.

"I didn't expect to see so many familiar faces," L.E.D. said. "This is good for the kids, actually." A figure jumped past them from behind, but Lola, being on her toes, noticed. She didn't say anything. She decided to wait for it to come to them.

"What do you mean?" asked the Pro Hero, Thirteen.

"This!" The figure that she noticed from behind ambushed them, but L.E.D. Diamond hopped out of the way, pushing off the building side, and drop kicking the figure. "Take care of these wannabes. I'll take care of him."

The figure stood up, twirling a katana in its hand. Its aura stunned the other Heroes as well as the Villains. It shook Lola a bit but not enough to throw her off of her game. Its smile was easily recognized as its blood red eyes in the dark while it reeked of blood which could make anyone faint, including. She stood her ground. She wasn't scared. She always wanted to meet—

"The Hero Killer: Stain..."

Stain, that she remembered, was a popular Villain. She remembered fighting the Nomu back here in Hosu when they suddenly appeared. Some of the younger generation actually turned to his ideology and reckless ways, making her upset that they would just turn from what they grew up with to make themselves look cool. He was a vigilante, a menace. He hospitalized the Turbo Hero: Ingenium, a fine Hero who Lola actually liked. She had never met the Hero Killer in person, but she finally got her wish.

Stain smiled, sadistically. "Hello, L.E.D. Diamond. You look surprised to see me."

"Mothertrucker, I thought you was dead," she joked, keeping a straight face.

"Surprise! I'm not!" Stain cheered.

"How did you get out?" Thirteen asked, a little angry.

"Who else?" he spat. "I heard a rumor about an unnamed Hero that was number one on the hit list, so everyone was after whoever this guy is. Unfortunately, it looks like it's going another way. Fortunately, it's my chance to finally the justice that this society deserves!"

"And let me guess; because of the bounty's bent rules, you're here to kill every last one of us, right?" Lola asked, knowing the answer.

"Clever girl," Stain hissed. "Yes, but I am also a trusted member of the League of Villains—"

"Wait! You were a lone wolf!" Diamond exclaimed. "When did you become a member of the League?"

"Since they broke me out and entrusted me with the wanted Hero's name," he said, licking his lips.

Oh crap! Lola screamed in her head. So, they do know!

She almost lost her balance. Now, this scared her. Their fears came true. They knew the Kings' names. Wait a minute...

It could all be a bluff. Then, recalling past apprehensions, the Villains would commit suicide. There could be a possibility that they know the Kings' names. But, with their new appearances, it should be a little harder to recognize them.

Also, it added to the fact if a random stranger knew their names, they are obligated to keep quiet, to play dumb. They had to act as if they never heard of those names or as if they never had a real name to begin with. They could only answer to their codenames.

Lola silently called it. He was bluffing, but it was still possible that he had seen their old appearances. It just didn't make sense to her. Why would Stain join the League of Villains if he wasn't associated with them to begin with?

To her misfortune, she didn't have enough time to figure it out when Eraserhead charged towards Stain. "No!"

Eraser threw the wraps around his neck to capture the Hero Killer, his eyes glowing red to activate. Stain easily dodged it and sped his way over to Lola to catch her off guard. We all know that Lola obviously saw that coming. She sent out strings of L.E.D. light from her body at Stain, allowing him to race past them. He swung his katana at her neck, but stopping it was a big light blast that resonated in her body. She looked around. He vanished.

She hummed in curiosity. While the Heroes were busy fighting the other Villains, Stain swiftly and silently slipped past them, tiptoeing behind the child. He smiled maniacally, finally ready to kill the new Number One Hero. He never knew how she got to that spot, but he heard that a little girl somehow surpassed not only Endeavour but All Might in overall power and moral value. He knew that she was a victim of the corrupted society in which they lived upon. He didn't want to hurt the little girl; he wanted to put her out of her misery, being told lies of the ideal Hero, so she could fend for herself.'s too late...

He raised his katana above his head as he crept slowly toward her, the sounds of screams, slight bloodshed, and battle cries filling her ears. Then...


A metal object hit the back of Stain's head, making him fly past Dia at a fast rate. She saw this, and, as she snapped her body around to where he had flew from, a white shield flew back into a Hero's arm.

The sisters, the two Kings, and Wardog stood behind her, Ike, Muse, and Wardog panting.

"What the—Guys?" Dia screamed, then she noticed her particle blaster in Jaden's hands and Bre by their side. It was obvious that Wardog wasn't too happy with her being here either. "And, BOY! I FINNA KILL YOU!"

"Don't...worry about it, and yeah..." Ike huffed. "We're here..."

"Well, it's about dang time!" the child yelled. " did you knock out Muscular?"

"Muscular is here, too?" Eraserhead exclaimed as he wrapped Stain in his bindings.

"Knock him out?" Friedom asked. "We didn't knock him out!"

"We couldn't knock him out! We ran off once Friedom and Ria came and T.K.O.'d him!" Ike shouted.

"T.K.O.?" Dia shivered in anxiousness.

"We really don't have the time to explain," Ike babbled.

"Right now, there are too many Villains around," Armoria said.

"We can't capture them all," Muse added, "but we can knock these drug addicts out with a bang." Muse manipulated the electricity in the buildings and set up an electric shock that weakened only the Villains. She and Wardog decided to fight alongside Eraserhead with the other Pros that were there while Ike, Friedom, Armoria, and L.E.D. took on Stain. He was a tough one.

Stain had broken from his bindings and had a lot of speed, but it wasn't enough to pass Ike, who sped after him. He noticed the six small blade scabbards that rested on his sides. Even so, Yusei managed to land a few hits on him, giving the fight to Jaden.

Jaden blew a breath of fire at Stain, but Stain quickly dodged it, throwing the knives in the scabbards sonc he was thrown into a great height to where he had a shot. Jaden melted them all with a single blow. He roared, wings spreading, and flew to pound the Hero Killer into the ground.

The Villain landed on his feet, rushing towards L.E.D. who was left defenseless, but Armoria blocked his katana attack with her shield and swung her hammer at him, knocking him back to Ike and Friedom as they found an opening to throw him at the other Villains. Stain flew into the other Villains to ease off the fight for their fellow Heroes.

Stain swiftly made a kip-up and, as revenge, ran toward Armoria. Ike pushed him back with a gust of wind as Friedom raised the blaster in his hands and pressed the button on the grip, aiming the beam towards him. He raced past them with ease. Jaden flew over to him and bit his arm, tossing him to the side. This guy would not stay down.

He threw one of his blades at Armoria, but she easily fended it off with her shield. He kept throwing his many blades at her, but she stayed in place. Then, he vanished into thin air. Lola sensed his presence around them and punched him back with a powerful fist.

"Stay back, Ria," Lola commanded as she, Ike, and Friedom, stood in front of her. They gave it their all when they battled Stain, three-to-one. He was outmatched by them.

"You guys are tough together, I see," he chuckled as he defended himself, allowing his arms to get bruised.

"So what?" Friedom kicked him back. "Even with one, you're still gonna kick your butt kicked!"

"Huh...just like L.E.D., especially with that mouth," he sighed, "and you think just like every Hero in the world."

"Better than being a Villain," Ike said.

"Dang, how I hate that word," Stain said, clicking his tongue. "I hate being labeled as someone who tries to kill people. I should labeled as someone who tries to correct this society."

"You killed many Heroes," Ike said, angrily. "I read a lot about you, and you used to go to U.A. High because you also wanted to be Hero just like us, but then, you disagreed with what they taught at the school, so you began to announce your own ideology against the school."

"And you know that they're wrong," Stain replied. "Yet, you still follow them?"

"I'd rather die by your sword than to follow you," Ike spat.

"You are so stupid," Stain hissed. "Instead of fighting me, you, all of you, should be helping me—"

"SHUT UP!" Jaden punched his abdomen and roundhouse kicked him, angrily, his hair blazing. "I heard that line once before, and I do not wanna hear it again."

"Fine then," Stain said, speeding out of sight and behind Armoria. "Maybe, you'll listen once she's out of the picture!"

"ARMORIA!" they shouted. Lola raised a hand to stop them from going any further. What?

Once Stain whipped out his katana, he easily sliced through Armoria's throat, beheading her.

Or so he thought...

He stood there dumbfounded for a quick second until Armoria slammed her shield into his face and he hammer into a place where she knew really hurt, then she pounded her hammer into his stomach, sending him off with a big blow into the other Villains. Yusei and Jaden were also dumbfounded. They were highly confused. Why isn't she dead?

"Internal Phasing," she announced. "My Quirk allows the atoms and electrons in my cells to reconfigure their structure to trick the electrons of the opposing object that they are 'nonexistent'. This applies with anything like wind, fire, or anything that will kill a human if they penetrate through the skin at an extremely high pressure."

"Anything that can go through her passes through her as if she were a ghost," Yusei translated for Jaden.

"Wait, if things can pass through you, how did that one Villain bust your kneecaps?" Jaden yelled.

"It's Internal Phasing, stupid!" Lola cursed. "It's for her insides, her guts!"

"Well, it's a perfect Quirk for someone as scared as her," Yusei remarked, crossing his arms.

"I am not that scared!" A Villain was thrown into a building, producing a loud bang, startling Armoria and causing her to scream.

"Point proven," Ike said, pointing to her.

Meanwhile, Yugi wasn't have it as easily. He was attacked by the guy that he recognized all too well, his gaze finally familiar. Shigaraki!

Tomura had the advantage, disintegrating parts of Yugi's suit almost killing him with it. He grabbed a piece of the shattered crystal that belonged his chest plate and tried to stab him. Yugi managed to roll around quickly enough to do dodge them, kicking Tomura in the abdomen. Tomura reached out his hand to touch Yugi's face, but swiftly, Yugi crystallized at the nick of time and shone off a great light to blind. Yugi slid under and kicked his back, then he grabbed Tomura's forearm, pivoted, and, with all of his might, flipped him over with a hard landing on his back. Don't let him touch you!

He had told himself to keep away from his hands. While he was rolling away from the shattered Crystal in Tomura's hand, he noticed that he used four fingers to hold it. That's how his Quirk activates!

Tomura knew that he was outmatched when he targeted this child instead of Ike. He hardly had any experience in one-on-one combat since he had his minions do most of his work. Though, the kid was weaker in strength compared to him which was odd to him. He had a Light Quirk, it appeared. So, how is he weaker than me?

He lunged the boy as he quickly dodged a spear the boy created with light. He grabbed his arm as the fabric protecting his skin behind to crumble away. "I hope you understand that this isn't what I intended to do, but you left me with no choice."

"Yeah right," the boy grunted. "I know you set this bounty to capture someone, dragging the other Pro Heroes along with the poor guy. You're gonna kill them all."

"But, that's what you don't understand," Tomura interjected. "This is all for a better world. You think these Heroes are what you think they are, but in reality, they only want the glory, and the fame, and to be looked upon as a savior. They're nothing but paintings: just covering up their real meaning, their purpose of being created, the truth. If you took the time to sit down and look closely at the details, you'll eventually find that something is hidden."

"No, you're so wrong," Yugi said as his skin began to chip away piece by piece. "Not all Heroes are like that. Actually, some are willing to risk their lives to save others. Think about All Might or L.E.D. Diamond—"

Tomura grabbed his throat with four fingers and pressed the boy against the building, choking him to death. "You never speak of those names. You don't know who they really are. They are just the same. That little brat is corrupted. Whatever she tells you is the same thing that every"—He tightened his grip.—"other"—It became even tighter.—"Hero"—Yugi screamed as his grip tightened around his throat, strangling him.—"in this STUPID, STUPID WORLD! Heroes are nothing! They just create an ideology, and then, they burned that into your brains like they meant nothing, like we have no souls! Like we were never meant to be here in the first place! But...that is why we set this bounty." His grip loosened, allowing the boy to catch a little air but as much to where he can break free. "Now, I want to know, and I know that someone is hiding them, so you better listen and tell me the truth. There is a kid who is going to help me finally put an end to the injustices that still live in this world."

He pulled out a picture of the child that Yugi already knew. "Have you seen this kid?" Yugi knew that he couldn't reveal himself or else, he'd be erased. He studied the possible outcomes of dimensional erasure, and kept one of them in mind:

Seto becoming the King of Games...

If he became King of Games, to be honest, he wouldn't care, but part of him told him to care because he had defeated Seto without Yami's help many times before. If he became King of Games, he was wagering the lives of many on his Dueling. He could've killed everyone, but the real reason that he couldn't become King of Games...was because Seto hardly ever cared about the citizens. Yes, he did care about his brother which was good, but there were also other people who needed his help. Then again, he also made his brother do his bidding because he was still "hurting from his defeat." He didn't want that. Yugi wanted to save other people. They didn't have the same past, but they had the same love for Duel Monsters. Seto only entered the tournament that Pegasus hosted just to show that he was the best until they put his brother at risk. Yugi had someone's life on the line.


His grandfather was in danger all because Pegasus wanted power...

Don't tell me..."D...Don't t-tell me w-what's wrong...and w-what's r-right," Yugi choked as tears began to form in his silver eyes, not because he was being choked and losing consciousness...but, because of what I have been through. "Yes...s-some H-Heroes care But, some...some have something on the line! They have something that they hold so dear to them! Something or someone that they cannot live without! They're Heroes because they know that the citizens are in that same situation!

"They do their job because they want people to be happy! They want them to live a world where they know it's safe! One day, a big event will happen, and those who are willing to do the true right thing will live a place where is peace and happiness, a place where they won't worry or suffer or live in a world where they bruised and beatened! That's why we're Heroes! We want people to know that everything will get better one day! Everyone still have a chance to be saved! And, we're gonna show them that!"

Tomura's grip tightened aggressively around his throat, causing him to yelp in pain. Tomura was upset with him and his little speech. The boy's eyes began to droop a little, signalling that he was losing consciousness. "They corrupted you, too...Of course, you don't understand, and how can I blame you? Your parents taught you poorly. You were an innocent child like me...until you were exposed to this toxin. You and I are one and the same.'re one of them, so must die."

Tomura raised his free hand to his face, now irritating of seeing him until he was blasted back, releasing Prism from his torture. He coughed violently. When he looked up and over to his left, he found Ike Daytona and Friedom standing there with a huge blaster in Friedom's hands.

"Sorry we were late, little buddy," said Ike. "We had a bit of a delay."

"Dia told us where you were, so we had a slight hunch that you were in trouble," Friedom said.

Tomura sat up, viewing the Heroes. "Ike Daytona."

"So, you heard of me?" questioned Ike.

"Yes, the newest Hero who took out many of the bounty hunters, solved many just two weeks or so," answered Tomura.

"Yeah, and we've heard of you, Tomura Shigaraki," Friedom announced. "You are the leader of the League of Villains, so that means you're the leader of this bounty. Don't you dare tell me that I'm wrong." Jaden was becoming a little aggressive. Both Yusei and Yubel noticed. They believed that what started a spark inside of himself was when Stain sounded like Paradox, a masked maniac out to destroy Duel Monsters and Pegasus along with it.

Prism coughed, rubbing his neck. "He's right; you set off this bounty to find someone, but for what purpose?"

"You don't need to know," hissed Tomura. An earpiece in his ear rang calmly as he pressed against it.

The Kings readied themselves in fighting stances except for Yugi, who was frightened that he would get in the way. After having his flesh exposed in the open, he couldn't risk trying to help Yusei and Jaden, but he knew they needed him. He was afraid that he was too weak, and if he threw himself into the supposed fight, he would get them killed, and he wouldn't remember them if he went back home.

"Sorry to cut it all short, but I gotta go," Tomura sighed. "Just when I was about to have some fun." As quickly as lightning, Tomura sped off, but Ike, with Friedom and Prism in his hands to keep up with him, was on his tail.

From what they saw when they returned to the battle scene where Yusei and Jaden had left Armoria and L.E.D., the other Villains also were retreating, including Stain and Muscular who had just recently appeared on the battle field. Lola knew that Magma and Spinner were gone, including Twice. She noticed the Villains getting away as many portals appeared to assist them. She decided to aim for the one who started all of this. "Shigaraki!"

Tomura looked back, but continued his run as she gave chase. She screamed, lunging forward, Tomura hopped through the portal on time, the portal now closing like a door slam and leaving her to eat his dust.

She slammed her fist into the ground, cursing. "Dang it! He got away!" Her strength shook the ground. The Kings knew that she was terribly upset. No one wanted to talk to her, understanding her mood, not even the sisters and their father. They felt that she was terrifying when she gets angry. She was frustrated with everything that had occurred. She wanted to get the boys home safely and stop whatever plan the League of Villains had, but if she were only faster to catch Tomura, then she could interrogate him to get the answer. Thinking about it, it wouldn't make a difference. He would still have the same fate as the other Villains.

"Dia...I'm sorry..." Yugi was the first to speak up. "I-It was my fault. I...I wasn't strong enough to defend myself against Shigaraki. I just sat there...Just don't beat yourself up about it, okay?"

"Prism, it's not your dang fault," she cursed through her teeth. "It doesn't matter!" She looked over to Jaden. "And you! You are so dead, my friend!" She walked away.

Jaden shivered, knowing that he was going to punished for bringing Armoria and using her particle blaster without her consent. Yusei and Yugi looked to each other, hoping that she would be alright. They couldn't blame her. She was trying to keep them safe and get them home before chaos reigned. That's when another question popped up. How are we gonna fix everything that happened?

They couldn't bring back the lives of those who passed unless they had a time machine, but the outcome of messing with time was unpredictable.

The next day...was a little lighter than usual except for all of the screaming and cursing in the simulator. Lola was ticked off with Jaden when he used her untested Particle Blaster and, most importantly, dragged Bre into the fight when she had a knee injury. She remembered that the doctor had told her to stay away from training and missions until it healed, but when Jaden took her with him for extra assistance, it began to worsen. As for Yugi, he tried to hide his injury from her, but Taichi had a keen eye.

The doctor had hardly treated a wound like his. The exposed meat on his upper arm went almost from his shoulder to nearly his forearm. She had treated conditions that were bizarre, beyond imagining, but this was far beyond her skills. The doctor had no choice but to dress the wound, and she ordered Yugi to stay away combat as well. She didn't know if Yugi's arm would heal correctly or at all. His arm really stung. He wanted the pain to go away very badly, but it was just too excruciating. It felt like he had been slapped with Lola's true power.

To take his mind off of the pain, he asked Lola if he could stay at the Monarch overnight to study Villains in the computer room, which she had answered "yes" to, but he spent all night studying these files. By morning, he blankly stared at the screen with tired, darkened eyes, not understanding a single word as he skimmed through the information. It felt like those torturing days of recreating the model of the Duel Disk for Kaiba. He banged his head on the desk, which helpfully woke him up, but he still couldn't stay awake even after the hit. Yusei came in, shaking his head once he noticed his friend's state.

"Yugi, how long have you been up?" he asked.

"I...I was...I was, uh...u-up for...Blue-Eyes coffee..." Yugi's head leaned back on the head of the chair, causing him to fall over. "10 hours!" He sat up quickly as he said this.

"10 hours? You do realize that you need to sleep for 8 to 10 hours, right?" Yusei grabbed his left arm, the unharmed arm, and pulled him up on his feet.

"Yeah, I know," Yugi yawned, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. "I just wanted to study the Villains that we've faced or might be facing soon. So far, I learned about..." Yugi was about to fall over again, but Yusei somehow had a fan ready and wacked him upside his head. "I PLAY EXODIA—What?"

"So far, you learned?" Yusei repeated, circling his hand.

"Yeah! Right! Uh...I learned a little more about Stain, Muscular, keep Jaden away from Muscular so he won't freak out and yak on the floor, and others that I can't remember..." Then, Yugi remembered another Villain. "Oh! And that guy All Might mentioned when he told us why we needed to stick with our codenames outside of the safe zones. One...For...All?"

"All-For-One," corrected Yusei. "Yeah, I remember that. What about him, exactly?"

Yugi tapped on the keyboard, pulling up an image of a man with life support gear around his neck and a mask. "All-For-One was the Number One Villain. He was the Villain that All Might took down after a kidnapping at the training camp Izuku told us about. He's also supposedly over a hundred years old. Guess that life support really worked for him. He was supposed to be dead until well...he came back."

"Well, we saw many things like that in our times, so what's new?" Yusei shrugged.

"This." Yugi enlarged the information, muttering that he hated that style of computers. "It says here that he has a Quirk that could take Quirks and give them to other people."

"So, if he could, he can take our Quirks," Yusei muttered.

"Yep...not only that, but look." Yugi pressed a link to a video which showed a battle between the Villain and All Might. Yusei jumped a little to see All Might's built physique. He never knew that that was what he looked like before his thin, sickly body. He seriously needs to go to the hospital...

The battle between the two men was gruesome. All Might was really giving his all, but with every punch that All Might used, no matter how powerful they were, All-For-One had a countermeasure. What struck him was the wind forced upon All Might from his hand. Then, his right arm became larger, drills breaking out of his skin, huge lumps of skin that appeared to be arms, and gray spots that seemed to be metal. Yusei quivered violently. Through the screen, he felt the power of All-For-One as well as the fear that rose in his body. He had never felt this much fear since his defeat against friend and former leader of the Enforcers, Kalin Kessler. Because of the overwhelming force of All-For-One through the monitor, Yusei's legs gave out, making him fall.

"Yusei?" Yugi exclaimed, hearing the thud. As he looked over, he found Yusei on the floor, struggling to get up.

"What the...what the heck was that?" Yusei stammered.

Yugi grabbed his arm to lift him up. "That's the same feeling I had when I watched this, and one of the reasons why I stayed up. The scariest thing to know was All-For-One survived a move that All Might used against him called the United States of Smash. Right now, his current status is imprisoned."

"You're kidding!" Yusei yelled.

"N-No! Actually, I looked, and it said that when he survived the United States of Smash, the cops threw him into jail, but I don't think we need to worry too much," Yugi explained. "The jail that he was sent to has the highest security to ever have been created. Not even Lola could break it."

"That's intense, but are you sure?" Yusei asked. "Who knows what the League is planning?"

"Yeah...and I kinda have a bad feeling that All-For-One will be a part of this soon, but he's chained tight, so he won't be a threat," Yugi sighed.

"At least, for now," Yusei said. "Crap, they really mean business."

"It just doesn't make any sense on what we have to do with all of this," Yugi muttered, frustrated. The door slammed shut. Turning to see who came in, it was Jaden and Izuku, huffing and puffing. " guys alright?"

"That kid...hates me, right now," Jaden said.

"Oh, we know," Yusei said, nodding. "I have no doubt that everyone in the Monarch heard the cursing—"

"—And the destruction in the simulator," Yugi added.

Don't forget the high-pitched screaming, Yubel said.

"That wasn't me," Jaden said. "That was Armoria. She probably saw a spider in the training room."

"Yeah, she saw a spider in the workshop the size of Lola," Yusei chuckled.

"Oh, whatever," Jaden growled.

"So, how did you make it out alive?" inquired Yugi.

"Lola had an emergency call, so she left the simulator and Muse just set him free," Izuku said. "I had to come with him so he wouldn't die."

"Huh, that Muse is something," Yusei said.

"She was awesome," Jaden said, grinning.

"Why did Lola have an emergency call?" asked Yugi.

"Don't know," Izuku said, shrugging. "It's probably about the fight last night." He noticed the screen. "I see you've done some research."

"I thought that I could learn more about the Villains so that we could aware of what we're dealing with," Yugi explained, "and he's one of them."

Jaden approached the monitor and read the name. "All-For-One. That's that one Villain All Might mentioned weeks ago, right? he's uglier in person."

"Yep, that's him alright," Yusei said. Then, he began to think for a bit. He recalled that Lola said that they needed a license to use their Quirks. Without them, they wouldn't be able to fight against Villains stronger than them. Did she mean... "Guys...I think that we have to fight All-For-One."

"What?" Yugi exclaimed.

"Remember when Lola said that we needed licenses to use our Quirks?" recalled Yusei. "If we don't have licenses, we'll be in jail for unauthorized attacks. She mentioned that there are some Villains that will be stronger than us and then, she cut herself out on that last part. Do you think..."

"Nah! Can't be! Right?" Jaden questioned.

"It's too soon to call," Izuku said, "but I have no doubt that you guys being here involves All-For-One somehow. Yusei, you might be right. I guess you guys have to fight All-For-One one of these days."

"Now, that leads to another question," Jaden said. "Why did she cut herself off? If she was gonna say 'All-For-One', why didn't she just say it?"

"That is something that I am not willing to show you," Yugi mumbled. "But yeah...she's the Number One Hero now. Did she run into All-For-One?"

"No, she's never met All-For-One in person," Izuku said. "She has seen his power during his brawl with All Might."

"All Might fought the dude?" Jaden imagined All Might in his bony form fighting All-For-One. "How is he not dead?"

"We'll talk about it later," Yugi said. "So, she's afraid of him. I don't blame her. Yusei and I saw the video, and man..."

"Yep, he's pretty powerful," Izuku said, directing that to Jaden.

Well, he doesn't sound all that powerful the way you make him sound, said Yubel.

"If you saw the video, even you would jump out of your skin..." Izuku rephrased his sentence. "Well, out of...Jaden's skin since, know."

Yes, I understand what you mean, she said.

"So, should we tell Diamond?" Yusei asked.

"Depends on how scared she is of him," Yugi answered. The screen blacked out. They glanced to the sound of the electricity of the computer switching off. Yugi pressed the power button, trying to turn it back on. It just...did nothing. "The heck, man?"

"Maybe it's old?" Yusei inquired.

"This is the newest model by Apple," Jaden said. "There's no way it could burn out that easily, but don't worry. The same thing happened with Jesse's computer. All it needs is a little kick!" He kicked the computer, damaging it with a hole the size of his shoe. He smiled a crooked smile of anxiousness.

"I think I heard Lola sharpening a guillotine blade," Yugi said.

"She's gonna place my head above her fireplace!" Jaden cried.

"Did this happen when you kicked Jesse's computer?" Yusei asked.

No, he kicked his computer; Jesse threw him out the window, Yubel giggled. It was kind of amusing to watch, really. Sorry, Jaden.

"YOU'RE SUPPOSE TO BE ON MY SIDE, DANG IT!" Jaden screamed. "I forgot I had enhanced strength as a dragon!"

"How did you forget?" Yugi asked.




The message struck fear into their hearts. The figure had an unforgiving and deadly aura that could kill anyone who walked past them. The voice melted their brains. Their words...felt like poison, knives stabbing them over and over and over. Their bodies went numb. They knew that this was broadcasted throughout Japan. Now, with this message spread across the country, people could easily turn against the Heroes and find the wanted...them...

Now, they felt their sense of security deplete. Everyone would start a war against them, finding them. They would kill, die, capture, whatever they could do in their own power. This wasn't what they expected. They were never prepared for this.

Lola burst into the room, noticing Jaden in there instead of being in the simulator to be tortured, but she didn't care about that. "Guys! You heard that message?"

"Y-Yeah, w-we did," Izuku stammered, turning to her.

"It was broadcasted throughout Japan, and whoever sent it, hacked into the phones!" Lola screamed. "They're really ticked off, man. It's not our fault you decided to mess time and space rifts to bring these poor boys hers." She caught a glimpse at the Kings, who stood there like stone statues. "Kings, are you alright?"

They unconsciously fell on their knees. Izuku and Lola jumped and tried to help them up, but they wouldn't budge.

"Guys! Hey, guys! Are you alright?" Izuku raised his voice as he shook Jaden.

Come on, you three, Yubel chimed in. Get up.

"Wake up, now," commanded Lola.

They couldn't hear them at all. Their heads wrapped around the message. They shivered as if they were in a blizzard.

"Guys, you're safe," Lola said. "I promise, I won't let anything bad happen to you." But are we?

They were in danger. Everyone was in danger, thanks to them. It was their fault that this dimension was at risk. It's our fault...

It's our fault...

It's our fault...

Everyone is going to die...





It's all my fault...


Why are we here?

These thoughts were set on replay...

The Kings were being eaten up inside...

They were the reason why this all started...and, they couldn't tell anyone...


A colleague of theirs was about to leave. He had finished his small speech once Overhaul broadcasted it to the entire country of Japan. Their ally turned around. "So, now that you have broadcasted your message, what is your plan?"

"We're working on it!" snapped Tomura, bitterly.

"Someone is upset," the colleague said, surprised.

"I didn't get to kill that kid that I fought last night!" Tomura shouted. "There was something about him that ticked me off. I was gonna kill him! Finally, I had him in my hands, ready to kill him, then his stupid Hero friends came along...Ike was there, too."

"I know that," Overhaul said. "That's why we only need three of us to watch them. For some reason, I had a bad feeling about them, and I don't know why. They seem...familiar..."

"Oh, please," Spinner spat. "Three kids that just so happened to fly into this mess and now, they're suddenly 'familiar?' We don't even know who they are!"

"Be quiet," Overhaul hissed. "When Shigaraki fought the little one, he was weaker than he was. He hardly used his Quirk, and you don't forget that you have a Quirk...Keep an eye on those three."

"You know, those three are actually, coincidentally, attending U.A. High," their mysterious colleague mentioned, chuckling to himself.

"Daytona is the student teacher of Class 1-A, right?"

"Not only 1-A but 1-B as well. The other two are in those classes."

"Well, we know we can't hack into the main frame because of L.E.D. Diamond," said Dabi. "I already know that she set up so many firewalls because of the times that we attacked. She's really amping up the security."

"Yes, but she won't for long," their colleague said, smiling maniacally. "I am not too sure of this, but she seems quite close to those boys. She claims to have met Ike in the Kamino Ward and the other two boys, Prism and Friedom, for a while. She paid for their tuition and dorm rooms, so they may attend U.A. and keep the hassle of working too much on their parents."

"But, what do you mean by 'coincidentally?'" Magne asked.

"Don't you think that it seems odd how these boys are attending the same school and found one another last night during the ambush, and they were both with their student teacher?" he asked, wanting to burst out laughing.

"You know, that kid with the silver hair was with Ike until he managed to escape, and then, that lizard-faced kid came in with some scared hammer holding super soldier wannabe to save Daytona, Wardog, and that other kid," Muscular recalled.

"That was after that kid I fought came over to Diamond, that brat Izuku, and his stupid friend, telling them what was happening," Tomura also recalled. "Then, Daytona and Lizard Face came along and ruined my chances to kill him!" He scratched his neck fiercely. "I should've killed them all when I had the chance instead of wasting time! This really ticks me off!"

"Does everything have to be about you, Shigaraki?" complained Himiko.

"Shut up!"

"Enough," Overhaul growled. "Anyway, Prism and Friedom, right? Do you know their real names? If Prism and Friedom are attending U.A., you would have to know their real names."

"I do not know why, but their real names are off-limits except to the teachers who also use their Superhero names around the school," the mysterious man said.

"That seems a little suspicious," Magne said.

"It is, and I feel that L.E.D. Diamond is behind this." He smiled, something waving behind him. "Fear not, though. I'll seek this out. L.E.D. can't hide anything from me that easily..."

"So, you know nothing at all?" Overhaul sighed. "Figures."

"Well, I guess I kind of forgot to mention that I did manage to find their real names," he chuckled.

Overhaul jumped in slight excitement, but he was mostly surprised. "What? You did? But you just said—"

"I said that their real names were off-limits, but I know what they are, including Ike Daytona's," he interrupted, "but, I know that Diamond is on to me, so I can't tell you their real names. She may seem that she trusts me, but I can easily tell that she hates being near me. She hardly ever shows it, although."

"Then, you better be careful," said Overhaul. "The kid is smart."

"I can outsmart a stupid child like her."

"Don't get cocky. She's three steps ahead. Last night, she wasn't on her toes, but she will be today and tomorrow and days after. I know the kid, and she doesn't disappoint. She's smarter than we all know. Don't let your guard down when she's around, especially with Daytona, Prism, and Friedom. I can tell that they are powerful, and L.E.D. will easily figure you out just by looking at you."

"I know, and I will. She has nothing on me...yet," said the traitor...

...of U.A. High...

The mentioned child became afraid of the boys when they suddenly collapsed. She sent them off to get some rest in her office, so they could take their mind off of the message. It scared them to death, especially the workers and interns in the Diamond Monarch. Lola knew that this would come eventually but never so soon. She knew that their safety was on the line, and the portal wasn't even close to being ready. She had to stay on top of everything. Fortunately, for U.A., she knew who the traitor was.

Because I heard everything!

And now, for the preview!

Things began to rally up at U.A.

Yeah, like Bakugo now becoming suspicious of us?

Or that the sisters saw the portal that Jonas was making.

Plus, there's a traitor at the school! So, we definitely need to stay alert.

Why are we being told this now?

Next time:


Lola really hits a touchy topic...

Go beyond!