Drako: Well you've been gone for a while

Gamer44D: I had Subject Tests, sue me. Also, a bit of a warning, this chapter will have a term that'll be sensitive to some people. So keep that in mind.

I own nothing.


Jaune steadied himself with his sword as he tried to control his heavy breathing. The knight glared up at his opponent. Cardin Winchester was a smug, ginger, bast-JERK, and the leader of one of the years newest teams; CRDL (Cardinal). The large boy rested his mace on his shoulder with a smug expression. "Aren't you done yet?"

Jaune clenched his teeth and charged forward. Now, for those of you imagining it as a brave and heroic charge; don't. It was actually quite a pathetic display with Jaune almost tripping over his feet while flailing his sword around.

Unsurprisingly, Cardin managed to merely sidestep the sloppy attack. Jaune stumbled and skidded to a halt as he tried to correct himself. Cardin didn't give him the chance as he swung his mace, sending the Arc flying halfway across the stage.

Jaune groaned as he pushed himself up. He then noticed that his little air trip had left him shieldless. Cursing his luck, Jaune attempted to charge Cardin once again. He swung his sword overhead but the larger huntsman in training easily blocked it with his mace. Jaune grunted as Cardin began pushing him back.

Cardin grinned at Jaune's struggling form. "This is the part where you lose…" He grunted out.

Jaune tried his best to glare back. "Over my dead-Gah!" Jaune never got to finish his sentence as Cardin kneed him in the gut. The blonde fell to the floor, groaning and holding his stomach. Cardin lifted his Mace to finish the job.

A buzzer suddenly sounded off as Professor Goodwitch called out "That's enough!" Cardin halted his action as the teacher walked up onto the stage. "Students, as you can see, Mr. Arc's aura has dipped into the red." Above the stage were two holographic screens, both had a picture of Jaune and Cardin respectively and each had what looked to be a standard video game health bar. Cadin's bar barely had a dent in it while Jaune's was nearly empty. If this were an official tournament match, then Mr. Arc would be deemed no longer fit for battle and an official would call the match," The professor turned to Jaune. "Mr. Arc, it's been three weeks now, please refer to your scroll during combat."

Jaune groaned as he pushed himself up. He took out his scroll to check his depleted aura levels while Goodwitch continued to lecture him. "Gauging your aura will help you when to decide when to attack or when to move to a more… defensive strategy. We wouldn't want you gobbled up by a beowulf, now would we?"

Jaune hung his head in shame while Cardin just scoffed. "Speak for yourself…" the brute muttered under his breath.

As the two combatants made their way off the stage, Glynda looked at her tablet. "The next combatants are Sora Hikari and Weiss Schnee."

Sora puffed up his chest as he looked at his team. "Wish me luck, guys."

"Go Sora!" Goofy cheered while waving a big foam finger.

"Burn that Ice Queen," Axel lit his fist on fire for emphasis.

Donald was more skeptical. "You sure about this?" He asked with crossed wings. "We don't know how much experience you've lost."

"Come on, Donald, I'll be fine," Sora slung the Keyblade over his shoulder. "It's Weiss."

"And what exactly is that supposed to mean?" Weiss growled from behind Sora.

Sora jumped at Weiss' sudden appearance but quickly recovered as he turned to face her. "Well, we're friends aren't we?" He smiled. "Don't have to worry about a spar between friends."

Weiss glared at the oblivious boy. "First of all, we're acquaintances not friends," she pointed out. "Second of all, friendship has no place on the battlefield. When we fight, we fight with all we've got!"

"Yes, mam!" Sora said with a mock salute. Weiss rolled her eyes and made her way to the stage.

"Go, Weiss!" Ruby called out. The rest of Weiss' team were holding up a giant red banner with RWBY printed out on it. "Thanks again, Goofy!"

Sora and Weiss stood on opposite ends of the stage. The holographic screens shifted to reveal Weiss and Sora with their respective aura levels. Sora smirked at his image, he was always able to tank a hit others would consider fatal, he just never thought about it. But after Axel explained the concept of aura to him, everything made slightly more sense. He figured he must have unconsciously unlocked his own aura when he found the keyblade which was a pleasant surprise. It saved him the hassle of getting someone else to unlock it for him.

"Fighters ready?" Goodwitch asked. Weiss held out her rapier while Sora assumed his signature fighting stance. "Begin!"

Weiss lunged forward in a white blur but Sora brought up his keyblade to block. The tip of her sword clanged against the magic metal. Weiss tried to regain her balance but Sora quickly gave a counter slash, knocking back the heiress.

"Sora seems to be doing rather well," Ren observed.

"It makes sense," Pyrrha pointed out as she comforted a sulking Jaune. "Sora's seen Weiss' fighting style plenty of times by now, he's probably developed some sort of counter-strategy for it."

"Come on, Weiss! You can't lose to a boy with shoes that big!" Ruby cheered her partner.

Weiss didn't have time to listen to her partner as she was busy deflecting slashes from the keyblade.

"Okay…" Sora breathed out with a grin on his face. "Let's try THIS!" He swung his keyblade overhead. Weiss raised Myrtnastor to block it but she wasn't quick enough to block the stab to the gut that followed after. Sora finished his little combo with a horizontal slash, knocking Weiss across the ring.

Weiss skidded to a halt and regained her balance. She glared at the cocky Sora as he casually slung the keyblade over his shoulder. Weiss spun the dust chamber in her sword until it landed on blue and stabbed the ground. Pillars of ice erupted from the ground and started making their way towards Sora.

Sora instinctually held the keyblade in front of him. "Reflect!" he yelled, but nothing happened. An ice pillar shot out of the ground and punched him in the face, knocking him off his feet.

"Wait… What happened?" Jaune looked up.

"Nothing," Donald shook his head. "Just Sora being an idiot."

Sora groaned as he pushed himself up. "Right, can't use reflect spells anymore," He mumbled to himself as he stood up. "But I know which spells I can use!" he aimed his weapon at Weiss. "Freeze!" An ice ball shot out of the end, heading straight for the heiress.

Weiss saw the incoming attack and quickly switched to red dust. She swung her rapier in an arc, sending a wave of fire that melted Sora's attack. "Is that all you-"

Weiss stopped her sentence midway when she saw Sora sliding towards her on a trail of ice. She didn't have time to register what was happening before Sora launched himself into the air, a blue aura coating his body before he came hurtling down at her.

Weiss leapt out of the way as Sora stabbed the ground, but the impact created a small explosion of kinetic energy, knocking the heiress back.

Weiss stumbled before fixing her position. "Alright…" she gritted her teeth. "Let's see you deal with this…" glyphs began appearing all over the stage, surrounding Sora. Weiss summoned one last glyph under her feet before she shot off like a rocket.

Sora didn't have time to react as Weiss wooshed past him, slashing at his side as she went. She didn't give him any time to recover as she landed on the next glyph and launched herself once again. Sora soon found himself in a whirlwind of Weiss as she continued to stab and slash at his aura.

Sora clenched his teeth and tried to come up with a plan. Come on… What would Herc' do? Wait, that's it! Sora closed his eyes and tried to remember the bond he created with the greek hero.

Weiss would have continued her assault if there wasn't a sudden bright flash from Sora, blinding her and throwing her off her rhythm. Her glyphs disappeared as she sloppily stopped her momentum. She blinked the blurriness out of her eyes to see Sora holding a different weapon entirely from his usual oversized key.

In the boy's hand was a golden shield, designs of clouds and lightning bolts along the edges. "Thanks, Herc," Sora whispered under his breath before turning to Weiss. "Round two, Ice Queen!"

Weiss glared and lunged forward but Sora was easily able to block it. Weiss tried to slash but Sora deflected it with his new shield. Sora then went on the offensive as he swung his shield, knocking Weiss' blade out of the way and thrust the shield forward.

The wind left Weiss' lung as the transformed keyblade slammed into her gut, sliding her across the mock battlefield.

Sora smirked as he managed to get some distance. "Time to heal up," he raised his shield over his head. "Heal!" Sora waited to be coated in green healing energy, but all that happened was a couple of sparks sprouting out the top. "Aw, come on!" Sora groaned.

Weiss was starting to get really frustrated. She should have won by now! But she was unprepared for Sora's odd semblance and how he seemed to use dust without any sort of chamber on his weapon. But if she could utilize her semblance in the way she did before, she could manage to knock out his remaining aura! She focused her mind and began summoning her glyphs again.

Sora was still griping about losing one of his most useful spells when he noticed the white glyphs surrounding him. "Not this time…" He narrowed his focus onto Weiss. Locking down all her weak points and movements. He practiced this ability with Axel, beforehand... the shotlock.

Weiss launched herself at Sora, intent on ending this match but Sora was ready. He thrust his shield up and summoned a ball of golden energy. The glowing sphere crashed on top of the shielded and began spinning. Golden sparks of heat and lighting waterfalled around Sora, creating a barrier.

Weiss crashed right into the barrier, it sent her sailing off her feet as she crashed to the ground. Weiss shakily pushed herself up. She glared as the sparks dissipated leaving a rather dizzy looking Sora out in the open.

Confound it all! Weiss growled. That is it! I'm going to end this in one strike! She stood up in her signature stance and spun her dust chamber.

Sora shook off his dizziness to see Weiss readying herself in a stance. His eyes widened, he's seen that stance enough times to know what it meant!

Weiss launched herself straight at Sora, her blade coated in red energy. Sora quickly brought up his shield, holding it steadfast. Myrtenastor bounced off the transformed keyblade in an explosion of red energy.

Sora wasn't sure what happened next, but it felt like a surge of energy had built up in his shield. Like something inside it was jumping to get out. Instinctually, he thrust the shield forward.

Now, many of the students in the crowd had seen plenty of weird stuff. It was all par for the course of being a huntsman or huntress. But that didn't stop multiple eyes widening as a giant golden fist erupted from Sora's shield and punched the heiress of the Schnee dust company.

Weiss found herself soaring through the air before crashing onto the ground. Her entire body ached but she attempted to push herself back up. I still have aura, she thought to herself. I can still win- but her thoughts were interrupted when Glynda called out, "and the winner of the match is Sora."

Weiss' jaw dropped and her head shot up. It was then that she realized she was no longer on the stage, Sora's attack had knocked her right out of the ring!

"What Mr. Hikari just demonstrated for was is known as a ring out. If you cannot overpower your opponent, knock them out of the ring and they will be automatically disqualified," Glynda explained. "However," Glynda gave Sora a look, "Mr. Hikari, you left yourself wide open multiple times throughout the fight. If not for your unorthodox semblance, I doubt you could have pulled off your victory."

Sora looked up at the holographic screens. His aura had lowered into yellow. "Heh...Oops?" he nervously scratched his head.

Glynda sighed. "And miss Schnee," she addressed the recovering Weiss. "Do you know why you lost?"

Weiss dusted off her combat skirt. "I was caught off guard by his semblance-"

"You got sloppy," Glynda corrected her. "You refused to change your battle strategy, allowing Mr. Hikari to predict your moves."

Weiss opened her mouth to protest but her words died in her throat. She nodded her head in acceptance.
"Remember, Ms. Schnee, not every opponent is going to fight the same way. Try to expand your fighting style to accommodate for all possible situations whether that be sword fighting," she looked at Sora. "Or giant glowing fists."

Weiss nodded. "Yes, Professor Goodwitch."

The professor turned to the crowd. "That is enough for today. Remember, the Vytal Festival is only a few months away. It won't be long before students from other kingdoms start arriving in Vale, so keep practicing! Those who choose to compete in the combat tournament will be representing all of Vale." The bell rung to signify the end of class.


Weiss sighed as she made her way to the lockers. Her defeat was fresh in her mind.

"Hey, Weiss!" she heard the voice she least wanted to hear at the moment. She turned around to see Sora running up to her.

"What do you want?" she sneered. "Come to rub your victory in my face?"

"What?" Sora gained a confused expression. "Why would I do that? I came to congratulate you on such an awesome match!"

Weiss blinked. "But… I lost."

"Are you kidding? You had me on the ropes so many times, I wasn't sure if I was gonna win or not!" Sora hung his hands behind his head.

"But you still won," Weiss argued. "If you don't win, what's the point?"

Sora raised an eyebrow. "Who told you that?"

Weiss rubbed her elbow. "My father… My sister.."

Sora crossed his arms. "Well, it sounds like they don't know how to have fun."

"We're training to be huntsman," Weiss insisted. "We're not supposed to have-"

"Not supposed to have fun, yadda yadda…" Sora brushed off. "But who says you can't save the world and have fun while doing it?"

"Everyone! Everyone over the age of three!" Weiss yelled.

"I disagree," Sora said as he reminisced some of his adventures, that Genie could make anything fun.

Weiss rolled her eyes and turned to leave until Sora grabbed her shoulder.

"Wait…" Sora pleaded. "If it really bothers you that much, we can spar again some other time."

Weiss tilted her head with a quizzical look. "What do you mean?"

"Well, Goodwitch said you need help fighting unpredictable fighters," Sora gave a signature grin. "And I'm the most unpredictable fighter I know! Plus, you said you'd help me with studying, so this way we're helping each other out! I help you with fighting, you help me with boring paper stuff," he held out his hand. "Deal?"

Weiss stared at the hand, as if trying to figure out if this was insincere or just out of pity, but then she looked at the genuine look in his eyes and figured what do I have to lose? "While I prefer you use a less crude term for our studies…" she took the hand. "Deal."


It was time for the best part of any school day… lunch! The Beacon cafeteria was a hustle and bustle of multiple young huntsmen and huntresses looking to grab their daily fuel. At one particular table, were teams RWBY, JNPR, and GHLD.

"So there we were…" the local ginger said, mysteriously. "in the middle of the night…."

"It was day," her dark-haired partner corrected.

Ignoring him, she continued. "We were surrounded by Ursai…"

"They were Beowolves," Ren inputted.

"Dozens of them!" Nora shouted as she stood up.

"Two of them," Ren said, tiredly.

"But they were no match for us! And in the end, Ren and I took them down and made a boatload of lien selling of Ursai-skin rugs!" The pink-lover finished off her story with a satisfied smile.

"She's been having this recurring dream for over a month now," Ren explained as he took another slow bite of his food.

Around the table, it appeared as though only Yang and Axel had shown any interest in the story. Blake was quietly reading her book as usual. Weiss was filing her nails. Ruby, Goofy, and Pyrrha just looked on with confused expressions. Sora was scarfing down as much food he could fit in his gullet while Donald made sure he didn't choke. Jaune was absentmindedly picking at his food.

Noticing the melancholy mood of her team leader, Pyrrha tried to intervene. "Jaune, are you okay?"

"Huh?" Jaune's head perked up from his tray. "Oh, yeah, I'm fine! Why do you ask?"

Ruby put in her two cents. "You just seem a little… not okay…"

Jaune brushed them off. "Guys, I'm fine! Seriously, look!" he gave them a weak thumbs up with a nervous chuckle.

Pyrrha wasn't convinced. "Jaune, Cardin' been picking on you since the first week of school."

"Who? Cardin Winchester?" Jaune feigned obliviousness. "Nah, he just likes to mess around, you know? Practical jokes."

Sora managed to gulp down his food. "He's a bully."

"Oh, please," Jaune brushed off. "Name one time he's 'bullied' me."


Jaune was precariously balancing a pile of books on his way to class when Cardin Winchester came along and smacked the books right out of his hands.

"Come on," Jaune groaned as he started to pick the books up.


Jaune was about to enter class when Cardin pushed a button on his sword's sheath. The Arc heirloom expanded out fully into its shield form.

"Come on," Jaune whined as his shield was now stuck in the middle of a door.


"Each of you will be assigned a rocket-propelled locker to store your weapons in," Glynda told the gathered students. "They will automatically be launched to your location once you activate your scroll's app so you will never be without your weapon in an emergency."

Off to the side, Goofy stood in front of his assigned locker, # 666. He typed up the code he was given and the locker door swung open almost automatically. Standing inside the locker was a figure completely covered by a raggedy old cloak. Ghostly fog filled the room as the lights dimmed and a pained wail could be heard in the distance.

"I… AM…. DEATH…" the hooded figure held up a boney figure and pointed it at Goofy.

"Scuse me, mam," Goofy ignored the figure as he pushed them out of the way to put away his extra hat and before anything else could happen, he slammed the locker door shut and continued on his merry way.

While that was happening, Jaune was standing next to an open locker while Cardin sneaked up behind him. Without warning, Cardin grabbed Jaune and stuffed him inside the locker before slamming it shut. The alleged prankster then punched in a random launch code and stood back to watch the fireworks.

"COME OOOOOOOOOOONNN!" Jaune yelled as the locker took off.


"I didn't land far from the school..." Jaune reasoned.

"Jaune, you know if you need any help, you can just ask," Pyrrha assured him.

"Ooh! We'll break his legs!" Nora suggested a little too enthusiastically.

"Aw, I'd just forget about him," Goofy interjected. "He's just some punk who thinks he can make himself feel better by making people feel worse. People like him ain't worth the time of day."

"Well said, Goofy," Ren nodded at the dog's wisdom.

"Well, me and Donald have plenty of experiences with bullies," Goofy explained. "There was once this real nasty fellah named Pete-"

Goofy's story was interrupted when the group heard an exclamation of pain from a table over.

"Ow! That hurts!" A young chestnut-haired girl whimpered in pain. She had cute little bunny ears sticking out the top of her head, but those ears were currently being yanked on by none other than Cardin Winchester who was laughing his ass off with the rest of team CRDL.

"I told you they were real," Cardin smirked at his teammates. "What a freak, am I right?"

Sora took one look at this blatant display of bullying and growled. He stood up to put a stop to it-

"And where do you think you're going?" Donald glared at the keyblade wielder.

Sora looked down at the mage in confusion. "But… look at what he's doing!" he gestured towards Cardin still pulling on the Faunes girl's ears. "We gotta do something!"

Donald raised a brow. "And what are you gonna do? Whack him on the head until he lets go?"

"Uh… Yeah?" Sora shrugged.

Donald sighed and shook his head. "Sora, Sora, Sora, you can't solve everything with violence," he stood up on his little duck legs. "I'm gonna go solve this, diplomatically," he hopped off the table and waddled his way over to Cardin and his team.

The members of team GHL shared a look with each other. "Uh oh," they all simultaneously said.

Team CRDL was still laughing over the poor girl's pain when someone cleared their voice. "Excuse me, but could you please let her go?"

Cardin halted his laughter to turn this mystery buzzkill but saw nothing. "Down here," the same voice exclaimed. He looked down to see a duck faunes with their wings folded behind their back.

"You are very clearly causing her distress, so if you would cease your actions-"

"Hey, guys, look!" Cardin called out to his teammates. "It's the ugly duckling!"
"Wak?!" Donald's bill dropped as team CRDL howled in laughter.

"You know…" Cardin finally let go of the girl's ear to scratch his chin. "On second thought, I don't think this is the ugly duckling, because he turned out to be a swan, I think this just a regular old ugly duck, that just happens to look like a toddler!"

CRDL continued to laugh but Donald began to grind his teeth. "Watch it, pal," the duck growled.

"Whoa, guys," Cardin put a hand up. "I think it's trying to communicate! Can you figure it out, Russel? You always had a way with dumb animals!"

The feathers on Donald's started to glow an angry red. "Call me that again, and I'll turn YOU into a dumb animal!" he threatened.

"I think he's hungry," Cardin mock deduced. He grabbed a bowl of oatmeal off the table before he tipped it over and poured it all over the unprepared duck's head. Donald let out a quack of shock as CRDL laughed harder than ever before.

"Yo...Cardin...you could get in trouble for that," the one with a mohawk said in between giggles.

"You're right," Cadin feigned gasping. "It's against park rules to feed the ducks!"

As the bullies continued to laugh, the oatmeal on Donald's head began to boil and steam like it was being boiled all over again. Donald clenched his fist and began rolling up his sleeves. "Why I oughtta…"

"Hey, Donald," Goofy called out. "Why don't you come back here and finish lunch? That big lug ain't worth it!"

Donald was snapped to Goofy's direction to argue. But then he saw Sora, Goofy, all sitting there with understanding smiles. The duck sighed; it wasn't worth it. He began making his way back.

Cardin smirked at the fowls retreating form. "Yeah, go hide with your retarded friend!"

Donald froze dead in his tracks. "What?" he asked, his normally loud voice dangerously low.

"Come on, just look at him!" Cardin gestured to Goofy. "His parents must have dropped him on his head as a baby… off the CCTV tower!" His team kept guffawing at their leader's crude humor. "But hey, people don't keep their pet dogs around for their brains!"

Cardin and the rest of his buddies kept laughing while Donald stayed silent. "Not that he's much to look at, either. Talk about a face only a mother could love! You could land a bullhead on that overbite!"

Cardin shook his head "of all the dumb-"

He didn't get to finish his sentence as he was knocked back by an explosion of pure anger. Donald Duck stood there, his feathers red and breathing haggard. The oatmeal on his head evaporated into thin air for it could not stand to be in the sheer presence of Donald's rage. Steam poured out of the duck's ears as he stared at team CRDL in a seething craze.

"Whelp, they're dead," Goofy lamented.

Donald screamed at the top of his lungs as he jumped up and down in a tantrum before making a beeline straight for Cardin. The bully choked in pain as he was headbutted in the gut.

The waterfowl didn't stop his assault as he jumped on top of the bully. From an outside perspective, it looked like a giant clump of feathers was racing all over the body of Cardin, leaving scratches and bruises in its wake. Donald paused his assault as he stood on top of Cardin's shoulders and grabbed ahold of the team leader's eyes. A few recoiled in disgust as Donald stretched Cardin's eyelids to comical proportions before letting them snap right back into his face.

Donald then used his flippers to put Cardin in a headlock and started to wail on him. A right hook, then a left hook, another right hook, then another left hook, another right, another left, right, then left, right, left, right, left, right, left, right-

"Aha!" Cardin smirked in triumph as he caught Donald's right hook. Donald swung his left-wing but the Winchester caught it in his other fist. Cardin believed he attained victory when Donald released his legs from Cardin's neck and began a barrage of rapid-fire kicks right in the bully's face.

Stunned by being kicked by a bunch of flippers over and over again, Cardin let go of the Duck, letting it fall to the floor. Come on! This is pathetic! Cardin snarled in his mind. I won't lose to a feathered-


Now it was already a weird day when Sora started summoning giant golden fists to punch people. But it just got weirder when everyone in the cafeteria saw a three-foot-tall duck judo-flipped Cardin Winchester.

Cardin was lying flat on his belly but he wasn't given a moment to breathe as Donald jumped onto his back. The court magician took hold of Cardin's head before repeatedly slamming it into the ground.

"HELP*wham* ME *wham* YOU *wham* IDIOTS! *WHAM*," Cardin screamed to his team in between slamming.

The rest of team CRDL were sprung from their stupor as they took action to help their leader. They all leaped at the duck, hoping to dogpile him. What happened after that? No one knows. After they landed on Donald, the whole fight somehow devolved into an actual cartoon dust cloud of violence with occasional shouts of "How does he hit so hard with those feathers!?", "Aah! My spleen!", and "My arm doesn't bend that way! MY ARM DOESN'T BEND THAT WAY! Oh GODS, now it does!"

Eventually, the dust cloud went mobile making its way towards our heroes' table.

"We… Should probably get out of the way," Sora deduced. The three teams scrambled away as the dust cloud came barreling their way.

The dust cloud continued right on though, mulching the table into dust as if it was a clump of grass to its lawnmower.

The next few minutes were filled with the screams of students as they ran away from the table-destroying dust cloud of doom. Everyone became even more panicked when the dust cloud began sporadically bouncing around the room. The cloud reached its peak as it soared 30 feet up into the air and for a few seconds, it lingered there… a few students even swore they heard a choir chanting in the background. It then came crashing down in a fiery ball of feathers and screaming. Everyone was knocked off their feet as the impact exploded, creating a crater in the center of the cafeteria.

At the center of the crater were five individuals. The mohawked one was cradling himself back and forth while sucking his thumb. The plain one was uncontrollably sobbing. The one with a mullet was lying on the ground mumbling something along the lines of "No, mommy… no, I don't want to feed the ducks… no, mommy, no…."

A barely conscious Cardin was being shaken by a still very angry Donald on top of him. "OF ALL THE DUMB WHAT?! FINISH THAT SENTENCE! I DARE YOU TO FINISH THAT SENTENCE! I DOUBLE DARE YOU, YOU-"

"WHAT?" Donald snapped his neck around. He snapped out of his blind rage when he saw a seething Glynda Goodwitch. It was then that the Duck realized he was on top of a fellow student he beat up, in the middle of a crater he created, in a cafeteria that he wrecked. Donald gave a nervous chuckle.


Oscar wiped the sweat from his forehead. Only a few more haystacks onto the truck and he'd be able to move on to livestock.

"Oscar!" he heard his aunt call from the farmhouse. "Come take a break! I made some lemonade for you!"

Oscar smiled. "I can't say no to that!" he made his way over to the farmhouse, unaware of the figure watching him from the cliffside.

"Huh," Xigbar scratched his chin. "So that's the kid? Doesn't look like much but beggars can't be choosers, I suppose." he stood by the cliffside, contemplating something. "Bah," he shrugged. "What's the harm in kicking things off a little early?" He gave a devilish smirk. "This'll be fun."


And with that, the first part of Jaunedice is done! That took a little longer than expected, especially the Sora vs. Weiss part.

Drako: Yeah, about that, shouldn't have Sora wiped the floor with Weiss.

Gamer44D: Well, this is a weakened Sora, remember? I actually contemplated having Sora lose just to emphasize how much strength he lost but in the end, I decided against that

Drako: Fair enough. What about that bit with Oscar in the end though? I don't remember that.

Gamer44D: You'll see… Muahahahaha! Anyway, I was really proud of myself with the whole Donald Duck vs. Team CRDL. Literally every RWBY fic ever has the obligatory 'hero saves velvet; hero humiliates CRDL in a fight' yadda yadda everyone does this. But I don't think ANYONE has done what I've done here today! And while we're on the subject, can I say something?

Drako: Here we go…

Gamer44D: Velvet has got to be the most overrated character of the entire RWBY cast! Why is she so freaking popular?! She has a collective FOUR lines of dialogue in all six seasons! If Velvet were to never exist at all, literally nothing would change in the show! Yet there are so many people that call her Best girl?! Because she has Bunny ears?! Well it has to be that considering that's her ONLY defining characteristic- (gets slapped by Drako)

Drako: Reviews?

Gamer44D: … fine.

Ways: Thank you! I thought the ending was rushed but I'm glad you liked it!

Silverlink07: I don't know what you mean because Nobodies haven't appeared in the story yet but in KH2 the Nobodies only attacked the Heartless because Saix commanded them to.

Mushroom Kingdom Warrior: Awww… You're making me blush! I hope the Donald and Goofy antics satisfied you this chapter (specifically Donald) and in case you're wondering, I planned on Donald beating up Cardin a long time ago.

ChocoboLover69: I tried doing that but then I got a bad case of writer's block on one of my stories so I just decided to write whatever I feel like.

21firemario: here you go ;)

TalkingSalas12: I thought Goofy was the silly dog.

Gamelover41592: I thought it would only be right for GHLD to have their own clocktower.