Everyone was seen at home together after visiting the Supernatural Realm to see yet another alternate universe which involved a special place called Super Hero High School where their counterparts went to school, and Atticus soon checked his laptop before he got a video call and answered it to see who it was.

"Hello, Atticus." Bridget greeted her cousin.

"Hey, Bridget." Atticus smiled.

"Did you get my text about seeing Carmen and Juni again?" Bridget asked.

"Yes, I did, and I look forward to seeing them again," Atticus smiled. "Any chance Phineas and Ferb will be there too?"

"Well, I suppose that would be all right." Bridget smiled back.

"Wahoo!" Atticus cheered.

Bridget chuckled to that. Atticus smiled sheepishly.

"Let's hope there isn't major competition going on..." Bridget said. "There are rumors of other spy families... Such as... The X's."

"Yeah, I've heard of those rumors too." Atticus said.

"Do you know of The X's?" Bridget asked.

"Not a whole lot, just that they're a family." Atticus shrugged.

"Here... I have files I can share with you..." Bridget said as she sent video files on the family, starting with the man of the house who wore a black suit with a red tie and had silky black hair and blue eyes. "This is Tucker X, team leader and father." she then began.

"Nice." Atticus said.

"Trudy X, combat specialist and mother." Bridget then said.

"...Is that macaroni and cheese moving?" Atticus asked uneasily as Mrs. X didn't seem like a very good cook.

"Tuesday X, teen investigator and daughter," Bridget then said. "She has green hair like Ferb."

"Interesting." Atticus said.

"Truman X, technology expert and son," Bridget then concluded. "Together, they form a world's ultra-secret spy family, and they work for S.U.P.E.R.I.O.R. Their nemesis is a man named Glowface who is in charge of the organization: S.N.A.F.U."

"Whoa." Atticus said.

"That's pretty much it," Bridget told Atticus. "They seem harmless enough, but they might become major competition for the Cortez family."

"Is there anything else I should know?" Atticus asked. "Do they have any pets?"

"There is a dog, I'm not sure what breed it is, maybe you can tell me, but his name is Rex," Bridget said, showing an image of a plucky dog on screen. "He was given to Truman as a birthday present."

"Oh, that's a Boston Terrier." Atticus told her.

"Thanks for the info." Bridget said.

"No problem," Atticus smiled. "I say the same to you."

"I'm really looking forward to this Spy Kids program after our first big adventure with Carmen and Juni." Bridget beamed.

"Same here." Atticus smiled.

"I know you can help, Atticus," Bridget smiled back. "It's really nice to spend some time with you."

"Hey, no problem," Atticus replied. "I really liked that time we saved Arnold's neighborhood. That felt so cool."

"And how about that time with the alternate dimension?" Bridget asked.

"Ooh, that was so intense," Atticus replied. "I guess your brothers were due for a big adventure. I still can't over a platypus being a secret agent though."

"Yeah, who would've though since they don't do much?" Bridget agreed.

"Except for laying eggs." Atticus said.

"The only mammal to do so." Bridget replied as she imitated Ferb.

Atticus chuckled to that until he checked his phone to see an emergency meeting for him, Cherry, Mo, Patch, and Thor to come over right away, no questions asked. "Looks like I gotta go..." he then frowned to his spy cousin.

"I understand." Bridget said.

"This was great... I'll talk to you later." Atticus replied.

"Talk to you later." Bridget waved before she then signed off.

Atticus soon left to get to the meeting.

"This better be good..." Cherry said as she looked tired like she just woke up from a nap.

"Yeah, Drell, this better be good." Mo added.

Drell soon came to see them with his nephew.

"Hello, so glad you could make it-" Drell said. "Whoa... Cherry... You look tense."

"Let's see, I spent the last 18 hours catching up on my homework and keeping up with my chores, and I've had to make dinner lately while my parents work, so..." Cherry replied before snapping at him. "WHAYTA WANT?!"

"...I'm rewarding you all." Drell said.

"This reward better be worth it." Cherry glared.

"Come with me." Drell replied.

Cherry just growled at him as they followed him as she looked like she wanted to kill him. "I'm gonna kill him, Atticus, I don't care what the consequences are," she then said firmly. "I am going to be the one to KILL DRELL!"

"Okay, calm down, I'm sure our reward will be worth it." Atticus said.

"YOU calm down!" Cherry replied.

SPLASH! Cherry shivered as she was splashed with ice cold water from a bucket.

"Better?" Mo asked.

"That is so not cool..." Cherry shivered. "Drell, where are we?!"

They were soon at a theme park and the gates opened up, much to everyone's shock.

"Congratulations!" Drell smiled to all of them. "This is to celebrate your 800th adventure!"

"This actually looks like it'll be fun," Patch smiled before pausing. "Uh... Have we really had 800 adventures?"

"Eh, more or less." Drell shrugged modestly.

"You did this for us?" The others asked Drell in surprise.

"Go! Have fun!" Drell smiled to them. "Ride some rides, play some games, eat some junk food!"

"You heard the man." Cherry smiled to the others.

The others looked to each other and soon ran off to have some fun. Drell smiled as he thought that nothing could ruin his students fun.

"Ooh... That ride looks like it'll make me dizzy." Cherry said as she saw a spinning ride called The Vomiter.

"Well, it is called the Vomiter." Atticus remarked.

"How about the Juggler?" Thor smiled. "It looks brand new."

"The Juggler... Hmm... Sounds interesting." Atticus said.

Thor grinned to Atticus. "You're not scared, are ya?"

"Me? Scared? Nah!" Atticus smirked.

"He's fearless." Patch added.

"I dunno about fearless, but I'm not scared of a little ride." Atticus replied.

"Bragging gets you nowhere..." Thor teased, wagging his finger to his best friend.

Atticus rolled his eyes before heading to the ride. Thor went to go with him with a chuckle. They soon got in line for the ride.

"It's the President's Daughter!" Cherry gasped.

"Cherry, how many times do you think I'm gonna fall for that old gag?" Atticus rolled his eyes.

"No, seriously, it's really her!" Cherry told him as she pointed ahead.

"Mm-hmm..." Atticus replied. "Okay, Cherry, if you need me, I'll be here in reality."

Cherry soon grabbed his face and turned his head to see a young girl being escorted by Secret Service towards the ride.

"Hey... It's the President's Daughter." Atticus then said.

"I told you so!" Cherry told him.

"Huh, whatya know?" Atticus asked.

"Sorry, kids, this little lady goes first." A man told them as he walked with the young girl.

'Of course.' Mo thought to herself.

"...Why...?" Thor asked.

"She's the daughter of the President of the United States." The man told him.

"Why...?" Thor smirked.

"Because she gets whatever she wants." The man replied.

"Whhhhyy...?" Thor smirked.

"We'll wait." Atticus told the man.

"Whhhyy?" Thor asked.

"Stop it!" Atticus complained.

Thor chuckled a bit immaturely. Cherry rolled her eyes with a groan.

"Hmm... Maybe I can watch it from here," The president's daughter said. "They can go ahead of me."

Thor gasped in excitement, dragging Cherry and Atticus behind him to go on the ride.

"Why not ride with us?" Atticus asked the president's daughter.

"Oh, uh, maybe later?" The president's daughter smiled sheepishly.

"Are you trying to give her a concussion?!" The man scolded.

"No, sir." Atticus told him.

"You can't just talk to her! You have to ask for permission first!" The man replied.

"Uh... Sorry?" Atticus blinked.

"He didn't know, sir." Cherry said.

"The same goes to you, Glasses Face!" The man replied.

"Glasses Face?" Cherry repeated, unimpressed.

"They really didn't know, sir." Mo said.

"Hmm..." The man replied.

They soon got into the ride to test it out while the president's daughter smiled bashfully and nervously. Atticus, Cherry, Mo, Patch, and Thor soon began to enjoy the ride.

"This is crazy!" Cherry called out. "I love it!"

The others laughed as they had loads of fun so far. They were spun around in their ball before the other balls with the people in the ride were being spun around and around before the ride soon juggled them up and down.

After a while, they were soon back on the ground. However, the president's daughter seemed to be stuck, and she soon got off of the ride anyway, though she seemed to be hypnotized, or something like that. At least, that's how it looked like for Cherry.

"Is she in a trance?" Cherry asked.

"...I don't think so..." Atticus replied.

The girl kept walking along the ride while the one man and the Secret Service tried to get her down somehow.

"Maybe I should go up there..." Atticus suggested.

"Sounds good." Patch said.

Atticus soon secretly put on a pair of glasses like Clark Kent/Superman.

"...You look stupid." Cherry commented about the glasses.

Atticus stuck his tongue out at Cherry as he came into the crowd, and there were two familiar kids also in the scene as the president's daughter appeared to be doing a dangerous stunt. 'Should have known they wouldn't be too far behind.' Atticus thought to himself with a smile.

Carmen and Juni looked over as they drank some soda and ate some cotton candy.

"Hey, guys." Atticus smiled to them.

"Hey," Carmen replied. "What brings you here?"

"I've come here as a reward for my adventures," Atticus replied. "I guess you two are on a mission."

"Well, we are now." Juni rolled his eyes.

"I could say the same thing." Atticus agreed before looking for Drell, feeling like this was a set up, but he looked sincerely innocent like he didn't plan this at all and it was just a crazy coincidence.

"I had no idea this would happen." Drell said.

"Riiiight..." Cherry replied.

"I mean it!" Drell said. "I didn't even check my crystal ball for anything supernatural! I wanted you kids to have fun!"

"I think he's actually telling the truth." Thor told the others.

"What?!" Cherry asked.

"Now, I think I'll fly up there," Atticus said before looking to Carmen and Juni. "But... I don't know how they will."

"Their agent gadgets." Drell said.

"I wonder what they got this time?" Atticus wondered as he soon began to go up.

Juni and Carmen soon followed after Atticus and seemed to climb up like Stitch would, only with their gadgets to help them up.

"Oh, nice." Atticus smiled as that looked pretty cool.

Carmen looked over before looking to their brother. "We've got company." she then told him.

"So? We like Atticus." Juni replied, not understanding.

"Not just him." Carmen told him.

They soon looked over and a pair of siblings seemed to run into the amusement park.

"Hmm... Those don't look like the kids Bridget told me about." Atticus commented to himself.

"Gary and Gerti..." Juni glared after looking through special glasses before he continued to climb up. "What are they doing here?!"

"Not those two," Drell groaned referring to Gary and Gerti before using his magic on the gadgets that the two spy kids' rivals of the Cortez kids before whispering to himself. "That should be able to mess up their gadgets and not able to upstage the Cortezes."

"Did you say something, Uncle Drell?" Thor asked.

"Oh, I just made it unfair for those two." Drell whispered to Thor with a smirk while pointing at Gary and Gerti.

"...Are they villains?" Thor asked.

"Ah, just watch." Drell chuckled to his nephew.

Carmen and Juni soon went to climb up to avoid Gary and Gerti while also helping the president's daughter. Atticus was there to help as well. Gary and Gerti soon began to use their own spy gadgets to get up, but they seemed to be having trouble.

"H-Hey! What's going on?" The girl glared slightly.

Drell smirked as he watched his entertainment.

"Don't worry, Miss President's Daughter, we're coming." Atticus said as he flew up while climbing up with Juni and Carmen while the blonde siblings looked frustrated.

"Oh, this is so good." Drell smirked.

One of the Secret Service men began to punch the buttons on the controls.

"No, you'll just make it worse!" Cherry told him.

The ride soon began to spin and start up again as the president's daughter leaned against the ride while looking all the way down.

"Great, now you've done it." Cherry told the Secret Service Man.

"Alexandra, it's going to be okay," Atticus told the girl. "Take my hand."

"No, get away from me!" The girl replied. "I want my father to come up here and get me!"

"So, that's what this is all about?" Atticus asked.

"Just leave me alone!" Alexandra told him.

"Listen, your father is very busy, I mean, he is the President of the United States." Atticus replied.

"No, he's my father; he was my father before he became president and he's still my father, now I want him up here!" Alexandra told him.

"The point is, you and your father need to have a talk," Juni said as he soon joined Atticus. "Up here may not be the best place. Come with us, and I promise, the two of you will have that talk."

"You can't promise that." Alexandra pouted.

Juni soon showed his spy badge and what level he was.

"Juni's Level 2," Atticus smiled. "He can order him to talk to you."

Alexandra soon gave a small smile back to that as Carmen worked on the fuse box. Mo soon appeared next to Carmen, thanks to her medallion.

"Yow!" Carmen yelped. "Where'd you come from?"

"That's not important right now, you look like you need some help." Mo replied.

"I sure do." Carmen told her.

"Hmm... Okay, let's see what I can do," Mo smiled. "My big brother showed me a thing or two about technology."

With the two of them working together, the ride was soon placed into a complete stop.

"Phew!" Mo smiled in relief. "That was making me dizzy."

Carmen chuckled to that a little.

"I could've done that in two seconds." Gerti scoffed on the ground with her brother.

"And I could have saved the president's daughter much faster." Gary added with his sister.

"Come on, Alexandra, let's get you down." Atticus smiled.

"Wait!" Alexandra piped up before she took something out of her pocket. "I took this from my father's office this morning. I'm sure he'll want it back."

"What is it?" Atticus asked.

"Um... A special device... Trans... Something..." Alexandra replied.

Atticus and Juni soon got Alexandra down from the ride. Juni seemed to blush when he went down with Alexandra.

Everyone in the theme park soon clapped cheered that the president's daughter was safe. The Secret Service men rushed to Alexandra, checking on her.

"She's perfectly fine, guys." Atticus told the Secret Service men.

"Now, let her talk with her father." Juni said to one of the men.

"We'll make sure of that." The man replied.

Atticus had a feeling it would be about Alexandra taking the device without her father's permission, but also about something else. Alexandra was soon taken away.

"I hope you get to talk with your dad!" Atticus called out to her.

"Same here!" Alexandra replied.

Gary and Gerti soon glared to Juni and Carmen.

"Well, this was nice, but I think you guys should go now." Cherry told the spy siblings who weren't Juni and Carmen.

"Yeah, the president's daughter is safe." Mo added.

Gary and Gerti seemed to glare before they made their exit. Gary left in something that looked like his own helicopter.

"Promise me one thing." Carmen said to her brother.

"What?" Juni asked.

"No more winky-dinky assignments." Carmen told him as she tossed her propeller cap over her shoulder.

Juni didn't say anything, but gave a nod of his head as they watched Gary and Gerti leave the amusement park.

"Finally, those two spy brats didn't show up the Cortez siblings." Drell smirked, referring to the blonde spy siblings.

"You know them?" Cherry asked him.

"Again, who don't I know?" Drell asked back.

Cherry just gave a deadpan look in response. "You set this up, didn't you?"

"For the hundredth time, no!" Drell replied. "I had nothing to do with this!"

"Okay, okay, all right, sorry." Mo said.

"Good... Now we finally understand each other," Drell replied. "Come on, you guys have fun."

"Alright." Atticus said.

Once the blonde spy siblings left, they went back to having fun while Drell watched them as he felt proud of their accomplishments which was why he brought them over here.

After they had their fun, they left the amusement park. Drell drove them home in his car as they seemed to be knocked out after having so much fun since he was a much better driver now. He soon got each one home. He then drove back home with a small smile as they were soon safe at home for the night, and where he was happy that the day was almost over. After about an hour, everyone found themselves in their own beds and they soon came out, finding themselves in their pajamas because Drell didn't know when they would wake up again.

"That sure was fun." Atticus said.

Patrick knocked on the door.

"You may enter." Atticus replied mysteriously.

"Hello, son, I-" Patrick smiled before seeing his son in his pajamas. "Oh, are you going to bed early tonight?"

"You can thank Drell for this." Atticus told him.

"...So are going to bed early?" Patrick asked.

"Nah, I feel well rested," Atticus replied. "He just took us out for the day. He thought we could have a nice day out together."

"That was nice of him." Patrick said.

"What's up, Dad?" Atticus asked.

"Oh, I was just wondering if you'd like to go to a special dinner." Patrick smiled.

"I'd actually would like to go." Atticus smiled back

"I was hoping you would," Patrick replied. "It's a big honor. One of my old friends will be there."

"Really? Who?" Atticus smiled.

"Remember that time with the Blue Monkey?" Patrick hinted which was the time Atticus found out about his father's secret life while also helping Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck.

"Yeah?" Atticus nodded.

"Well, Damien thought it would be nice if he showed up," Patrick smiled. "I dunno about DJ yet though, but he might come with Kate if she's available."

"Ooh." Atticus hid a smirk as DJ and Kate seemed to like each other.

"I saw that smirk." Patrick smirked.

Atticus smiled bashfully then.

"Anyway, wear your best clothes, and do behave yourself." Patrick then smiled to his son about the dinner.

"I always do." Atticus smiled back before changing into his best clothes at super-speed.

"Meet us down at the car in ten minutes, okay?" Patrick smiled.

"Sure, Dad." Atticus smiled back.

After some time, everyone was in the car. Patrick smiled and he soon drove them off for the big night.

"This is going to be great." Patch smiled.

"How does my tie look?" Atticus asked.

"Looks all right to me," Patch smiled. "I'm just glad some animals are welcome."

"Same here." Atticus smiled back.

Patrick and Emily both smiled as this was going to be a fun night for all of them.