UltimatrixBearer: Lets just say I've always got a plan for everything ;3

TheGreatGodzilla: All these answers and more! COMING WITH THIS CHAPTER :D

When Venom snapped his fingers, every trace of the Black Order was turned to dust. Their ships, weapons, soldiers. Everything was gone, and we were the victors of that hard fought battle. But, as expected, the surge of Gamma Radiation the stones released was the end of Venom. He was reduced to a puddle that I collected and buried somewhere safe. The last thing I wanted was somebody experimenting on his remains.

Afterwards, it was all about clean up and thinking about where we had to go from here. For the most part, the answer was just... Home.

At least, that was the answer for most people... But I'd spent the time mulling things over, and I'd decided on what I wanted to do. What I had to do.

And that's what brought me to the New York Sanctum, three days after the battle.

"Unfortunately, there isn't much I can tell you that you don't already know." Dr. Strange admitted, as we walked through the building. "We have a basic knowledge of the races from the Dark Sector, and know plenty about the motives and abilities of symbiotes but... We know little about Knull, other than him being the living darkness that wants to consume all Light in the galaxy." Oh gee is that all? "What troubles me is what Venom said about the Gauntlet, how he knew it wouldn't be able to kill Knull..."

"Yeah, I wanted to ask about that too," I nodded, placing my hand on my waist. "Make any sense to you?"

"It opens up terrifying possibilities," Dr. Strange explained, "The Infinity Stones govern aspects of existence, but there are some laws that are governed by... Other forces, this includes Life and Death."

I quirked an eyebrow, "So, you think Knull might have done something to interfere with the laws of death?"

"For himself at least," Strange stated, before pausing and releasing a sigh. "I've heard legends that Death has taken the form of a person before but... I always thought it was just that, legend."

I was starting to connect dots, "But if Knull somehow found this... Person, he could have created some kind of bargain or... Something worse, to exempt himself from the rules."

Strange nodded his head, "That is the worst case scenario, if you really want to destroy Knull you'll need to learn more... I'm sorry there's nothing else I can tell you."

To which I waved him off, "Well you've at least given me a location to start looking for answers, thanks." It had been a short discussion, and other than learning about the Dark Sector's location, I had little to go on. "Good luck here, hope the Earth doesn't fall apart without me." But learning this new information about death... It did give me some ideas.

"Before you go though," Strange stopped me in my tracks, pulling a small brass amulet from within his sleeve. "This will protect your mind from him, or any other being out there that might try to see your thoughts." The amulet itself depicted a eye shaped surface with various symbols in languages I didn't understand.

"Whoa... That's- You're just giving this to me?" I asked, quirking an eyebrow.

Dr. Strange nodded, "Of course, you've got good intentions and, well..." He smirked faintly, "I'd like to help protect a new generation of... Hopefully less sadistic parasitic monsters." Giving me a wink.

I laughed lightly, shaking my head. "Of course, should have known you'd figure it out..." It had only been days since Venom left me with his 'gift'. And even though the connection was weak, I could feel the consciousness growing inside of me. I could feel it feeding off my gamma radiation, adapting to it in the way Venom never could. But, I could also feel the faintest connection to my enemy. "So how does this thing work exactly?"

"Well, put it on and I'll teach you the incantation."

"Alright, cool... I've got a great idea to piss someone off."

. . .

I stared into the abyss, and it stared right back at me. The glass wall before me straining to hold back the overwhelming power of Knull. Perhaps if the symbiote inside of me had a mind of its own yet, Knull could break through. For now though there was barely anything for him to connect with...

"So... I see Venom left you way to continue my Legacy, how thoughtful." He chuckled wickedly, the writhing mass on the other said rumbling in his own mirth.

I stared back at him, into those blood red eyes and approached the glass. "No, this new Symbiote isn't going to be part of your Legacy, in fact... Its going to be the End of your Legacy."

"Ohohoho! Is that a threat, Gwen Stacy?" Knull's voice filled with amusement. "How adorable, a mortal that thinks she can resist a god... You will not be the first, and you will not be the last."

"Not a threat Knull, a promise." I assured, before smirking back at him.

"Well I am hoping to hold you to it," He replied, "It is regrettable that I could not enthrall Venom, but since you're so eager to fight... I'll just claim the child you bring to me after I kill y-"

"Voss Kal Va!" I spoke the incantation with confidence, and instantly the void around me began to fill with light. The darkness was being purged, and the glass wall between us collapsed around Knull.

"Aaagh! What is this!? What have you done!?" The God demanded, as he was slowly contained, forced into a tiny glass sphere the size of a baseball. "You... You impudent BRAT! I will consume your flesh once it has been flayed from your bones!" He screamed furiously, evidently Gods don't like being under the thumb of a mortal.

Which was good, because I needed to make sure he understood what was going on. "Let me be perfectly clear, Knull," I said as I approached the orb, grabbing it with one hand. "This is not a warning, and I am not here to bargain... This is a Declaration of War." He narrowed his eyes sharply back at me, "You want this symbiote? Well you're gonna get it, and me, and a whole lot more when I come for you." I declared firmly, staring down the humiliated God. "So you sit tight in your prison, because I'll be coming for you when I'm damn good and ready."

I could practically feel the hatred, the indignation, the anger pouring from the orb in my hand. "You understand NOTHING! You want a war with ME!? I am a GOD! And you are nothing but a pathetic mortal!" He shouted back at me, "I will make sure everything you care about falls before you! You will have to climb a mountain of corpses to reach me! And YOU WILL BEG FOR DEATH BEFORE THE END!"

"Hmph," I flashed a smug grin, "Clearly you haven't been paying attention..." Before bringing the orb up to my face. "I'm ready for anything you can throw at me, I'm ready to sacrifice anything to make sure you die... I'll wade through an ocean of gore and carnage to put you down for good." Before pulling the orb away, "Now stay the fuck out of my head."

Before I crushed the orb between my fingers.

. . .

Two Days Later

. . .

After sending my messages, I made the rounds. Visiting friends and family, letting them know I'd be going away for awhile. It was for the best, I told them. I had a job to do, and all they needed to know was that Venom wanted me to unite his people again. I told them whatever I had to around that lie to hide the truth. Because the truth sounded insane. I visited Stark, thanked him for introducing me to this massive crazy world, and he thanked Venom for snapping his fingers. I got to see Steve after... Well, after his surprise retirement. He seemed to pick up on me hiding something, but didn't press for answers and wished me luck on my journey.

And now, it was time to go.

"And you're sure about this?"

"Yeah, I promise I'll check in every week," I assured, walking alongside my family as we made our way to the park. "You remember how to work that communicator right?"

Dad sighed before answering, "Yeah I do, its just hard to imagine my little girl going off into space..."

Kane patted him on the back, "She'll be fine, Gwen is hardly a little girl anymore."

"Clearly you've never had a daughter." He chuckled lightly.

"You'd better not miss those check-ins," Miles said, crossing his arms as we came to a stop at our destination. "I don't think I can handle worrying about you that far away."

"Then don't," I waved him off, "I'll be fine, this won't be so dangerous just gonna take some time."

"Right, I imagine running around collecting Symbiotes across the galaxy will take awhile." Mary noted, repeating my lie. As a gust of wind overhead signaled the Milano's arrival.

"There's my ride," I smiled faintly, hefting my bags and looking back at them all. "You guys stay safe down here, and if another intergalactic baddie rolls up to the door, feel free to give me a call." I added with a chuckle.

I was handed around by the lot of them, shaking hands and giving out hugs. Some lingering longer than others, as the hatch lowered and Rocket waited for me patiently. I'm sure he was already at his wits end with Thor on board. I didn't want to stick with them too long anyways, I doubt the Guardians wanted in on whatever trouble I'd be causing. But it wasn't just that, these people... These heroes, I didn't want to involve them in my fight.

I was always late to the game, I'd done a lot for the world since becoming Venom. But the Avengers? Well, I think they'd done enough. What started with Loki and Chitauri invading New York all those years ago had finally come to an end. And hopefully, it meant they could rest. Those that wanted to, anyways...

"No matter what happens from here on out," My dad offered, holding my hand tight. "I'm proud of everything you've done, you and Venom."

I nodded to him, smiling sadly. "Thanks Dad... I promise I'll come back some day, and I'll call as often as I can."

Those were promises I had no idea if I could keep. Because where I was going, what I was doing, it seemed like a death sentence. But part of me didn't believe that, part of me believed everything would be fine.

But what happens now, where I go from here... That's a different story entirely.

Because Gwenom is gone, the same girl who found that Symbiote... She disappeared a long time ago.

There story is over.

"But ours... Is just beginning..."

And there it is, the end of my first story. I can hardly believe how far this thing has come, with its ups and downs. I want to thank everyone who's kept pushing me forward, those positive reviews and helpful tidbits made me want to try harder and harder to do this right. I just hope the ending is as satisfying as I wanted it to be. And I would love to hear everyones final thoughts on both the ending and story as a whole.

As for where we go from here... Well, I'm gonna take a short break from writing, likely for the remainder of the summer. And when I come back, I'll be working exclusively on the pokemon story I started a while ago. Once that's finished, I'll get to work on the Gwenom Sequel. I already have a lot of ideas for it, but as you can probably expect we're really jumping the track with anything canon at this point lol Expect new races, new heroes, new worlds and maybe some old faces...

Until then, I'm signing off on Gwenom Unleashed! Thank you all again for reading and I'll see you-

Oh, wait a second... I almost forgot, one last thing ;3

. . .


. . .


"How DARE she speak to me that way!?"



"She's made a fool of me... For the last time..."

"If she wants a war, I will give her a war... If she-"

Her voice echoed in my ear, from beyond the veil. "If you're so angry, do something about it... You have the resources do you not?"

The realization dawned on me in an instant, my anger settling to a low simmer as my mind cleared at her words.

"Of course."

I didn't need to worry, she would be dead long before she reached Klyntar.

"If she wants Gorr... If she wants Carnage..."

"Heheheh... HahahAHAHAHAHAHA~!"

"I'll give her Carnage!"