Thank you so much for the positive response to this. I'm sorry this part is short and not up to the standard of the first. I kind of lost what I had planned on doing with it. I hope you like it anyway and please, please let me know.
(Also, on the request of several reviewer's I have split some of the monster paragraphs from the first chapter. Hoe this makes it more readable).

Singh watched as the small team swung into action.
Barry had once again begun seizing, weakly thrashing on the bed.
"Cisco, push 20 mg midazolam." Caitlyn Snow rushed around, setting up various monitors.
"But the maximum dosage for benzodiazepines shouldn't exceed 10-"
"Thawne shut up! Cisco, you know the drill, do what I tell you. He'll burn through it too quickly if you give him the registered dose."
Singh found himself regretting not following his gut and taking the boy straight to the hospital, it seemed the care at the current venue was less than professional.
But Joe wasn't panicking, looking on with only worry, and not at the ministrations. The boy, Cisco, followed the orders of Snow, and the wheelchair bound man Singh had realised could be none other than Dr Wells, watched on. It took just seconds of the medication being administered for the seizures to slow.

Singh watched as the room collectively breathed a sigh of relief, before Eddie spoke up.
"What the hell just happened.
Joe stepped forward, hands placating. "Eddie…"
"No. I just watched the CSI from upstairs seize for what must have been nearly an hour, and instead of taking him to a hospital like any normal people, you insisted he come here, to the lab that caused an explosion that nearly killed him. And then they gave him what even I could tell you was too much of a drug. And you want to know the kicker? It looks like it's worked!"

And Singh had to agree there because Snow was working to get an oxygen cannula set up and fluids running through the IV and it was the sort of thing that would only happen if the seizures weren't likely to restart.
"Eddie, you need to-"
"I Don't need to do anything except have someone tell me exactly what the hell just happened."
It was then Joe took proper notice, for the first time, of the heart monitor that had begun to display a steady beat. But the steadiness wasn't the thing that got Singh's attention. It was the speed. According to the machine, the kid's heart was beating at 1500 beats a minute.
Singh stepped forward, in that moment, a Police Captain.
"West, you will tell us what is going on. Now."
Snow looked up, making eye contact with the detective. "Joe, I think they need to know."
Joe nodded. "Yeah. I guess they do."

It was nearly two hours later that Barry Allen, who Singh had been told was, apparently, Central City's very own Flash, began to wake. As his eyes began moving under closed lids, Joe watched at Caitlyn Snow checked his vitals. His very, very unusual vitals. Joe watched anxiously. He'd spoken to Singh and Eddie for over an hour, explaining that when Singh had found Barry that night, he'd already been mutating beneath the hands that held him. He'd told them stories that explained the chronic lateness, the mysterious injuries that seemed to appear and disappear overnight. He'd explained the mutations that sped Barry's heartbeat's and metabolism. And the strangest part was that Singh believed him. Cause suddenly everything that had happened started to make sense. He turned back to Barry, watching as he began groaning slightly.

It took only minutes after the first signs of life to come from Barry that he fully awoke. He went from out to up in a matter of seconds, shot up so suddenly he narrowly missed headbutting Cisco as he did so.
"Woah, calm down bud." Joe had crossed to Barry's side in seconds. "You're at Star Labs."
Eyes wild, Barry searched Joe's face before settling back onto the gurney, and his eyes fluttered closed again.
"How bad?" He mumbled, voice hoarse.
"Pretty bad, bud, looks like the med's aren't working."
"Never did. Just never seized often, even before. You'know that Joe." Joe sighed, running a hand through Barry's hair.
"Yeah. I know."
"Who saw."
Joe stayed silent.
"Open your eyes again kiddo."
Barry's eyes shot open, and he scanned the room, eyes widening when they landed on Eddie, who rested with legs crossed and elbows propped behind him on the bench. And then his eyes found Singh's.
"Should have told me Allen."
"But I almost never seize, it wasn't a liability and-"
"Not what I was talking about."
It was then Barry's eyes travelled to the heart monitor, bleeping and blipping impossibly fast.
"Yeah, Allen, oh." Singh turned to the rest of the room. "Is he stable?"
" M' right here you know."
"I realise. Now," he turned back to Snow. "Is he stable?"
"Looks to be. He's had seizures a few times since he became the Flash. He's just like a normal epileptic, really, but we need stronger drugs to stop the seizures and there's nothing we can do to control them." She glared pointedly at Barry. "But he can usually feel when they're coming on."
Barry had the decency to look ashamed.

Singh sighed. "Well, if he's stable, can we have a minute."
"Sure." It took only seconds for everyone else to clear out, and then, for the first time since Eddie had run from the lab, the two were alone.
"I should fire you."
"I know."
"I should report you, probably arrest you."
The young CSI's head shot up, fear in his eyes.
"But I won't."
"You do a lot for this city Allen. And, if you can promise me one thing, I will keep your secret, make sure Detective Thawne does, and maybe, just maybe, I will let your lateness slide every now and then."
Barry smiled. "What do I need to do?"
"Take care of yourself. If you are feeling ill you will not come into work. And if you are injured, you will get help."
"That's it?" HE asked, looking puzzled.
"That's it."
Barry's smile lit the room, but Singh could see he was flagging. He stood.
"I better let the troops back in before they think I've taken your head. You need some rest Allen."
The kid smiled and sank back onto the gurney, eyes closing and confirming the exhaustion Singh knew was present. He headed towards the door, waved the others back in.
He looked over his shoulder.
"Sleep well Allen."

The dynamic at the precinct remained largely unchanged when Barry returned two days later. The officer's that had witnessed his…unconventional departure all asked after his welfare but were quickly assured he was fine. And over the following months, not much changed.

But, if you were to enter the precinct on any given day, at about ten am, you would see a gangly CSI racing in only slightly faster than the average man. But there would be no yelling. Just a captain smiling, sipping coffee in his office, knowing that the city was that much safer because of the boy upstairs.

Annnnnd Fin. What did you think?
Thanks for coming!
Rose xx