Sloth: -Risings from beyond the grave as an ethereal demon- I LIVE! -coughs up smoke and turns back to normal- ew.

Hello everyone! It has been forever since I posted anything on this site! And dear god has it been a while. I checked my inbox and actually got some messages asking if I was ok. Short answer, yes, I am ok. I was going through some personal stuff. Leaving college, going through personal issues, jobs that actually gave me grey hair, and then finding a balance between work and me time...Me time's kind of over powering work right now. But long story short, yes, I am back.

With a new story...Sorry, not sorry? This really just happened because I was so sick ended up binging Disney. And this after finishing Kingdom Hearts 3 I made a crossover between Descendants and Once Upon a Time. Don't ask how, I just felt like it. I've already finished the first five chapters and, well guess it's time to get the ball rolling right?

Notes: This is an AU series that takes elements from both series. The first five chapters take place pre-series of OUAT. Chapter 6 will be the arrival of Emma the story will follow the core themes and ideas of OUAT with some major alterations here and there -glares at Pan being a father plotline-. Some characters from Descendants had to have their backgrounds changed to fit into the world of OUAT, but their core character and ideas are still there. I hope.

And as a reminder, everyone's cursed right now, so they are purposefully out of character. If you don't like it, skip to -insert chapter here- when the curse breaks. Until then -laughs at the horrible things he's got planned.


Chapter One. 8:15

"Mal," the boy called to her, his hazel eyes brimming with tears to match her own. She tried to go to him, but the winds that whipped around them were too strong. Each step towards him was met with magical resistance.

"Ben," she cried. This couldn't be happening. Not after everything they had been through. This wasn't fair. If this was supposed to be true love, then why was it so hard? Why did it hurt so much just to stay together? "Please."

"Mal," he called again, his voice breaking through the storm. She looked up at him and into his soft smile. A smile reserved only for her, during their most intimate and most vulnerable times. "Did I mention, I'm in love with you?"

And then he was gone, swallowed by the darkness.


She woke up with a start, the nightmare fresh but fading. Instincts told her to reach across her bed, to find the warmth of a second body that should have been there. Yet as her consciousness adjusted to the world of the waking, it dawned on her where she was. She was alone in her room, staring lazily at the fairies and dragons that decorated the walls.

With a heavy, and exaggerated, groan, Mal sat up. A brief glance at her alarm clock told her she was about two minutes away from hearing it go off. She juggled with the idea of just going back to sleep, but what was the point? The alarm would just go off and then if she wasn't down in time, the ice queen herself would come up to get her up.

Walking up to the calendar that hung on her door, Mal grabbed one of her many sharpies and painted a large purple X over the date.


Storybrooke. October 24th, 2001


Storybrooke Prep was a far cry from the most pleasant place to be. The uniforms itched and lacked any style. The teachers were boring and couldn't seem to bother with adding any flare to make classes worth paying attention to. Half the time, Mal she either doodled in the corner of her note book or fiddled with her necklace. Honestly, the only good part of the whole day was lunch, when she got to spend time with her friends.

She laughed as Doug pretended to be a walrus by using straws as tusks. He leaned in for a kiss, but she playfully guarded with the palm of her hands, laughing at his antics. "Not until you remove the straws from your face," she told him through her laughter. He pouted but obliged, much to Carlos and Jay's protests.

"I wanted to see if I could throw my onion ring through the gap," Carlos said with a pout.

"Maybe another time," Mal said before sharing a kiss with her boyfriend. His lips were soft and gentle. Were they the passionate flames she was used to receiving? No. Did they make her feel happy? Yes. And honestly, small bits of happiness here and there were much better than anything.

Especially in this dump. If you weren't being bullied by Gil and the football team, you were desperately trying to make new friends to cling to. Or in Uma's case, try to get people to join the advanced prodigy program. The girl and two of her club members were trying to once again to get someone to join by making an embarrassment of themselves in the cafeteria. They were trying to pass over fliers while trying to draw attention to themselves with big poster boards. It was a surprise that nobody's thrown their food at the group.

Jay leaned into their huddle, but he didn't bother to lower his voice as he spoke. "Rumor has it that if they can't get one more member to join by the end of the week, their program gets axed."

"Why?" Carlos asked, fries sticking out of his mouth in a make-shift tentacle beard.

"Because mother's part of the school board."

The foursome looked up at the fifth member of their group. They greeted Evie politely, making room for her tray. She sat down next to Carlos and adjusted her hair before addressing them. "Sorry I'm late. Harry wouldn't leave me alone about the whole mathletes thing."

"Is he still trying to get you to join?" Mal laughed.

"Right? I told him, I've got no interest in it."

"But you're really good," Doug complimented from where he was draped around Mal. Evie blushed at the comment, but simply shook her head.

"But that doesn't mean it interests me. If it's not science or fashion, I don't have time for it."

"Yeah, but come on. Even for a nerd, Harry's pretty good looking," Mal pointed out. "His biceps are as big as Carlos's head." When Doug pouted at her comment, Mal just chuckled before leaning in. "Hey. He's still got nothing on you."

"Aw, you're so sweet," Doug smiled before connecting with her lips for another kiss.

Carlos jokingly pretended to choke on his fries…until one actually slipped down and he needed Jay's help to unclog his wind pipe. With swift, heavy pats to Carlos's back, Jay managed to dislodge the food before turning to Evie.

"What does your mom being on the school board have to do with the Prodigy Program?"

"Well, apparently mother thinks the program's costing the school too much money and want to cut it. But because it technically counts as a club, the only way to cut it is either there's not enough students participating, or there's no teacher supervisor," Evie explained between delicate bites of food.

"Shame," Mal commented without enthusiasm. It wasn't like Uma's club was much of her business. So why bother caring? Still, curiosity had her looking over in Uma's direction. A tall brunette walked over, accepting a flier from Uma. She seemed excited that someone took interest in their club.

That excitement was quickly dashed when Audrey plucked the flier from the boy's hands.

"Sorry, French, but we're not that desperate," she said. The boy looked defeated and walked away, moving to a table to sit by himself. The group's attention was trained on him before Jay spoke up.

"You know, rumor has it, Ben's dad is Mr. Gold."

The comment made the group laugh.

"You can't be serious," Mal laughed.

"No, it's true," Jay defended playfully.

"Dude, last week you said that his dad was Dr. Whale. Besides" Carlos pointed to the lone boy. Ben was sipping on his milk while timidly reading one of his many fantasy books. "Gold's scary, even for an old guy. You really think someone like that could be related to Ben?"

They all glanced at the boy one more time. There was a moment of consideration as they gave him a once over. The analysis was unanimous as they broke out into laughter. There was no way Ben could be related to Mr. Gold. Scary as he may be, Mr. Gold was still leagues cooler than a freak like Ben. Still, Mal's eyes lingered on Ben a little longer than the others. When she was caught, she smoothly changed the subject.

"So, Evie, new baby brother, huh?"

"Oh my gosh, guys. Henry is just the cutest baby," Evie gushed before placing her fork down and digging into her bag and pulling out polaroids. "Look at him in his onesie. And here's mom feeding him a bottle, and here he is sleeping…"

As Evie gushed and proudly showed off the pictures of her new brother, all thoughts of Ben French dissipated like a bad nightmare.