Battousai and the Princess






Months went by and still no news of the princess at the Ishin. Many were starting to wonder if Battousai truly had returned her to her home.

Katsura looked around the quiet Ishin, most of the days with her were lively, but now they were just classically boring. The wind chimes could be heard, and stray mutters rippled into the crisp air of the afternoon.

Katsura browsed through the papers, lately he found himself in so much problems. Most of them revolved around this new woman known as Tomoe. He remembered the way she spoke and acted. As if she was from a rich Shogun family. He did many things to understand her, but nothing truly worked when there was limited information about her. Over the last six months, Tomoe and Kenshin grew closer, she developed a special interest for him. She was exceptionally delicate around him and she did her best to come to him in her most giving.

Most of Katsura's problems now stood here. The problem of a given sheath. He thought about handing Kaoru the position, but it was a sketchy and unrealistic idea. For starters, Kaoru couldn't become the sheath because she was a stolen Princess. Then there was the fact Battousai and Kaoru did a lot of fighting and quarreling. He couldn't quite understand why, but they just fought.

Tomoe however was somewhat different. Her character was more mature than the young princess. She was a silent woman, but her wisdom and maturity became something that made the young assassin captivated by. If Katsura chose Tomoe to be the sheath, he'd obviously have to ask her about it, but it was odd to ask the stranger such a question. From the months they knew her, she was a good woman, not lazy, very helpful and kind to everyone, including the odd one or two ruffians. She was tender-hearted and it was that attribute that got Katsura assuming she was the perfect fit for the post of sheath.


Looking up from the hot meal she just prepared, Tomoe began setting the bowls up on the table. She was very meticulous about Kenshin's table, so she emphasized on it.

Pouring the hot soup into his bowl and all the bowls for that matter, she rang a bell that it was supper. From the quiet distill air of the afternoon, noises of trampling feet could be heard as men rushed through the door ready for supper. Tomoe stood to the back of the room, looking at Battousai taste his first sip of soup. As if he had known that eyes were on him, he turned to see Tomoe looking at him. She quickly turned away, leaving the room.

Battousai just remained devoid.




'Two months ago, I didn't get sick. Two months ago I felt anew, that the curse that was suspended to me was finally broken. To test my deductions, I even went to a local's hotel far away. I didn't get sick at all and its been three weeks I stayed there. Now, here I stand, looking out my window, looking for adventure, looking for something new.

I want to run about, not be protected and held in confines.

It's an awful feeling to be locked up and never to see the lights you'd like to see. During the six months of my first and last kidnap, dad made instructions cruder on me. I didn't have a way out, but it was alright. I guess I understood why he cared so much for me. But during the six months I was left home, I became less wild, more mature, more urgent, more romantic, and very grim.

I longed for danger once again but silently I kept that hunger embedded within. I needed again, if just one last time to see –Battousai.'

She blushes at the thought.

'I don't care what they say now, he's still a man, a very arrogant and aggrandizing man. He gets me angry so easily, but I don't mind it, I actually like it. I dunno what's happened to me these many months, but each day that goes by, the more I yearn for wild danger and crazy adventure, the better the picture of wanting to see him comes alive. I've thought about what I felt for the Battousai, it started off as hate, dry hate, but it turned out, it was a childish crush. Silently each night, I would connect stars in the sky and find the closest blue star near the amber. My dreams were bounded with ties from being confined, but my heart, it was as free as an animal in wild. I resolved I would find him once again, and this time, ask him to run with me, far away. Maybe the Battousai doesn't exactly like me, but I will not make him falter away from destiny. He was meant for me and I'll have him that way.'

Kaoru looked at the sun-dial. It was 3pm. It was late and if she needed to search for Battousai she might as well do it in sunlight. Getting up from her seat by her window, she began leaving her room. Staring back at her room one last time, she sighed in tiredness. 'Good bye' she thought.

Leaving the room, she saw Okita and Weis on either side of her door.

"Milady?" came Okita's soft voice in expectancy.

"I'm going to take a bath. Its very hot" she said, leaving them to be. Kaoru looked at the palace. Everywhere she turned a guard was present. Opening the door, she entered, shutting it softly behind her. Opening the tap, she filled the bamboo tub and began making plans to leave. She had thought about this so much. The plan she made up since so many weeks now was finally taking action.

Opening the window, she looked below. It was a small jump where no guards were present. Jumping out the window in a quick motion, she saw the forest that bordered the castle. Making a run for it, Kaoru never turned back to look at the castle, the home that was rightfully hers.

All she knew was that Kenshin was her ticket to freedom.




After half-an-hour of running through a forest that never seemed to end, Kaoru got really ticked off. Bugs bite her and green grass soiled her beautifully sew kimono. The jewels from her hair and hands were now falling off and her face was scratched from the branches of trees. Standing up, she collected herself, assembling her breath. She'd been running so much and up till now she couldn't find the Ishin. Assuming she might have taken the wrong way to the Ishin, Kaoru decided she didn't have a choice of going back. She could only go forward. Seeing the sun shine from an opening in the forest, Kaoru smiled. Finally freedom showed itself. Running forward, she heard voices of men. Peeping her head through some bushes she could make out the faces of some of the men. Katsura was in his office which was opened, and there sitting on the steps was Okani and a young woman. Then not too far from them was Iziuka and –"Kenshin"

Kaoru broke free from the forest.

"Kenshin" she called, her face lighting up like a jewel.

Kenshin turned to her, his eyes taking in the woman before him. At first he thought his eyes were kidding him, but she was there, coming forward. She ran forward almost immediately, hugging him with everything she had. Kenshin didn't exactly know how to react, so he lightly patted her on the back with one of his hands. She pulled back, smiling up at him. Holding her chin, he looked at her.

"What are you doing here?" he asked…

"I came to you" she whispered.

"Why, why Kaoru?" he was a bit shock to hear her say that.

"I don't want to hide it Kenshin. But at first I thought you to be the biggest jerk on Earth, but when I recalled how much you cared for me during my sickness, I couldn't deny, I grew feelings for you. So now I'm here, to take you into my heart" she whispered.

Kenshin was speechless.

To start with, he couldn't deny, he had feelings for Kaoru very strongly the time she left him. But when Tomoe came into the picture, it was like half of those feelings were shared to Tomoe.

Now, in the center of something very confusing, Kenshin searched for a correct answer.

"Kaoru, you're a princess. One who gets sick all the time" he said.

"Recently, the curse broke on me…it doesn't happen anymore" she whispered.

"How are you so sure?" he asked.

"I went to a hotel and nothing happened for three weeks. Believe me, I'm cured and free. I think I'm curse-free because I broke the curse by the will to be well, the will to see you" she smiled.

"Kaoru" he said in a low voice…

"Kenshin, will you marry me?" came that random odd question.

"What?" was Kenshin's and Katsura's question.

"Is it too soon?" she asked innocently and cutely.

Kenshin blinked her back, taking her by the hand, he lead her to his room. Innocently she followed where he sat down. Kaoru stood though, feeling like she should.

"Kaoru, why are you so hurry to do things like this?" he asked seriously.

"Coz I love you" came her odd reply.

"You don't know me" was that exchange of words

"What do you mean? Of course I know you. You're Kenshin, my Kenshin. You're the jerk, but the man who can still see behind the blood and pains. I didn't exactly know what it meant when I started to feel this way, but I can't hold it back Kenshin, not any more. When I was with you, I was free, and you're my ticket to everything I want. You are what I want" She whispered in a confessing tone.

"Have you ever considered I may not love you?" he looked up. He was faltering and she could see it.

She became quiet and pained at his statement. "Do you like somebody Kenshin?" she asked.

"I don't know" was that reply.

"You should know." She paused, "I traveled very far Kenshin, to tell you I love you and now you don't care? Am I a fool for everyone? I have no idea anymore. But I guess it doesn't matter, do what you want" she began leaving his room.

He got up, pulling her by the hand.

"Where are you going?" he asked.

"Away perhaps. Where I could probably…just find freedom on my own" she whispered, her eyes glistening.

"Why do you want this?" he asked

"I want to be free"

"No, that's not what I meant, I meant, why do you want to marry me? You know your life will be in deep trouble. People will come looking for you and you'll be in that danger you'd never want to be" he whispered.

"I'd give away so much to leave the position as Princess, just to spend a heartbeat as a normal person by your side. That's how much I'd give…but it doesn't matter when you don't feel likewise for me" she cried.

"Kaoru…" he called

"Good bye Kenshin" she didn't want to hear him say no, so walking out would solve this heartache.

Pulling her straight to him, he surrounded her with his arms. She twisted and turned, even banged against his chest, crying to escape.

"Let me go" she begged in cries.

"Shhh" he leaned his head against hers.

"Why, tell me why?" she cried.

"Because I have something to tell you" he stared into his blue pretty eyes.




Katsura listened to Kenshin speak over his ideals.

Katsura sighed. "She's a princess, Kenshin."

"I know sir"

"It will not be easy for you to just marry her like that" Katsura informed.

"But sir, I want to marry her this week. Very soon. Please sir" Kenshin begged.

"Then you must marry her in quietness. Let no one know of it, do it like a shadow and be done of it soon." He spoke.

"Call Kaoru" Katsura spoke to Kenshin.

Kenshin nodded finding the young woman who was now washed up and clean.

"Young Princess, you have requested an audacious thing as to take my soldier's hand in marriage. I hope you bare in mind its going to be very dangerous on your behalf. This man is not a normal man you would find, he's a real –assassin. He has enemies and they will come looking for him, you just staying with him can become a problem to the relationship you want. You'll become a target. It isn't easy my lady" he spoke.

"I understand. And I have thought about this before, I reckon that my life will be in jeopardy, but my life already was in jeopardy the first day I became Princess. It isn't easy sir, but I have a fair understanding on death threats and being targeted. If I marry Kenshin, I know we'll have some problems, but we can fight through them. I can fight through them coz its important for me to have Kenshin. I love him sir, try understanding that. Try to imagine love as something so strong, it can't be broken to everything else around us" she strongly spoke.

"Very well Princess. If this is what you desire, then so be it. I would like you now to take the position of being Himura-san's sheath" Katsura said.

"Sheath?" she asked.

"His sheath to stop him from fighting and war. You'll do your best even if sometimes he'll never listen. Do you oblige?" he asked

"Hai" she answered.

"Very well. Himura-san, you will have a small marriage with the Princess. Like a shadow as I've said you'd have to be. No one is to know of this. Understood?" Katsura asked.

"Hai" Kenshin answered.

"Good, now go along you two" he spoke, "oh and Himura-san" he spoke


"Congratulations" Katsura spoke.

"Arigatou Katsura"

The two left, going to Kenshin's room. Kaoru entered sitting down on his futon.

"When are we going to get married?" she asked with evilness on her face.

"Soon, any day you want" he answered.

"Can we get married now?" she asked.

"Now? As in right now?" he asked.


Kenshin went to her scooping her in his arms. "You're torture you know" he said.

"I know, but you know you like it nonetheless" she whispered.

"Yes…I do" he whispered, leaning forward. Slowly like magnetism of the hearts, he rested his lips against hers softly. Using more weight in the kiss, he deepened it. Kaoru nearly melted at the emotions surfacing. Pushing her deep into the futon, Kaoru felt the world give like feathers all around her.

The nirvana she wanted was now and nothing could change that.




The Shinsen was very cruel. Ever since Jempiah failed to live up to his word, they eliminated him. Their plans had changed so much since they heard the Princess was missing. Okita stood near the door, listening to Saito lay out the new instructions for the kill of the Ishin.

"The girl is missing. From what Okita has gathered she's been doing very well. She isn't sick anymore so now she can run around. I'm gathering since we can't possess her anymore, we need a second plan. Our plan is simple, we kill all the Ishin in our way by tracking their where-abouts. It's as simple as that. Kill Katsura, and be done of the Battousai. That will take care of everything." He paused, "any questions?" he asked.

"No" came the crowds response.

"Good, now prepare yourselves, for battle is coming." Saito spoke.




After the wedding, the couple and eight witnesses which including Katsura, Maebi and Iziuka, seem to let out tired yawns. Kenshin and Kaoru were not that lovey-dovey but they were getting there. Kaoru was blushing all the way back to the Ishin. Then to her amazement Kenshin lifted her up in bridal style. She giggled.

"Anata" she giggled.

"Hai?" he smiled at her.

"You're making me feel like a princess" she kissed him. He kissed her back. "You are" he whispered.

She hugged him, as they kept going home.




When Kenshin and Kaoru returned a small celebration took place for the wedded couple. Kaoru wanted to celebrate while Kenshin wanted to go to bed. For what, Kaoru didn't know.

He pulled her by the hand, taking her to their room. They entered and he shut the door, making sure no one could enter.

He figured they would get a heads-up on the real party. Kaoru sat on a tatami, waiting for Kenshin to sit as well. He did. Coyly they both bowed. Whispering a small chant. Kenshin didn't chant much, instead, he just kept his eyes on her, watching how innocent and cute she was when she did her tasks.

Kaoru reopened her eyes to see her husband looking at her sensually. She giggled. Going to the futon, she covered up, waiting for him.

"Aren't you forgetting something?" he asked, with a smirk on his face.

She giggled. Getting up, she sat next to him, staring him in the face, "I really love you Kenshin" she whispered.

Kissing him, so innocently, so sincerely, Kenshin felt her gentleness being emanated from the one kiss.

Pulling back, his hands came around her. "Let me show you how much I can love you" was his statement, his hands coming to the sash and obi.

"Go ahead my love" she whispered.

Kenshin obliged.

Making sure he showed her how real he felt for her.




Soft whimpers and moans came from the room as the residents of the Ishin, listened to him grunt each time he hit the g-spot with her. She would sometimes scream his name and then moan so loud you swear he was doing something else. Then sometimes, you'd hear her giggle while he grunted and groaned.

The night was bathed in the cries of pleasure as the couple made love over and over.

Around four that morning, the couple stop to perhaps sleep, or fool around silently. Whichever, they were quiet.

Tomoe, sat on the step, with her things in hand.

'He has a wife and I know what it means to lose the ones we love. I can't kill him. I just hope, that you will smile at me my dearest Kiyosato for my choice, how I love you my fairest darling'

Tomoe left the Ishin that night, never to be heard of, again…




A curse is something that is broken when we become stronger than it. If we are stronger, we fight it and usually we succeed, but when we chose to give up, and fail, we live with the curse we have no choice but to accept.

Kaoru's curse was one, of mind over curse. She broke it because of love, something strong and wild.

This was a story, where being broken from a curse didn't mean to become broken from it, it meant to fight it in whatever means possible. And though love seems to be something that always messes us up, use it, because sometimes it truly does work…

The End…




An epilogue will be written for a final reading.

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