Maybe it's Bonnies birthday and it has just gone shit, but then Kol saves it somehow, OR reverse with Bonnie saving Kols day. What does a thousand year old vampire's birthday look like anyway.. Well thank you for all your hard work, and if you chose to write this, thank you in advance!

Bonnie was at the Mystic Grill alone. She sat down at the bar and looked around. She didn't see any of her friends, not even Matt and he worked here.

"What can I get you?" the bartender asked.

"A beer," Bonnie said with a friendly smile.

Maybe if she flirted, he wouldn't ask for ID. Her fake ID had been confiscated by her dad and no matter where she looked, she couldn't figure out where he had hidden it. Of course, knowing Rudy he probably just threw it out.


"I'll have a coke," Bonnie said with a sigh.

The bartender laughed. "I thought so."

Someone sat down next to her and Bonnie froze. She knew that feeling of death, vampires. She looked over and saw Kol. He didn't seem to have noticed her. He focused on the bartender and caught his eye.

"Give the girl her beer. Actually," Kol said thoughtfully. "Give her the best scotch you have on the house. I'll have the same."

"Thanks, I guess," Bonnie said skeptically.

The bartender poured them their drinks and put them down on the bar.

"Then you are welcome, I guess."

Bonnie had a sip of the scotch, it burned, but in a good way.

"Look if you're here as part of an evil scheme or to try to kill me for some reason can it wait until tomorrow?"

Kol grinned and downed his drink. He refilled it by stealing the bottle of scotch from behind the bar.

"I'm simply here for a drink, little witch."

"Then why are you sitting next to me and compelling me free drinks?"

"You looked glum. Seeing a beautiful witch down in the dumps is not something I enjoy."

"So this is just you being nice? No agenda or anything?"

"It's been known to happen."

"I don't buy it."

Kol snorted. "Suit yourself."

They lapsed into silence. Bonnie finished her drink and Kol refilled her glass.

"Thanks. I guess. I mean you did steal it."

Kol flashed a teasing smile. "Why are you here drinking alone? Shouldn't one of your girlie mates be here with you?"

"You would think so, right?"

"Must be bad if you won't tell me where they are. Don't suppose they are out scheming against my brother?"

"If you mean Klaus no. Where are your siblings?"

"How should I know?" Kol retorted and he sounded irritated for the first time.

"What are you like pissed at them or something?"

Kol eyed her for a moment before grinning in a teasing way that made her heart skip a beat.

"I'll show you mine if you show me yours."

Bonnie rolled her eyes. "You've been around since the Viking age and you're still this immature?"

"Yes, because drinking alone on a Friday night screams maturity."

"Fine, I'll tell you," Bonnie said and sighed. "It's my birthday and my friends forgot. Pretty pathetic, I know so spare me the mocking."

"Happy birthday, little witch," Kol said with a smile. "May you have better friends next year."

Kol raised his glass and they both drank to it.

"Thanks. So why are you here alone?"

"Same reason as you."

"Wait, it's your birthday too?"

"It is."

"Happy birthday. I'd say I hope you have a better family next year, but I think you're kind of stuck with them."

"Suppose I am however, I could have new friends next year."

Bonnie smiled in spite of herself. "You could. I plan to."

Kol's eyes lit up and he smiled a crooked smile that would have filled her stomach with butterflies if he had been anyone else.

"Since we're both in the market for new friends, what do you say?"

"I guess. Assuming you stop eating random residents."

"You know about that?"

"Of course, I do. I'm not stupid and your carnage isn't exactly subtle even by vampire standards."

Kol laughed. "Clever witch."

Two drinks turned into several. Before Bonnie quite knew what had happened, she was in a booth in the corner with Kol. Because he was Kol, he had slowly inched closer until his arm was around her.

"I should go. It's getting late," Bonnie said as she checked the time and realized it was almost midnight."

"Let me walk you."

Bonnie thought it over, but finally she nodded. She was drunk and things had been insane in Mystic Falls. She might be a witch, but right now she was a drunk one. She was probably safer with a drunk Original vampire walking her home than she was alone.

But she didn't trust Kol. This was insane drunk logic. It wasn't like Stefan walking her home from a tough fight, which happened less and less frequently.


"You're questioning why I would walk you home?" Kol asked with a confused furrow between his brow.

"Yes, obviously."

"It's late, we've been drinking. I would be remiss if I didn't escort you safely home."

"I'm a witch," Bonnie said slowly enunciating each syllable.

"I am aware."

"Alright, have it your way."

Kol's face lit up into a bright smile, which was stupid because her response had been tentative at best.

They didn't talk much on the walk home, but Bonnie found it was nice just to have some company. Lately, she didn't even ride home with her friends. Elena and Caroline were always so busy, she almost never saw them anymore. But she had thought they would still remember her birthday. Guess that was expecting too much.

Kol walked her all the way to the door and smiled at her. It was a devilishly handsome smile that stole her breath away. Kol it seemed had an infinite supply of smiles that ranged from teasing to evil.

"Thanks," Bonnie said. "Tonight didn't totally suck."

"Perhaps we can be friends."

"I would like that," Kol said. "Actually, I would rather like to take you on a date."

"A date?"

"A date."

Bonnie was a little drunk and this whole night had been so crazy, she figured she might as well go with it. Chances were slim a sober Kol would come knocking on her door to take her up on that date.

"What the hell? Why not."

Kol's arm snaked around her waist and he pulled her against him. He moved with such speed, she didn't quite know what had happened until she felt his lips on hers. She gasped in surprise and he took advantage of that to deepen the kiss. It was electric, fire raged through her veins and she wrapped her arms around his neck, bringing him closer.

Kol pressed her against the door and a soft moan escaped her when she felt his hard frame against her body. Her fingers knotted in his hair and she relished the silky feel of it.

They broke apart, panting for breath. Kol touched his forehead to hers and he caressed her cheek before pressing a gentle kiss to her lips. Bonnie sighed and her eyes closed, she lingered and he did too.

"I'll see you tomorrow, little witch."

Kol winked at her and disappeared in a flash. Bonnie let out a shaky breath and fell back against the door.

Thank you so much to everyone, who has read these and reviewed! I love that the kennett fandom is still alive. I'm not currently taking one-shot requests. But for kennett I'll make an exception, so submit an ask on tumblr and I'll write it when I get the chance!

- Izzy

Guest: Thank you! I am so happy to hear you liked the finished results. I had a lot of fun writing it.