Chapter 7: Mother (Doesn't) Know Best

Katsuki was just supposed to be minding his own business, doing some quick shopping for a nice dinner with Momo, so how did he end up in a situation like this.

Sitting at a cafe table with Maria Yaororozu, Billionaire, Philanthropist, and his mother in law drinking coffee together.

Well in order to explain that part we'll have to take you back to a few hours ago, with Katsuki and Momo enjoying their day as usual.


Katsuki roars as Mineta whimpers, "But Bakugo, the ratio.." Mineta starts as Katsuki makes a small explosion in his hand, "How's your head coming off of your body for a ratio?!" Katsuki growls as Momo sighs, chopping the top of Mineta's head with her right hand, flicking Katsuki with her other.

"That's enough, both of you need to calm down especially this early." Momo says as Mineta nods and Katsuki goes to say something but is given a look from Momo causing him to huff.

"How crap, that's the Vice President for you." Kaminari says as Mina and Kirishima look at each other and smile. "Seriously Yaomomo, how is it that you've gotten control over Bakubro of all people too!?"

Kaminari exclaims as Katsuki gritted his teeth, "Shut the fuck up Thunderdolt!" Katsuki says as he walks upstairs.

Momo sighed as she turned to Kaminari, "I just have a way with words." Momo said as she spared a glance Katsuki's way.

'She just had to go and make it look hot didn't she?' Katsuki huffed as he turned away from her. He'll get her back. He promised.

Soon after Katsuki and Momo found themselves in their little patch of heaven again.

AKA Momo's room, Katsuki found himself getting rather comfortable on her large bed as he laid down with the beautiful girl in his arms.

She always had this happy expression on her face whenever she was with him. It made him all warm and fuzzy.

He hated it or at least pretended to, trying not to smile with your wife in your arms as she snuggles close to you is actually really fucking hard.

"We have to be the most boring married couple on the face of the earth." Katsuki said as Momo looked up toward him.

"I see, we do just lay around with each other a lot." Momo said as she snuggled closer anyway.

"Oh I know, would you like to be little spoon this time?" Momo said almost excitedly as Katsuki huffed.

"Hell no! You just want to patronize me about our 1 cm difference!" Katsuki exclaimed as Momo giggled.

"Of course not, I just thought since we are similar heights and you wanted to switch things up. That we could literally switch." Momo said as Katsuki rolled his eyes.

"I fucking meant that you would have wanted to go on more dates or something." Katsuki said as Momo shrugged.

"Honestly, I'm more of an inside person than outside so just laying around is a bit more suitable than being out and about. However the occasional outing is nice as well." Momo explained as Katsuki stared at her.

"Hm?" Momo motioned as Katsuki pressed his lips against hers silencing her. Momo let out small giggles that turned into soft moans as Katsuki switched gears and traveled to her neck.

"Katsuki…" Momo said as she placed a hand in his hair stroking it as he kissed deeper into her neck.

A part of her didn't know if she was ready for this type of intimacy yet, however that was overruled by hormones rather quickly as Katsuki pulled back to look at her face.

Red eyes, blonde hair, handsome, just got done sucking on her neck.


So this is why girls were so into vampires.

Katsuki then kissed her again.

Katsuki then found himself out at 9 in the morning strolling around the city, the blonde haired boy had been scouting locations for another outing with Momo.

However it was at a cafe where he stumbled upon probably the worst thing that could have happened on his solo trip.

The older women's eyes were sharp, the same grey his own wife's were if not a little darker. Her skin was like porcelain, practically the picture of perfection.

All of that was ruined by the scowl that graced her face as her eyes met the boys. Katsuki took no time turning away as the woman cleared her throat.

"And may I ask what you are doing traveling the city by yourself?" The woman known as Maria Yaoyorozu asked as Katsuki groaned.

"Minding my damn business, being a CEO I would have thought you were a pro at it." Katsuki said as Maria scoffed.

"Your marriage is ever so technically my business, so seeing you roaming without my daughter is a bit… concerning." Maria said with a slight smirk.

She was mocking him, trying to get him to lash out. Katsuki took a breath before facing the woman.

"If you are going to be nosy… Mom. I'm looking for date locations for hanging with Mo." Katsuki grumbled as Maria gave him an interested yet stern look.

"Mo? That's an interesting nickname." Maria said plainly as Katsuki rolled his eyes, " Thanks, don't remember asking." Katsuki said as he turned to walk away.

"Wait. Please have a seat. I wish to… have a conversation with you." Maria said as Katsuki sighed and sat down in front of her.

"What?" Katsuki said with a straight face as Maria quirked an eyebrow as she scanned the boy, "No witticisms?" Maria questioned as Katsuki huffed.

"For the sake of my wife, I can put up with you for at least a minute." Katsuki said as he sat down in the chair in front of the woman.

Passerbyers glanced at the table as the beautiful older woman drank her tea with grace flowing off of her. Is this what Momo would look like in the future? No longer a princess but a queen?

"You are attracting way too much attention." Katsuki said as his drink was placed in front of him, Maria merely smiled as she set her cup down.

"It's merely biology, I happen to be quite attractive, nothing I can help." Maria said with a sly smile on her face.

"So it's a passive quirk?" Katsuki asks as Maria raises an eyebrow. "How did you figure?" Maria said as Katsuki picked up his cup.

"You are literally bringing the eyes of the entire damn block our direction." Katsuki said as Maria looked around spotting men and women alike turning away as soon as she spotted them.

"I'm impressed." Maria said as Katsuki smirks, "At what? Me noticing or me resisting?" Katsuki said as Maria smiled. "Both, I underestimated your commitment to my daughter." Maria said as Katsuki rolled his eyes.

"That and I'm not into hags like yourself." Katsuki said as Maria groaned, "That's besides the point, I would like for you to give me a test run on how you would treat Momo." Maria said as Katsuki sweatdropped.

"What is this? Some shitty porno?" Katsuki said as Maria flushes.

"N-no! I am not interested in some young lout like you sexaully in the slightest! I have no clue how such vulgar vernacular could roll off of your tongue like that!" Maria lectured with a red face as Katsuki gave her a look.

Maria Yaoyorozu, the second scariest woman he had known. Entrepreneur, beauty unchallenged. Was still a sheltered girl at heart. That only made her scarier to him.

"This wouldn't happen to be your first date, would it?" Katsuki asked as Maria flipped her hair.

"That's besides the point, come on then. Show me the sights." Maria said with a renewed facade as Katsuki sighed.

"You know going on your first date with your son-in law is kinda sad." Katsuki said as Maria narrowed her eyes at him. "Silence." She said as the pair began their small exodus around the city

Despite working within the inner part of the city it looked like smaller parts like these had been very foreign to Maria. Her eyes carried a look of wonder as she window shopped with Katsuki who was in charge of ensuring she didn't buy entire stores.

Yes, this is a thing.

They finally stopped at a gelato place that had recently opened up, this was one of the places that Katsuki had listed mentally as a date location. The inside was cozy, with a barista along with many different flavors decorating the front of the store.

"I see, you have taste after all Mr. Bakugo." Maria said as Katsuki rolled his eyes making his way up to the counter. "I'll take one of your Cioccolato and- What do you want?" Katsuki asked as Maria turned her nose toward him.

"I can order for myself." She said proudly as Katsuki huffed. "She'll take a Bacio" he said as the cashier nodded, turning toward the coolers behind him.

"I said I could order for myself." Maria said as she pulled out her wallet, "Don't bother, I've already paid. Just find some seats." Katsuki said as Maria smirked.

"Such a gentleman, maybe Momo's changed you for the better." Maria said as Katsuki growled, "Just take a damn seat hag." Katsuki said as Maria complied, finding two seats by the window giving her a view of the outside.

She found herself getting caught up in the masses as they walked along the sidewalk and drove to their daily routines. Such simple calculated meaningless lives, like clockwork. Moments like these were only reminders that time shouldn't just be wasted looking at other people and eating delicacies.

Katsuki sat down next to her placing her gelato in front of her as he ate a bit of his with a small bit of satisfaction crossing his face. "I never took you for the chocolate type." Maria said as Katsuki ate.

"I never took you as the ungrateful type. Hurry and eat." Katsuki said as Maria looked at him. "Does Momo get similar treatment from you?" Maria asked as Katsuki kept eating. "No. She doesn't deserve it." Katsuki said as he took another scoop.

"What makes you think that I deserve it?" Maria asked as Katsuki stopped eating and gave her a look. "What's Mo's favorite flavor?" he asked simply as Maria's face flashed confusion before she recovered.

"Canella, she's a woman of culture after all. Takes after her mother. Not something you 'Essere nelle nuvole' would know." Maria said as Katsuki rolled his eyes.

"Funny, coming from you,'Ricco Sfondato'. It's Pesca by the way." Katsuki said simply with an unreadable expression on his face as Maria's eyes widened slightly.

"You know Italian?" Maria asked as Katsuki smirked slightly, "Yeah, My wife taught me." he said with the smirk fully on his features as Maria narrowed her eyes. He was taunting her back, her intimidation tactics had backfired in the eyes of this boy.

"What flavors of gelato my daughter finds herself indulging in doesn't matter, when it comes to the future it's pointless." Maria said as she gave him a look. 'Go ahead, Go off and make a scene.' Maria thought to herself as she looked at the boy.

"My point exactly, she's your own daughter and yet all you can think of is her future as if it's some kind of investment. The same way you looked at those people as if they were wasting their time." Katsuki said with a low growl as Maria gave him a stern look.

"That's enough. You don't understand a thing about me." Maria said as she growled herself.

"I don't, but I know enough that you'll enjoy this better than me." Katsuki said simply as she softened her expression. That's right, he brought her here not as if he was taking Momo here, but since she herself would enjoy the treat.

Maria tore her eyes away from the calm eyes of the boy turning toward her gelato taking a quick scoop eating it as if to prove her point. That she wasn't a woman to be pitied or one to have her time wasted.

Yet her proud expression that concealed her inner feelings was melted away along with the cold treat in her mouth as she found a small smile had graced her features.

How long had it been? Since she sat down and enjoyed this frozen delicacy? A flash of a young Momo crossed her mind as she remembered her young daughter enjoying the treat with her for the first time of her life.

Her body shivered, not from the coldness of her treat but from the warmth of the memory. Maria gritted her teeth, she couldn't falter. She had to ensure the future, to create a path of success for Momo.

"You were right, this was quite delicious. My apologies I made this a selfish thing while this is truly about my daughter and your relationship. Let us continue with this date." Maria said calmly as she rose with her treat in her hand.

"Fine by me." Katsuki said with the same poise as before, Maria led as Katsuki took her place to place. Maria found herself learning so much about her daughter as the two made their trip around the small part of town.

Her habits and her hobbies, how pizza with extra meat was her favorite food, how her favorite type of music was classical with hints of alternative and even metal.

Maria was a woman exposed to only the highest of class of items throughout her entire life, yet these commoner items and treats had been a luxury she never had. She had to fight the smiles threatening her features as she followed the boy.

"Momo always was a fan of the fine arts." Maria said as she held up a book titled 'The Grand Entourage.' "She had read this book fifty times to the point she remembers it line by line." Maria said as Katsuki held another book.

A manga called Bokutachi, "She's read this one over a hundred times before she found out there were more chapters to it. She always reads at least 20 chapters before putting it down." Katsuki said as Maria gave him an unreadable look.

A manga? That was her favorite story? With all of the classics that she's read and she enjoys a manga the most. Maria was stumped, who had her daughter become while she was busy.

Who was Momo Yaoyorozu now?

Their day together came to its conclusion as Maria found herself sitting on a bench with Katsuki standing beside of it.

"You know, you weren't absolutely the worst to hang out with today." Katsuki said as Maria looked at him, "Was that supposed to be a compliment?" Maria asked as Katsuki shrugged, "Take it or leave it." he said as the two of them grew silent.

"You truly love my daughter, don't you?" Maria asked oddly solemnly as Katsuki responded, "Yeah." he said as Maria clenched her fist.

"Not for ill gotten gain, or any perversions but strictly because of who she is?" Maria asked as Katsuki replied again, "Yes." he said as Maria stood up.

Her heart was hurting this feeling in her chest was unlike anything she had felt before, it was agonizing. It was as if the boy in front of her had been standing exactly where she should have been the whole time.

This was another part of being human, one that Maria herself despised.

"Fine, then have her. You two are clearly in love in such a way that nothing can come between you. I'll train someone different to become my heir and allow Momo to live her life as she pleases with you." Maria says as her voice cracked slightly.

This is the path to her happiness after all, are you happy? You've won, you've both won. Her life is her's to decide without me!" Maria exclaimed as Katsuki looked at her with an unreadable expression.

Not one of pity or one of caring.

"I was wondering when you were going to tire out. Playing the bad guy for the sake of your daughter." Katsuki said as Maria looked toward him.

"What do you mean?" she said as Katsuki took a step toward her.

"That you are wrong, all of what you said is wrong. I do in fact love Ponytail, but don't you dare stoop yourself down to the level of someone she hates." Katsuki said as Maria looked at him with shock.

"You are difficult, snoody, and proud, but none of those traits are anything that would make Mo' hate you. In everything she does she has nothing but the best of you in her mind at all times. That you are elegant and strong, she wants to be like you. We never were trying to win, I don't give two shits whether or not you approve of us. She was going to be mine either way." Katsuki said as Maria listened.

"It was because she loved you that she was willing to throw her dreams away in order to live the life you set out for her. It was also because she loved you that she went to tell you that she didn't want to go through with the wedding. Momo only wanted to be seen by you for as she is not by what you made of her." Katsuki took another step forward causing Maria to step back, falling into her seat.

"Momo is the smartest person I know and amazing at everything she puts her heart to. That's what she wants you to be proud of, not the books she reads, the way she wears her hair, her food of choice, or even her favorite gelato flavor." Katsuki said as Maria felt tears running down her cheeks.

"You can't keep denying the fact that you love Momo as well just for the sake of your family or company. That everything you have been doing so far was because of it." Katsuki said as his own eyes had a sadness of their own.

"You've… experienced a lot… haven't you?" Maria said as Katsuki huffed. "This isn't about me." Katsuki said as he turned walking away from the bench, "Hurry up and call Ponytail!" Katsuki called as Maria looked toward him.

This boy, the same one that stood up to her and faced off with adversity just to be there for her when she needed it the most. She found that she envied him, how close he stood next to Momo on that day.

She had always feared destiny the most, that by trying to go against the natural order of things that they would fall out of place and cause despair. Yet her own daughter who was currently living by her own will had become someone who had been happy despite it all.

Maria found herself wishing that she hadn't let her fears get in the way of her love.

"Hello." Momo picked up after the 2nd ring like she always did. Maria cleared her throat and spoke. "You picked well Momo, I think that the two of you will do splendidly." Maria said as Momo smiled on the other side.

"Thank you mother." Momo went to hang up the phone as Maria spoke. "What was your favorite color again?" Maria asked as Momo smiled again with tears in her eyes.

"Rose." She said simply as Maria smiled as she spoke again.

"Mine is Peach."