AN: Hello everyone, I know my last chapter took me awhile to write but here's hoping I'm able to post more frequently. I hope you all enjoy what's coming

Previous chapter:

Nervously watching Chloes gaze became anxious knowing well who was in the ground, " please...please " she breathes while her heart raced not long after standing without any signs of struggle or injured as though the hard landing didn't affect him, Lucifer rised.

Chapter 31

Cheribum looked down at the devil in disbelief he was using all of his strength as they were fighting in the sky but when the ground was getting closer at the last second, Cheribum forcefully pushed Lucifer into the ground with added strength in hopes he would have defeated him.

" can you even be moving after that ? " asks Cheribum frustrated at the sight while receiving a grin from the devil. " your strength is more than it was expected " breathed Cheribum getting angry at the devil.

Lucifer stood up from the destroyed field as if nothing had happened dusting himself off his eyes continued to glow red with anger. " Is that all you got? " asks Lucifer preparing himself to join Cheribum in the sky to continue there fight...

" LUCIFER!!!! "

Stopping from unfurling his wings his heart beat uncontrollably, his reason for returning to the Silver City, standing up against his father and the harsh treatment of his siblings, doing whatever it takes to see her again. Turning slowly towards the only voice he considered angelic, the one who consumed all his thoughts and gave him strength " Detective " gasps Lucifer his eyes meeting ocean blue eyes along with seeing the face he thought of nothing but perfection.

Hearing him say " Detective " made Chloe's hand shake placing it over her heart knowing that it truly was him and that it wasn't an illusion she was seeing.

Unable to hold back any longer both ran to one other, as if nothing else existed they only saw who they longed for.

Chloe now understood what Seraphim meant when they would always find each other, when escaping from the manor she felt a mysterious magnetic pull that led her through halls and areas she hadn't gone through before most of the time either Libra and Eve would guide her. That must be the connection that only her and Lucifer share, meaning that there connection can never break and they are meant to be together.

Getting closer to each other Lucifer held out his arm to reach to her " CHLOE!!! " he shouts picking up speed, only inches away from each other and more importantly alive only made him more anxious to reach her.

" Lucifer " breathes Chloe as warm tears ran down the sides of her face " I don't want to lose you " seeing his arm stretched out Chloe reaches out to grab hold of Lucifers hand.

Once there hands finally came in contact Lucifer pulls Chloe close pressing her body against his while her arms go around his neck each of them holding onto one another with all there strength. Chloe was everything to Lucifer including his life everything he's had to endure to hold her again was worth it.

As if all the air had been taken from her lungs Chloe quietly whispers " You came for me " as her fingers ran through Lucifers dark hair, burying her face in his neck his scent more stronger and intoxicating.

Finally reacting his arms tighten around her while his fingers tangled in Chloes soft blonde locks. Finding his voice Lucifer spoke softly " No force of any sort either heaven or hell will ever keep me away from you...My Chloe " he breathes.

Parting from one another Chloe gasps her lips partly opened carefully bringing a hand to Lucifers left eye, seeing the injury it still sustained concern came over her as she saw his, " please tell me they didn't do this to you? " she asks only to see him look away momentarily.

His eyebrows furrowing " The night you were taken we chased them but they defeated Amenadiel and me " explained Lucifer feeling ashamed of unable to get her back. " I'm still angry that I couldn't save you I failed to keep you safe and away from harm " he said as guilt came over him.

From above Cheribum watched the event that took place seeing the Devil and Chloe together was having an affect on him, " how dare he put his filthy sinister hands on her " he breathes as his emotions slowly rise.

" Now is a better time then late " said Cheribum gripping his bow tightly as he reaches for a particular arrow that has a red arrow head looking more like a harpoon and sharper then normal. Gazing at it momentarily he knew well what it would do once used, it was specifically made to send the devil back to hell where he belonged but not only to stay in his domain but send him back dead.

Cheribum closed his eyes " This is for you my lady Seraphim but also to free your daughter from him and once he's done I'll claim Chloe as mine " he said opening his eyes only this time a gold like glow appeared along with surrounding him.

" SAMAEL!!!! " he roared getting both Lucifer and Chloe to look up. " Step away from the daughter of our lady " demands Cheribum aiming his bow.

Lucifer and Chloe turned there heads to hear the voice calling, quickly securing his arms around her Lucifer looks towards Cheribum noticing the bow being aimed " you DARE point your weapon at me with Chloe in the line of fire " said Lucifer his eyes glowing red " go... both Maze and Amenadial are not far they will keep you safe " he adds.

Chloe gets nervous knowing what was going to happen if she left " Lucifer he's going to send you back to hell " she said getting his attention " I don't want to lose you " clutching his shoulders tightly " Lucifer you never have or ever been evil your not anything what they say whatever happened in the past was not your fault it was fate that we met once in past life and again when you came to earth...I don't care what you say to me I'm staying with you no matter what " Chloe said knowing what the many outcomes could be even if it means not returning home.

The red glow in Lucifers eyes fade away after hearing what was just said, " I can't let you...think of everything and everyone especially little Beatrice " he replies turning his head to Chloe he knew all to well how her child meant " Trixie is everything to me I love her very much she's my world but you are as well " breathes Chloe cupping the side of his face.

Hearing her words of pure emotions and everything she would sacrifice so that he would live as well as them to be together. Taking her hand both there grips on one another became strong. Lucifer looked up at Cheribum but this time his eyes were filled with determination.

With his bow still aiming at Lucifer Cheribum noticed the new behaviour on the devil " nothing will make me stop from sending you back to your domain Samael once your gone that will be the end of it " he said in strong tone of voice.

Smirking Lucifer could see through Cheribum " you really desire to get rid of me? Or is it someone else? " he asks catching the angel off gaurd " this fight was never to avenge Seraphim was it? was for you to finally fight me, kill me and to get rid of me so that you may go after the women I love " explained Lucifer seeing Cheribums expression go still " is that it? " he asks smirking.

Pressing his lips tightly all the emotions that Cheribum had been holding for eons finally erupted causing the gold glow around him to expand and brighten.

" SHE WAS NEVER MEANT TO BE YOURS!!!! GO BACK TO HELL !!!!! " shouts Cheribum releasing the arrow...

Chloe's eyes open " NOOOOO !!!!! " she screams quickly moving in front of Lucifer wrapping her arms around him Chloe unfurls her wings to shield Lucifer, but at that same moment Chloes eyes widen more seeing another pair of wings only they came from Lucifer who was also using his own to shield her the look expressed on his face showed anger towards Cheribum.

Pressing Chloe against him tightly Lucifer was not going to let harm come to her, anyone who did would answer to him, " I'll always protect you " he breathes quickly shielding them as the arrow came...

" I love you " they both whispered bracing themselves for what was to come...

" BROTHER!!!!! "

AN: I know your all going to kill me. It's been a long time since I've updated but I got a surprise to go with this chapter and I'm super stoked.
