Just a very small Stinger/Naga scene. It was based on a prompt that Amy sent me but it ended up being shorter than I anticipated. Anyway, hope you enjoy and thanks for reading!

They were ambushed. It was supposed to be a relaxing small trip but instead they were ambushed.

Stinger stood up after checking on Naga who had just gotten hit. Blaster fire, leaving singe marks on his skin and clothes, blood seeping through parts that didn't cauterize.

Stinger stood between their attackers and Naga.

"Stand aside," one spoke. All of them looked eerily like Naga, but that was the people of the Hebitsukai system, looking the same and not feeling a thing.

"If you want him, you have to get through me," Stinger dared.

Naga tried to push himself up, "Don't look them in the eyes."

"I know," Stinger shot at them.

Naga finally got on his feet and managed to freeze them, "Get out of here, Stinger. This isn't your fight."

"Do you really think I'd leave you?" Stinger asked as he poisoned a few of the attackers.

"They won't leave me alone. First Echidna, now them. Even if I am good, they don't want me to have emotions. They'll keep coming for me," Naga kept staring ahead, "No one has ever left our planet willingly before, they fear I'll come back and cause an uprising."

"Isn't fear an emotion?" Stinger smirked.

"With how they are acting it would seem they feel something to want to kill me this strongly."

"Let's go," Stinger ordered, "They'll be here for a while."

Naga released his gaze and watched the bodies fall to the ground. He leaned against Stinger and they started the walk back to their voyagers.

"I'm sorry our weekend was ruined," Naga apologized.

"It's not your fault."

"They were after me."

"So it's their fault," Stinger squeezed Naga into a hug. "Let's go, you need to get that wound taken care of."

There was about a mile between them and their voyagers. They made it about halfway before more Hebitsukai warriors attacked.

Two of them jumped on Stinger and held him down. He tried to sting them but they had his tail pinned to the ground.

Naga morphed and fought them the best he could. Unfortunately, he was growing weaker by the second, blood now seeping from multiple wounds. He fell forward unmorphed, momentarily blacking out. They tied his arms in electric handcuffs. He came to as they were pulling him up and he steadied his feet on the ground. Luckily the ones holding him didn't realize he made eye contact with the two holding down Stinger. He forced them away and Stinger jumped up attacking. Naga was dropped to the ground as the warriors defended against Stinger.

"You aren't taking him anywhere," Stinger hissed as he pushed away the pain of the hits he was taking.

After a few more minutes, the warriors were all unconscious, either from their wounds or getting stung. Naga managed to crawl his way over to where Stinger had collapsed. He rested his head on Stinger's back for a few moments listening to him breathing. Finally, Stinger moved again, "I don't think we can make it to our voyagers at this rate."

Naga shook his head, "call Champ or Balance."

"Champ won't let me live it down if I actually admit I need help," Stinger gave a small chuckle before he started coughing. He finally called the team and then they laid there waiting. "At least it was an eventful weekend."

"Not very relaxing or romantic though," Naga argued.

"We'll get them to see you won't cause them harm," Stinger groaned as he sat up, "and after Jark Matter is defeated, we'll have all the time in the world to relax."

"I just hate having to wait," Naga admitted as he rolled over, resting the back of his head on Stinger's leg. "Before I had feelings, I never thought I'd want something like that, but now it's all I can think about. Just you and me, spending every day together."

"I don't care how many people I have to fight," Stinger answered, "I'm going to make that wish come true."