A/N: Thanks for reading Life Raft! I originally wasn't planning on a continuation, but felt like adding another part to this story. Hope you enjoy!

She was awoken by the sound of whimpering coming from across the room. A heavy eye peeped from under the covers to where a hyena was sprawled out on the couch. His feet twitched like they were trying to get away from some unseen feathers that were taunting him over the arm of the couch. She watched as he uttered half-words, trailing off mid-syllable descending into an airy whisper. His whimpering sounded like a pet whose owner left for work without saying goodbye. It was cute in a way. Her heart melted a little when she heard it for the first time, now she contemplated holding a pillow over his face. She lazily pulled back the curtain to take a look at the world outside. Still nighttime. Not a soul out. The yellowish-white lights of the Tokyo skyscrapers glowed steadily as dozens of red lights faded in and out like stars. Her hand pulled away as she turned her body toward the window and away from the sleep-talking hyena across the room. The red panda sunk into the most amazing spot on the bed, the spot that caressed every part of her body like she was sleeping on a cloud. She snuggled against the pillow. It was perfect. She felt herself becoming relaxed. She was fading back into sleep.

I have to pee. A voice whispered in the back of her head. Why? Why now? Another voice whispered impatiently. She groaned as her body tried to ignore her bladder trying to shake her awake.

I really have to pee. The voice whispered again. Why didn't you go when we went to bed? She could feel the other voice tapping its foot in annoyance.

I didn't have to go then, but I have to go now! The voice broke into a whimper. She let out a soft groan as she forced herself upright, lamenting having lost a sweet spot in the bed. She pushed herself to the edge of the mattress and looked out over the apartment. It was a studio, like hers, but this apartment was larger. Large enough for a regular sofa and a twin sized bed with room to move around. The unit was mostly a long rectangle with a chunk cut out for the bathroom and a partition for the kitchen area. It wasn't as messy as hers, but not tidy by any stretch. A small pile of mail and papers lay on a coffee table between a flat screen television and the couch where the hyena slept.

She stepped off the bed and shuffled across the room, passing a bass guitar which she hadn't yet seen in action. Dirty clothes were strewn across the floor near the bathroom door. Apparently the laundry basket was just a suggestion. She closed the door behind her and fumbled for the light switch. The eyes slammed shut as she was momentarily blinded by the sudden light in the room. Retsuko, the red panda, was staring back at herself, eyes open just enough to avoid tripping over things, but far from awake. Her eyes were dark and heavy, with dark circles hanging down like a shadow. After satisfying her bladder, she slowly turned on the faucet and washed her hands. Apparently all the hand towels were used as target practice for the laundry basket, so she rubbed them against her pajama pants to dry them. She turned off the light and shuffled back to the bed that Haida loaned her following the house fire that consumed her apartment building. Even though he repeatedly refused money from Retsuko, she could not help but feel obligated to find some way to thank him for offering his bed to her. Haida let out a loud snore as Retsuko climbed back into bed to get a few more hours of sleep before having to get up again for work.


Haida's train was even more suffocating than Retusko's. His apartment was close to their office, and close to the city center. Which allowed for them not to have to wake up as early to get to work on time, the catch being, as Haida explained, his neighborhood was one of the less reputable in the city. When they walked home together in the evenings, she noticed he would walk closer to her than he would during the day. Retsuko knew well enough just to look forward and to not interact with anyone that tried to get their attention.

"Do you want to go to this open mic thing tonight?" Asked Haida as they walked toward their office building.

"Where is it?" Replied Retsuko.

"Oh, it's at this bar I frequent, it's got a punk rock vibe to it." Said Haida.

"Is anybody else going?" She asked.

"Uhh…" He faltered, appearing to be thrown off by her question. "Fenneko's been there before, I'm sure she'd be down as well."

"Hmm," Retsuko thought for a second. "sounds nice."

"Really?" Haida's expression relaxed, a smile creeping across his face.

"Yeah, I think it would be fun." She assured him.


"Why do you want me to go to this thing?" Fenneko asked with an eyebrow raised.

"Because, I don't want Retsuko to think I'm asking her out." Replied Haida.

"Isn't that what you are doing by asking her to go to a bar with you?" Asked Fenneko.

"Yes… no!... I… I don't want her to think…" Haida stammered.

"You need to work on making up your mind." Said Fenneko, unimpressed by her friend and coworker's indecision.

"Look Fenneko, she's been through a lot… and I don't want her to think I'm trying to get something out of her… you know what I mean." Said Haida.

"Didn't you two work this out when you had pneumonia?" She asked.

"Well…" He started.

"Haida, you asked her out on a date and she said no. You two agreed to be just friends, right?" She asked.

"Yeah…" Replied Haida.

"So, what's the big deal?" She asked.

Haida paused, trying to come up with an answer. Not wanting to admit that he still had feelings for Retsuko.

"Fine…" Fenneko sighed. "I'll go."

"Oh, thank you!" Haida breathed a sigh of relief.

"But I'm not going to pretend to enjoy myself." She stipulated.

"You never do." He replied with a grin on his face.


During lunch, Retsuko scrolled through her phone looking at apartment listings. Too Expensive. Too far away from work. Shady neighborhood. Her old apartment wasn't exactly in the best location, but it was what she needed. Now, she had to find another, and none of them felt right. Ota, in the flight path of Haneda Airport. Kabukicho, if you can sleep with all the bright lights and drunks everywhere. Yokohama, would have to wake up before dawn just to get to work on time. The search was exhausting, and she didn't know where she was going to get furniture. Retsuko put her phone down and rubbed her face and ate her lunch, trying to relax her mind from the stress of house hunting.

"Are you having any luck in the apartment hunt?" Asked Haida as they walked toward the train station after work.

"No… there haven't been any listings that caught my attention. Some of them are so far away; I'd be on the train for hours!" It felt like all the landlords in Tokyo were conspiring against her as she rubbed her temple.

"I had to couch surf for a couple months before I found my place." He said.

"And now you're doing it again because of me." Retsuko said, clutching her purse strap tighter.

"Retsuko, you didn't set your house on fire, did you?" Haida asked.

"No…" She answered.

"And I doubt that you wanted your apartment to burn down, right?" He said.

"Of course not!" She insisted.

"So, there's nothing to feel guilty about." Haida assured her as they descended the escalator toward the subway platform. "You didn't ask for this to happen to you, I'm just glad I could help you in some small way."

As they walked through the crowded platform, a large animal bumped into Retsuko, only to be caught by Haida before she fell to the ground.

"Hey! Watch where you're going!" He bellowed into the crowd, but the culprit was lost in the sea of commuters, only catching a surprised glance from some passersby. Retsuko pulled herself away from Haida, her cheeks a faint pastel rose.

"Guess that's rush hour for you. Thanks." She said as she dusted her clothes and they proceeded to their train.

"No problem!" He said proudly, his chest expanding like he just saved a bus of screaming kids.

"Hey!" Haida said suddenly. "Why don't you head to the bar without me, I have to swing by the apartment and get something."

"Uhh… sure, what did you forget?" Confusion set in her face as Retsuko looked at Haida.

"I owe one of my buddies some money, I had it set aside at the apartment and I totally forgot about it until now." He said, avoiding eye contact with her.

"Oh… okay, which stop do I get off?" Asked Retsuko.

"Seibu-Shinjuku, I think Fenneko said she would meet us at the bar." Replied Haida.

"Okay, I'll see if she can meet me at the station." She said before the parted ways.


"Where did Haida run off to?" Asked Fenneko as she and Retsuko exited the station in Shinjuku.

"He said he had to get run and get money for his buddy, or something." Said Retsuko.

"He knows he can use ATM's right?" Asked Fenneko while nose deep in her phone.

"Yeah, it was a little weird." Said Retsuko. "So, what's this bar like?"

"Loud. Obnoxious. Full of leather jackets and eyeliner." Fenneko said.

"Guess you're not a fan, huh?" Grinned Retsuko.

"No… but Haida practically begged me to come." Replied Fenneko.

As they entered the pub, Retsuko looked at the dark, grungy atmosphere, filled with band posters, a sign for the London Underground, and further back, graffiti art covered the bathroom doors. The pair squeezed between bar patrons and exposed brick columns to find seats at the bar. Behind them was a small stage, no more than a step above the floor. The place was crowded like a rush hour subway platform with people bumping and jostling around each other, trying to get through.

"What can I get you ladies?" Asked the bartender, a tall, muscular horse with heavily a gelled mane, heavily pierced ears and a sleeveless shirt.

"Just a beer for me." Said Retsuko.

"A Manhattan." Said Fenneko.

"Do you know if Haida is close?" Asked Retsuko as she looked at her phone.

"I'm not sure; I don't know why he had to go all the way back to his apartment." Replied Fenneko.

"Yeah, it is strange – Oh, thank you!" Said Retsuko as they received their drinks. She surveyed the crowd as Fenneko looked like she was trying to fall into her phone screen, occasionally shooting a judgmental eye at some of the louder patrons.

Are you almost here? Retsuko texted Haida.

Few stops away Replied Haida. Retsuko was on her fourth beer, Fenneko on her second Manhattan.

"Hey Retsuko, Fenneko!" Shouted Haida as he pushed his way through the crowd.

"About time…" Said Fenneko, not bothering to look up from her phone.

"Ha-ha." Haida replied flatly. "Any good acts go up?"

"Haven't really paid attention." Said Fenneko.

"Not really, some were alright." Said Retsuko. "I have to go to the restroom; these beers are going through me." She giggled as she hopped from the bar stool and headed toward the toilets in the back of the pub. A weasel wearing a band t-shirt and ripped pants walked out of the men's toilets toward her, licking his lips as he caught sight of her.

"Hey girl, want to make our own music?" He said giving her a wink.

"What? No, no thank you…" Retsuko said incredulously. Who does he think he is? Her mind demanded. She walked faster to the restroom to avoid spending more time with him than she had to.

"Hey, where did Haida go?" Said Retsuko as she returned to the spot where Fenneko was, and where Haida had been.

"I don't know, he said he had to go to the restroom, or something." Replied Fenneko.

"I didn't see Haida when I came out, but I did run into some guy who hit on me when I was walking to the restroom." Said Retsuko as she reached for her beer.

"Yeah, I'm not surprised here." Fenneko cast a disapproving scan of the bar patrons and resumed her social media investigations.

"Up next we have Generic 9!" The DJ said as the last act packed up and exited the stage. The band members slowly walked on stage and set up their instruments. The weasel who hit on Retsuko stepped toward the front microphone and started tuning a guitar. A bobcat was setting up a small, portable drum set, and a hyena in a black jacket and striped shirt was tuning his bass guitar.

"Haida?" Retsuko said aloud to herself.

"Guess he didn't tell you that, huh?" Said Fenneko unimpressed and sipped her drink without even looking up.

"What's up everybody?" Said the weasel, warming up the crowd as they let out a cheer. Retsuko watched as Fenneko narrowed her eyes at the noise and scrolled vigorously through her phone. "We are Generic 9!" The band launched into a song that Retsuko didn't recognize. The band was alright, the singer went off key a couple times; it seemed like he was going out of his range. The drummer was pretty good. Haida was good as well, occasionally missing notes here and there, but keeping up with the music. Most of the songs were covers, a handful sounded like original music. She watched as Haida did some of the backing vocals, but couldn't hear him as well. He only sang a few notes, so it didn't matter too much.

"Haida! You didn't tell me you were playing!" Said Retsuko as he rejoined the group.

"Yeah… surprise!" He said scratching the back of his head, forcing a laugh.

"You were pretty good!" She said smiling at him. Retsuko watched as a pink wave cascaded across his muzzle.

"Oh…" He laughed. "I was alright… just a few simple chords…" It looked like he was getting sunburn on his face.

"Yo! Good set man!" Shouted the weasel, pushing his way through the crowd.

"Hey, thanks man." Said Haida as they did some fist bump routine.

"Who are these ladies?" He cast a hungry glare at the two office workers. Fenneko didn't bother to look up but took a sip of her cocktail.

"Oh, Retsuko, Fenneko, this is Itachi." Haida said as he introduced the three people.

"Hello!" Retsuko said stiffly, but trying to be polite, Fenneko said nothing.

"Nice to see some new faces in here." Itachi bit his lower lip as he stared at Retsuko and Fenneko.

"No." Fenneko said sharply as Itachi tried reaching a hand out to her, her eyes narrowed and focused on her phone.

"Wow, hard to get, I like it." Itachi winked at the fox, Fenneko didn't respond.

"Retsuko, right?" Itachi asked.

"Yup, that's me." She said.

"You should come here more often, it's nice having something pretty to look at." He said, trying to lay the charm on thick. Retsuko could feel her lip curling as she shot Haida a quick glance.

"Well, I think it's getting late." Said Retsuko, turning around to pay her tab.

"So soon?" Said Itachi with some feigned sadness.

"Some of us have actual jobs." Fenneko jabbed.

"Aren't you a pistol?" He replied as the three office workers started walking to the exit, squeezing around the crowded bar. Retsuko felt something like a large mosquito bite on her backside, she turned her head sharply to see what it was only to see Itachi, grinning at her and licking his teeth. A wave of disgust instantly washed over her face as she pushed harder through the crowd.

"I don't like that Itachi guy." Said Retsuko in the women's changing room the next morning.

"Yeah, he's a tool." Replied Fenneko, buttoning up her blouse.

"He's the guy that hit on me when I was going to the restroom." Said Retsuko.

"See, tool." Said Fenneko.

"I'm pretty sure he grabbed my ass while we were leaving." Retsuko added.

"Not surpised." Said Fenneko. "Did you say anything to Haida?"

"Yeah, he said he'd take care of it." Replied Retsuko.

"Apparently he and Haida are college buddies, or something, I think he's still in college… mentally, anyway." Said Fenneko as they exited the changing room.

"Retsuko!" They heard a high-pitched voice shout from down the hall as Tsunoda cantered toward the two.

"Hey, Tsunoda." Retsuko said weakly, expecting to get roped into another one of Tsunoda's singles parties.

"Retsuko! Is it really true?" Tsunoda said excitedly, as Fenneko watched in amusement.

"What?" Asked Retsuko.

"I heard that you and Haida are together! That's so exciting!" Squeaked Tsunoda, Retsuko glared at Fenneko as she started laughing.

"Haida and I aren't going out! Who said that?" Asked Retsuko, she could feel her face burn as it turned bright red.

"I overheard Kabae telling Ookami she saw the two of you hugging in the subway! You two really have good chemistry, what are your signs?" Tsunoda's gigantic eyes sparkled like it was Christmas morning. Retsuko felt a wave of horror was over her face. She was going to have to spend the rest of the day, if not the rest of the week beating down rumors that Haida and Retsuko are dating. She put a hand over her face and groaned loudly.

"They talk about each other all the time!" Snickered Fenneko, clearly enjoying rubbing it in.

"You're not helping!" Scolded Retsuko.

"She's a Scorpio, I forget what Haida is…" Fenneko put a finger to her chin and looked at the ceiling for an answer only to have Retsuko stare daggers at her.

"So you two are not going out?" Asked Tsunoda.

"No!" Insisted Retsuko as Fenneko watched in delight.

"Aww! Well, that's a shame, you two are cute together. Well, see ya!" Tsunoda said as she walked off, Retsuko wanted to curl up into a ball and disappear rather than face the eyes of the whole Accounting Department. Especially Mr. Ton. She could only dream of the pleasure he would take out of rubbing this juicy piece of gossip in her face.


"Does Ookami have to sing a love song every time he passes by?" Asked Haida as he watched the wolf sing some 90's slow jam as he put money in the vending machine.

"Why does Kabae have to tell everyone everything?" Retsuko asked as she buried her face in her hands, trying to hide the embarrassment if knowing everyone was talking about her.

"Why does a circle pizza come in a square box?" Asked Fenneko cheekily, her two colleagues were not quite amused.

"It's not that bad, it's just something new for people to talk about. It'll get old soon." Haida reassured the red panda. "Besides, we both know it's just a rumor."

"…or is it?" Said Fenneko dramatically.

"It's not funny, Fenneko!" Demanded Retsuko.

"Hey, I'm doing another open mic thing at the end of the week; any of you want to go?" Asked Haida as they walked back to the office.

"Hard pass." Fenneko said instantly.

"Sure! I'd like to watch you play again." Retsuko said.

"So, this Haida guy is in a band?" Asked Gori as her, Washimi, and Retsuko were lounging in the karaoke bar.

"Yeah, I didn't know until I saw him play a couple nights ago." Said Retsuko, sipping a beer.

"Is he any good?" Asked Washimi.

"Definitely not the worst I've heard." Said Retsuko with a smile. "The rest of the band is okay, too. I don't like the lead singer guy though."

"Oh?" Asked Gori and Washimi.

"Yeah, he's kind of a pig." Said Retsuko.

"A drunken slob?" Asked Washimi.

"No! A pervert!" Said Retsuko.

"Ahh, well, those are a dime a dozen. Just don't let them get to you." Said Gori.

"So, what does Haida play?" Asked Washimi.

"Bass guitar." Said Retsuko. "The band is kind of punk rock."

"Hmm…" Said Gori. "Sounds like the two of you have something in common."

"What do you mean?" Asked Retsuko.

"Sounds to me you both like similar music, and if we know Retsuko, we know she loves some death metal!" Gori giggled excited.

"Yeah, but I'm really not looking for a relationship right now. I'm still trying to find a new apartment after the fire." Said Retsuko as her two superiors nodded sympathetically.

"Well, we saw what happened with that Resasuke fellow, which, I would suggest is partially our fault. For which, I apologize." Said Washimi.

"Huh? There's nothing to apologize for. You never know until you try, right?" Said Retsuko.

"That a girl! You'll know when you're ready for love again!" Said Gori cheering the young accountant on.

"Any leads on the housing front?" Asked Washimi.

"Not yet, still looking though." Replied Retsuko.

"We can ask around and see who has a place for rent." Said Washimi.

"Thanks! You two really are the best!" Said Retsuko.

"That's what yoga buddies do!" Said Gori cheerfully as she handed the song selector to Retsuko. "Ready to tear it up?"

"I think I got a few songs in me." Said Retsuko as she punched in the numbers for the first song.

Retsuko and Haida rode the subway train together to the bar where the hyena would be playing. Haida told her not to worry about Itachi, that he said he was sorry for his behavior. Retsuko felt relieved. She was excited to watch him play again, now that she saw him in action; he was actually practicing in the apartment. She listened to him play the bass notes to some dark synthwave music she had never heard before, but was nevertheless impressed by his playing. It was very different from what Generic 9 was playing, the stuff Haida played in the apartment sounded retro, but energetic at the same time, like a metal soundtrack to an 80's zombie movie.

"Yo Haida!" Shouted Itachi as they entered the bar.

"Hey, Itachi, what's up?" Said Haida as he and Retsuko worked their way through the crowd. "You remember Retsuko, right?"

"Oh yeah! The eye candy!" Said Itachi looking at Retsuko, Haida glared at him. "Oh sorry, I mean, your friend." He curtseyed toward Retsuko. She could smell alcohol on him as he exhaled.

"We're on in fifteen!" Said the bobcat drummer.

"I'll see you on stage!" Said Retsuko as Haida left to prepare to go on, as he walked away, Itachi leaned slightly toward Retsuko.

"You're still a hot piece of ass." He said, blowing a cloud of foul breath toward her face. Retsuko stared at him in outrage.

"Itachi!" Yelled Haida, Itachi grabbed someone's shot from the bar before turning around and walking to the back room, knocking it back while drifting off of his path. Retsuko glared at him as he walked away, feasting his eyes on another female patron as he walked by her.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome… Generic 9!" The DJ shouted as the trio walked on stage. Itachi was staggering a lot more; it looked like he was getting to his alcohol limit. Haida and the drummer walked on behind Itachi and getting into position and began warming up.

"We are Generic… Generic 9!" Itachi stammered a bit as they started their set. Itachi was noticeably missing words to the songs and missing notes on the guitar. The drummer and Haida cast a critical glance at each other before focusing on their instruments. Haida stared at his bass, trying to compensate for the lead's missteps. Retsuko watched as the crowd began losing interest in the band. Preferring to go back to their drinks, or their phones rather than watch the performance, even Retsuko had to admit this was worse than last time she saw them. The drummer and Haida both did what they could, but could only do so much. As the notes to their last song faded away, they were met with only polite applause.

"That was terrible…" Haida said, visibly frustrated.

"I thought you and the drummer were pretty good!" Said Retsuko, trying to cheer him up.

"Man, we killed it!" Said Itachi as he jumped in the conversation. Retsuko and Haida shared a disapproving look. "If you liked that, I'll give you a backstage tour." His breath choking Retsuko as she tried not to breath. "Yo! Get me a whiskey!" He shouted at the bartender.

"I'm sorry…" Said Haida trying to hide his embarrassment. Retsuko glared at the weasel as he came back with two glasses of whiskey.

"One for the pretty lady..." Itachi sauntered back with two glasses of whiskey, thrusting one toward her.

"I'll pass…" Said Retsuko firmly, not even giving it a second thought about taking a drink form him.

"Don't be such a saint." Slurred Itachi before he stumbled and the glass meant for Retsuko was dumped on her. Whiskey covered her blouse despite trying to get out of the way. "Whoops, guess you'll have to take it off…" Itachi's voice drifted into a sing-song taunt. Retsuko felt rage reaching critical mass as reached her limit; she turned around and shoved her way up to the stage.

"What can I get with this?" Retsuko asked the DJ as she held four folded 1000 Yen notes between her fingers.

"Whatever you want." Said the DJ as he stared at the bills in her hand. "Ladies and gentlemen! We have a late entry! Give it up for newcomer, Retsuko!" He said as he got the back track ready and handed her a microphone. She looked out over the crowd and saw Haida, with his jaw drooping halfway to the floor. Retsuko closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and waited for the music to play.

Screaming guitars flooded the bar as drums echoed in the background.

"RAHHHHHHHH" Retsuko screamed, unleashing her death metal into the crowd.













The unassuming red panda roared into the microphone as she bared her clawed, her teeth becoming sharp fangs as she sang.

The crowd roared with cheers and applause as she handed the microphone back and stepped off the stage.

"Retsuko, everybody!" The DJ shouted as a second wave of cheers roared through the crowd.

"Damn girl, that was hot!" Said Itachi meeting her halfway to where they were when he dumped whiskey on her.

"Get away from me, you slob!" She demanded. Itachi suddenly grabbed her back and pulled her toward him. "Get your hands off me!"

"Hey, asshole!" They heard a voice from behind Itachi. The weasel looked behind to see who it was that was calling him; only to be greeted by a right hook to the face.

"Are you okay, Retsuko?" Asked Haida as Retsuko entered the apartment with him.

"Yeah, I'll be fine…" Said Retsuko, she was getting a little sleepy. "Thanks for sticking up for me."

"It was worth it, he was a dick anyway." Said Haida pulling a melted ice pack off of his hand.

"Well, you did play pretty well!" She said.

"Not as good as your singing, what was that!" His eyes lit up recalling her singing at the bar.

"Surprise!" Retsuko joked, it felt good to be on stage singing, although she would have to be heavily drunk to do something like that again for a while.

"So… wait…." Haida paused as a locked away memory became revealed. "You did belt out a death metal song at the company drinking party! I knew it wasn't a fever dream!" Retsuko blushed.

"Well, promise not to tell anyone… I don't want anyone else to remember that." She said, wanting to make sure no one recalled what she said about Ton when she launched into her death metal smack down. "I like my job just a little too much for people to know I cursed out Ton in front of everyone."

"Count on me." He said.

"Thanks!" Said Retsuko. "Guess you should find a new band, huh?"

"Yeah, those guys weren't that good anyway." Haida tried to brush off his ex-bandmate, and by extension, his ex-friend. "Maybe you should sing in a band!"

"Oh, no! I couldn't!" Said Retsuko. "I just do karaoke now and then, that's all!"

"If you're as good at the karaoke bars like you were tonight, I want front row seats!" Said Haida enthusiastically, Retsuko blushed as she took off her shoes.


Retsuko lay in bed, listening to Haida snoring and sleep-talking. Her thumb scrolled through a list of apartments. Sangenjaya… she read the listing. It near where her old apartment was, the rent was reasonable, and about the same size as her old place. The panda's face lit up as she read through the listing. She pressed through the photographs. Clean, can't see any bugs. Close to the train station. Retsuko felt the light at the end of the tunnel was approaching when she pressed Apply Now!