There were many things that he had learned on the grand adventure that was even knowing Kushina Uzumaki - well technically it was Kushina Namikaze now - and as her husband, there was a great deal more than he had learned, it was more or less her causing him to constantly have to try and rationalize the unrationalizable that he was able to figure out the Flying Thunder God Jutsu in the first place. She was just the kind of an accidentally amazing person that the laws of physics tended to be less law and more guideline.

Like that time that she accidentally sealed Mountainside, though officially that was blamed on the Kyuubi.

She also managed to make a seal out of ramen noodles one time because that was what she had on her and wanted to prove she could.

So he had gotten quite good at expecting something extraordinary to happen whenever Kushina did something ordinary. And so far today had been extraordinarily ordinary. He had woken up, kissed his still smoking hot wife that didn't look a day over twenty, laughed when she leaped out of bed proclaiming that she was going to make pancakes, and sat down to read the morning paper.

It was even ordinary when Sasuke showed up, unannounced but not unexpected, gave him a tight hug, sauntered over to his wife and hugged her, and then proceeded to ask where his son was.

Which then led to Kushina to kick their son's door open, there was a mixture of screaming and shouting, before Kushina returned to the kitchen and began to hum and dance about making pancakes - during this time his eyes had been locked on the sway of her hips as her rear showed itself from behind her hair like a temptress peaking out from behind a curtain.

Naturally, the girl that was in first place to be his future daughter in law - she was the only one that his mildly assholesh son would speak to - got bored, shrugged, went to go speed the process up. Kushina liked to blame their son's recent attitude problem on him, but he didn't feel the need to remind her of how she asked back in the day.

Extraordinarily Ordinary. Just the way he liked it.

That naturally all came crashing down when Sasuke came running out of Naruto's room and headed right for the fridge to chug their milk, while Kushina started to have something he could only describe as a motherly crisis, she barked orders about how they needed to corrupt their son and that Jiraiya was needed yesterday and that he needed to teach him about girls.

Again, he didn't feel the need to explain to his lovely and smoking hot wife that his only experience with girls was her. And that she, much like Sasuke, weren't exactly normal, probably. He should try talking to a girl again, Kushina was cute and clingy when she got jealous, like when the new Mizukage came to discuss politics.

With a sigh, he focused on his wife's face and put on a smile. "I just have one question, what's a Chuunibyou?"

"A curse!" Kushina slammed her hands onto the small bar that served as their breakfast place. She held her arm up, pretending to claw at something else as though she wasn't in control of her arm, with a gasp she grabbed it forcing her arm down. "It's a social curse! Where the person's desire to become cool causes them to make grand delusions about their life so that they make outlandish claims! Like having some dark power sealed inside of them or being from another world where they were a princess or god or something!"

"Ohhhh, you mean like you were when-"

She lunched over the countertop, her hands covering his mouth. "Shh shh shh, yes like how I was before I got the giant grumpy fox put into my stomach. All of the cringe! But it's worse now because Naruto's a teenager! All of his classmates will avoid him, and that will lead him to have fewer friends than he already has and that would put Sasuke through a lot of social pressure to abandon Naruto and I don't wanna put that on her!"

"Ahh, the pancake!" Sasuke's soft, slightly raspy voice came from behind her as she moved to man the skillet that Kushina had abandoned, milk carton left still on the countertop. As to why she had started drinking the milk, he had no clue, but there was a good chance that it was related in getting Naruto interested in girls.

Which Naruto was, given how the first time he saw Tsunade since hitting Puberty his eyes and face went red. No, their son had a healthy interest in girls, especially Sasuke. Probably. Again, his only real experience with girls was Kushina, and she, as everybody in Konoha would admit, wasn't exactly a good norm.

Not that Sasuke was a good norm either.

Naruto's head appeared from the hallway, both Kushina and Sasuke were too distracted by the - heavenly, mouth-watering delicious smelling - pancakes that were making his stomach growl in response. He was already late, if he left now he'd just be late, but if he had pancakes, he'd be late for pancakes.

He locked eyes with his son, by all accounts it was his son, Kushina's face, his hair, marks from the Kyuubi, same blue eyes. But it was within those same blue eyes that he saw something in his son. Uncertainty, fear, hope, all rolled into one nervous bundle. Well, this was unusual, very, very, unusual.

"Hey there Naruto," he placed the paper he hadn't been reading down onto the countertop, keeping one hand out to keep Kushina and Sasuke back. Not that they wouldn't have been able to handle this, but that it was his job.

With one knee on the ground, he brought himself to eye level with his son, or just about eye level, Naruto wasn't quite that little anymore. "Is everything okay?"

Naruto shrugged. "I, I don't know." He looked away from him, eyes cutting towards the ground. "You, you all my dad right?"

That was not a question he not expecting. But one that he had the answer to. "Of course, no matter what I'll be your father, just like you'll always be my son, and Kushina will always be your mother." He twisted his body to force Naruto to look him in the eyes. There were tears. "What's going on? Are you okay?"

"I don't know! I don't know you! You were dead!" The tears were flowing freely now, trailing down Naruto's face as he stood there, his whole body shaking. Memory loss? Memory change? He should take him to Tsunade, as soon as possible and get to the bottom of this. "I didn't have a family, I was all alone, but now you're here and I don't know what's going on. You are my dad right, and she's my mom, and this isn't a dream right?"

"This isn't a dream Naruto, this is real, I'm your father, she's your mother and Sasuke, she's your best friend." He placed a hand on his son's shoulders pulling him into a tight hug. "You're okay Naruto, we're-"

He was holding nothing, nothing at all. He wasn't in the kitchen, he wasn't in his home, he wasn't in Konoha. The sensation was familiar enough, projection into a seal, but this wasn't just any seal, normally it was like looking down in where he could still feel his physical body and was a bit like moving a puppet around. Kushina had told him that when she spoke to the Kyuubi that something like this could happen.

Looking around he found himself in the depths of a dungeon, deep enough that whatever was down here would never see the light of day again. There was no exit, there never was in a seal like this, but there was a gate. Large, ornate, foreboding, the true heart of the seal with this room that he was in serving as the maintenance chamber.

A massive claw slammed into the cage with the force of a typhoon, it did not budge. Followed by a second slam as the red creature emerged from the depths of the seals, its snarl, like an earthquake and its hatred burned like a wildfire. "Fourth Hokage!"

The Kyuubi roared slamming into the seal once more. "I'll destroy you for what you did! I will end you! I will break out of this seal and kill your son and then you! I will kill you!"

Confused, but not cowed he looked at the small seal that served as the lock on the gate. It was his handy work alright, it was actually a design he dreamed up, in case the Kyuubi ever broke out of Kushina's seal, the last resort based off the reaper death seal but modified to allow the chakra to flow into the Jinchiruki.

The only problem was that he never had to use it - he'd be dead if he did - but here he was staring at the snarling fangs of the Kyuubi helplessly sealed behind his own handy work.

Things were starting to make sense, well at least this morning was. Part of it. Naruto had claimed that he didn't know who they were, that they were dead, that this wasn't his home. And the Kyuubi was currently sealed with his own seal and that could only happen if both he and Kushina had died. But that would-

"Quit Ignoring me! Fourth Hokage! Come here so I can end you! I will destroy your child, I will-"

"You're kind of annoying ya'know," He smiled up at the beast, completely taking the wind out of his sails. He was sure using his wife's verbal tic probably set the creature off as its eye gave a single twitch. "Well, it was very informative to meet you. Tell me did you kill me and my wife."

The angry half barking half shouting that came out of giant fox was all but unintelligible. But he sounded really offended. He just had that effect on people.

With a hum, he focused, finding the threat that would lead his mind back to his body and pulled. Waving goodbye to the Kyuubi if for no other reason than to piss him off more he made a swift exit.

The room was exactly as it was when he had gone into the seal with Naruto still in his arms, crying. With a breath, he squeezed Naruto hard one last time before pushing him away the slightest bit. "Alright Naruto, I want you to do something for me. I want you to gather your chakra do you think you can do that?"

His son sniffed, pawing at the tears that had sprung out from now where. "Yea, I can try, I'm not very good at it. Though."

"That's fine." It was to be expected if his son really did have the Kyuubi sealed inside of him. This was just a confirmation of what he already knew. But Naruto having a hard time gathering his chakra was just another piece of the puzzle. "I'm going to pull up your shirt, I'm just going to check something alright?"

Naruto nodded, crossing his fingers and gathering his chakra. For a moment nothing happened.

"Honey?" Kushina asked, stepping forward, a soft frown on her face. "Is everything alright?"

"Yea!" Sasuke joined in peering out from behind Kushina. "Did he hit his head or something?"

The seal appeared. The seal. His modified triple layered masterpiece of a seal that used the reaper death seal as a base was there on his son's stomach. He looked at the seal, then toward them. "Is the Kyuubi still sealed inside of you?"

"Uhh, yea, last time I checked." Kushina patted her stomach one eyebrow raised as she looked down at Naruto's seal. "What's that?" She squatted down beside him, looking at the seal. "And if you say a seal I'll seal you into a pancake."

This was the hard part, he could barely explain things when he understood them. He needed a nap. But hey Kushina could pick up on things better than most. "Well, I'm pretty sure there's another Kyuubi inside of Naruto."

She blinked, Naruto blinked, Sasuke looked confused.

"Umm, how?" was Kushina's leveled response.

"I have the Kyuubi inside of me?" Was Naruto's panicked response.

"They have the Kyuubi sealed inside of them!?" Came Sasuke's momentary shock both hands on her face before a smile grew on it. "Oh, wait, can you two grow fox ears? You'd probably look super cute."


Back in the other universe where the cosmic cereal eating entity had dumped the slightly assholesh and a bit of a prick Naruto, nothing of note had actually happened.

Naruto-A as he will henceforth be known ( A stands for asshole) had woken up late and promptly sat down wondering where exactly his breakfast was. The fact that his mother or Sasuke hadn't shown up to bug him was just a good thing.

AN: Why Minato's perspective? Cause I don't write nearly enough Minato.

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