It was a day to remember that started off with a sudden explosion that went off in the deep forest of Lukedonia. An inhuman like scream, mixed with the voice of a monster and a woman, echoed through the lands and causing all the nobles to lift their heads in astonishment. For that was a scream, that voice was something too familiar to their ears and even now, it chilled them to the bone.

The Lord's eyes opened slowly and looked off in the distance. "Luciel...?" He spoke the name with such softness but hidden with grief.

In a once silent room, two family leaders lifted their heads and looked outside to where the sounds came from. Their expression fell grim and riddled with worry and anger.

Rayga looked to Gajutel in shook. "That voice just can't be. Luciel?"

The old man eyes slowly look down to the ground in shame. "But an explosion on this level can only mean one thing. It was the War Hammer of the Shelin family, Magnus Shelin. That fool has done it now." His words fell short with a growl."Rayga, you can get their faster than anyone. Go."

Rayga nodded his head and vanish into a black blur through the open window and began to head towards the location that was now covered in smoke with the constant sound of pounding and shouting that sound like a gong being played.

Frankenstein burst through the door to his masters quarters with a face paled with horror. He only saw Raizel gazed out the window like he is usually seen doing, but his gaze was focused on the direction from where a battle was being held off in the distance. Smoke could be seen hovering high in the air

"Master!" Frankenstein shouted with dread. "Luciel is nowhere in the mansion. I've looked everywhere and even her own room. Her windows were open." He spoke grimly.

Raizel was quiet for a moment his gaze calm. "That was her."

Frankenstein could feel every bone In his body rattle from Raizel's words. Of course, it was her. Of course, it was his own lover, Luciel. "Master. Please excuse me." He bowed his head to Raizel and ran from the room. HIs mind was in a frenzy and panic that overflowed with worry for her. He can't lose her. Now after everything that they've been through. Not her. Not Luciel.


In Ye Ran High, an old photograph of a woman laid on the chairman's desk ever since the beginning of this school. No one can tell how old the picture was since its very state seemed a bit weathered with years but still remained recognizable. But no doubt, this woman was very important to him and everyone could tell it when they've seen the state it was in. From what could be seen in the drawing, the women had dark purple hair that went past her shoulder and a gentle smile that was almost hidden by her knuckles that she held by her face. Her eyes though were something quite unique since they were a deep scarlet that gave anyone and unease, yet, warm feeling. It was those eyes that everyone seemed to notice first when they look at it.

"Frankenstein." A smooth voice called to the principle of the school who stood beside him. "It seems that you were unable to find Luciel." He pulled the cup of tea away from his lips and set it down gently on the table. Raizel could see Frankenstein's clenched handshake. It was a sensitive topic as it always was.

"Master." Frankenstein began, but his voice sounded sorrowful and discouraged. "It has been 900 years since I last saw her. I can only assume that the battleground that we found...was her grave." His heart stung with this pain that he was now cursing himself for saying. It was something that he never wanted to accept, never want to think about, but he couldn't look away from the facts that have been lingering on is mind for the past 900 years.

"We still don't know that," Raizel assured with confidence. "Luciel...was a special kind of person. She could not have been killed off so easily."

"Master... I am grateful for your concern, but I haven't found a trace of her existence at all in the past 900 years." It was this very fact that made him shiver to his bones.

Raizel's face fell very slightly. "It must be hard...Unable to find your loved one, unknown to know if they are alive or not." Raizel's eye's scanned the photo on Frankenstein's desk.

Frankenstein's blue eyes glanced over at the photo before he closed them. "Yes, it is one regret of mine..."

A stranger stood at the top of a building that overlooked the city in the dead of night. The harsh winds blew back the person's coat as they stood in silence, observing the city below. The stranger brought up their hand and gazed at the light between there long slender fingers. The strong gusts of wind blew back the hood of the stranger, unleashing its long, wild purple hair with it's every changing gazing shifting throughout the night, showcasing her endless story through her lively eyes.

She quickly took in a short breath, cutting it off.


So for a quick explanation on why I decided to reupload this chapter. It was the very first chapter that I posted to this site so I was just trying to get used to the controls, and I've also noticed that it may be hard to follow what's going on so I edited it a bit more and changed something up so you can understand. Hopefully, this will help you and convince anyone who wants to continue with the next chapter.