April 15, 2008

Jimmy Palmer was many things, but subtle was not one of them.

Which is why when Michelle came down to autopsy on a Tuesday morning, he was very glad to be alone. Dr. Mallard had stepped out to talk to Gibbs and the Director, which meant Jimmy was alone in autopsy, giving it a good cleaning. They had been quite overloaded with cases as of late, so it really needed one. He had been hard at work for about half an hour when Michelle walked in, causing him to immediately blush.

Control yourself, James. What if someone else is with her?

"Oh, uh, hello, Agent Lee," he stammered. "What brings you down to autopsy?" He rubbed the back of his head nervously.

"Relax, Jimmy," she said as she approached him. "It's just me." Jimmy visibly let out a breath. "Where's Ducky?"

"Talking to Agent Gibbs and the Director somewhere," Jimmy answered. "What can I do for you?" He set down the broom he had been using to sweep against one of the autopsy tables.

Michelle's eyes went dark. "Oh, I think you know, James," she said in a much lower tone than before.

"Really? Here?" Jimmy again blushed furiously and started backing up as Michelle got closer to him.

Michelle said nothing as she continued to get close to Jimmy, eventually backing him up against a wall and leaning against him slightly. "That's a closet over there, right?" She asked, nodding her head in the direction of the closet.

"Uh, yeah," Jimmy responded, nerves starting to dissipate as he got into it. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulling her flush against him.

"Think we could use it?" Michelle pushed off him slightly so she could cup her hand over his dick and squeeze.

Jimmy's eyes fluttered as Michelle continued to gently squeeze. He could barely get out a quiet "yes" before Michelle practically dragged him into the closet.

As soon as the closet door was closed Michelle's lips were on Jimmy's and she moved to take his shirt off.

"What's gotten into you?" Jimmy asked as he complied with his shirt being taken off.

"Missed you," she responded as she pulled her own blazer off. She pushed him slightly so he was backed against a wall and began kissing him again. Both started breathing harder as they continued kissing and they barely came apart when she pulled off her own shirt.

So, we're back on then? Okay…

Jimmy suddenly grabbed Michelle by the waist and turned them around, pinning her against the wall instead. "So, we're doing this again, huh?"

Michelle, startled but pleased, just smiled and nodded as she let out a breath.

Jimmy smiled in return and lifted her up so she could wrap her legs around his waist.

Oh, yeah, we're back on alright.

"Where's Lee?" Ziva asked as she arrived back in the bullpen and sat down at her desk across from McGee.

McGee looked up from his computer to glance at Michelle's empty desk. "I'm not sure," he said, turning to Ziva.

"Ask your brother," Tony said, giving a quick nod towards Ari's desk.

Ari was clearly completely absorbed in something and was not paying attention. When Ziva raised her eyebrows in question, Kate chuckled.

"He's been like that since you left. We have no idea what he's doing," she remarked.

Ziva grinned devilishly as she put down her bag and approached her brother's desk. This will be my payback for Norfolk. She moved slowly so that her lips were right beside his right ear. "היי פאקינג," she whispered.

Ari jumped up out of his seat and turned around quickly, causing the rest of the team to laugh. When he registered what had happened, he glared at Ziva. "לעזאזל, חרא קטן," he sneered, sitting down again and dramatically turning his back to her.

Kate laughed loudly at Ari's actions causing Ziva to laugh again as well. "Oh, c'mon, Ari, you kind of deserved that. Don't you remember the last time we were in Norfolk and you tried to scare her?"

Ari turned his chair back around to face his teammates. "Wasn't her putting me on the ground enough revenge?"

Ziva chuckled and patted her brother on the cheek lightly. "That was just a reflex," she claimed, smiling. "Anyway, where's Agent Lee?" She sat on the corner of his desk, making herself at home.

"How should I know?" Ari responded.

"She is your partner, is she not?" Ziva implored.

Ari frowned. "Yes, but that does not mean I know where she is at all times." He turned his back to Ziva again, getting back to whatever it was he was doing before that had him so enthralled.

Fine, guess I'll have to go look for her myself.

"Well, I need to speak with her about something, so I will go look for her downstairs," Ziva said as she began to walk out of the bullpen.

"Ooo, you want some company?" Tony asked excitedly as he jumped out of his seat.

Ziva stopped for a moment. I suppose it wouldn't hurt. "Fine," she said out loud, beckoning Tony to come along.

Tony grinned and walked quickly to catch up with her. "So, what did you need to talk to Michelle for, Zi-va?" He drew out her name in the way he knew annoyed her.

Although, maybe I like it a little bit.

"You'll see, Tony," she said flirtatiously.

Tony wiggled his eyebrows and continued to prod her as they made their way downstairs.

Ducky smiled as he made his way back down to autopsy. He has just been up in the Director's office talking to her and Gibbs. The conversation was work-related, but he just couldn't help but be happy for his two dear friends. Although they were nothing but professional at work, he could still notice that they were much more relaxed when they were together. Considering what both had gone through in the past, Ducky was thrilled that his friends had found each other again and that things seemed to be going well.

When the autopsy doors swooshed open, Ducky immediately noticed his assistant was nowhere to be found. "Mr. Palmer?" he called out.

Ducky then heard a familiar voice say "oh shit" from the direction of the supply closet. Oh dear, I was afraid this would happen eventually.

Tony and Ziva had just stopped by Abby's lab to see if Michelle was there. After having no luck, they made their way down one more floor to autopsy. As they stepped off the elevator, they heard Ducky speaking.

"Mr. Palmer. Agent Lee. I suggest you wrap up what you are doing and come out at once."

Tony grinned and had to keep himself from laughing. "Uh, Ziva, I think we found her."

Ziva shot Tony a look before walking into autopsy to see Ducky standing in the middle of the room facing the supply closet. "Ducky, what is going on?" she asked.

"I'm afraid I've just caught Mr. Palmer and Agent Lee doing their dirty business in my autopsy!" he said the last bit a little louder so he knew the two people in question would hear.

"I told you it was a bad idea!"

"It's not that big of a deal, Jimmy!"

"Yes, it is! Dr. Mallard's gonna rip me a new one and Agent Gibbs is gonna kill you!"

Tony and Ziva looked at each other, Tony trying not to laugh and Ziva in disbelief.

Ducky cleared his throat loudly to get their attention once more. "That's enough! Both of you come out here at once."

The door opened and out stepped Michelle and Palmer. Michelle's hair was a mess and her clothes were disheveled while Palmer had lipstick all over his face and neck and his glasses were crooked.

Tony could no longer hold back his laughter and let out a little snort. Seeing the state of her friends, Ziva couldn't help it and let out a little giggle as well.

Ducky turned around and glared at them. "You two are not helping. Could you please go get Gibbs?"

"Of course, Ducky," Tony said, still suppressing a smile. He grabbed Ziva's arm and led her back towards the elevator.

"As for you two..." they heard Ducky say as the elevator doors closed.

"Can you believe that just happened?" Tony asked Ziva excitedly.

"I will admit, Tony, I had my suspicions, but I did not think they would be foolish enough to get caught," she said. "Gibbs will not be happy."

"And did you see how pissed Ducky was?" Tony pointed out. "Man, they are really in for it."

Ziva nodded in agreement. "I tell McGee and Ari and you tell Kate?"

"Can't we just tell them all together? They should all be in the bullpen," Tony argued.

"But what if Gibbs is there?" Ziva warned. "He will not be amused we are telling everyone."

"Good point," Tony said as the elevator dinged and the doors opened on the third floor. "Well, guess we'll see in about 5 seconds."

Tony and Ziva exited the elevator and practically ran into the bullpen. Upon noticing Gibbs' absence, Tony blurted out quietly: "Ducky just caught Palmer and Lee getting it on in autopsy."

Kate gasped and stood up from her desk, immediately approaching Tony and Ziva. "Seriously? They got caught?"

"Gibbs is going to be so mad," Ari mused, rubbing his hands together in excitement and joining his team in the middle of the bullpen.

"Wait, Jimmy and Michelle are sleeping together?" McGee questioned, obviously a bit confused. "Since when?"

"Oh, c'mon, Tim, you haven't noticed?" Kate teased as McGee joined them. The other 3 agents murmured in agreement.

"Noticed what?"

"McOblivious, Lee disappears frequently in the middle of the day and comes back with a telling smile on her face every time and you don't notice?" Tony asked.

McGee crossed his arms and made a "hmph" sound. "Well, I guess I just respect her privacy then."

"And that's one of the things we love about you, McGee," Ziva reassured him as she patted his shoulder lightly. Kate nodded in agreement.

"Gibbs is coming," Ari said. Everybody else looked up to confirm Ari's statement.

"Oh, yeah, we were supposed to be getting him," Tony said "Oops. Anyway, hey boss! Ducky needs you down in autopsy!"

Gibbs looked at him from the top of the staircase, nodded, and got into the elevator without a word.

Tony started moving towards the stairwell. "Where are you going, DiNozzo?" Kate asked.

"I'm going to listen, duh," Tony said as if it was obvious. "You guys coming?"

Ziva, Kate, and Ari all looked at Tony, then each other, and shrugged before following him. McGee sighed as they all left, then reluctantly followed.

Gibbs could only wonder why Ducky needed him down in autopsy when he had just spoken to him, but when he got off the elevator, he instantly knew what was up.

"I expected you two to be more professional than this. And I can't believe you would use autopsy to do your business of all places!"

Gibbs took a deep breath before entering autopsy and to see Ducky yelling at Palmer and his agent.

"Ah, Jethro, finally you're here," Ducky said when he heard the door open. "You will not believe what I just caught these two doing in my supply closet!"

Gibbs looked at them. "I think I can figure it out, Duck," he said.

Ducky huffed. "Well then I expect you will punish Agent Lee how you see fit. I will deal with Mr. Palmer here."

Palmer visibly gulped and Michelle hung her head in embarrassment.

"C'mon, Michelle," Gibbs said, beckoning her out of the room.

Michelle shot one last look at Palmer before following Gibbs out.

As soon as the doors closed again, Michelle started "Gibbs-"

"Nope," he said, putting his finger to her lips. "Go home. Get yourself together. We'll talk about this tomorrow."

Michelle nodded sadly. "Okay, Gibbs." She pressed the elevator button. It opened immediately and she walked in. As the doors were closing, she said "I'm sorry, Gibbs."

Once the doors were closed and she was gone, Gibbs sighed. He then opened the stairwell door, and the rest of his team came tumbling out. He glared at them.

"Uh, boss, we can explain," Tony stammered. "You see, we were doing a team building exercise and-"

"Go home, all of you," Gibbs cut him off while pressing the elevator button and getting on. The last thing he saw as the elevator doors closed were five different, but equally funny, flabbergasted expressions.

"Kids," he chuckled to himself. What am I gonna do with them?

Later that night, Michelle was curled up on her couch watching a movie when she heard someone banging loudly on her door. As she got up to answer it, she shouted "Okay, no need to bang so loud, I'm coming!" When she opened her door, she saw Jimmy standing on the other side, who immediately moved past her and into the apartment.

"Well, hello to you too," she scoffed, closing the door behind him.

"Michelle, we have to talk," Jimmy said, walking into her living room.

"Okay, what's up?" she asked, following him in and turning off the TV.

Jimmy began to pace. "I just can't believe we got caught today. Dr. Mallard is so mad I'm surprised I still have a job. I think I'll be mopping the autopsy floors every day for the next two months. And I can't imagine what Agent Gibbs is going to do to you? Is he mad? Of course, he's mad. Oh, God, we should not have done this. It was bad, we should not have done this, we should have-"

"Jimmy!" Michelle shouted, breaking him out of his haze. "Sit down, you're scaring me."

He took a shaky breath and sat down on the couch. Michelle sat down next to him and put a hand on his back. "Jimmy, it's okay. Gibbs hasn't even talked to me yet."

Jimmy put his head in his hands. "Oh, God, that might be worse. What if he just wanted extra time to think of a punishment for you? What if-"

"I think I'll be okay," Michelle said softly, rubbing his back. "It's sweet that you're worried though."

"That's the thing," Jimmy said, standing up. "I don't think I can do this."

Michelle looked up at him. "What do you mean?"

"You're an agent. I really like you Michelle, but," Jimmy paused and took a deep breath. "I don't know if I can do this. I'm constantly worried about you. I know it's selfish, but I just can't do it." He looked at the floor. "I'm sorry."

Michelle stood up to be level with him. "Jimmy, please, can't we talk about this? We can-"

"No." He stopped her this time. A tear fell from his eye. "Please, don't make this any harder than it already is." He kissed her forehead and turned to leave.

As he got to the door, Michelle called for him. "Jimmy, please, wait!"

He looked at her sadly once more. "Goodbye, Mich." He opened the door and left, not looking back again.

Michelle dropped to her knees and started sobbing. How could this have happened? I love him, and now he's gone…

The next day, Michelle called in sick to work. Gibbs was skeptical, but told her to feel better and come back 100% when she could nonetheless. It wasn't until he went to see Abby later that day that he had an inkling of what was going on.

"Whaddya got, Abbs?" He greeted her in his standard way, walking into her lab.

"Please, don't yell at Michelle. She's hurting," Abby pleaded.

Gibbs sighed. "I'm guessing you didn't call me down here about a case then?"

Abby frowned. "No, Gibbs, sorry." She stood up from her chair and approached Gibbs, putting her hands on both his arms. "Gibbs. Michelle called me crying this morning. Apparently after what happened yesterday, Jimmy broke up with her."

"Ah," Gibbs responded. "Should I ask how you know what happened yesterday?"

Abby smiled slightly. "I know all, Gibbs, you should know that. Anyway," she put her serious face back on. "When she gets back, go easy on her okay? She really liked him."

Gibbs just nodded and pulled away from her, then walked out of her lab.

"Gibbs! Where are you going?" Abby called out after him.

"Gotta take care of something!" he shouted back. He made his way into the elevator and down one floor to autopsy. When he walked through the doors, he saw Palmer mopping and Ducky at his desk.

"Make sure these floors are spotless, Mr. Palmer!" Ducky said.

"Sorry, Duck," Gibbs said, going up to Palmer and grabbing him by the arm. "Gotta borrow him for a second."

"Jethro!" Ducky protested as Gibbs led Palmer out. "Just don't keep him too long!"

Gibbs pulled Palmer into the elevator and hit the emergency stop button as soon as it started moving.

"Agent Gibbs?" Palmer said, sounding scared. "Are you gonna yell at me too? Cause trust me, Dr. Mallard already did a lot of that-"

"Palmer," Gibbs said with a slightly raised voice, getting other man's attention. Palmer looked at him, giving him his full attention.

"Want to tell me why you're scared of a serious relationship?"

"W-what?" Palmer stammered.

"You and Lee have been seeing each other for months. Why break it off after you get caught?" Gibbs interrogated.

Palmer's jaw dropped. "Wait, how do you know that?"

Gibbs nodded. "You didn't answer my question."

"I'm not scared of a serious relationship," Jimmy said, turning his head away to avoid Gibbs's gaze.

"Then what are you scared of?" Gibbs questioned, his voice getting louder.

"Nothing, I'm not scared of anything," Palmer lied, continuing to look away.

"You and I both know that's not true. Now, what are you scared of?" Gibbs shouted.

"I don't want to lose her!" Palmer shouted back, finally looking at Gibbs again. "There, are you happy?" he said, as tears started to stream down his face.

"Jim," Gibbs said softly. "You're dating an agent. Comes with the territory. Every day she goes out in the field, there's a chance she won't come back."

"I know," he sobbed. "I love her. I don't want to lose her."

"Well, you just did that by pushing her away," Gibbs said.

Palme laughed softly. "I guess you're right." He wiped his tears away and Gibbs turned the elevator back on. "Thanks, Agent Gibbs."

Gibbs just nodded. When the elevator doors opened, he walked into the bullpen, leaving Palmer to contemplate his words. Poor kid. Hopefully, he listened.

After he left work that day, Jimmy had tried calling Michelle at least 10 times. Unsurprisingly, she didn't answer any of those. Which is how for the second night in a row, Jimmy found himself at Michelle's front door.

Man, I really screwed up. Hopefully, I can still fix this.

Jimmy tentatively knocked on her door. He could hear her approaching the door, and when she opened it, she almost slammed it back in his face. He managed to catch it at the last second.

"Go away, James," she spat.

"Michelle, please, I need to apologize," Jimmy pleaded, still holding the door partly open.

"Give me one reason I should accept your apology," she said angrily, crossing her arms.

"Because," he took in a deep breath. "Mich, I love you. More than I've ever loved anyone. And I was just scared. Every day you go out there and I don't know if you're gonna come back. And I just don't know what I'd do with myself if I lost you. You're so special, Mich. You're the most amazing woman I know and just the thought of you getting hurt crushes me." He paused to catch his breath. "I understand if you can't forgive me, I just thought you should know."

He continued to look at her, waiting for a response. Then, tears started rolling down her face and she opened the door the rest of the way so she could wrap him in a bone-crushing hug.

He returned the hug, wrapping his arms around her as tight as he could and burying his face in her hair. "I'm so sorry, Mich," he said into her hair.

She released him slightly to look up at him. "Why didn't you just tell me?" She laughed slightly through her tears.

"I was being stupid," Jimmy admitted, now also crying. "Agent Gibbs talked some sense into me today."

Michelle laughed again, wiping the tears off Jimmy's cheeks. "I'll have to thank him tomorrow." She moved her hands, so they were now cupping his face. "I love you too, by the way."

Jimmy's face lit up. "You do?"

She smiled. "Of course, I do. You're the most amazing man I've ever met. I just can't believe it took me this long to figure out. All that on-again, off-again stuff was ridiculous."

"You're right," Jimmy agreed, moving his hands so they were clasped behind her waist. "I love you and I want to be with you."

"I love you too and I want to be with you," she said, bringing him into a sweet kiss. Afterwards, she rested her forehead against his. "Do you want to come in?"

Jimmy chuckled. "I'd love to."

They broke apart slightly as she moved aside to let him into her apartment. After she closed the door behind him, she grabbed his hand and led her to the couch in her living room. "Let's watch a movie and order take out?" she asked.

"That sounds great," he said, giving her another quick kiss.

She smiled again and sat down on the couch, and he followed suit. As they cuddled up on the couch, ready to watch Ratatouille, Jimmy was content.

Wow, I love her so much.

"You know, Jethro, this whole situation is quite humorous."

Gibbs glared at his girlfriend from his place at the dresser. She was in the bed, reading before turning in for the night. "Ya think?"

"I mean, we're fortunate we have my office," Jenny said, smiling and putting her book down.

Gibbs raised his eyebrows.

"The idea of being caught is kind of thrilling though. Maybe we should-"

He cut her off by striding over to her and kissing her deeply. Yeah, gonna put that thought to bed right now.

Hebrew Translations:

היי פאקינג - hey fucker
לעזאזל, חרא קטן - fuck off, you little shit
Google translate was used, so this may not be entirely accurate.