Hi everybody. I don't care if there I get hate, and I am motivated to finish this. I am well warning you are there will be smut and lemons. This is WHY it is rated for Mature audiences.

This story is base of the Alpha and Omega system, with soulmates. Threesome, mpreg and whatever happens. I will try and warning about lemons. The threesome is Viggo, Ryker and Hiccup.

Hiccup and Toothless are Kin that = Family. Because of that his five sense along heighten as well as speaking to other dragons.

This is set on season 2 Episode 2 race to the Edge. This, of course, has Astrid flying with stormfly but at slightly different times with Hiccup and Toothless. Both in different locations.

Key points.

"Dragon Speaking"


"Thoughts "

The old wised tale sailors saying red sky at night, sailor's delight. Red sky in morning, sailor's warning. That was something that the young berkian should have remembered. That was something he had forgot. It was early morning, with a beautiful sunrise that lit the sky on fire. He was flying on a dragon and not just any dragon. This is his best friend and Kin brother. The young berkian had made a pack with the dragon - a pitch black nightfury he had named Toothless - a month after they meet.

To make a pack with the dragon is known as a Kin claim; this to a dragon would be what he would call his family pack as known for Kin, and Kin takes to care for themselves. When the pack claim between the Dragon and human was made, it was something very rare and need some form of blood transfusion to make it. The Kin Claim also needed full trust and a certain bond to fully connect.

To Toothless and the young Berkain it was a small blood sacrifice on an existing cut, on the young berkain arm. Toothless had noticed it when the human visited him with a basket of fish. Biting his tongue, Toothless went to the young Berkian and started licking the wound and mixing it together with dragon saliva with a hint of blood and human blood leaving a small dragon mark on the upper right arm. At first, there was nothing much that had to happen. As the months went by the young berkian later noticed small things. His hearing improved a little better, his sight at night was great, and his smelling went insanely great, but he could understand and speak to other dragons. He kept this a secret, because if it came out, then he could be taken away from his family.

"Come on Toothless, one more morning flight around the island then we can head back to the edge." The young Berkian had said. This young berkian has almost a rich chocolate brown haired boy with forest green eyes, he was called Hiccup, Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III.

"Okay brother, but I want some large tasty salmon for breakfast."Stating Toothless, who had slowed down the paste for his rider and brother.

Toothless knew that Hiccup wanted to avoid today and tomorrow. It was his Kin year of birth, and Hiccup was born on February 29th - the leap year that happens every four years. Although he was technically four years old, he had already is on his 18th year of living and had just gained soulmate mark.

Like all species, these soulmate mark will not only heat up near the location of your mate but will inform you if you were a color beforehand, the Alpha - was always colored Red, Omega - gold or Beta dark Blue. This controls the hierarchy of who is in control. Of who submits and who takes the leader position. For Hiccup, he starred off toward the morning sunny watching the red sky. Thinking about the past. Everyone would assume that he would have been being a weak beta. 'Hiccup the useless' or 'Hiccup the toothpick' was what he was called before he met Toothless. He looked down at his upper left arm at his soulmate mark that came today. Sighing he recalled lessons that every Berkian was taught at the age of 13.

Alpha males, such as his Father Stoick the Vast, or even Dagur the deranged, are typically dominant behavior type and are able to impregnate other Alpha females, the Beta females, and Omega females which was his mother. Beta males like his uncle Spitelout can only reproduce with Beta and Alpha females.

It was only the Alphas that can reproduce with Omegas. The Alphas make up are about 30 percent of the population of the world and have a slightly higher than baseline fertility, and can smell when Betas and Omegas are in heat. Betas are about 68 percent with average fertility and cannot smell another's heat. Omegas are rare at about 2 percent of the population, and are much, much higher on the fertility scale than the average human. Alpha males have a knot, Beta and Omega males do not. Betas have a very mild heat cycle; they run a light fever, increased arousal, that's it. Omegas, on the other hand, suffer almost debilitating heat cycles, as you can attest. If they are not mated, they can suffer brain damage, death, paralysis; they literally burn up from the inside. An Alpha or special herbs in some areas on a few islands can stop or soothe the heat enough to tolerate it for the week or two that it lasts, unless they become pregnant, in which case it stops in a few days. Omegas also exude an incredibly powerful pheromone that can drive Alphas to insane lengths to possess them. Heats happen every third full moon cycle. Add all of this with have a soulmate mark sucked for anybody. Hiccup friends on another hand had already pasted their 18th-year last year.

The Twins both were announced as Alphas, for example, are fated to another set of twins. Both twins have long blond hair and dedicated their lives to Loki - god of Mischief. However, the Mischief went on an even higher rate, after Hiccup train both twins to ride the Hideous Zippleback - who was called Barf and Belch. The Hideous Zippleback is classified as a member of the Mystery Class in the Journal of Dragons. These dragons possess a unique method of attack: one head produces a thick green gas, while the other one produces sparks to light it on fire. Barf and Belch were still quite young to gain a mate.

Fishlegs who surprised everyone as an Alpha, his soulmate mark sentence was changed to Heather since they had both meet after his 18th last year. Fishlegs was smart but a tad chubby. He found his future on writing about new dragons with his good pal Meatlug. Meatlug was known as Gronckle. Meatlug and Fishlegs are probably the next groups closest to bonding as Kin. Unfortunately, Meatlug, doesn't what her best friend to get capture so she had decided against it.

Snotlout was represented as a Beta was soulmate with Astrid, who was an Alpha. Snotlout is known on Berk as strong, bold, and often overconfident Viking. To Hiccup, his cousin has a very big ego that can't be inflated. His ego tends to often show off while in dragon training, especially when Astrid was around. However, during the battle against the Red Death - which gave Hiccup many more nicknames he didn't want - Snotlout joined the fight, riding a Monstrous Nightmare named Hookfang. Hookfang was still under the age mating season but his ego like his master tends to be... well, overwhelmingly bad. Of course, setting yourself and other things on fire causes problems.

Astrid, of course, was presented as an Alpha, with her soulmate being Snotlout. However, Astrid instincts state to protect and train hard. She rides a light blue Deadly Nadder she had called Stormfly. Astrid knows that Stormfly is easily known in the book of dragons to be captivating by the beauty of the Deadly Nadder, but distraction around this dragon can prove to be very dangerous! Stormfly is known to have the ability to breathe fire that is especially powerful, and its heat has been known to melt rocks and metal easily. Stormfly had just past her mating age, and with her rider was searching for her mate out there.

Now everybody on Berk had their eyes set to see what Hiccup will become. The majority of Berk guess he would be represented as a beta since he was weak as a child. Not that it had mattered. Fate hates him. Fate really, really hates Hiccup. And for those who don't understand is that Hiccup has a rare condition. He makes up a population on 0.5% known in the world are third genders. Hiccup while identifying as a male could get pregnant, he has both female and male parts to him. To make matters worse... Hiccup soulmate mark identified him as an Omega. The golden color with two sentences.

"Dagur was right. You don't look like much" and "Welcome, Hiccup."

Hiccup snapped out of his thoughts when he heard a dragon cry for help a few miles away for the Edge. He had his sword inferno strap to his back. Making it after realizing the Deathsong amber took form was rock hard that can't be broken, and that he kept ending in dark caves with no torch, he made it as an experiment.

"Let's go check that out bud," he stated. Toothless nods and heads towards the cry. Hiccup once again looked at his soulmate marks and sighs. Using a spare scarp cloth he ties it around his soulmate mark making it look like a sleeve.

Toothless started to fly in low and landed near a cliff overlooking the beach. The beach was filled was dragon cages. The cries of the dragons calling for help and asking to let them go made hiccup heart sink. He glanced around and noticed Dagur chatting with a larger and taller fellow. He was bald but had brown facial hair.

"Hiccup" Toothless growled lightly, " look at their ships."

Hiccup glanced over roughly they had at least 15 ships in the harbor, "I've never seen those colors before. But I have seen that insignia. It was on the reaper. Those are Dragon Hunters. I am sorry bud, let's gather more information before we go get help for the others."

"I agree," Toothless growls "however, I smell Dagur down there."

"I know, I saw him with another man. I can barely hear anything because of them whispering. Along with the dragons crying for help, it's impossible on what's going on."

While gathering as much information as we could by listening and watching. The hunters started to move crates onto the ships. The dragons started to remain calmer and falling asleep in their crates. Listening to the two men, Hiccup heard Dagur talk about the dragon eye and hiccup. Great. But Dagur kept calling Mr. Bald, large and tall - Rykie. "Guess we figured out a name for Mr. Bald." Hiccup had thought.

"We maybe should make him as Kin if he keeps calling you brother all the time" Toothless laughed softly.

"Toothless, not a word. I may think about it, but we should go and get the others." Whispering softly, and start to get up from position slowly.

That was until 'Rykie' stopped and sniffed. He then bent down to grab a bow and arrow. Placing the bow and arrow in position. He motioned his men to the two big rocks close the forest. Sniffing Hiccup had smelled fresh spring water with a hint of metal the was Astrid scent and with her Stormfly. Shit.

"Let's get ready to help bud. It looks like the pack is in trouble and we need to support." Going quickly to toothless latch onto his saddle was about to scream for Astrid to get out of there.

'Rykie' in a loud clear voice," and grab that Nadder! And grab that Dragon on the cliff."

Gasping at how 'Rykie' noticed them both.

"Warning shot Toothless, try and help Astrid and Stormfly out of their range" Hiccup stated loudly.

Taking off from the spot Toothless fired three shots giving the girls out of range from the arrows.

"Astrid, go back to the edge and get the other to defend the base. Do not leave, the hunt dragons and we don't want them to get ours. Protect the base and the Dragon eye, I will be right behind you" Hiccup cried out. With that stated, Astrid nodded and left to race back to the edge.

Smelling the air Hiccup that was filled with smoke didn't notice the lone archer behind him. He didn't notice the dragon root arrow aimed for them. Toothless did. He had quickly moved out of the way, but a second arrow came right after the first. It was just enough to graze Hiccup on his right arm.

Hiccup had felt weird, which remind Hiccup of the time Toothless and he was in the field of Dragon nip. Not knowing what it was that hit him, he had ruled out the thought of Dragonroot. He was okay with dragon root, having to deal with it before. But he feels dizzy and high. It reminded him of the twins and Snotlout brought back those forest mushrooms one time. Never ever again is he having those guys hunt and cook for the group together.

He heard 'Rykie' whisper Toothless dragon breed. They were falling, hiccup was so out of it everything looked weird. The trees moved differently swaying and maybe Toothless was saying funny jokes. He couldn't remember anything it was sleep and food that Hiccup crave. Sleep had over won that. He snuggles deadly into Toothless safe and sound.

Astrid POV:

When Astrid race back to the edge, waking everybody up and started to defend the base. Her soulmate Snotlout complained about getting up early. Fishlegs got up quickly and moved to the headed towards the lookout tower, using hiccup lastest invention; the spyglass. Fishlegs was using the spyglass to look for Hiccup and Toothless as well as looking for enemies. Fishlegs noticed a small speck on the horizon. Shouting down to inform Astrid, she nodded and quickly took to the sky for a lap. To have a closer look. However, it was just like Hiccup stated, that there were ships coming from that island. She was still out of fire range for the ships that were slowly moving towards their base and home. These were Hunter ships. With Dagur leading them.

Heading back, she starts to command everybody a task. "Alright everybody let's get started to prepare for battle and get these dragons into the safety of the caves and tunnels. We don't want the Hunters to get to the dragons."

Astrid watched as the twins gather supplies related to their pranking gear. She went to Hiccups room to hide the Dragon Eye away in very plain sight. Hidding it within a small pile of leaves. Ruffnut was hungry and made Breakfast for everybody. It was the waiting game for an attack that came around noon.

"Hiccup... be careful out there" she sighed worriedly for her friend.

Ryker POV:

When Ryker saw the riders split apart he had motioned for his hunters to go for the night fury. They sell at a higher price than the Nadder. He already had an archer 'take a leak' to get to the cliff and into position. the archer who was covered in earth-like scent came out of the bush and rapidly fired two arrows, both missing the night fury but one arrow did hit the rider. It was pointless. Or so Ryker thought. Both the rider and dragon went down. The archers on the beach hit the nightfury with the dragon root arrows. Ryker notices that the dragon while hit with the arrows was still protecting his rider.

Going closer to the group, he could hear Dagur shout from one of the boats that the rider 'hiccup' was defeated. Dagur was taking half of the fleet here to collect the other riders and the dragons there. More dragons, make more money, which makes sales really good. He watches as the rider snuggled right into the beast body. Ryker looked at the kid's body, the way it boy body look in a slim built was looking sluggish and it looks like he was on the wild mushroom trip. But that can't be right. The arrow that hit the boy - Hiccup - was a dragon root arrow. Barely reacts to a human. Going in closer with the hunters, he could hear Hiccup was speaking to the dragon as if it could speak back.

Going closer to the group, he could hear Dagur shout from one of the boats that the rider 'hiccup' was defeated. Dagur was taking half of the fleet here to collect the other riders and the dragons there. More dragons, make more money, which makes sales really good. He watches as the rider snuggled right into the beast body. Ryker looked at the kid's body, the way it boy body look in a slim built was looking sluggish and it looks like he was on the wild mushroom trip. But that can't be right. The arrow that hit the boy - Hiccup - was a dragon root arrow. Barely reacts to a human. Going in closer with the hunters, he could hear Hiccup was speaking to the dragon as if it could speak back.

"Mmm, Toothless I really think fate hates me" Hiccup fell asleep into the dragon. Thinking of who is this Toothless and should he be jealous. Of course, he was... maybe, Ryker remembered what happens when brother laughed when he read what his younger mate first sentenced was to him. He soulmate mark wrote neatly in cursive; 'Toothless I really think fate hates me'. Ryker pulled away and look at his men.

"Cuff them both up together then load them up on the ship. We are taking them to my brother. Keep adding dragon root to the dragon system and a sleeping drug for the rider. It will keep them quiet and asleep. That way we don't have an escapee. Also, somebody gets this rider arm tended to Viggo wouldn't want any scars on his prize." Ryker ordered to his men, which processed to move Night Fury and the boy on the roll ramp cage.

Watching his hunters move the dragon and boy up the drawn ramp leading to the ship, he sighed. Ryker moves towards the ship, thinking of what could happen.

Ryker watch as the last cargo on the ship was placed onto the deck. Before they set sail, it should take about a week or so to Viggo base of operations here. He only just to realized that the rider and dragon would need food to be in healthy condition before presented to his other mate... his brother.

One of his hunters approaches with caution, it was almost as if he wanted to ask something. Ryker nodded his head giving permission, the hunter spoke: "Sir, with the extra dragon and rider where would you like us to place them?"

Now to Ryker, it was a good question. " Place them as close to my chambers, keep an eye on them and if the dragon loosens his grip on the rider pull the rider out."

The hunter nodded and sent out the orders to the rest. He should probably send a letter to his brother. He thought about it and decided not to. Sending the letter would be pointless because Ryker was already on the fastest ship available for the fleet. He also thought about if his brother and he were going to the old way courting ship or not. Grunting he watch as Dagur's sister Heather who was presented as an omega, came on board with her dragon Windshear. Having her rely on a message to her brother or the hunter allies was her job. Ryker had hoped it would be good news this time. That and he summon her over after her brother left. He, as an Alpha knew that if he was placing an omega in a battle was a huge no-no. He was highly respected as the general, and if the alphas found that out it would hit his reputation.

"Ryker, you ask to see me." The long black-hair women asked, holding on to her Razorwhip dragon reins.

Ryker nodded his head and cleared his throat. "Yes, inform you, brother, that he is to kept all the riders alive and that young Hiccup and his Drag-"

"Toothless," Heather interrupted.

"Toothless?" Ryker was confused, how did she know that name. The same name on his wrist and the same name his soulmate mentioned before passing out fully.

"Yes, Toothless. That is the name of Hiccups dragon, you know, the night fury" Heather supplied.

"And pray to tell me on how you know that?" Ryker started to let his alpha dominance out a little, scaring the younger omega

Shuttling Heather replied, "I have a history with the riders. They were the ones who saved me when I shipwreck. They had also saved my adopted parents as well as reunited me with my biological brother... even though he is mad. They had had also showed me the very basics of calming down a dragon. Hence, Windshear."

"Interesting," Ryker motion his men to take her dragon. "Come with me little omega, I would like to answer some questions for me about the riders."

Heather knew when to give up. She was surrounded. A hunter came up to her and took the reins of Windshear. She quietly followed the Alpha to his rooms, passing the cell where Hiccup and Toothless slept. The ships doctor had been trying to patch up the arm that Hiccup was injured. Apparently every time the doctor got close Toothless moved and scared the poor doctor.

Ryker opened the door to the commander room and motioned her to sit down. On his desk had a pot of warm tea, which was laced with truth serum. One drop of the tea and you will speak the truth for 30 minutes. Unfortunately the same can be said for the opponent drinking it as well.

"Tea," Ryker offered, pouring a cup for himself. Heather nodded, looking around the room. Tea always had calmed her down. After a few minutes and a few sips of tea later, Ryker set his cup down and folded his hands together.

"So Heather, tell me, out of curiosity did you join the hunters? And trust me I won't harm you, as an Alpha I can't harm an omega."

"Of course that was his question," she had thought before smirking because it is the truth replied.

"I didn't join pre-say, I had only followed my brother, to be the only one to stop him from making a stupid decision or well stupider decisions. That is until he finds his mate. I want to get to know him better since we didn't fully grow up together. I still have a year of courting with my alpha before I go to my Alpha and become his mate permanently."

Ryker looked surprised, "so you met your mate already. Who is he?"

"Fishlegs Ingerman, he's one of the dragon riders with Hiccup. Despite his appearance, he has a really good knowledge base for dragon information. I had a crush on him when I first met the riders when I was shipwrecked, and when we had seen each other again it was amazing. We realized that after we agree to be mate we wanted to court first. We started courting last month by sending letters. We made a deal that we could not talk about island names, people we met, groups. We were allowed to talk about new dragons, the landscape of islands hints, our friends, and our thoughts."

Heather stop talking to drink some tea, Ryker was impressed. The girl in front of him made sure nothing was revealed. Curious on how the letter has been sending he asks, "how do you get these letters?"

"I am not sure really how it works, but Hiccup and Fishlegs use terrible terror dragons to deliver the letter."

Ryker looked impressed as he was thinking, "A dragon? We use the terrible terror to catch the mice and rats on our ships. Never thought that would work to send mail. Although they are very territorial, so it might work. Let's try it later. Though why didn't we think of that."

"The last question, for now, my dear, is on courting to you with long distance good for you and your mate."

Heather had thought about it. Thinking about the answer before replying, "it depends on the couple that is courting. For Fishlegs and I, we are okay. Knowing that we are trusting in with each other. Unlike some who may lean on more affection, craving it because of their past. For example, my foster parents were designated to be together, but my adopted mother could not bare any child. She had craved affective from my adopted father because she was neglected by her family at a young age."

"So it is all about how their personality is then" Ryker mused.

Heather nodded and drank the remaining tea. Standing up she walked back to the door. Ryker had got up and move door open.

"Let your brother know that he is not allowed to damage anything. It is just a hostile take over, which means no killing or injury the captives."

"Okay Ryker," Heather stated. "One little caution with Hiccup," motioning to his captive, "do not separate those two for long periods of time. I remember Fishlegs mentioned something about them being separated. That Hiccup became very ill and Toothless went to get medicine. Toothless was capture for over a week by another enemy of their home island. Hiccup got even worse stating to Fishlegs the experience. To Hiccup it was like something pulling him away from reality; breaking into his soul and ripping out is the heart. Those two boys are almost like brothers."

Heather then walk away, going to give her bother a message and avoiding the battle. Her Brother was still her main Alpha, before her mate.

Until next time.