Thank you, everybody, for Favoriting and following the story and reviewing. Please bare in mind I am human and working.

Lightningcard: Thank you for your wonderful comment, I am super glad you are enjoying this story so far and I hope you will enjoy it even more. Here take a digital dragon; baby Nadder. *Gives baby Nadder*

Anyways here is the key.

This story is base of the Alpha and Omega system, with soulmates. Threesome, mpreg and whatever happens. I will try and warning about lemons. The threesome is Viggo, Ryker, and Hiccup.

Hiccup and Toothless are Kin that = Family. Because of that his five sense along heighten as well as speaking to other dragons.

Key points.

"Dragon speaking."

"Dragon Speaking for Hiccup"


"Thoughts "



Hiccup's PoV:

It's been roughly a week since Hiccup and Toothless made it back to the Edge. After he told the other riders, he went to bed. It took two days later and a lot of scrap paper that littered his Hut's floors still. But he did send, a long written message -finally- to his father using the 'air-mail'. Informing his father about that day. The day he was captured and escaped, with the high chance of him starting a war. He had also explained that he was the first in Haddock generation that was a male omega. He then told his father about how he was mated to the dragon hunter chief and general, who were both brothers. Unfortunately, he had also written that if his father wanted too, he could disown hiccup again. Asking to give the title of heir to his cousin Snotlout and his mate Astrid. He explained to the chief that he will be staying at the Edge. If the hunters went to Berk, it was safe to say that he could inform them the Hiccup was disowned - providing that his father did that; from the island and that the hunters would have to find him. To Hiccup, he was happy here on the edge. He got to take care of the injured dragons, and speak to them as equals.

Recalling the day after he got back, he went to drop off the three young speed stingers. Apparently, the twins thought it was great to name the three; Pip, Squeak, Speedy. Once Toothless and him flying towards the island, he could see the pack leader on the beach. The younger ones that were with him from the hunters camp, were very happy to be back home. However, when they had landed on the island, their pack surrounded Hiccup and Toothless. The alpha chief came forward and was about to kill both of them. That was until Pip, stop the Alpha and told the pack that Hiccup and Toothless saved the from the Hunters. Squeak and Speedy backed-up Pip's story, that the Alpha went to Hiccup and BOWED down showing the signs of loyalty. Hiccup watch for a bit on top of Toothless, analyzing the speed Stingers habits. He watched as a few Speed stingers ran over a very small pond of water. Webbed feet. Oh boy, that was definitely going into the book of dragons. It was a new discovery that the dragons are evolving more. Hiccup decided it was time to go back home and told the Alpha, is they were ever in danger, don't be after to ask for help. Pointing in the direction of Dragons edge. Hiccup and Toothless both said farewell to the speed stingers and left to go back to the Edge.

Smiling sadly to himself, Hiccup filled out another dragon report on which dragons are living here. Fishlegs and Hiccup guess that they have at least over 2000 dragons living on the edge currently - either small or large but mostly small. The majority of said dragons are currently staying in the new dragon underground stalls. Hiccup had used a very similar idea that was placed in Berk but unlike Berk; he asked the Screaming Death's mother for a small favor. The whispering death had created tunnels, underground pathways, and a few floors at the time around the dragons edge; equipped with ten secret escape routes locations at the time, and multiple coves for a large size family of dragons. He had also asked for at least three big deep holes for food and water. The tunnels then were also reinforced by Gronckle lava, so the tunnels don't collapse. He still recalled Snotlout screaming like a little girl, when the whispering deaths family came to help when they started building the edge. He then trained 30 Changewings to rotate each escape tunnel, having them blend in and creating 'dead end' mirage on the inside and blending into the environment on the outside. That way no hunter can sneak into the stalls by an escape route, because the can't tell where the escape route is. Hiccup also came up with the idea to line up small trenches that the fireworms can move for light. Hiccup then placed the main entrance of these tunnels in the Dragon barracks/stables, covering the entrance with a heavy steel sliding door that will only open and lock with dragon fire. This was after being inspired by the dragon eye.

Hiccup finally set the pencil down, when he heard an explosion. Rushing out of his hut, he saw the Twins causing chaos with his cousin Snotlout in the training arena. The group of mischief-makers was currently using the Monstrous Nightmare Jel combined with Zippleback gas, but what seems to be only small amounts. Hiccup watched from the distance, before turning and heading to the dragon stables. He wanted to check up on Toothless, who at the time was helping with the latest catch of fish. Hiccup applied a very similar feeding station like the one in Berk. Using one of the large deep pond Hiccup had asked the Scauldron pack that came by the Edge, to help fill the hole up with salt water, to place the saltwater-fish. He then waited for the water to cool down enough to place the various fish in. He then links a small pipe to collect fresh water, splitting them into the other ponds. One was for drinking and the other was for freshwater fish.

Hiccup made it down to the stables. He had then heard a screech nearby. Hiccup recognized the sound and knew it was coming from a tiny terrible terror. He glanced around on the ground before looking up. There was another screech, from the harbor was a small south-ocean blue and green terror with dark black stripes. Hiccup knew it was not one of his or Berks or even Heather. Thinking it was a stray, he watches it come closer. When the terror flapped its little wings, he had only then recognized a piece of parchment attached to its legs. Puzzled he waited until the terror came towards him. Within 50ft, Hiccup lifted his left arm up, waiting for the small terror to land on the spot. It had, but it looked tired, hungry and thirsty.

"Hello little one," Hiccup spoke softly in Dragonese. "Let's get you some food and water before I take your message that you have with you."

Hiccup move the terrible terror in a position -like holding a cat - continued towards the stables quickly picking up his pace. As soon as the two had arrived the Terror was fast asleep. a very small snot bubble forming from its nose. Smiling Hiccup look up to see that Toothless working on the last few shipments of fish coming in from the Dragons- that should last a while into the tunnels food source. Hiccup moved towards the entrance of the painted doors and into the stables. Hiccup then went into one of the stalls made for the terror messages for Berk and The Edge. In this stall, there are usually seven terrors that stay in here. Although Hiccup does have his own bed for his personal Terrors - mostly Sharpshot, - inside his hut. Grabbing a hold of a small bowl-like dish near the door of the stall, he filled it up with water from the jug. He then set down the sleeping terror into a bedded nook for the terror section, he placed the bowl of water next to him. Carefully removing the message of the leg, Hiccup tucked it into his outfit pocket. Hiccup then left to head back outside, when Toothless came bounding inside.

"Hiccup, your father is here" Toothless stated.

"Okay, there is a new terrible terror that came with a letter. Can you keep an eye on him, Bud?" Hiccup pointing at the stall where he set the Terror in.

"Sure, are you going to be okay?" Toothless asked, watching Hiccup nod. Toothless then move to the stall and laid down watching the sleeping terror.

Hiccup had gulped before going out, he had a feeling that his father will disown him... again. It was his idea after all. Holding his head up, Hiccup moved out of the stables. His father was just getting off of Skullcrusher - a Rumblehorn dragon tracker class. Skullcrusher was forest green with a hint of red color, roughly 11ft. His father looked up, his face held no emotion. With his long legs, Stoick made it over to Hiccup within a minute. His right arm lifted up, and Hiccup instinctively shut his eyes as to expect a hit.

It never came. There was no pain on his face, but a very soft and loving hand on his head. Hiccup opened his eyes; looking at his father, whose face now held emotions of love, care, and fear.

Stoick pov

Stoick was concerned as soon as Hiccups sent him the letter. And although it took a few days to set up arrangements around Berk. He had to assigned Spitelout -who was his second in command, to run the village for a few days. So he could travel to visit Hiccup at the edge; though he knew his son was different. It was a well-kept secret in the family, only the nursemaid, his mate and himself knew that hiccup was completely different in having both genders. Although Stoick had thought Hiccup would actually be beta, placed a small amount of his money in the betting pool. He was surprised when his son told him that he may have started a war because he was Omega and robbed a bunch of dragons from his own Alphas. He chuckled because it reminded him the first time of meeting his mate Valka. She fought the berserkers' raid with her bare fists and then disappeared for a few weeks. Months later she appeared again, although, at the time, his sweet mate had stolen a bunch of bows and arrows for her brother orders. Stoick recalled going and asking for her hand in marriage and had to do a peace treaty for that. But Valka was his mate and he loved her anyway, so he would've done anything for her.

Stoick, however, grew worried that his son wanted to be disowned again, and that he was going to have his cousin and mate run the village. But then remembered the chief protects its Village. And since Hiccup told him he was an Omega, he knew that chiefdom could not go to him and could be placed on somebody else... the hunter tribe. His son's mates who run the hunter tribe.

Setting down Skullcrusher at the edges stable's platform, Stoick noticed Hiccup coming out of the Stables. At the time he didn't show any expression on his face, as he marched over there towards his son. Stoick watched Hiccup flinch little, as he raised his right hand. He was originally going to hug his son but patted him on top of his sons head showing affection. When Hiccup looks up in bewilderment, his expression changed, into a soft loving father. Hiccup appearance reminded Stoick when his little boy was at the age of four, curious to see the world and beyond seas. Stoick couldn't resist the urge and pulled Hiccup into a nice bone-crushing hug.

"Hello son," Stoic began speaking, "I got your message."

"Dad I-" Hiccup tried to speak before Stoick interrupted.

"And I don't care that you had possibly started a war by running and stealing dragons from your mates. And so what if you are Omega! You are my blood and still family. It's up to you and the gods to choose your fate." Stoick motioned for Hiccup to follow him as he moved towards the edge of the landing pad for the stables facing the open sea. Hiccup did follow and sat down, his feet hanging off the launching pad. It was quiet with only the sound of mother natures worker's working away with their duties.

"Did I ever tell you how I met your other? How we became mates?" Stoick asked his son.

Hiccups sighed, rubbing his head awkwardly. "No, you hardly ever bring her up dad. All I know is that she died protecting me."

Stoick nodded in agreement, "that she did, and she was brave. Did I never you anything about her when you were little?"

"No, after I hit the age of six, you worked more on being a chief to the village before being a father to me. At seven, you sent me to help Gobber in the forge. We never had time to chat about her. When I did ask Gobber back then, he would only say that it was your choice to tell when you think I was ready to hear her story. She was your mate, and everything is meant to be private." Hiccup stated, looking slightly uncomfortable about bringing up the past.

"Alright then, I guess I should have told you when you were younger. It all started in a raid with the Berserkers. When I first met your mother, she was 15 years old, and I was 20. Despite her appearance, your mother was a Berserker, and the sister to Oswald the Antagonistic or most was known as Oswald the Agreeable."

Interrupting the story, Hiccup flabbergasted about that small detail. "Wait. Does that make Dagur and Heather my cousins with Snotlout?!" his father never ever told him that.

"Hiccup, no interruptions please" Stoick gave his son a look. Watching as his son's mouth sorry. "Yes, that does make Dagur and Heather your cousins. And after your mother died Oswald did not want to connect the family because he did not want to bring up the past. Oswald did still come to sign the peace treaties. But, it got worse when his daughter was floated out to sea by accident. I also didn't tell you when you had asked if Heather was your sister. Oswald and I wanted to keep it a secret, and for that, I am sorry for that son. So to continue on with the story of how I met your mom. Back then, the Berserkers and Berk were at war. Your mother and I were on opposite sides, when we came across each other in battle, fighting each other. We both said our very first sentence. Her was something along the lines, 'You damn Berkain, how dare you fight a woman like me.' I remembered saying something like, 'well princess, if I had too I would sail these savage seas to fight you every day.' After that fight, she vanished for a while."

Hiccup pov

Hiccup smiled sadly on how his father told him about his mother and dad's first exchanged, and recalled what he said to his mates. Although he couldn't remember what he said to Ryker, and for Viggo, it was related to Maces and Talons. He still wonders why his father never told him about his mother side of the family. Heather, he could live with as a cousin, but Dagur... ugh, just thinking about him causes Hiccup a headache. They were family, and if Hiccup only had known about this when he was younger. Although it kinda explains Dagur calling him family. Hiccup listened to his father continuing the story.

"It took a few months with that war between both the berserkers and dragons. It was early summer before I caught your mother stealing weapons for her tribe. Capturing her and trying to convince her to work for Berk on her new Alphas orders. Before you question why I did that, we were at war back then, as well I had Alpha dominance than your mother's family. I was never one of the top Five Alphas, but I still out did a lot of alphas in the past. Now where was I, ahh yes, your mother agreed and started to fight the berserkers with her bare hands. Once the war ended, we made a peace treaty with her brother Oswald, and that was that. Your mother then had you 5 years later. Before that, she had roughly 9 pregnancy confirmed before having a miscarriage; it was because your mother was a Beta, pregnancy was tough, still is today. Now when you came around, she had gone into labor a month early. It was hard and long labor for her to give birth to you, also very stressful for me back then. But you had arrived, alive and small. I held you when your mother fell asleep for a few hours before waking up to feed you. Once you were fed the nursemaid told Valka she may never give birth again because her body couldn't handle the stress. And stress it was; with the outcasts invading, dragons raiding, and the tribe going and hunting for the nest. Valka worried about you and the village. We never named you until later that night, Hiccup because you came earlier than expected, causing you to thinner than your fellow peers."

Hiccup remained quite because he knew that he was weak. That's why he always tried to help with the raids back then. He looked at his father, his eyes pleading to have the topic changed.

Stoick seems to get the message asking, "Hiccup, when you sent that letter. Did you really want Snotlout and Astrid to rule the village?"

"Yes dad, I don't want to be caught and have Hunters automatically take over Berk because I am next in line. By disowning me but not banishing me from the island, I can live here on the edge and visit ever so often with new ideas like trading. Using Snoutlout and Astrid as the new heir to be, grants both of them to claim the chief spot. If the hunters do come by Berk, you can say that I was disowned. That I only come every few months randomly to trade goods. That the hunter could head off here to find me. Since I don't belong to Berk, the hunters won't try and harm the dragons there at the time. If they do, you can state these dragons are Berk citizens. Each one helps with the labour within the village because of the harsh winters we get. If they claim I had started a war, you can say that is the reason why he is exiled." Hiccup explained his case to his father. He was hoping that the hunters will back off from Berk.

"One more question son, before I make my choice. Why choose this decision?"

Hiccup looked up at his father with a fake smile, "why you ask? Because a Chief always protects his or her people. You taught me that when I was little."

Stoick nodded his head, "I agree. A chief always protects its people. So I made up my mind. You will make a great chief someday son, and I believe that having Snotlout and Astrid running the Village is a smart idea. You could always hide in the shadows directing the two on advice. But as soon as you feel like you want to come back home as an heir in the public eye, let myself or them know."

For the rest of the afternoon, Hiccup and his father spent quality time on work the defense towers around the edge.

In the end, Hiccup was temporarily disowned until he deemed his mates had changed hunting dragons to extinction, or that Berk and The edge are deemed safe havens. He quickly set up a meeting with the other riders after lunch explaining what was happening. Snotlout and Astrid tried -hint tried- to refuse their new heir duties, but Hiccup did say that he would be advising them when they need help. Stoick had also agreed that the riders would be advisors, and Hiccup would be considered their 'outside' advisor of Berk. That the edge would be considered their training grounds for five years before moving back. With the meeting over Stoick went towards a spare hut for guests to fall asleep.

Hiccup went to call it a night like his father and team; heading back towards his hut - the one with the Night fury cravings on it. He was overwhelmed and tired from today's events. Once he reaches the hut he proceeded to call out his dragon mimic call, he watches Toothless leap over towards his hut. Leaving the door open for Toothless, Hiccup started to change for the night. Disrobing his outfit for today, his hearing picks up a very soft pat on the floor. Hiccup looked down towards the sound and noticed it was the piece of parchment that came from the Terror earlier today. Picking up the parchment, he saw a wax seal with the initials of 'GB' on it.

Hiccup then heard Toothless stepping into the hut with the terrible terror that had come earlier today. Hiccup noticed the terror was still sleeping, although it was inside his gumless mouth. Hiccup set the parchment on the bed, before making his way to Toothless. Gently taking the terror out of Toothless mouth, he then moved to place it on the message tree - very similar to a cat tree. Where his normal Terrible Terror Sharpshot, lived when he wasn't delivering messages.

"Did the little one wake up bud?" Hiccup ask before moving to grab another small water dish and food dish with a small fish. Placing it close to the Terror before moving and sitting down on his bed.

"Yeah, but he was half asleep at the time and only went to drink some water." Toothless replied before moving towards his rock and heating it up. Before laying down to fall asleep.

"If that's all he's done then since he came here, then maybe he traveled a long way for him. He was carrying a letter for us. Speaking of which, I was just about to read it." Hiccup replied, before whispering quietly, "thanks for every today brother. Goodnight bud."

Hiccup then pick up the rolled parchment paper, taking off the wax seal. Hiccup wasn't familiar with who was writing it, but he did recognize the vocabulary sentence structure. His face paled but didn't make a sound. The letter was simple and terrifying.

'To Our Little Omega Dragon,

My brother and I do hope you made it safely back to your camp or base. Unfortunately, we couldn't spend more time with you that evening. Very clever on that grand escape, using the speed stingers to paralyze our men; props to that plans. On to more interesting news, my brother and I would love for you to submit to us completely and obediently. We did come across an interesting fact about you. When researching about you, we came across a small book that you had dropped on Ryker's ship. The medical files that you write down. Including a certain cycle that happens every three months. It seems to my brother and me, that the cycle is very similar to a women's bleeding cycle. If I am correct, I would believe that you are a rare third gender omega. If so then I would write on what's going to happen when you arrive back here.

Did you know that in some countries women virgins refer to sex for the first as there cherry being pop? They also have a name as well when they refer to having sex for the first in the ass, known m 'the black cherry'. But we are currently in a dilemma since my brother and I want to be your first to pop your red cherry. So we came up with a game within the Hunters. Each hunter fleet ships is marked with team Ryker or team Viggo. But you wouldn't be able to tell. The minimum of the ships fleet is two ships, one each for my brother and I. If you get caught and capture with no means of escaping by one ship's team, that brother would get your red cherry while the other gets your black. Yes, little dragon, we will take you at the same time. The best part about this is that you won't know who gets you until after we mate you. We going to have you blindfolded and bondage up with nice silk ropes crisscrossing over your lean body. Your arms hanging from the ceiling helplessness and your foot (since we are going to be taking off your prosthetic) will be barely touching the cabin floor. We will have a collar and leash around your pretty little neck. We are also going to have you prepared in exotic oils down in your lower section. We will then play with your lovely cock, making sure you won't orgasm until we say so. We will also mark you like ours with tribe tattoo stating you who belong to. So we can't wait until you give into us fully since we also like your rebel heir feel. Are you hard yet from reading that? Please pleasure yourself then little one.

Until next time little one,

Your mates,

The Grimborn's

Ps. The Terror's name is Freya. Send her back with a message for us, or keep her. But we will be getting back what was ours for generations. An old Artifact that lays currently in your procession. So we will be coming for you sooner or later little dragon, and we will get that item.'

Hiccup looked down at his pants, a soft tent appeared. Great just reading that made him half-hard. He didn't want to wake up Toothless, so he tried to picture Mildew naked. Hiccup cringed but it worked. His 'tent' disappeared for now, and Hiccup tucked in the letter under his pillow and closed his eyes.

A/N: Quick recap, Hiccup has been 'disowned' again, but in order to save the village from being taken over by the hunters. Valka family history on her side is not much when I had researched about them. I thought her being the Aunt to Dagur and Heather would be interesting and Hiccup letting his new cousin about it later. With the Grimborn brother's, there was not a black book, they got the information from Trader Johann.