I wasn't created through my parents love for each other but rather their LOVE for each other. I'm different, stranger rather, and I know it. My mom represents creation and my dad, well, destruction. Due to this they have had many battles throughout the years. These battles gave birth to me. I am made up of the residue of their battles, strange right? I am a mistake.

I open my eyes for the first time, new life. Though how and why didn't matter. What matters is where, where am I, where are the others? I'm not one to be patient and wait so I stand up and start to look around. To my left, wasteland of what used to be a building of some sort. To my right, just ruble and more wastelands. Though there seems to be evidence of a fight, and abstract artists? Puddles and splatters of paint and color are everywhere. I'm now more confused than ever.

I stand in silence for a while puzzling about what happened here, that's when I realized it wasn't silent. Off in the distance I heard dripping, and being in the curious mood I am, and the fact the there isn't much else to do i go to investigate. An endless amount of water droplets are casually dropping from the rocky roof to the cold stone floor in a never changing puddle. I continue to explore this strange moist habitat.

It seems to just be a broken down wasteland full of nothing but ruble, rivers, waterfalls, rocks, and lots of random colors. Finally I open my mouth and sounds that I didn't realize capable of came, "Hello!?" But nobody came, such a strange place to just, appear. Then I saw a blinding light, the exit.

I blinked until I got used to the lighting change. There was a lot of white, I cautiously walked into the white expecting something bad to happen. Everything when black! I screamed with terror of what happened to me, when I realized I shut my eyes with anxiety. I opened my eyes felling much better. It didn't hurt me, the white doesn't hurt!

Feeling as confident as a young child who just woke up in a strange world could, I scurried off through the white to explore more. Remains of a town were scatter about everywhere as well as yet some more color. I don't mind all the color, I actually feel safe with it, it's just getting old. I want to explore, have an adventure, find new things but there is always so much random color splattered everywhere.

...Wait a second there is color splattered everywhere! Maybe the color has something to do with what happened here or why I'm here. I walk towards the color splats and examine them. Nothing seems out of the ordinary about them, except the fact that there here in the first place. Maybe it only appears that way, only one way to find out.

I stick my hand into the thin puddle of color I stick my arm in till it reaches my elbow then weirded out, and quite afraid I quickly pull it out. It seemed to go on forever! I checked my arm for anything wrong at all, nothing. I sighed with relief, nothing has hurt me at all I'm perfectly safe. Wondering what it's like in the puddle and being filled with over confidence I close my eyes and take a deep breath to hold then stick my head into the thin puddle.

It feels wet but then I felt dry air. I slowly open my eyes to find that the puddle goes straight through to another place! though it looks the same but less ruined. Then it hits me, PEOPLE! I frantically put my arms through the puddle and pull myself up. No one seemed to notice me, at first anyways. I liked how everyone walked by hardly bating an eye towards me, it gives me a feeling of safety. Their quiet conversations feel calming, until... "PAPS, COME LOOK ITS ANOTHER SKELETON!"