Light smiled broadly as he waved to the crowd, the music starting to pick up and the bass pounding a constant rhythm beneath his feet. He heard the sound of his manager telling him to 'break a leg' through his earpiece as the crowd exploded with cheers. A fast bass rhythm started, the drums adding to it as Light begun to sing. Hundreds of people cheered as he performed his new song, none of them disappointed in the slightest by the sudden change in music genre.

"So, Light. I know it's a bit of a touchy subject currently, but everyone is wondering where you plan on going with your music career. Since your mother was your songwriter and now she's..." The reporter cleared her throat uncomfortably. "Gone."

Light let the statement sink in, vividly remembering the events of that night, but dutifully keeping a small smile plastered on his face. "Well, the plan was to start writing my own songs. I don't really have a knack for writing the same genre as she did, so there will be a lot of changes in the music I'll be making now. It's kind of terrifying really. I just hope I won't disappoint," He added cheerily.

He quickly sung through the verse before the chorus with some exuberance. He smirked as he sung, feeling vaguely smug as he thought about how very real the lyrics of the song were. For him. For his enemies, who would soon be no more. For justice's sake. For a man who was probably currently drowning in fear. The man who knew what was coming to him. Who knew he would be dead very soon like the thousands of criminals before him.

"Your manager actually gave us a copy of the finished product of your new music video. I believe the song is called Killer In the Mirror," The host added, breezily maneuvering the topic to the goal that she was to achieve by the end of the talk-show. Light merely smiled sheepishly. "It was quite the process. We spent weeks filming and editing and I'm still a little nervous about the end product." The interviewer laughed politely, an annoying little titter.

He waved his arms and bounced around the stage enthusiastically as he sung, crouching down near the front of the stage and giving a high five to one of his fans who tried (unsuccessfully) to sing along. He glanced at Sayu, who smiled with the brightness of the sun at her big brother.

He turned a bit in his seat as the video showed on a screen in the center of the room just behind them. He grinned as he watched the events that had taken so long to film at the public pool a few blocks down from where he lived. Almost all the grief that he'd previously associated with that location now melted into psychotic glee as the pieces to his plans all started to fall into place.

"There's nobody but me here. The killer in the mirror." He sung, staring out at the audience, hoping the man was there to see his untimely demise falling into place, but knowing otherwise. He discreetly checked his watch, seeing the time as 8:30 pm. He smiled as he cheered in acknowledgement of the audience as the song ended. Good. Only two days and three and a half hours left.

He glanced at the live camera with a wicked grin as the music video ended, his smile a warning of what was to come as the interview continued.

In a cheap hotel almost two miles away in downtown Tokyo, a man surrounded by empty beer cans cried in fear, knowing his death would come to him soon, like he had brought death upon the household of a single mother and her son and daughter.