A/N Like I said small revisement nothing to earth shattering.

I own nothing!

Silver Spawn

Chapter One

"I didn't want the child in the first place Leon" said a female voice loud and bitterly.

"I know dear" said a male voice soothingly.

"but we both decided to try and make things work and raise him. We can't just back out now when things aren't looking up" said the man putting some conviction at the end of his sentence.

A small boy with messy black hair and soft brown eyes sat with his back against the wall next to the door that led to the room where the man and woman were arguing. He looked up to the ceiling, tears streaming down his face. His small cheeks glistening with spent tears, eyes red and puffy, and on the lower part of his cheek where it connected with his jaw had a large hand shaped red mark. That was where his mother had slapped him for talking back to her not even ten minutes ago.

He hadn't meant to make his mother angry, he just asked a question. He just wanted to go outside and play, maybe even with some kids his age he could see playing just down the street. He thought it got mind numbingly boring in the house day after day.

'He was always in the house' he raged in his head. He didn't go to school because his mom taught him at home. So he didn't have any friends and when he saw other mothers offer play dates to her, when they were at the store, she would refuse quickly and change the topic of conversation. He really wanted to play with other kids not just by himself. It took him a while, but he finally worked up the nerve to ask her.

He had walked up to the back of the couch where he could see the tip of his mother's head sat watching her favorite t.v. drama. He built up his courage as best as he could and asked his mother if he could play outside.

"Hey mom" he said making sure he asked during a commercial.

He heard a sigh come from her lips. "What" she asked coldly.

"Can I go play outside for a bit" he said shyly but still loud enough so she could hear him. He wouldn't block her view of the t.v and he figured if she wasn't looking at him she may be ok with the idea, but sadly it hadn't worked.

She had turned to him with a scowl on her face and shouted at him."NO! Go play quietly in your room!"

His mother was a rather attractive lady with long blonde hair that was pulled back into a ponytail and blue eyes. Her face was round but still thin. She didn't look a day over twenty five and was rather proud of that fact. She was wearing a plaid skirt and burnt orange colored sweater.

He had never questioned his mother before, but he really couldn't understand why he wasn't allowed outside. Sure he had gone places like the doctor's office when he needed a checkup. When his father couldn't watch him he went with his mother to the store, although she took him begrudgingly making her scowl the whole time. He didn't get to see anything exciting just a couple cars and the inside of one or two buildings. He wanted to do something different besides going to his room to play with his old toys that he had been playing with the past couple years.

For the first time he gathered up enough of his courage and asked the question on his mind.

"But mom why can't i go outside and play? I got all the work done you assigned me, I'll promise to be good." said the boy pleadingly.

This had been a mistake, he realized a little to late. The boy's mother jumped up from the couch and stomped around to him in a blink of an eye. She reared back her hand and slapped him so hard he fell on his butt. Putting a hand to his face, trying stop and sooth the stinging in his left cheek.

He looked up to his mother surprised, teary eyed, and a little scared. She had never hit him in the face before, maybe on the arm or the butt, but never in the face and never that hard.

"Don't you dare talk back to your mother!" she bellowed pointing down the hallway she yelled again. "Go to your room young man, right now!"

The boy scared and shocked sat there for a second before he realized his mom was still glaring at him and looked like she was rearing back for another. He shot up and not wanting to get hit a second time scurried out of the living room towards his bedroom, bumping into his father on the way.

His father was a handsome, serious looking man high cheek bones and a slim face, he had medium length light brown hair parted down the left side of his scalp and sharp brown eyes. He wore a black skin tight shirt that showed of his still fit physique and black jeans. Kesen noticed as he ran into his father that he smelled of alcohol again. His father staggered, caught his balance and swayed back and forth where he stood, looking after the boy as he hurried into his room and shut the door quickly but quietly not wanting to upset either of his parents by slamming the door.

He stood leaning against his door still holding his cheek, rubbing it slightly and rolling his neck around his shoulders trying to ease the weird feeling the slap had caused in his neck. He heard some angry shouts, some heavy footfalls, a door slam and the shouting continue although a little muffled. The boy assumed his mom and dad retreated to their bedroom to start their argument again. He chanced a glance out his door to see the television off and his parent's door closed.

He decided on a whim to listen in on the argument and at least try to understand why he was slapped. He opened the door slowly, not wanting the door to creak and announce he was out of his room. He tiptoed towards his parent's door half-way and then got on his hands and knees and crawled the rest of the way. He leaned up against the wall to listen in on the argument, luckily his parents were still shouting so he didn't need to press his ear to the wall or door.

"You didn't need to hit him for asking a simple question." he heard his father yell in a deep voice.

"The boy had the nerve to talk back to me, what was I supposed to do." she countered.

"Something other than that, make up a lie, tell him you were too tired to come and keep an eye on him" his father countered back irritatedly. He continued " I know you hate the boy but to out right hit him will just get the cops called on us if anyone sees the red mark."

His eyes widened, what did he mean she hated him. He heard his mother's voice again.

"Don't get all high and mighty on me. You drink from before you get home till you fall asleep and on your days off it's from morning to night with your drinking. You almost fell on your ass when he bumped into you on the way to his room, how sloshed are you right now Leon. You hate the boy so much you can't even look at him sober for crying out loud!"

That's where we find the boy sitting against the wall, cheeks wet from tears, and a large red mark on his cheek.

He couldn't believe his ears. Not one but both of his parents hated him and didn't want him to begin with, he had wondered why he always saw anger in his mothers eyes when she looked at him, and regret in his fathers.

'Why though?' he asked to himself. He never got in trouble, he never until a few minutes ago talked back to his parents. He always listened to what they said, he never broke one rule. He was a good student and always understood what his mother tried to teach him right away. He always thought his mother loved him deep down, if she home schooled him like she did, he figured she didn't want him to go to school because she would miss him.

'I guess it's because she is embarrassed of me or something' he thought sadly. His father's shouting brought him back to reality.

"What do you mean give him up for adoption" his father yelled

"Don't act like you never thought of it" she screamed. She continued with ice in her voice, "it's either he goes to the church or we get a divorce and you take him. I want my freedom and my youth back. I don't want to be a mother, I barely want to be a wife, but if we send him away, me and you, we can work on us. Be what we used to be again." she finished with hope in her voice.

Silence fell in the room and the air became thick with anxiety and despair out in the hallway. He sat there waiting for his dad to say something. Hoping against hope his dad didn't want to get rid of him. He started to breath heavy as the wait grew longer and longer. He couldn't take it, he wanted to run in at tell them he would be a good boy and wouldn't talk back again. But he stayed still not wanting to risk getting in trouble for being out of his room and give them more of a reason to send him away.

"I don't want to lose you Ashley, right now you are all i got" he finally sputtered

His eyes went wide once again with the realization that he was to be thrown away.

"We need to work on us before we raise a child, we weren't happy then, so we were never gonna be happy with a kid in the picture Leon" she said softly.

"I know, the idea of having a kid with you sounded so good to me back then, it still kind of does to be honest, but if your not happy then i'm not happy. I can't force you to be happy, so if this is what you want, then I'm for it all the way." he finished

He still couldn't believe his ears, here he was the basic definition of the perfect child and he still wasn't wanted.

"What do we tell the neighbors and our parents?" he heard his father say.

"Simple" she started "We tell the neighbors he went to live with some relatives and then we move away. They don't really care, it's not like we talk much to them anyway."

"And our parents?" he asked.

"That's not so simple" she sighed. She sat and thought about it for a second before she finally came up with something " just tell them the truth i guess, if we get it done quick enough they can't fight our decision or force us to change our minds, and we both know the church would take him immediately"

Silence once again spread through the house. The boy sat there and just waited not fully comprehending what was going to happen to him, and how soon it was going to happen.

"When" he heard his father say.

"We'll take him to the church in the morning," she answered.