There was uproar at camp Skyloft.

One of the campers, Link, had went missing last night and everyone was in a panic. Head counselor Impa called 911 right away before having all the other campers gathered to inform them of what was going on.

"Everyone, this is a camp emergency," she announced, "A young man named Link from boy's cabin D has gone missing and I've already contacted the authorities. They will set out a search party daily until the young man has been found. Camp activities will continue as planned so long as none of us interfere with police business. If anyone has any further information on the possible whereabouts of the camper in question please feel free to contact either me or counselor Ingo."

Among the crowd, who whispered in concern, Pipit stood, staring at the ground awkwardly with a guilty look.

Unlike the counselors, the other campers, and the authorities, he knew exactly where Link could've gone to. But he didn't dare voice it out to anyone.

Unknown to the brunette, counselor Ingo's eyes fell upon him suspiciously.

After the emergency announcement, everyone continued about with their day though still in shock of one of them disappearing in the night.

Could it have been a kidnap?

Maybe he ran away?

Questions and theories spun about on the camp grounds and only one person knew the truth. Pipit evaded eye contact from everyone, not taking part in the latest gossip and just wanting to hide out in his cabin.

Some campers were questioning him as to whether he knew anything about Link's disappearance, he lied to them, stating he didn't. Some thought nothing of it while others were rather suspicious. Ashamed and embarrassed, Pipit approached his cabin and entered.

After closing the door, he sat on his bed with his face in his hands, grief stricken.

He thought about Link and the snake demon, Pipit was sure they must be happy now that they were together. At least he got to confess his feelings before the blonde left for good. He looked up from his hands to look over at the other empty bed across from his. The image of the sleeping Link popped in his mind, how serene and lovely he looked when he slept, face free of troubled stress and worry.

That was when something caught the lad in yellow's eye, a white rectangular shape sat on Link's pillow signed to Pipit.

Pipit got up and curiously picked it up, something red fell to the floor and he picked it up, seeing that it was one of the red friendship bracelets Link made in arts and crafts.

He unfolded the note and read:

Come tonight in the woods.


P.S. I made this bracelet for you, be sure you're wearing it before you leave

Pipit recognized Link's handwriting. In the woods?

Why would Link want him to meet up with him again after leaving? Wasn't he with that creature now like he wanted?

Without warning the cabin door creaked open behind the boy. Counselor Ingo stood with a glare.

"Hey! What're you up to in here?" he demanded.

Pipit turned to him, hiding the note and bracelet behind his back. "Oh! Uh... n-nothing counselor Ingo!" he stuttered.

Ingo raised an eyebrow doubtfully, "What'chu got there?"

"Uh, nothing... sir."

Thinking quickly, Pipit opened a drawer on the nightstand behind him, tossing the two items inside before shutting and then showing his empty hands. "Uh, see?"

Ingo wasn't too fooled by the boy's acts, "You're up to something boy," he said, pointing a dubious finger at Pipit, "You were that kid's bunkmate and therefore the last to have seen him. If I catch you doing anything fishy I'll take it up with the head counselor. I got my eye on you."

He emphasized that last pare before leaving, slamming the door behind him.

The lad in yellow had a bad feeling.


Night fell.

The search party Impa called for had been out on the prowl for Link. So far no luck. They've delayed the search as soon as midnight struck by then Pipit took his chance. He had the red bracelet tied around his wrist and Link's not in his pocket and quietly snuck his way out of the camp.

Unbeknownst to Pipit, a certain someone had spotted him from his own window at the counselor's cabin through a pair of binoculars before following the brunette into the forest.

Pipit crept through the thicket with a flashlight, keeping watch for either Link or the naga, going as deep into the woods as he could until he was out of earshot of the camp.

"Hello?" he called, "I have your note, I came like you asked." he took the note out of his pocket to show it off. "If you can hear me come out. I promise I won't do anything." He searched to and fro for something, anything.

"I knew you were up to something!" called a voice behind Pipit. The lad turned and shined his flashlight at Ingo who had followed him.

"C-counselor Ingo!" cried Pipit. "What're... I-I mean... I can explain..." He really couldn't.

"Don't give me that boy," snapped Ingo, "You know where that kid is, now where is he?"

Pipit thought frantically on what he should say, "I... don't know sir!"

"Don't lie to me!" Ingo walked up to the lad and poked a rough finger at the other's chest. "I knew from the start that you had something to do with that brat's disappearance. I have all the proof I need right here!"

"I swear I had nothing to do with-"


Without warning the mustached man delivered a back handed smack to Pipit's face, forcing him to the ground. "That'll learn ya." Ingo said nastily, "You and that day dreaming idiot have been nothing but trouble from the start! I'm sure everyone will be thanking me for turning in the both of you for this prank."

Pipit fought back tears and held a hand to his stinging cheek before looking up at the cruel man. He stared wide eyed when he saw a familiar figure with a reptilian tail creeping up behind the counselor.

"S-sir..." he stuttered.

"Quiet, I'm not done talking!" shouted Ingo, completely oblivious of the danger he was in. "As soon as I take this up with the Head counselor, I'll make sure you get expelled from this camp faster than you can say-!"

Before he could finish his sentence the naga bared his long fangs and attacked Ingo, grabbing him and sinking his teeth into his shoulder, injecting a lethal dose of venom into his veins as well as taking a chunk of his flesh.

Ingo shrieked in pain, attempting to fight off the beast before it released him. Ingo stumbled and caught himself against a birch, bleeding heavily. He wheezed and fell to his knees, slowly losing consciousness from the poison.

Ghirahim smiled triumphantly, wiping the blood from his lips, as he and Pipit watched Ingo die slowly, the poison finally taking effect.

Pipit stared, frozen in fear.

"Well now, that was fun." said Ghirahim with a sadistic chuckle, he lifted Ingo's body in one hand. "Best not to let a perfectly good chunk of meat go to waste."

Pipit watched in horror as the serpentine creature proceeded to devour Ingo's remains before his eyes. His heart pounded hard and loudly in his chest, feeling syncope wash over him from stress.


Pipit's head was spinning, his vision was doubled.

As soon as everything was in focus, he looked around to find himself lying naked on a large, soft, cushion, his head supported by pillows, surrounded by lacey curtain.

He appeared to be in a cave lit by torches.

"Pipit?" said a soft voice. "Pipit are you awake?"

Pipit turned his head to see Link, sitting by him, also naked, and his belly distended strangely.

"Link!" said Pipit, picking himself up on his elbows. "What's going on? Where am I?"

"We're in master's lair." said Link, "I thought about what you told me at the lake, about how you confessed your feelings. Just so you know, I like you too, but I knew I couldn't just turn my back on my master. So I asked him to let you join us, become apart of our family."


"Yes," Link placed a hand happily over his stuffed tummy. "you, me, master, and all of our children. It'll be wonderful."

Pipit was confused, was Link implying that he was pregnant?

"You'll love being in our family." Link continued, "Master is amazing, he'll take real good care of us and love us to no end." He shifted closer to Pipit, running a hand down the other's chest. "so what do you say Pipit? Will you join us?"

Pipit was at a loss for words, unsure of what to say.

"" he voiced.

"Is he awake little mouse?" another voice called. The naga, Ghirahim, entered the room through a beaded curtained doorway. Link smiled adoringly at him; Pipit gasped, still shaken by the memory of what Ghirahim did earlier to counselor Ingo.

"I-It's you!" said Pipit.

Ghirahim looked the brunette over, he had promised his precious mate to bring this young boy home with him and he had to admit the brown haired lad was rather cute. Maybe not as cute as Link but decent enough. He approached the two and laid right next to Pipit.

The freckled brunette was slightly panicked. "Y-you're a monster! You killed counselor In-!" he was interrupted when the naga place a finger over his lips and shushed him. "Relax young man," he said calmly, taking hold of Pipit's chin, "My mate has requested that we keep you and I'm looking to oblige." He looked into his eyes, the boy couldn't look away.

"I must admit little mouse," Ghirahim said to Link without breaking eye contact with the other. "He isn't half bad looking."

"So can he join us master?" asked Link.

"What do you think, young man?" Ghirahim said to Pipit, his hypnotic effects influenced Pipit's psyche, it was impossible to fight back. A gray hand wrapped itself around the freckled teen's bare cock and started rubbing and another hand, Link's, started teasing one of the other boy's nipples. Pipit couldn't answer, his words turned to mush as the treatment made him feel so tingly and strange.

Link leaned in and chewed lightly on Pipit's ear while his fingers tugged on the nipple. Pipit whimpered and felt his body temperature rise slightly. Ghirahim suddenly closed his lips around Pipit's, mouthing and sucking, his long tongue licking the inside of the boy's cavern.

It didn't seem right and yet why did it feel so good?

Link's mouth met with the other teen's neck, delivering a small but sharp nip to the fair skin, enough to leave behind a small but dark and bruising hicky. Pipit grunted, parting lips with Ghirahim only to be pulled into Link's. They kissed deeply and passionately, the taller teen was so bewildered that he clutched the back of the blonde's head, which intensified the kiss. Ghirahim released Pipit's cock and allowed the other two to trap themselves in each other's embrace.

Link wrapped one arm around Pipit's neck and, with the other, grabbed hold of both of their touching members, tugging and rubbing until they were both hard. Pipit squirmed, the naga's tail was cold and yet he felt so hot, he was beginning to completely forgotten about Ghirahim murdering Ingo and silently begged for more. Link brought Pipit onto his back and straddled his hips.

"Doesn't this feel great Pipit?" asked Link.

"Link, I..." Pipit uttered, watching his crush move his face toward his cock which stood stiff. The blonde opened his mouth and engulfed the other teen's member. Pipit gasped, oh god Link's mouth was so warm, his tongue tasted and teased him and his lips sucked and inhaled him so hard like a vacuum as if he's done this before.

Ghirahim watched his little mouse suck the other boy off. His tail shifted and he whispered in Pipit's ear. "Taught him everything he knows," he bragged, "Such a good and obedient little mouse isn't he?" He then turned the brunette's face to him, making him gaze into his eyes once more. "and you'll be the same way correct?" Pipit lost control of his thoughts and couldn't bring himself to refuse the serpent's request.

"Yes," he said without hesitation, "I will."

Ghirahim grinned and moved himself behind Link, "Little mouse, be a dear and move aside?" Link looked over at his master with a slightly disappointed look but did as he was told. The lord of the forest closed in on Pipit's anal, and with his long tongue probed the puckered hole.

Pipit was startled by this. Feeling something long, slick, and warm digging it's way inside of him. It was the strangest thing in the world yet it was incredible. Link resumed with sucking his bunkmate off while his master rimmed him.

The taller teen's hands balled into fists as his mind grew blank, unable to produce a single thought. The slimy appendage felt like a huge, wet, slug squirming about, moving in and out, lapping and moistening his walls. Pipit fought back tears and felt his face getting hot. His anus winked closed after the naga removed his tongue. Pipit whimpered in a mix of relief and emptiness.

Ghirahim smiled down at the brunette now a blushing mess while his mate sucked him off. The slit under his torso opened and his ovipositor made itself visble; he positioned the tip against Pipit's rectum before carefully pushing in. Pipit yelped, his eyes popped as he was penetrated once again, it went deep inside like it did with Link and like before it deposited many golf ball sized eggs within Pipit's bowels.

Pipit felt shocked by how the organ started pumping something so foreign inside of him.

He couldn't hold back any longer and came inside Link's mouth. The blonde struggled a bit trying to guzzle down Pipit's semen, finding it hard to breathe but swallowed as much as he could.

Finally Ghirahim removed himself as soon as he was sure the freckled teen was carrying enough. His Ovipositor retreated back inside before being replaced by his cock.

Link changed position and straddled Pipit's chest. The taller boy tried to look around the other to see what the naga was going to do next only for his mouth to be stuffed with Link's penis. "I made you feel good, so now you have to make me feel good too." the blonde boy said with a sly grin. Pipit didn't resist and found himself sucking, moaning, and grabbing Link's thighs, keeping them held apart.

Ghirahim's length pushed inside of Pipit's anal, allowing him to get used to it before thrusting in and out.

Link was in ecstasy at Pipit's hot mouth inhaling him hard and the moaning adding vibration, his hands raveled themselves in that brown hair, conveying the other to go deeper.

The thrusting grew intense, Pipit's eyes squinted shut, deep throating Link as the cock in his ass reached a sensitive spot, his freckled face turned pink. Link groaned, throwing his head back and panting. Ghirahim was on edge, feeling Pipit's ass clamp down on his own pounding cock, this boy, despite how he tried to steal Link from him in the past, was excellent in bed. He and the naga's mate would make a perfect harem.

Both Ghirahim and Link came in loads within Pipit's orifices, Pipit took their cum without hesitation, never before had he felt this incredible before, this beat masturbating by a long shot. "Link," spoke Pipit, looking up at the blonde after his dick was removed from the other's mouth, "...I ... I want to be with you. You and master, forever."

The blonde boy smiled happily, glad that the freckled young man wanted to stay. Ghirahim was glad too, his family will flourish and grow with both of them by his side.

Link moved off of Pipit's chest and got on all fours, spreading himself, "Pipit, please. Put yourself inside me, hurry! I want to feel you!" Pipit sat up and stared at Link's open hole, never had he thought he'd get this close. Eager yet slightly hesitant, he positioned himself against Link but somehow when he tried to put it in he couldn't.

He tried to push it inside but struggled. What was going on? Why can't he do it?

Ghirahim crept up behind the brunette, taking hold of the hand clutching onto Pipit's member. "Let me help with that." he purred, leaning into the other's back, his chin resting on the boy's shoulder. He carefully inserted Pipit's dick inside the blonde, both of his mates moaned at the sudden feeling.

Link felt so tight around Pipit, the freckled young man was in awe, he found he no longer had control of his own body as his hips began pounding and thrusting on their own accord as hard as they could into the blonde.

"Oh! Link! You feel wonderful!" he cried out.

"You're so big Pipit!" said Link, "Please go harder!"

The two humans groaned and panted, rocking themselves back and forth doggy style, sweat leaking from their open pores. It was so hot, so overwhelming, neither of them could stop themselves. Link gripped the cushion underneath them, his prostate stimulated by the head of his friend's hard organ, setting off fireworks in his head.

Ghirahim watched it all from behind Pipit, "I feel that I'm being left out of the action here." he pouted. Suddenly he grabbed the freckled brunette's hips and held him still, Pipit looked behind himself to see what has stopped him from going on. That was when the naga's enormous cock came into play once again, penetrating Pipit's insides once more before delivering a vigorous thrust.

Pipit's eyes rolled in their sockets, fucking Link while being fucked by their new master. He tightened himself around the naga's enormous prick filling his anal, allowing

Ghirahim to thrust harder into him which in turn allowed the teen to thrust harder into Link.

The Forest Lord's long tail snuck itself under Link, coiling around the smaller boy's neglected cock. Stroking and tugging and squeezing. The tail felt so cold and scaly around Link.

The three of them went on like that for half an hour, never stopping to take a breath, sweat soaked their skin and hair, orgasm was peaking.

Link and Pipit shouted as they both climaxed at the same time, Pipit in Link's ass and Link in Ghirahim's coiled tail. The naga meanwhile gripped tightly onto Pipit's hips that his nails started to break the human's skin, his climax came in loads, flooding the boy's insides.

All of them collapsed onto the cushion, exhausted from the exercise.


Ghirahim Leaned back on the plush pillows as his two pets busied themselves with his member. Sucking and mouthing, their wet tongues lapped on it lovingly, soaking it with their spit.

Their beloved master stroked their hair and smiled, such good and obedient mates they were. Pleasing him in a way only they knew.
Suddenly Link cringed removing himself from his master and clutching his stomach. Pipit also removed himself from their master, looking in concern at Link.

"Link! What's wrong?" he said. Ghirahim placed a hand on the teen's shoulder.

"Calm yourself," the naga reassured. "Just wait and see."

Link writhed, something squirmed and wriggled in his gut before making it's way out through his rectum. Pipit watched as three adders and a venomous viper pushed their way out of Link's asshole, the freckled teen was startled by this before turning to his master, looking into his eyes before feeling himself relax.

Ghirahim looked down at the snakes proudly. "My, my, look at how beautiful our children are." he grinned.

Link was panting slightly from what had occurred and looked over at the snakes. He also smiled, amazed and so happy.

"My... babies..." he breathed, joyful tears running down his eyes. Ghirahim placed a hand against Link's shoulder.

"Rest now little mouse," he said, "There's a lot more where they came from."

Pipit had been startled from the start but that later turned to eagerness as he placed a hand over his stomach. He couldn't wait for his children to come.


Three people had disappered in the night, Link, Pipit, and counselor Ingo. Not only that but somehow the search parties had came across several beds of venomous snakes in the forest. Nobody knew where they had come from but there was so many that it was slowly becoming an infestation.

Two people had been bitten and hospitalized for snake poison and for the safety of the campers, camp skyloft had to be shut down.

Head counselor Impa resigned from her job and left town. Unhappy about the situation but at least everyone had been evacuated from the premises before someone else got hurt, that and at least she no longer had to work with that poor excuse of a counselor, Ingo.

The search was still on for the missing people in question, though there were too many snakes in the woods to continue. All of their belongings were taken to the police station as evidence. The most they could find was a torn article of Ingo's clothing which was stained with blood.

They feared the worst after that. Still they continued searching but this time outside the camp.

Since then, no one had ever found out about the lord of the forest or his harem.