Title: A.I. Robot.

(A.I as in 'artificial intelligence, and AI as in love)

Pairing: Naru/Sasu

Rating: NC-17

Disclaimer: "Naruto', don't own it; not mine. I just borrow Masashi's characters and replace them in naughty positions, and I mean really naughty positions.

Summary: The year is 2259, Kohonagakure Japan. Naruto Uzumaki's life has never had it easy- school, work, friends (or the lack of) are already dragging him down but to fall in love with a robot... fate must hate him.


Warning: this is OFF THE CHARTS here. I don't know much about A.I (artificial intelligence) but I am gonna write this baby anyway. Be WARNED, just like Summer Camp I might be bullshitting you guys…no scrap that- I WILL be bullshitting you a lot. So pardon me.

This story is based on the Manga Chobits, so if you want a reference info, read that. Only the first one might do.


A/N2: This story will push the boundaries of the normal YAOI fandom. Mostly its going to be love, one-sided love by a human to a robot BUT if any of y'all have faith in me, trust me it will work out. That's all I'm saying.

Chapter 1: What's That In The Trash?

The neon light that was ticking down to the end of the Cybernetics class's exam was not giving one particular student any comfort. With a sigh, Naruto looked at his classmates, all who were calculating the transfer function ratio between the current and voltage of three separate semiconductor devices with ease as they all had their anthropoid laptops with them.

He only had a old decrepit calculator which meant, instead of having to calculate the instantaneous current and voltage in seconds by advanced programing, he had to do it the long hand way in the same time his classmates had.

Thank god he had a somewhat head for numbers because if he didn't, he'd be screwed. Tapping away on the green buttons of Gamabunta, the old scientific calculator he had from high school, Naruto tried to focus. He was on his last one but the defining the p-n junction was giving him a hard time.

His foot was bouncing in anxiety as his electric blue eyes ran over the equation with increased frenzy just as they darted up to the clock. Two minutes were left.

"Fuck…" he whispered under his breath as nothing jumped out to him. He could not fail this test as his scholarship, dependent on a continuance of high grades, was hooked on this. time was ticking down and with one last desperate Passover he saw the problem. It was the equilibrium!

He had to adjust the rate of the free electrons, so they could flow through the static electronic field, meet the positively charged receptors and cancel each other out, leaving an uncharged, electrically neutral atom!

Scribbling furiously, Naruto wrote the last parameter proportional function on the tablet and saved it milliseconds before the screen shut off and he dropped the magnetic pen. He framed his heads with his hands on the clinical white table and looked dully as the desk opened and the robotic arm attached to the tablet, dropped it into the receptor slot from automatic grading.

In 2259, there was no such thing as extended time for grading. The lecturers only had to teach, it was the AI components that graded work based on the material that the student reached every semester. Each desk that was assigned to a student knew the student's biometrical data, fingerprint, iris pattern and DNA, and knew the student's handwriting. The programming easily assimilated the students handwriting to deduce the words or figures given and then graded on the answers that were programmed into it.

"Please be a hundred or ninety-five or ninety…" Naruto whispered as the image of his scholarship flying away with wing like a drone ran through his mind.

The seconds that passed were the definition of torture and when the table beeped, Naruto's eyes clenched shut in fear. He dared to open them and when he saw the 98% on the table he nearly cried with relief. He was safe for another four months!

Scrubbing his hands over his face and then through his sunshine bright hair, atypical for a natural born Japanese man, he grimly noted the need for a wash. He had spent the last week and a half busting his ass to study for this exam…just like he had done in high school.

At Kohona Secondary he was known as the class clown, the deadbeat, the loser and idiot, mostly because of the pranks he would pull, his dopey grin and his laidback attitude. It was what Naruto had wanted them to see. What they did not see was him doubling back to the school in the evenings to spend hours in the library or to take home cast-off books to study from.

What they did not see was him eating his lunch in an old abandoned bathroom so he could read over old exam questions and study them. What they did not see was him figuratively fighting hard to get a scholarship for his tertiary education and what they did not see was him sacrificing his meagre state given allowance to buy school materials and the brain supplements instead of buying new clothes or all that much nutritional food.

Smiling, Naruto eased himself up from the chair, grabbed his frayed messenger bag and stuffed Gamabunta into it. Shuffling down the hallway to the cafeteria he did not even deign to meet the eyes of those who were staring at him.

He knew what they saw- they saw a poor guy with the same pair of threaded jeans, faded orange sweatshirt and beat up sneakers. They saw a guy that did not have the snazzy hoverboards, or Winglift cars or hell a basic blutooth headphones. They saw a guy that did not fit the average of the prestigious Kohonagakure Technical University. They saw a guy that ate the same thing for lunch every day before jumping on his bicycle to go to work in a ramen shop.

Naruto did not care as he had gotten so used to the stares that they were ignored. He had to become the Mechanical Engineer of his dreams. So what if he couldn't afford the waking human like companions that swarmed all around him, so what if he couldn't buy the tiniest laptop that could ride on his shoulder of the tablet that could fit in his pocket…yet. All those things would come when he was sitting in his position in the Byakugan Corp or the Amaterasu Inc.

A long time ago he had dreamed of getting into Amaterasu as they had led Japan in cutting edge cybernetics for years. They PCC personal computers companions they made had programming no one had ever expected to be real but they had made it happen. Suddenly, the company had stopped making computers and went into other electronics.

No one knew exactly why, some mad conspiracy theorist had thought the machines had gotten so powerful that the government had stepped in an ordered them to stop the production. Another one had said that the machines had started to grow a personality…or a ghost in the shell…which meant a soul.

Bullshit, Naruto was sure. No machine could ever be that advanced that a soul would begin to develop inside it. Then again…the Uzumaki had watched the classic Terminator movies and that did say something else.

The streets were mostly empty…well the ground streets that was, as if he dared look above, he would get dizzy by seeing the numerous Winglift, ALTOsense and Oculus cars flying overhead. It was fine though, his bike did not need any fancy Hydrofuel to get him where he needed to be, his legs worked just fine.

It was strange how the world works, Naruto mused, these personal computers are taking over everything…. even sex but I dunno, I'd prefer the human touch. Besides, I have a dead-end job, school rates that would cost me my soul, an apartment that is crumbling around me I have much more important things to worry about. I'll get mine computer when I get the engineering job.

Of course he wanted one, he wanted someone to read him his email, play games…download porn.

Naruto skidded to a halting stop when that idea ran through his mind. He scratched the back of his head, "Guess I've been living alone for too long huh."

Soon enough he biked to the ramen shop where the owner, Tsuchi, a lovely old man had decided to give him a job bussing tables and washing dishes in the afternoons. It was better than nothing as they were not many business places in Kohona that gave jobs to orphans.

Propping the bike at the side of the shop where it was out of the way- and hell, it wasn't like anyone was going to steal that outdated fossil, he entered the shop and dusted his shoes off.

"Naruto-kun!" Teuchi's cute granddaughter Ayame called with a large smile on her face, "Good afternoon, you're right on time."

Smiling a mega-watt grin, Naruto nodded, "Just give me a few moments to suit up."

Running to the back room, Naruto quickly ducked his head into the old man's office and greeted him then ran off to the backrooms to get changed. He wiped off his face, combed his hair and slapped the thin net thingie over it. Gabbing his apron, he went to his station and without a word, started on the dishes there.

For some reason, the old man liked going traditional. He did not use the recyclable synthetic tableware that other restaurants used but used old fashioned crockery instead. It was probably a good thing as his food was also traditional. It was funny Naruto mused, when everything was advanced, ramen stayed the same.

The meats Teuchi used and the seasoning all came fresh from the farm. Not a damn thing in his shop was GMO like 99.9% of the food out there.

Naruto took deliberate care to wash all the sterling white bowls and the bamboo chopsticks that were sanitized for fifteen minutes each in a high-powered sterilizing bin and then repackaged. He worked without complaint even as his feet starting to protest. Still he kept at it until Ayame came to tell him they were locking up.

He nodded and dried his hands. After taking off the smock and gloves and releasing his hair from the net he turned around to see a bowl of steaming miso ramen on the table behind him. A wide grin cracked his face. Ayame was always looking out for him that way.

Grabbing a stool, he took some chopsticks and slurped away. For a nineteen-year-old he knew it was prudent to eat more nutritional foods but Ramen was the one guilty pleasure he had not let go since he had first tasted it at six years old- back there in the orphanage.

His chewing stopped for a second and the chopsticks slipped from his fingers. The orphanage- it was the one place Naruto had sworn to never go back, even as the man who ran it was like a father figure to him.

Iruka Umino had taken him in even when the owners of the establishment had told the man they were filled to capacity. Night after night Iruka had let him sleep beside him in his bed until someone got adopted and he could move out.

Guilt lanced though Naruto's chest, and his appetite died. It was not a matter of not going back to see Iruka, rather, it is what had happened that night… that night when the older boys had tied him down and cut his face open with a knife. His left hand lifted to run over the scars that were still there, ten years later, faded, yes, but still there.

Naruto forced himself to finish the bowl of warm food- as it was likely the last meal, he was going to get that night- and washed up after himself. The shop was dark so he took the back exit and left. It was a bit convenient as the door took him closer to his bike.

Hopping on it, Naruto took to the streets. Kohona at night was magical. The holographic displays that lit the sky, the blinking lights from the cars above and the massive ANBU corp drones that patrolled the streets to scan for crime.

He made it to the main street then took a turn down an alley. This route was a quick short cut to his apartment where he was sure the only thing waiting for him was a cup of tea and a stack of books that he needed to – UMPH!

The front wheel of the bike caught unto something protruding from dumpster and catapulted him heads over wheel to the ground. Lucking the blond had some martial arts experience and managed to twist himself enough that the landing wouldn't break some bone.

He lied there, on his side, stunned for long moment, and then he managed to push himself up. Anger was racing though him like a hot river. What the fuck had tripped him? Rubbing the side of his head, Naruto looked angily at the thing and saw…wait, was that a foot?

"What the hell?"

Kneeling down, Naruto brushed off the trash that he could see and the rear lights from the cars above gave him a picture he would never get out of his mind. It was a body lying there. A DEAD BODY!

Naruto was about to freak out when his hand fell on the foot and there, he felt the touch, it was not skin but cold metal. It was PCC, a computer. Falling back on his ass, Naruto breathed in a breath of relief. It was only a machine- good. He wouldn't be the prime suspect in a murder.

With his sense about him, Naruto removed the rest of the trash from it and found…a boy? The robot looked well… too goddamn pretty to be a boy but there were no breasts he could see so it had to be a boy. Its hair was dark, midnight black actually and it skin tone was so pale it looked like a cadaver in a morgue. But it was definitely a computer. He was in a pair of white…or was is grey shorts and a dark top.

The second thing that worried him was why was it thrown out? He did not see any physical malfunction or anything smashed so why was it sitting in a heap of garbage?

"Maybe it a software problem." He reasoned.

Sitting there, Naruto wondered, "Is this some kind of joke…I've been thinking about getting one but not until I got a job…and here I find one in the trash. This must be some kind of sick joke."

He got up to leave but while righting the bike turned back and nibbled on his lip. "Maybe I can get it working again and find it's owner. It looks pretty expensive so someone might just want it."

It wasn't until some hours later he realized that that logic was flawed, if someone wanted it, why was it in the trash?

Sighing, Naruto leaned the bike on the nearby wall and crouched to slip his hands under the head and knees of the thing. The metal was fairly light, it was as if he was carrying a normal dude. The thought burned his cheeks, the last time had had been with a guy was like eons ago.

He looked mournfully at the bike and sighed, "I'll just have to come back for you."

His apartment was not that far and he took his time to carry the robot until he got to the building. His apartment was on the third floor and Naruto braced himself, he could do this. step by step he climbed and thankfully, no one met him on the way. Eventually, he got to his shoebox apartment and opened it by the key. As he stepped in the motion sensors, the one modern thing about the apartment, sensed him and flicked the lights on.

Naruto was at a loss to where to put his burden but decided the best place was the bed. Gently resting the robot on the padded futon, Naruto tilted his head. The robot was really pretty, with a sculpted face, sharp cheekbones and longish eye lashes. He dared to feel them and marveled, they felt like real hair, not they synthetic crap many of the robots had.

"Stay here," he ordered redundantly to a stationary object, left the room and jogged down the stairs to get his bike. He found it right where he had left it and with another sigh of relief, carried it back to his room.

The robot had not moved and Naruto wondered if its Ion cell battery was dead. Resting the bike just beside the door, Naruto wondered where he could find the battery. Every company placed the power cells somewhere else and he wondered if it was right to poke around it. With one glance down to the robot's lap he flushed, the thing looked anatomically perfect. There was definitely a package down there.

Was this a sex robot then? Naruto nearly recoiled and then shook his head. He'd probably find that out when this thing woke up. Searching from its head, Naruto tried to figure out where the power cells were and he touched and prodded everywhere…well except there. That was too much.

Not finding anything, Naruto was about to give up when he saw something at the back of its neck. Flipping it over, Naruto ginned. There, just under the hairline were two ports-charging ports. With closer inspection, Naruto saw that the looked like the same size as the ports he used to charge Gamabunta and rushed to find the cords.

Plugging the cord into the outlet, Naruto slid the prongs into the slot and felt the machine jerk. Success! He was just about to move off when an ice-cold metal hand grabbed his in a death grip. Naruto felt his fingers go numb in seconds. Then its head lifted and Naruto was terrified, Red eyes the color of blood were swirling with- the best Naruto could describe it was- deadly intent.

Frozen, Naruto did not even try to move. The things eyes were narrowed in suspicion, with an underlying look that Naruto knew too well. he had seen that look too many times coming from his childhood eyes; fear.

"I am not going to hurt you." Naruto said calmly even as his fingers were turning blue. "I am not a threat to you, please believe me, I just want to help you."

A frown creased the robots face but the slowly, its grip loosened and its eyes faded to black. Naruto had never seen a PCC with that kind of programming. Massaging life back into his hand, Naruto asked, "Can you tell me your name?"

"Sasuke," his voice was smooth with a touch of hypnotic darkness to it.

More progress!

"Do you know where you came from Sas-oh!"

The robot had just slumped over. It seemed as if the primary charge, and possibly the one the robot had in reserve, had been used up. Naruto shook his head. "I'll just wait till morning then when you're all charged up…nice to meet you Sasuke."

The Amaterasu Inc.

The pneumatic doors opened and a slender figure, clad in full black with a head of silver hair and wearing large round glasses hurriedly approached the dark-haired figure sitting on a throne like chair in the middle of the room.

"Kabuto," the seated man's smile was sinister, "What do you have for me?"

"Bad news Orochimaru-san," the man, Kabuto grimaced, "The convoy team from the lab just told me, Subject 03 is gone."

The older man lurched out of his chair and grabbed his subordinate by his lapels, "What?" he hissed, "How could that be?"

The trailer holding the three subjects was smashed out from the inside," Kabuto said calmly, "Subject 003 must have gained consciousness, broke out and ran."

"Find him!" Orochimaru hissed, "Find Sasuke or your lives- ALL Of YOUR LIVES will pay for it! Find him now! Find my prize robot! 01 and 02 have nothing on him, Sasuke is special, get him back!"

"Yes, sir."


As usual Review Damnit

Muses- No CHILL