Chapter5-Traversing the Mountains

Violet, Duncan, Klaus, Isadora and Sunny when Jacques pulled in at a small general store and passed them some money "here go buy yourselves some easier clothes, and sturdy shoes, you'll probably want some warm coats as well" he told them.

"Why where are we going?" asked Violet, placing the money in her bag.

"I'm taking you to the base of the Mortmain Mountains front here you will head to the VFD HQ and follow stricken stream down to the sea where another Volunteer will meet you" he told them. The children all bought suitable hiking clothes and several changes with backpack to carry them in. They also used the facilities while there to change and wash up, Violet and Duncan finished first and spent the waiting time somewhat wisely in a secluded spot making sure they back by the car before anyone came looking for them. It didn't go un noticed however their siblings took in their somewhat messy hair and slightly dishevelled clothes even Jacques was watching in amusement as they came up with an excuse. Quigley sniggered at his brother's discomfort who as a result thumped him in the side making him groan "Ok sorry, but it's my right as your brother"

"Maybe but as your older brother I have the right to tell you to shut up and wipe that smirk off your face" Duncan replied. Isadora was also smirking, Klaus was smiling at his sister who looked at him then tilted her head towards her best friend making him blush and little Sunny pulled a face.

"Alright then children back in the car we have another two hour drive" Jacques told them.


The six children stood at the foot of the Mortmain Mountains. Sunny was strapped to Violet's back in a makeshift baby carrier made from one of the hiking bags they had bought from the store "So we need to find the headquarters apparently there is something there we need to find" said Violet as she adjusted the straps of her carrier.

"He also said we have a week to get to the last safe place to find the Queequeg" said Klaus.

"He wants to find a Submarine in the mountains" asked Isadora raising her eyebrow.

"No I've looked over the map we're close to the sea" Quigley told them as they set off. They walked in silence until Isadora spoke up her question was directed at Duncan and Violet "You know you never told us what you were studying the other night?"

Violet and Duncan turned scarlet and we very thankful that their siblings could see their faces "We were studying for the Gorilla's test" Duncan lied.

"Of course, you were because it is a certifiable explanation to the love bite, I saw on Violet's collarbone" Isadora remarked. Violet groaned realising that the collar of her shirt must have slipped revealing the hickey Duncan had given her if her friend had seen then surely her brother must have as well.

"It doesn't mean anything else happened" replied Violet.

"Of course, not" Klaus said.

"Well it would certainly explain where you both disappeared to earlier" Quigley said he was enjoying this way to much as were Isadora, Klaus even Sunny put in her two cent "love?" she questioned meaning Do you love each other? "Seriously guys what is this pick on Violet and Duncan day?" aske Violet. "Well it's rather interesting" replied Isadora grinning.

"You know what I find interesting is the relationship between you and my dear brother" Violet shot back.

"I don't know what your talking about" Isadora said fighting the blush that was threating to show.

"I'm talking about that kiss you gave him two days ago" Violet responded. The six of them continued to banter back and forth Klaus took over carrying Sunny for a while and before long they reached a fork in the road "Which way do we go now Quigley?" asked Duncan as his brother pulled the map out and examined it. "Right here to the Valley of Four Drafts, makes sense the initials of the place spell out VFD." They had unstrapped Sunny so that she could stretch her legs. Klaus sat down next to his older sister who had perched herself on a rock head in hands staring out across the view "your thinking about something" he said.

"No I'm not" Violet answered.

"Yes you are you have your thinking face on" Klaus said mimicking the expression his sister's face.

"I do not look like that" she protested.

"Yes you do so what you thinking?" he asked. Violet looked at him and sighed "I'm thinking what could possibly be so important at the headquarters that VFD want us to retrieve but cannot do so themselves." Klaus shrugged in truth he had begun to wonder that himself "Violet, Klaus, come we need to get moving find a safe place to sleep before dark that when the snow gnats are most vicious" said Quigley. Violet placed Sunny in the carrier and lifted her on to her back, Duncan fell into step beside her catching her hand "Personally I think that when we stop for the night we should find our own little spot" Violet blushed realising what he was suggesting "that'll be hard to do if we stay the night in a cave" she answered quietly so that Sunny didn't hear her. "Duncan, Violet hurry there's smoke ahead there may be a group of campers who we can join forces with for the night" cried Quigley. The six of them quickened their pace towards where the smoke was coming from.

"I hope your right about them being friends and not mass murderers Quig" Isadora mumbled as they drew nearer, they found the source of the fire the grand hotel styled building was one enormous bonfire "Shit" said Klaus "we're too late."

"You say too late I say thank goodness we weren't here earlier or we'd be barbequed" said Quigley. "Get down there's someone coming" said Violet they hid behind a rock to see who it was. Two people emerged from the flames one was a man with a beard and no hair the other was a woman with hair but no beard their appearance seemed to make the temperature drop about ten degrees. "There goes plan A what's plan B?" asked Isadora