Drabble inspired by a picture by hopedeer on Tumblr. Link to the artwork is provided on my profile.

Ghost Zone Astronaut

Danny would always be fascinated by the Ghost Zone.

Most humans didn't like it here. Even Sam, who liked all things Dark, felt the Zone was too eerie for her tastes. Tucker complained that the deathly chill air and the distant echoing screams made his hair stand on end.

"The only reason you like it," Tucker had argued once, "…is because you're half ghost!"

But deep down, Danny knew that wasn't the truth. Something about the Zone struck a deep chord within him. Whenever he found himself floating in the weightless void, Danny always took a moment to stop and stare in awe. The place sent chills up his spine, yes, but for completely different reasons. The cold air, the weightless, floating doors, the green lights that flickered in the stretch of black void…

It always reminded him of space.

And if the Zone was space, then he was the hapless astronaut, standing on the brink of the unknown. He watched the swirling green sky stretch out before him, the path lined with hundreds of floating doors that each led to somewhere new, and wanderlust itched beneath his skin, begging to explore.

He knew it was dangerous. Once he left the safety of the lab, he'd be in enemy territory, surrounded by the hazards and the dangers of the unknown.

—But then again, that's what made it fun.

"One small step for Man," Danny whispered to himself, and, with a smile, leapt into the portal, ready to discover a whole new world.