A/N: First of all, I want to apologize for the long wait for this chapter. Between school and other obligations, I didn't have enough time to write this with as much care as I would have liked to within the original time frame. Nevertheless, I hope all of you enjoy the second half of A Glass of Wine and as always, if you would like to, please leave a review!

Lucifer's POV

Lucifer placed a cigarette between his lips, his fingers drumming the steering wheel of his '62 Corvette. Despite how hard he tried, he couldn't wipe the grin from his face. Chloe had feelings for him! The bloody Devil for dad's sake. As much as she had tried to convince him otherwise, those three spoken syllables had called her bluff, and Lucifer couldn't have been happier. In fact, the King of Hell couldn't recall the last time that he had been so happy.

Chloe's POV

Chloe sighed, attempting to focus on the paperwork in front of her. Anything to distract her from the fact that Lucifer would be striding in any moment now. She rubbed her temples with her fingers. Last night hadn't been the first time that she'd thought of him in such a way, but this just felt… different. She hadn't been inebriated, and it hadn't been just an innocent wet dream.


'Jesus, he had a great way of doing that,' she thought. Her head snapped up, heat rushing to her face as her eyes met his.

"Lucifer." He sat at the edge of her desk, a large grin on his face. She couldn't stop her eyes from drifting to his hands as he folded them in his lap, imagining the sinful things she'd envisioned them doing to her last night. 'God, Chloe. Get it together!'

"What's the case today? Love triangle gone wrong? Murder-suicide? Tell me all the juicy details." Chloe cleared her throat, quick to put up her familiar facade of cold, hard detective.

"Homicide. We don't have a clear motive yet. Ella went by to look at the crime scene."

"Lovely. You look tired, Detective. Rough night?" he inquired.

Chloe sighed, "You can say that." She clutched her cup of coffee in her hand, taking a generous swig before grabbing her keys. It was going to be a long day.

Chloe's POV

Chloe didn't know what had gotten into him, but Lucifer seemed even more indecorous today. 'If that was even possible,' she thought to herself. He had eagerly taken every opportunity to insert any sexual quip or insinuation that popped into his head.

"What has gotten into you today?" she asked, glaring at him as they drove back to the precinct.

"Whatever do you mean, Detective?" he replied, that same concupiscent grin back on his face.

"I don't know, Lucifer. You tell me. You've been inappropriate and unprofessional all morning. I have half a mind to kick you off this case," she said, annoyed. Lucifer was already a handful, but today he had been almost insufferable.

"Well, in that case, my apologies. Let's just say that a—" he paused, "desire of mine was fulfilled last night."

Chloe rolled her eyes, "What, your usual hookup was better than average?" she replied sardonically, bringing her cup of coffee to her lips.

"No, actually quite the opposite, Detective. Though I'd imagine that your desires were fulfilled last night as well. Or nearly," he turned to her, grinning. "Can't quite compare to the real thing." Chloe nearly choked on her coffee.

"Lucifer, I have no idea what you're talking about," she said sternly but realized with mortification that her words didn't sound convincing even to her own ears.

"Don't lie, Detective. It's unbecoming," Chloe felt like a fish out of water. How the hell did he know? She opened her mouth to respond, but Lucifer beat her to it, answering her unspoken question.

"I heard."

"What exactly did you hear, Lucifer?" she said, frowning, her voice taking on a much more serious tone.

"Well, everything I suppose. Right down to the climactic finish, excuse my pun." Chloe's mind was running a thousand miles a minute. She felt her cheeks grow red as she took in his words and all of the implications lying underneath. Everything?! How was that even possible? I hung up the phone, didn't I? Her heart was in her ears as she wracked her brain, trying to remember what she possibly could have even said to make him so giddy.

"Lucifer—" Chloe moaned, her body going limp as she came. Her legs trembled as she gripped the edge of the tub, her heart pounding in her chest as she struggled to regain her breath.'

Fuck. Chloe ground the car to a halt, taking the keys from the ignition as they finally reached the precinct. She turned to him, "Look, Lucifer. Whatever you thought you heard last night, it was a mistake. It was nothing more and it will never be anything more. Got it?" She slammed the car door behind her, leaving a confounded Lucifer in the passenger seat.

Chloe's POV

Lucifer was uncharacteristically quiet the rest of the day, refraining from his usual coarse remarks while they wrapped up the case. He had even left early that evening, muttering a perfunctory "Goodnight, Detective" before leaving the precinct. Whereas his odd behavior usually would have worried her, Chloe was thankful for his departure. It gave her some time to clear her head. Once she got home Chloe set her keys on the counter, going straight to the kitchen to pour herself a glass of wine. She settled on the couch, running a hand through her hair, and thought back to their conversation earlier. She felt embarrassed and angry, but more than anything she felt ashamed for ever thinking of her partner in such a light. But while the clinical side of her brain told her it was wrong she couldn't help but question why. Why it was so wrong to want to be with him. To want to be with someone who made her feel safe. Made her feel loved. And despite how much she tried to tell herself otherwise she did want to be with him.

She was broken out of her thoughts by a knock on the door. Lucifer. He looked almost contrite standing at her threshold, hands clasped behind his back.

"May I come in?" he asked, a small glint of something in his eye that she couldn't quite detect. Shame? Embarrassment? It was far from Lucifer to ever feel embarrassed about anything.

"Of course."

"Detective, I— Chloe. I want to apologize. My behavior today was unprofessional, as well as unfair to you and I want to give you my sincerest apologies. I would like for nothing more than to continue being your partner and I'm deeply sorry for any bounds I've overstepped." He looked so sheepish standing there, head bowed in distinct contrast to his usually immaculate composure. She sighed,

"It's okay, Lucifer. I would like that too. What I said today was out of line—"

"No, Detective. You have nothing to apologize for."

"Yes, Lucifer, I do." Her heart was pounding in her ears as she paused, taking a breath, "Because it- it wasn't a mistake."

"Detective, I— For the first time I don't quite know what to say." he admitted.

"Then don't." He seemed to freeze for a moment as her lips collided with his, then finally his hands wrapped around her waist, pulling her closer. His lips were soft and warm against hers as he pressed her against the counter, his cologne invading her senses. Her hands came up to wind in his hair, and his lips trailed down her neck, finding a spot just below her ear. She moaned, the sound sending a jolt of pure electricity through him. He broke from her suddenly, his breathing heavy.

"Are you sure about this, Detective?" His eyes met hers, pupils dark, "If we keep going I'm not sure I'll be able to stop."

"I don't want you to." He groaned at her words, making quick work of his suit jacket as her lips found his. "Trixie?" he breathed. "Dan's." She unbuttoned her blouse with shaky fingers, tossing it aside. He lifting her onto the counter, his hands running up her waist to unclasp her bra.

"Beautiful." he said softly, and she felt her skin flush under his heated gaze. He pushed her back against the cold marble, his hands finding her breasts, his fingers teasing her nipples. She arched against him, feeling every inch of his arousal and the groan he gave sent goosebumps down her skin. The rough stubble of his jaw grazed her skin as his lips trailed down her neck before taking one into the warmth of his mouth. Chloe gasped, her fingers involuntarily tightening in his hair. Her fingers found the buttons of his dress shirt and it was quickly discarded onto the floor, her jeans following shortly after. Chloe's heart pounded in her ears as his palms ghosted up her thighs. She was almost sure he could hear it, but if he could he didn't make any indication. Instead, his fingers found her waist, hooking around the soft material there and pulling it down to her knees. And suddenly Chloe was very aware of her imperfections. She felt shy, which was ridiculous— it was just Lucifer. But part of her knew it was because it was Lucifer. Almost as if sensing her thoughts he paused, his hand coming up to brush a strand of hair from her face.

"Chloe, you are breathtaking." The rational part of her brain wanted to laugh at the absurdity of it all— Lucifer telling her she was beautiful while she laid across the kitchen counter, but something in his voice told her it was true. Then his lips were against her thigh, her eyes fluttering closed. He took his time, making sure to leave no spot untouched as he traversed her skin. The soft gasp she gave as he parted her folds couldn't compare to the moan that escaped her lips when his thumb ran down her center. Chloe's fingers gripped the edge of the counter as his mouth closed around her clit, lazily circling it with his tongue. His eyes met hers, dark and sinful as he pushed his fingers inside of her, his other hand holding her in place.

"Lucifer, " she moaned, tangling her fingers in his hair. "Don't stop." He groaned against her skin, curling his fingers upwards in response. His tongue was no longer circling her languidly, but instead moving in precise, rapid strokes. He felt her legs begin to tremble under his palm, and heard the choked cry that fell from her lips as she went over the edge, her grip tightening against the cold marble. Chloe's fingers shakily met his as he straightened to undo his belt, sliding the black leather out of its confines and dropping it hastily to the floor. He felt his breath hitch in his throat as she moved to his pants, her hand grazing his length. Chloe pulled him down to her, and his mouth met hers in a slow, mischievous dance.

"Chloe— " Lucifer groaned as her hand finally wrapped around his cock. He could barely think straight. He wet his lips, resting his forehead against hers as she stroked him.

His hand moved to hers, "Detective," he said, darkly, "I suggest you stop unless you want this to be over before it's started."

"I didn't think the Devil would be one to skip foreplay." she teased.

"Normally, no." A wry smile graced his lips. "But this time appears to be different." He kissed her again gently, and she could feel every inch of him press against her thigh. He pulled back, positioning himself before slowly sliding into her. A breathless moan left Chloe's lips as he filled her, and Lucifer paused, mostly to give her time to adjust, but truth be told he needed it as much as her. His imagination had done no justice to the woman in front of him. She was so warm and wet, and immensely more beautiful than he ever could have imagined. It wasn't until Chloe moved that he regained his own sensibilities. The pace he set was deliberately slow, partly for his own sanity. He pulled back, sinking slowly into her again. He heard the soft sigh that fell from her lips as he stroked her breasts, teasing her nipples with his thumbs, and the moan that escaped her mouth when his lips found her neck. But Lucifer was rapidly losing his resolve, and the speed he had set was getting sloppy. He felt her thighs begin to tremble under his hands, the way Chloe's nails dug into his back. He felt intoxicated. Chloe's head fell back against the counter, her eyes meeting his. He wanted to hear her say his name. Make her say it.

"I want you to say it, Chloe." he breathed, trailing his hand down her breasts to that familiar spot just between her legs. "Say my name."

She felt the first wave of pleasure ripple through her, and at that moment the Earth could have stopped spinning on its axis and she wouldn't have cared. It was only him. It was always him, and those three syllables falling from her lips once again made Lucifer the happiest man alive.