Chapter 2

Hermione's POV

Ireland won. Viktor caught the snitch though. That's my veela for you.

Viktor asked me to go down to the dressing room to see him. He always misses me so much and just wants to be around me. Just like how I want to be around him. That's one of the things I love about him.

On my way down I heard screaming in the distance. What was happening? I broke into a run. I was almost to my veela. I quickly pushed the door out of my way.

"Viktor? Where are you?" I shouted, my voice quivering with worry.

A door banged open at the end of the hallway. After that arms quickly enveloped me and a sigh was released.

"I am right here Mia. What is wrong?" He gently said turning me round to face him and started to gently stroke my right cheek.

"On my way here I heard screams. I don't know what is going on. I had to make sure you were all right. My friends will be worried, they don't know I'm here, they think I went for a walk around camp. I should go find them!" All of this I said in a rush. I was rambling.

"I will come with you, make sure you are safe." I couldn't fault his logic. I have no idea what is happening in camp and I will know he is safe if he is with me. I grabbed his hand and led him out of the door and together we took off to the Weasley's tent. There was no chaos there. It was closer to the stands. I pushed aside the flap and went in with Viktor waiting outside.

"Something is happening. On my walk I heard screams. We need to leave!" After I said that there was an audible scream. "Let's go!" In the next second everyone was standing in front of me.

When I was outside again I couldn't see Viktor and realised that he must of hidden so my friends and the Weasleys wouldn't see him. I looked around making everyone think that I was looking for the best way out, which I was, but I was also looking for Viktor knowing he would not be far. I caught his eyes, nodded and mouthed go and thank you. And with that he left to escape with his teammates. All of this happening in a matter of seconds.

I found the best path and screamed "This way" over the tremendous noise. Then we all ran back to where the portkey dropped us off. Once we got there and had met up with the Diggorys, Mr Weasley activated the portkey and we were gone.

Scene Break

We landed at the Burrow where the Diggorys bid everyone farewell and departed.

"Go to bed, all of you." Mr Weasley said tiredly with a dejected sigh. "I'll tell Molly that you are all ok and we will sort out school supplies tomorrow." He continued on, padding into the house with everyone following.

Scene Break

Just before I fell asleep that night an owl flew through Ginny's open widow. The owl belonged to Viktor.

Dear Hermione,

I am happy to tell you I got back home safely with no injuries. I hope you are faring just as well.

When I told Mama about what happened she was so scared about why you were not with me. It took me almost an hour to calm her down and explain why. But she is still not happy with me.

I hope to see you soon my love.

Yours forever, Viktor, Your Veela.

I yawned tiredly while writing my letter to Viktor and Mama to let them know that I am fine and am safe. I then collapsed on the spare bed in the room and fell asleep almost immediately.