This is inspired by, but not based off Dear Evan Hansen

Hiro sat alone once again, at the only empty table in the cafeteria, observing every little clique- here, you had the jocks, popular kids, band kids etc. The point was everyone had a place in that high school, everyone except Hiro that is. Of course, Hiro's place was the number one punching bag for bullies in the school, but outside of that? He was by himself. Last year was different- Hiro was a junior in high school, and his brother, Tadashi was a senior, so, naturally he let him sit next to him, at his table.

Even Tadashi, lately had been ignoring Hiro for his own schoolwork, even though Hiro knew he probably didn't mean it. That didn't make it any easier to get Tadashi's attention, though. With Aunt Cass...she was in a rough place, she was constantly working, and while she tried to give her youngest nephew attention, it wasn't always possible. It wouldn't have been a problem if Hiro wasn't already bullied at school and didn't need someone to talk to.

Unfortunately, Hiro was bullied at school and he did need someone to talk to- but there was nobody, and even when Hiro tried, it became more and more difficult to open up. This was why Hiro sat alone at his lunch table, eating the gross school lunch that consisted of cheeseburgers and cardboard-tasting fries, alone. Hiro got up, and walked towards his next class, English, where he was the only one, besides Mrs. Perkins to have arrived to the classroom early, as usual.

Mrs. Perkins was fairly young, most likely in her late twenties or so, yet, she was, in his opinion, the best teacher he had. Hiro didn't even like English that much- it wasn't that he hated it, but the subject wasn't particularly interesting to him either- but he always got excited for the class right after lunch, as Mrs. Perkins seemed to be the only teacher relatively interested in him. When she saw Hiro, her eyebrows raised and her rose lips went from ear to ear, smiling.

"Hiro!" She greeted, excitedly, and walked up to him and gave him a big hug.

"Hello Mrs. Perkins!" Hiro greeted, excitedly. Mrs. Perkins smelt of a sweet perfume, that Hiro could not recognize.

Hiro had spoken to Mrs. Perkins a lot, about life, specifically the bullies who taunted him constantly. He refused to give her names however- that would only make the issue worse...Today, Mrs. Perkins looked more excited than usual, and Hiro wondered what was up.

"Hiro, I have something for you." She informed him, pulling out an dark yellow envelope, and placed it in his hand.

Hiro tilted his head, "What is this?"

Mrs. Perkins smiled, and explained, "It's the contact information of a boy named Akari Hatori, a boy who goes to a school I used to teach."

Hiro became even more confused. Why was she giving him this? What would it do for him?

"I want you to write to him, think of it as...a local pen pal." Mrs. Perkins explained.

Pen pal? Hiro almost laughed at the stupidity of that statement, but it was only his teacher's serious looking face that stopped him. He didn't know what to say...why did she think he needed a pen pal?

Mrs. Perkins smiled, "It may sound ridiculous, but it may help, his teachers tell me he's in the same situation as you...a young kid who skipped a few grades, and is now in high school, and he doesn't quite fit in. He already knows who you are, and you don't have to do it if you don't want to, just message him if you're not."

At least I get an option. Hiro thought.

Mrs. Perkins seemed to have read his doubts, because she simply said, "I know it seems silly, but I think you should speak to someone your own age, and someone who knows what you're going through."

Then something in Hiro sparked interest, and he didn't know what it was until later on.


Tadashi wasn't here, which meant Hiro was on his own getting home, leaving him two options; the bus or walking. Hiro certainly didn't feel like walking today, so he rode the bus, and he walked up to the bus in a daze, climbed up the steps, and greeted the grumpy bus driver, who simply grunted in response.

Without thinking, Hiro traveled to the very back of the bus and sat down, forgetting about the angry seniors- bigger seniors- who's wrath he was unknowingly awaiting. It wasn't until a boy came in- a jock came back and demanded him move from out of his seat.

Without thinking, Hiro simply snapped a, "No."

The jock got angrier, his auburn eyebrows became narrowed, something Hiro only saw when he was in deep shit.

"Fuck." Hiro muttered, suddenly realizing what was happening.


"Hiro! What happened?!" Aunt Cass cried when she looked at the sight of Hiro's black eye, as Hiro walked into the cafe. Tadashi was behind her, his eyes creased in worry too.

"I fell down the stairs." Hiro lied immediately, which neither his aunt nor brother bought.

"You...fell down stairs." Tadashi raised an eyebrow. "Hiro, there are no stairs at your school."

Hiro sighed. Tadashi knew him too well, which was great when Hiro wasn't trying to hide something from him.

"No, but my bus has steps." Hiro retorted, pushing past Tadashi.

"What's his problem?" He heard Tadashi say.

Hiro sighed...if only who knew. Hiro was going to say something, before his phone buzzed, and he looked at it, noticing the first words said Dear Hiro Hamada.

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