Here we are - the final chapter. I hope the ending meets your expectations! I had a fantastic time writing this story and really hope that everyone enjoyed reading it just as much. Looking forward to working on another Magnum story soon! -abby

Two weeks later, Magnum's doctor was very satisfied with his progress and he was well on his way to earning a clean bill of health. However, he still had not been cleared for driving so Higgins offered to shuttle him to the latest follow-up. By the time it was over, he was completely free of all staples, sutures and prescriptions, and Dr. Hendricks had even agreed that he was ready to lose the cumbersome splint. It was replaced with a physical therapy appointment and a lightweight brace to protect the still-healing damage to his arm.

Post-appointment Higgins led the way back to the Ferrari, shaking her head in amazement that despite the doctor's ongoing refusal to let him drive, he had somehow convinced her to release him for 'light, non-physical investigative work only.'

"Clearly Dr. Hendricks isn't aware of how your investigations usually end up," Higgins grumbled under her breath as she opened the driver's door and sat down.

"I'll be fine!" Magnum absently replied, only half-listening as he dropped into the passenger seat. He was busy massaging and flexing the stiff fingers of his right hand, glad to finally be free of the hated splint. Though the rigid brace extended from palm to mid-forearm and kept his wrist completely immobile, it was much more comfortable and allowed greater range of motion in his fingers. Thomas was pleased by what he viewed as a vast improvement.

He was even more relieved by the doctor's approval for him to get back to investigations, and in fact already had a case lined up.

"Yes," Higgins agreed decisively as she started the ignition, "you'll be fine, because I'm coming along. You need someone to drive you anyway, since apparently being a private investigator is less physically taxing than operation of a motor vehicle." Her opinion of the doctor's decision was abundantly clear.

He glanced up, incredulous. "You're going to come with me to interview a little old lady who is looking for her long-lost brother."

"I am," came the firm reply. Higgins' tone brooked no argument and Thomas let it go with an affable shrug, amused by her ferocity. Silence stretched between them as the Ferrari flew down the asphalt.

Finally, Juliet decided the time had come and she chose her next words cautiously. "Thomas, there's...something I never asked you."

"What's that?" Intrigued by her tone, Magnum looked over even as Higgins resolutely kept her eyes focused on the road.

"Just after the accident, when you saw your injury and seemed to realize that you were hemorrhaging..." she paused. "You said something I didn't understand." Higgins spoke slowly, unsure if she should bring it up. Or if she even really wanted answers.

Too late now, she decided, clearing her throat. "You kept asking about a lighter." Another pause. "It didn't make any sense to me, but you were quite disoriented…" She trailed off, feeling distinctly uncomfortable. Juliet was suddenly acutely aware that she was prying, and knew she was very likely delving into something Magnum may prefer not to discuss.

He didn't respond for a long moment. But then to Higgins' relieved surprise, he simply shrugged. When he spoke, his voice was deliberately casual. "While we were in captivity, I was...disciplined...using some, ah, knife-related methods. When they finally tossed me back in the cell with Nuzo I was in pretty rough shape. The only way for him to stop the bleeding was by...using gunpowder and a lighter to cauterize the wound." He chuckled wryly. "Must've thought you were about to do the same, that's all. Lost track of where I was...who I was with."

She cringed. Despite his cavalier attitude, he was obviously describing torture. Not to mention that the method used to save his life must have hurt just as badly - if not worse - and her stomach clenched at the idea of doing that to a friend. "Oh, Magnum."

"It was a long time ago, Higgins. It doesn't matter anymore."

Shaking her head, she looked away from the road just long enough to catch his eye. "Of course it matters," Juliet said softly. At the discomfited expression on his face she turned her attention back to driving with a small sigh. "I'm glad you had someone that you trusted to take care of you back then."

"And now," he reminded her pointedly.

At his words, realization dawned. He didn't try to get away from me, she recalled in astonishment. He thought I was going to cauterize the wound but he didn't pull away. He knew the pain would be excruciating...yet he trusted me enough to let me do it. Without question. The thought was staggering, and hit her like a gut punch.

"Thank you for taking care of me, Juliet," he continued earnestly. "I'm glad you were there."

Her tension eased a bit with his light tone, but she had to take a deep breath before replying. "You're welcome. And thank you for trusting me to help." A pause, then she inserted just the right amount of teasing into her voice. "But let's not make it a habit."

His chuckle was genuine. "Understood. Now, shall we go see an old lady about a nice boring case?"

"Yes, let's. Boring actually sounds like a lovely change."

"Then onward, Driver." He grinned wickedly, settling back in the seat.

Higgins sputtered a laugh. "All right, now. We've talked about this. I am the majordomo of Robin's estate, but am most certainly not a chauffeur."

"Oh yeah? Well excuse me if I beg to differ since you're currently, you know, chauffeuring me around."

Juliet felt her remaining worry dissipate at the good-natured banter. Magnum sounded relaxed and far more like his old self than he had since the accident. If he was back to baiting her then she could finally believe that things truly were returning to normal - and that he really was as fine as he claimed.

She glanced over at her passenger. Thomas was still grinning, eyebrows raised in gleeful anticipation of her reaction. Juliet simply shook her head, unable to hide her own smile as she pointed the Ferrari in the direction of their next case.