As always - Fairy Tail belongs to Hiro Mashima and everything Pradesh belongs to Desna.

A/N - I can't believe how long it's been since my last update. Apologies everyone. Things have been a blur. I've been stuck in my house mostly since March, barely seeing other humans. Things are bad in the US, and none of this is helping my depression. But I'm going to try try try to stay more on top of this. Thank you all for the reviews I received since my last update. Hopefully, you enjoy this chapter. Stuff is going to start getting steamier in the next one I promise.

Lucy and Lucas fell into a regular routine attending both of their training. Lucy would bring Lucas to the guild and hand him over to Kaleb. There was usually at least one other Pradesh there, depending upon missions and what everyone was up to. The young boy was certainly less nervous around new people now and seemed in general to relax and enjoy himself more. That made staying in Bosco very worthwhile to Lucy. She would be eternally grateful to the family for all of the help she was receiving.

After dropping him off, she would make her way to her own sessions with Cassie. It had been a week now and they had moved beyond studies to learning her own body better. She never thought she would be taking lessons on how to touch herself, but Cassie made everything so easy and was so warm and comforting. Other than her first orgasm in front of another person, she rarely even blushed or felt embarrassed there. Returning to the guild afterwards to see Lucas finish his training was another story.

Cobra frequently watched the training sessions and initially she would go sit by him and chat. That ended quickly when her own training had advanced and he picked on every insecurity she had about it. Today she was seated across the arena from him and could still feel him smirking at her even though she refused to make eye contact. Ignoring him, she concentrated on Lucas.

Kaleb stood at the end of the arena, Cristoff right behind him. Vander was with Lucas on the other side. The test subject was positioned in the middle, and this person changed from day to day. Lucy was seated behind Vander and Lucas. Today's guinea pig appeared to be Thane, whom she only knew as Kaleb's assistant. He stood in the middle of the arena seeming not to care he was even there, tapping away at his lacrima tablet. She watched as Vander nodded at Kaleb and whispered into Lucas' ear.

"Today we're going to change it up a little kid," Vander told him. "We are going to try a new emotion, jealousy." Lucas scrunched up his face a little in confusion. "Trust me, it can be a very powerful emotion. Think of things like this. Think of all the kids that had things that you didn't when you were little. Think of everything you missed out on." Lucas nodded and concentrated and absolutely nothing happened.

"Okay, try this instead." Vander glanced up at Lucy in the seats behind them. "Imagine that someone took all of Lucy's attention so that she didn't even notice you anymore. Don't get scared or angry, imagine how you would feel if that were the case. How you would want what they had more than anything else in the world. You would do anything to get it back."

For a few minutes nothing happened, Thane was still busily tapping away. Kaleb first started noticing that Cristoff was getting fidgety and then both slayers in attendance started a low growling. Cobra's nails were scraping the seat under him. Kaleb sent a message to Vander to stop.

Vander told Lucas to stop and look behind him. He turned and saw Lucy and he ran up to her seating to give her a huge hug. Lucy hugged him back and started asking him about his day. Vander walked over to Kaleb who was relieved to see both slayers had normalized, although Cobra exited quickly after. "Well I guess that was a bust."

"Not entirely," Kaleb responded. "Thane may not have been affected, but he would be a difficult target for most emotions. Your brother and Cobra were a different story though."

"Oh really?" Vander punched Cristoff in the arm who still looked a little unsettled. "Yeah, I guess that one would get to the dragons since they are territorial brats." Cristoff just glared at his little brother and walked off saying he needed to see his mate.

"What exactly did you tell Lucas to focus on?"

"Lucy is his best motivator. Had him think about how he would feel if her attention was on someone else and he was forgotten. The kid isn't materialistic at all. She is all he truly cares about."

"Interesting," Kaleb muttered and made some notes on his own tablet.

Bored with his older brother, Vander vanished and appeared next to Lucy and Lucas. "Ready to head out of here?"

The trio headed back to the estate, Vander and Bickslow were going to train in the yard and that would keep Lucas entertained while Lucy headed out on the town for a shopping extravaganza with Xally and Emi.

After hitting all of the sisters' favorite shops the girls stopped a quaint sidewalk cafe for drinks and a light meal. Lucy was a little shy about the veil dress they insisted she wear, but mostly because of the attention she was getting. She lost track of the offers of pleasure she had received on their way around town. Although, she was gaining confidence in herself sexually she was not used to the attention.

Emzadi helped her out of a few embarrassing moments by bringing the attention to herself. She arranged a few dates while doing so. Xally was more protective of Lucy and just helped to explain she wasn't Boscan. As they sat at their table, a young man with tanned skin, shockingly green eyes and nearly black hair came to take their order. "I may be the luckiest waiter in all of Palerno to have such a beautiful table. Please let me know if I can get you anything, including pleasure."

"Just a glass of white for me," Emi replied smiling. "I'm already booked for the week." Xally ordered the same as the man waited for Lucy's order.

"I will have the same, I'm… umm not from Bosco and I haven't finished my Sudepah classes yet." Lucy blushed furiously.

The waiter smiled and promised the drinks would be right out, he leaned over to Lucy before leaving the table. "When you are ready, if you like I would love to share pleasure with you." He left a furiously blushing Celestial mage behind him. While Emzadi burst into laughter.

"You really need to blush less. You are insanely gorgeous and exotic with your fair hair and skin. I'm worried you might pass out from blood loss if it all goes to your face constantly." Emi laughed. "So how are the classes going?"

"Good, very good. I really adore Cassie. She thinks I'm progressing quickly and I will even be ready for a partner soon."

"Oh? And who do you have in mind? I'm betting our friendly waiter would be willing." Emi winked.

Lucy waved her hands, "Oh no. I don't think I could with someone I don't know. Not the first time."

"Well then, who do you have in mind? The guild is full of potential and I have a lot of available brothers. Don't discount Dad either." Emi pressed on.

Xally tried to stop her sister from pushing Lucy on the issue, but Lucy said it was okay. "I don't know yet. I'm trying to sort that out, and then sort out how to ask, and what if they say no?"

"The only Pradesh that would say no would be Cris because he's mated. Zen isn't available and that would be a bad idea for other reasons." Xally comforted her. "In fact I know Bix and Kaleb have been asked about you by many guild members as well. Although rumor is several have been threatened to leave you alone by the Poison Slayer."

"Yeah, that sounds like something he would do," Lucy laughed. "Bixy is off the table too. I've known him too long, like a brother. Besides Laxus would murder him. Although, he will probably try to murder whomever it is…"

"Well, that leaves Kaleb, Farron, Vander, Dad, Xally and myself." Emzadi replied. "Don't discount us either."

"I think you should ask Vander." Xally prompted as their wine arrived. They paused to order some appetizers as well. "Vander was set to become a Sudepah, he is very skilled. You've known him the longest beside Bickslow."

"I don't think I can ask him again. It was horrifying to be turned down the first time." Xally's look of confusion reminded Lucy that she hadn't told her about the reason she was getting lessons. The conversation turned towards her decision to be a surrogate for her friends.

"I think that's amazing!" Xally told her. "It is a common practice here and highly regarded. A Dragon Slayer baby. That would be a first, you would need to stay here and let Cris and I manage your pregnancy and birth. Wow, this is so exciting!" Xally gushed on for a few minutes longer before recalling another part of the conversation. "Wait, you said Vander said no?" She looked at her sister. "Has that ever happened before?"

Emi just shrugged and Lucy cried out, "See? This is why I can't ask him again."

Emzadi and Xally walked into the estate with Lucy behind them. They were greeted by Vander and Bickslow whose hair was still damp from showering after rounds of acrobatics in the back lawn. Seeing the large amount of bags in each girl's arms, Bickslow chucked. "I can tell you had fun shopping." Vander looked at them and they each stepped to the side to show off Lucy in her new veil dress. Vander's breath hitched slightly as Bix whistled. "Damn Lucy."

Arman watched silently from the hallway, enjoying his son's reactions. He had to admit, she was a sight to take in. The dress in various blues and pinks really set off her figure and her fair complexion. Seeing his boy's were practically frozen and she was getting embarrassed, he walked in and took her hands, "You look amazing my dear. Our style of clothing really does suit you well." He looked back at his sons. "Wouldn't you agree Vander?"

"Yes, absolutely." He didn't know what else to say, he couldn't take his eyes off of her. The dress actually covered her body more than her normal clothes, but the layered transparency of the veils hinted at so much. Finding his father's eyes on him, he gathered himself together quickly. "Well, I'm glad you had a good time. I'm heading out."

Lucy watched Vander vanish and Arman grinned for some reason. "Where is Lucas?"

"He's in the kitchen getting a snack," Bix explained. He took the bags from Lucy and promised to put them in her room so she could go find him. As Lucy and Bickslow left, Emzadi looked suspiciously at her father.

"What are you up to Dad?"

Arman feigned the most innocent look he could muster. "I have no idea what you are referring to."