I don't own RWBY or Fallout

Letting herself be pulled into Jaune's arms for the first time in four years, Ruby ignored the bristling of the woman standing beside him. He was just as warm as four years ago. The way his arms wrapped around her made her feel safe; her knight was finally by her side again. Pulling away from him before his companion could murder her, she reached up to tug on a strand of his shoulder-length hair. The chuckle earned from her action was all she needed to feel happy. Stepping back as Weiss came forward to give her own greeting, she took a quick glance around the room.

Hancock and Kellogg had taken the couch and were watching the reunion with amusement; mostly because the mayor had come to the party late and hadn't heard what Blake said. She had no doubt the man would have kicked Blake out of his town if he'd heard her. Danse was standing behind the couch keeping an eye on his commander. Ruby had been worried about having a BOS soldier in her house, but he seemed alright for working for racists. Clarke and his team were watching from the quarter of the room that they'd claimed as their own. She felt a little bad about dragging them into her chaos; then she remembered they were paid to be here. Cait was sitting on the stairs watching everything closely while Mercury had chosen to hover at her side. He looked wary of Jaune not that she could blame him.

The least said about Blake was for the best. She was trying to ignore the black-haired woman who was standing with Deacon in the corner. People with their heads stuck in the past were the worst, and she wanted nothing to do with the woman. Blake had already made it clear she was no longer a member of Team RWBY. There was no reason to treat her as anything other than a stranger. Just because it hurt to remember the words, she'd said didn't mean she would allow Blake to ruin this rescue mission. Although she did wonder if Blake knew where Yang was.

"So, I'm assuming Emerald is the one in danger," Jaune said once Weiss moved away. Staring at the assassin, he raised an eyebrow at the man. Despite how clearly careful the man had tried to be, he'd found Mercury with his easily.

He would have guessed Yang, but the only reason Mercury would be here was to save Emerald. Unless the man had changed over the last few years. It was doubtful but he supposed that if he could become the leader of a mercenary group, then Mercury could gain a conscience. Shrugging off the Mercury problem for a moment, he glanced at Blake who couldn't seem to meet his eyes. The woman hadn't even come to greet him. He was going to guess that she'd done something selfish again and felt guilty about it or she was currently in trouble and didn't want him to find out what she did.

"Yep, we're going to save her," Ruby announced. Crossing her arms defensively she waited for the usual arguments against saving the green-haired woman.

"Why," he asked simply.

He'd had four years to realize that Emerald and Mercury were not the monsters he thought they were. He might hate them both, but he was willing to help them if Ruby wanted him to. If it was Cinder then nothing in this world could make him think about helping the woman. However, Emerald and Mercury had simply followed their orders and showed loyalty to their leader. He could respect them for that.

"She's one of us," Ruby said. The determination in her gaze caused a small smile to appear on his face; he'd known she'd have a simple answer.

"Alright, but before we leave, you might want to work on this," he said. Reaching into his bag, he pulled out the folded weapon and tossed it to her.

The second her hand closed around the weapon, she moved almost on autopilot. Shifting her hand, she unfolded the weapon revealing the long-curved blade that seemed to call out to her. Running trembling fingers over the scuffed metal shaft, she could already envision repairing it. The long war scythe seemed to glint in the artificial lighting allowing her to see the rolls on the edge of the blade. All it would take to repair it was some sharpening and maybe replacing some of the screws in the shaft. Laying a hand on the handle in the center of the shaft, she resisted the urge to swing it in a wide arc.

Mercury was unable to look away from the woman even as whispers filled the Clarke corner. He could tell she was excited, still seeing her with a scythe was like watching a memory come to life. All the times he'd fought against her came to the forefront of his mind along with how confidently she'd stood against both Cinder and Salem. Glancing at Cait he could see the same wonder he felt on her face. Seeing his new partner with the weapon she was most proficient in really was a trip down memory lane. He couldn't wait to see her use it.

Weiss watched her leader study the scythe before glancing at Mercury. The awe in his eyes was the only hint that he was affected by Ruby regaining her weapon. It was also easy to see the fondness in his gaze; she supposed that he did like her team leader. The idea didn't bother her as much as it should have. If he was the same man he was during the war, she wouldn't have hesitated to deal with him, however, he was different. She still hated him for killing Winter, but she wasn't about to allow her personal feelings to influence her leader's relationships. She wasn't Blake. Speaking of her leader, it was nice to see Ruby so happy about getting a scythe. She'd felt that same happiness when she found a rapier.

"Seriously," Blake mumbled. Crossing her arms, she pretended that seeing Ruby with such a weapon didn't bring up memories.

"Where did you even find a war scythe," Weiss asked before Blake could ruin everything. Throwing a smirk in Danse's direction she noticed that he was watching her leader warily. Part of her wondered if he was finally realizing that he was involved in something dangerous; a bigger part wondered if he would stay once, he did. Turning her attention back to Jaune before she could further think about her second in command abandoning her, she tried to pretend the idea didn't bother her.

"A farmer. I and my men saved him, he gave that as payment," he said. Grinning at Ruby he thought she looked much better with the weapon. if they were going off to war, then his leader needed the weapon type she'd won the last one with. Besides, he still remembered the fifteen-year-old girl that happily introduced him to her scythe on the first day of school.

"Your men, what are you mercenary now," Mercury asked. Stepping forward, he didn't hesitate to meet the other man's gaze. There was a dark glow in Jaune's eyes that wasn't there four years ago and the cruel glow from the last time they met was tempered into coldness. It seemed that the man had changed a bit from a few months ago.

"Yep," Jaune said brightly. Feeling Tabby shift beside him, he grinned. The woman had been the one elected to follow him around by the others. Truthfully, she'd volunteered with loudly spoken words. It had been easier to just sit back and allow her to do what she wanted.

"Never knew you had it in you Knight," Mercury said. Smirking at the blonde, he couldn't decide what was more amusing. The fact Jaune had his own army or that the man was being so blunt about it.

"Well we're all a little different, aren't we Assassin," Jaune said. The bright grin on his face didn't change even as he silently dared Mercury to step a little closer.

Watching the two men grin at each other with varying degrees of malice and cruel amusement, Weiss rolled her eyes. Part of her felt as if this mission would end badly, however she also knew that everything was going to be interesting. The mere idea of fighting alongside them both to help Emerald was strange, but she felt amused. She couldn't wait to see what chaos they would create and of course Ruby was oblivious to the entire situation.

"I'll be finished with this by tonight, then we can leave," Ruby said brightly. Almost bouncing, she grinned brightly up at Jaune.

"Good," he said. Looking over at Hancock who raised an eyebrow, the blonde said, "I'll be bringing my men into the town to resupply."

For a moment the ghoul seemed to think over the words before shrugging. His guards could handle a few dozen mercenaries if they caused trouble. However, he doubted the blonde man would even think of betraying Ruby. From the stories he'd heard, the man was one of her most trusted friends. He doubted anything bad would happen from this, yet if he allowed them to wander around free, it would show weakness. He had to put some kind of measure in place, or his people might rebel.

"Kellogg make sure they don't cause trouble," he ordered gaining a cocky smirk from the man.

"Everyone else resupply as well," Weiss stated. This might be the last time they had a chance to do so. She had to find out if her injured men would be able to make the journey as well.

"Mercury can you and Cait..."

"On it Red," he said cutting off Ruby before she could ask. The moment the words left his mouth, she was rushing off to her workshop without hesitation. Shaking his head at her action, he motioned for Cait to follow as he started heading toward the door.


Having something other than a dress to wear for the first time in years felt nicer than she was willing to admit. Of course, the pants and shirt she wore were still dirty, but they were better than a sunflower dress. Rubbing her hand over her throat, she found it odd to touch skin rather than her collar. Still just because she wasn't wearing the collar didn't mean she was free. Part of her felt as if she'd just sold her soul to the devil rather than escaped. There was no way her new master would allow her to go to her sister even if he didn't call himself her master. The number of people willing to fight for him was far too great for her to simply kill them and run away. She was stuck here; stuck by his side.

Hearing the flap of the tent open she turned slowly her eyes landing on the man who currently held her life in his hands. Frowning at him she barely noticed the woman standing beside him until the brunette giggled. Turning her attention to the honey eyed woman, she traced the mask of freckles decorating her face before focusing on the long scar running down her neck. Raising an eyebrow at the injury, she wondered how the woman had survived before deciding that it didn't matter. Either way, such a thing had no bearing on her situation at all. Shifting her gaze back to Adam, she watched as he fell onto her sleeping bag with a groan.

Feeling her hand twitch, she allowed it to drop to her side. Part of her wanted to be annoyed that he had invaded her space without permission, but she currently belonged to him. Starting a useless argument wasn't going to help her get to Ruby any faster. Her little sister needed her, and she was trapped here unable to do anything for her. She wanted to help her sister, she wanted to be free, however, that wasn't going to happen. Clutching the fabric of her pants tightly she could almost feel her nails cutting into it.

"I liked the dress," Adam stated gaining her attention. Snapping her gaze back to him, she found his cold eyes staring up at her with amusement. He was spread out on her sleeping bag as if he was some sort of god to be worshipped. Narrowing her gaze, she ignored the raised eyebrow he aimed in her direction.

"Your welcome to wear it then," she said dryly. Hearing the woman chuckle, she felt almost worried when he twitched then he broke into laughter.

Throwing his head back the man roared in laughter loud enough that she thought the tent might shake. The laughter scared her because his eyes didn't change. He might've looked amused, but his eyes were cold. The expression caused her to shiver even as the woman gave her a knowing look. Tightening her grip on her pants, she bit her lip as his laughter cut off so suddenly that it felt like it hadn't really existed. The smirk on his face was mocking as he sat up looking at her like she was a new toy.

"Tell me, Yang, how did you lose your arm," he asked causing her to sneer.

"That is none of your business," she snapped without thinking. Flinching as fear rushed through her veins, she took a hesitant step back as he laughed again. Watching him raise his hands she shrank back just a bit.

"Hey I'm just curious," he said. Keeping his tone soothing, he watched her reaction closely. It was annoying that she was afraid of him still. It wasn't as if he was about to attack her without warning. She belonged to him now; he didn't attack his own property.

Standing silently as he studied her Yang released the grip she had on her pants as she looked down at the ground. what was she doing? She was the Golden Dragon, not some weak little girl. She was supposed to be strong, yet she was afraid. This whole messed up world was nothing like the one she left behind; there was no such thing as safety here. There was no one to come and tell her what to do or who to be. She wanted to go home; to find Ruby.

"I can't stay," she stated finally wiping the smug expression off his face. Seeing the frown begin to form she ignored the rush of fear at displeasing him to say, "that call for help that's been repeating on the radio is my sisters."

Clenching his fist, Adam frowned but didn't lash out at her. Instead, he simply studied the desperation in her eyes. Had he felt this desperate when his father vanished; was this simply something that accompanied the need to find family? At least her family hadn't vanished into thin air intent on leading her on a wild goose chase through the capital wasteland and breaking down her sanity bit by bit until there was nothing left but a brutal killer with no redeeming qualities. He doubted that her sister was anything like his father however, the situation did bring back memories.

Glancing past her to Eve, he wasn't shocked to see the open curiosity on her face. His new pet really was starting to stir up something interesting. He wanted to meet his sister of hers. He wanted to see why she held such loyalty to her family even after all this time. Chuckling he leaned back folding his arms behind his head as he considered her request. It was a request after all if he wanted, he could have her put on a leash.

"Alright, after we conquer the raiders at Cordova power station, we'll track down your sister," he said causing her eyes to widen.

"Why," she asked her eyes hardening as she glared at him. She would not allow him to turn this into some kind of game and get her little sister hurt. Not now or ever. Stomping forward she kneeled down her hand closing around his collar as she almost growled at him with feral intensity. Watching his eyes widen, she snapped, "Why are you going to help me? You don't know the first thing about me or about my sister. Why would you even think about helping us?!"

Her eyes were red. The violent color of blood that had quickly become the most fascinating part of his life. His new bet was turning out to be far more amusing than he'd ever expected her to be. Resting a hand on her hip, he leaned even further back causing her to flinch a bit at the action making him smirk up at her. This was interesting; the reaction made him want to push her even farther. What would she do? How would she react? Raising his other hand to cup her face, he felt her tremble at the gentle touch, but she didn't back down.

"Put that dress on for me again sometime and maybe I'll tell you."

The words caused her eyes to widen as he gently shoved her away. Standing he brushed off his pants before grinning at Eve who rolled her eyes. Despite her action, he could see the blistering amusement in her own gaze. She was just as interested in his new pet as he was, she simply hid it better than he did. Chuckling he nodded slightly in her direction causing her to wink before stalking out of the tent with the grace of a killer. Raising his hand in a wave, he followed the woman as Yang's gaze burned into his back. He would enjoy playing with her.


Meeting the others at the gate, she couldn't keep the smile from her face. The folded scythe on her back was heavy enough that she could never forget the weight; it wasn't Crescent Rose, but it was still enough to make her feel better. She felt whole again for the first time in four years and from the smirk on Mercury's face he could tell about the change in her mood. Almost skipping she ignored Blake's existence as she drew Jaune into another hug. Holding him tightly she whispered thanks in his ear causing him to chuckle as his arms closed around her waist.

Opening his eyes, he noticed the blatant jealousy in Mercury's gaze as he looked between the two of them. It was obvious that the assassin cared about her. Smirking at him with a challenge he dared the other man to prove that he was a good match for Ruby. From the way, Mercury's gaze narrowed he would rise to that challenge without hesitation. Releasing his leader before his girls could get the wrong idea and try to kill her, he offered her a small smile that was nothing compared to the blinding smile on her own face.

"I assume you're now ready for war," Mercury asked with a small smirk. He was far more amused than anything else. He couldn't wait to see her in battle once again.

"Want to test me," she asked laying a hand on the weapon. Around her, their allies tensed at the words but Mercury only grinned.

"Is that an invitation," he asked tilting his head slightly. The words caused her to shiver as she imagined what fighting him would be like now. They were stronger than four years ago and at the same time weaker. Yet the idea of fighting him was almost too delicious to turn down. She wanted to fight someone on her level once again. The desire to see if she was still the same person as she used to be was so overwhelming that it had almost become a need. From the expression on his face, she could tell he felt the same.


Weiss shoved the two apart her eyes daring either of them to say another word as she scolded them both for acting like children. Pouting Ruby dropped her hand from her weapon, while Mercury stepped back. The annoyance in his eyes was nothing but a mask for the amusement he felt at her actions. Watching Weiss step back, Danse couldn't help but frown. Despite her apparent anger, she didn't lash out at them; unlike when she trained new recruits. She was different around them in a way that made him wish that he knew the truth of why she cared enough to be kind.

"Save it for the raiders," she stated causing Mercury to chuckle.

"Fine, you're no fun Weiss," Ruby complained. Bumping her shoulder against her partners she smiled at the laugh that bubbled from her partner.

"Sorry for having a brain Rubes," she said despite her amusement. The statement caused her leader to brighten as she smirked.

"Don't worry, that's what we like the most about you Icy," Mercury teased causing her to still. Frowning she glanced at him with narrowed eyes before shrugging. A soft smile crossed her face as she offered him a nod.

"Shall we go to war then," Kellogg asked laying a hand on her shoulder. Relaxing, Ruby nodded as she turned her attention to Jaune. Twitching a bit as he realized that he had to introduce Ruby to his soldiers. It wouldn't take long until they destroyed the ruined city without hesitation. Realizing that he didn't care about the city, he shrugged.

"Of course."


It would've been easy to be angry at the situation, but instead, she felt guilty. There was no doubt that Mercury was coming after her; he would always come after her. Not even he could beat an army of Raiders. There was no one that would help him either; if he tried to save her, he would be alone. He would die trying to save her life just like Cinder. Curling up farther in her cage, she tried to ignore the fact she had no idea what to do.

If this was Remnant, she could use her semblance to escape, however, this wasn't Remnant. Touching the collar around her neck she was reminded of the pain she'd felt when Cinder died; if Mercury died too then she would most likely die with him. She'd been a fool to believe they could make any kind of life here. This world was nothing but horror and pain it was much worse than the one they'd left behind. She didn't mind the pain she felt on an almost daily basis as long as Mercury was with her. The sound of footsteps caused her to stiffen seconds before she heard gunshots.