United as One


"Lily! He's here!" my head swerved towards Kelly. All three of us were totally thrilled.

"EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I squealed and then proceded in calming myself down. I have had a crush on James Potter since the first year. Of course I had dated other guys but James was special. He actually had a personality and a life. I wasn't his only thing and I was sure he'd keep living. he was just that kind of person who wasn't afraid to keep living just because he had a girlfriend. I'm not that kind either.

"Lily." said James as he climbed up the stairs to the girls' dorms. "Do you happen to like Lilies?" he raised and eyebrow in his cute, cocky kind of way.

"Maybe." I said with the exact same amount of cute'n cockyness.

"Then will you maybe enjoy this?" he whipped out the most beautiful lillies that that I have ever seen! Their petals were so finely sculptured that they looked as though made by an artist. I could not hide the joy in my eyes.

"Oh my god! They're my favourite. They're so beautiful!" He looked delighted that I liked them.

"For you, Lily." I took them in my hands and gave him a great big hug. He was grinning. I waved at my friends as I left.

"Where are we going James?"

"Sh..." he put a finger to my lips, his eyes sparkling mischeviously. I grinned in response. He held my hand and I held his back. We started to walk around the school. I had no idea why. Why walk around the school anyways. When I kept walking as he stopped somewhere, he held out his hand to stop me. I turned my head to see what he was stopping at. It was a statue of an old hag. I wrinkled my nose in disgust. He grinned at me.

"You should show respect to the old hag. You don't know what she can give you."

"Give me?" He flashed me one of his brilliant grins.

"Dessendium!" and a small passageway opened up large enough to fit a person. I felt my eyes widen.

"James? What is this?"

"The passageway to Hogsmead, my dear."

"Hogsmead? Are you serious! Is this aloud?"

"Of course it isn't aloud! But we can do it. Dumbledore won't mind." he reassured me.

"Are you sure?"

"Yup." I glanced around and put my toe in first, then hopped in. I grabbed James. He stumbled a bit and fell in with me. We walked through the long tunnel. It was very romantic. James charmed a spell to rest above our heads for the whole time and we would talk. We would talk about everything and soon it was getting very intimate. I felt as though I'd known him for my whole life. We were walking with his arms around me and it was hard not to notice how perfectly I fit in his arms. After a while we came to the end of the passageway. I was a bit disapointed, but I hid it for James who seemed extremely excited. He held my hand and dragged me to the end. He unlocked the door and we ran through the cellar-The cellar of Honeydukes!-and went into the store itself.

"Want anything Lils?" he asked me, a twinkle in his eye. I shook my head. "Then off to the Two Broomsticks." and so that's where we went next. James ordered me a butterbeer and we just went on talking.

This went on for quite a few hours.

When we split up at the dorm rooms, it was very romantic.

"Lily?" he asked, not sounding sure of himself like he usually does, "Do you want to go out with me again?" I smiled.

"Yes James. I'd like to go out with you again." We stayed stilled for a moment, and then we kissed. It was unlike anything I'd ever felt before. It was amazing! I knew this was going to last. When we both let go, we knew we would see each other again, and at that time already, we were in love.