Disclaimer: I don't own pokemon, gamefreak and Nintendo or anything related to pokemon.Only this fanfic

Hi everyone, this is my first fanfic ever and in this fanfic, Ash will go through the each and every pokemon league once again with the exception of the Alola league. This fanfic is after alola league has been finished.A sequel to my another story Alola league,champion discovery.

Chapter 1: Decided

xxx Kanto region: xxx

xxx July 29: 2019 12:00 P.M xxx

This is me, Ash Ketchum, just like every trainer out there in the world, my dream is to become a pokemon master and befriend all the pokemon in this world including legendaries. In the past seven years, I explored various regions, be it Orange Islands, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, Unova, Kalos, my home region Kanto or recent one Alola. I met various new rivals, participants, travelling companions, champions, gym leaders. Done countless of pokemon battles, challenged fifty-two gyms, seven frontier brains of Kanto and Hoenn regions combined, enter the league and lost each and every one of them.

This time I participated in Alola league, first Alola regional conference introduced and created by Professor Kukui. I completed all the trials and earned z-crystals.Z-crystals are exclusive to alola region, just like badges you have to earn them. This crystal gives you tremendous power when a trainer and pokemon are in synchronisation by performing dance moves. This time I successfully conquered the league, now I am a proud champion of the Alola league ,Orange league champion and winner of the battle frontier.This time I won because I utilised my other pokemon's skills and strength.They trained so hard in the past and they gave me victory.They are now stronger than before.My pokemon they evolved and I captured five new team members too.Plus now I got zekrom and other ultra beasts as new team members.

I returned back to Kanto and I will participate in all other regional league to claim the title of regional winner then I will challenge the champions. It's been a full week passed when I returned back from my adventures in alola region. From pokemon school in alola, I received the graduation certificate too.

"Pika pi pika, " said Pikachu as It brings me back from my thoughts

"Ash where were you mentally, thinking about something," said Misty

"Just thinking about when indigo league registerations are going to begin" said Ash

"Well Ash, Indigo league registerations are going to begin soon in next nine months, ," said Misty

"So how your ultra beasts are doing," asked Misty

"Well they are getting used to this world, and I am just wondering how to stop guzzlord from eating that much, I mean he already ate tons of food." said Ash with defeated tone.

"Hey brock can you develop a food that can satisfy the hunger of guzzlord" asked Ash

"Well I can try, just need more time" said Brock

"How Alain is doing " asked Misty

"He left for Johto region, to train on mount silver" said Ash

"Mount Silver, did he know that mount silver is dangerous " said Misty

"He know, but he said that he would be getting bored till the time indigo league starts" said Ash

xxx Time Skip: 4 hours xxx

"So professor, I can't wait to take part in the league" said Ash

"Sure you are excited Ash, after all it's the same league when you were rookie and now with your multiple experiences you can overcome any new opponent." said professor oak.

"I can help you with that, I have TMs and technical records which are basically video tutorials on moves to execute, you can improve move sets of your pokemon and train them to fullest then you can go and win indigo league" said Professor

"Registration will begin after nine months for the quest to collect all badges once again and enter into the league," said professor

"Now Ash from tomorrow onwards I can help you in training your pokemon," said Professor

"Yes, sure," said Ash

"Ok I have to go now" said Ash as he went in the backyard where his all pokemon are resting.

Ash can see his wide array of pokemon, fully evolved except pikachu,kadabra, sandshrew,Nosepass and Dewott,which he is okay with.

"Hey everyone," said Ash as all of his pokemon came near him

"Guys I have a good news , Indigo league will start after nine months and we are going to take part in it.We gave already conquered Manalo conference but now let's add Indigo conference in the list." said Ash as his pokemon cheered up.

"Ok then here is the plan we will do fun and train for that time while we add new team members and learn new moves sets.Prepare new strategies to shock our opponents." said Ash as his pokemon gave a positive nod.

Seven Days Later

xxx August 5: 2019 9:00 A.M xxx

It's been seven days passed and Ash and his pokemon are training constantly.Ash trains in aura and combat techniques with the help of lucario and his fighting types.

While his pokemon train in battling without Ash's command.Also professor increased carry limit of Ash upto twenty four pokemon.

Meanwhile professor called Ash.

"Yes professor," asked Ash

"Ash, there is a young professor, professor Sakuragi, and he is opening a new lab in kuchiba city today.You want to tag along " asked professor

"Yes professor, why not.What you say pikachu" asked Ash to which he nodded.

"Ash, professor wait" said Delia from behind and with her was mr mime.

"Mom why are you here," asked Ash

"Well Kuchiba city has famous sweet shops plus I need some groceries for the whole month." said Delia

"Okay then let's go" said Ash as he quickly informed his pokemon that he is going for the inaugration of the lab to which his pokemon nodded

After a long drive of full two hours Ash,Delia and professor Oak are now at sakuragi lab.

"Professor I am going to the shopping complex " said Delia

"And I am going inside" said Ash

"Ok I am going to park this while you go ahead" said Professor oak as Ash started to walk inside.

Ash then started to walk inside.

"What you say pikachu, what kind of adventure we would be going to experience." asked Ash as after walking for few minutes he came across a dog like pokemon

"Wow, what kind of pokemon are you.You are so cute , another electric type from different region." said Ash as he picked the little pokemon and started to cuddle.

"Why this seems so familiar, something is going to happen" thought pikachu but then the pokemon released a thundershock making Ash burns to crisp making him fall on the field.

"Wow that's refreshing, " said pikachu

Ash then stood up, and then said " Well you are strong pokemon, who is your trainer" asked Ash

"I don't train him, he is my pet since my dad got him from Galar region" said a girly voice from behind Ash

"Come on yamper" said the girl

"What is your name," asked Ash

"Sorry, my name is Koharu.Daughter of professor Sakuragi " said the girl

"Oh,my name is Ash Ketchum, I am from pallet town" said Ash

"Pallet town, isn't it where professor oak lives." asked Koharu

"Yes" replied Ash

"And didn't you are the one who have won this year's Manalo conference" asked Koharu

"You saw that," asked Ash

"Yes, but I have to say you were good," said Koharu

"Thanks," said Ash

"Sorry I have to go, need to finish my homework" said Koharu

"Ok" said Ash

"Ash let's go, you will miss the inaugration " said professor Oak from behind as both moved inside.When Ash went inside he could see the crowd gathered there.

" Ash I have to go in front" said professor

After few minutes professor Sakuragi started to address the people.

"I highly appreciate,that you all came here from far places.I professor Sakuragi , welcome you at Sakuragi institute and these are my research assistants

Kikuna and Renji. We here at Sakuragi institute aims at understanding the world of pokemon in deep. Also we serve the new trainers by providing them their training licence and starter pokemon. "said professor Sakuragi.

"We have equipped this institute with mordern tech.Now let's get started." said Sakuragi as system started and then virtual screens and keybords appeared

"We have more to understand about this world filled with pokemon as multiple images of pokemon from around the world started to appear that include mega evolution, dynamaxed and gigantamaxed

forms.In this case we have seen mega evolution but these forms are exclusive to Galar region which has seen the phenomenon of pokemon attaining nenew forms by growing massive in size which states that we have more to explore in the world of pokemon." said Sakuragi

"You saw that pikachu," asked Ash to which he nodded then all of sudden red screens started to get visible.

"What's this, no way" said Sakuragi as multiple images of clouds, and airflow readings along with temperature started to displayed.

"Well everyone , this is just my theory that a rare pokemon is about to appear on kuchiba city port, in twenty minutes" said Sakuragi

"What you think professor," asked Sakuragi sliding the virtual display to Oak.

"May be, by looking at the size, it seems a big pokemon, legendary may be" said professor oak that started a discussion among the people.

"You heared that pikachu, that is going to be a legendary pokemon," said Ash to which pikachu nodded

"I am going professor," said Ash as he ran away

On the Kuchiba port a kid of age tweleve is looking at the device in his hand.

"As I predicted, I will catch you" said the kid then all of sudden a black clouds started to form and after five minutes from within clouds emerged a lugia.

Then all of sudden the group of people waiting patiently for the pokemon started raid battle and released their pokemon.One released garchomp another released corviknight followed by more pokemon.

Everyone attacked the lugia and for next two minutes lugia defended itself and launched powerful aeroblast that knocked out pokemon in one go.

Once lugia is settled on the water it heard a human voice.

"Found you Lugia,let's battle" said Ash

Lugia stared at Ash for a while and then something stuck it's mind.A kid with pikachu saved it and it's mom few years back along with his dead friend Oliver

"Lugia lu" said Lugia as it moved it's head towards Ash and nuzzled Ash followed by licking Ash and then pikachu

"Hey that's okay leave me, " said Ash with smile

"Do I know you" asked Ash after which lugia grabbed Ash with mouth and places Ash on it's back before taking flight in the sky.While gliding along the mountain range a kid jumped on Lugia's tail

"Phew, that was close" said the kid

Ash then helped the kid getting on the back

"Thanks, I thought I would be dead" said the kid

"You don't have to do stunts like that" said Ash

"Yeah, but I can't let the moment to see the legendary pokemon from that close" said the kid

"I am Go, from kuchiba city" said the kid

"My name is Ash from pallet town, and this is pikachu " said Ash

"Nice to meet you," said Ash

"So, you just started out as a trainer" asked Go

"Nope, I travelled seven regions from Kanto to Alola and Alola being my recent one" said Ash that shocked Go

"No way, that's freakin amazing." said Go

"Wait you won Manalo conference recently, right" said Go

"Yeah, and the battles were amazing" said Ash as Go then pulled the phone from his pocket and started to record the movement of Lugia's fins.

"So this is how Lugia moves it's fins, and the Lugia is quite huge" said Go as he records the video.

"Lugia, you are so nice, thanks for not attacking us" said Ash at which lugia becomes happy and took a flight to higher altitudes above the clouds where fearow were flying and then lugia dived down towards the sea launching aeroblast that displaced the water in which lugia enters and then swims under the sea.Go was amazed at the power of Lugia and underwater water type pokemon.

Lugia the flew out of the water towards mainland where multiple rapidash are running on the grassy field.

"That's amazing" said Ash and Go who is decording everything and pikachu was giving happy cry.

Lugia then settled on the field letting Pikachu,Go and Ash slide down.Go then clicked Lugia's pics after which Ash moved in front of Lugia

"Lugia thanks, you are amazing" said Ash as he started to slowly strokes his hand on Lugia's face making Lugia release loud roar in happiness.And In return Lugia licked Ash.

"Lugia you can go now.We will meet you again" said Ash but Lugua didn't moved

"What is happening Ash" asked Go

"I don't know it seems Lugia didn't want to go back" said Ash with his head being tilted to right.Go then picked the pokeball he has and then he said " Lugia will you come with me" asked Go but Lugia then made its eyes glowed blue taking pokeball from Go's hands and then gave it to Ash. On other hand Go having shocked expression on his face.

"You want me to capture you," asked Ash

"Lugia lu" said Lugia with a happy nod.

"But do I know you, I feel like I know you from somewhere" said Ash with thinking expression

"Hello Ash," said Lugia

"Nice to meet you again," said Lugia that shocked Ash and Go

"Wait are you using telepathy,and have we met before" asked Ash

"Yes, you remember your Jhoto journey where you saved baby lugia from team rocket, " said Lugia

"Yes,how is the lugia.I know you know him " said Ash

"I am the same baby Lugia, " said Lugia

"No way, you have grown up Lugia, and you are looking stronger than before" said Ash

"Where is your mom and how Oliver is doing " asked Ash

"Well Oliver he is dead now, he was suffering from cronic heart disease that no doctor could cure it." said Lugia as tears started to fall from the eyes.

"Lugia, I am sorry and if this is what you wish then I will fulfill your wish." said Ash as he picks one of his pokeball and then gently tap on Lugia's head that made Lugia disappeared inside the pokeball leaving Go with shocked expression.

"You-you , I mean you caught Lugia," said Go

"Yes, we caught Lugia, right pikachu" said Ash as pikachu gave smile to Ash

"Lugia come out" said Ash sending Lugia out.From pokeball Lugia emerges and then Lugia took 360 turn in the air before landing in front of the Ash and Go

"Lugia my other pokemon will be happy to see you, you will make lots of friends " said Ash making Lugia happy

"Hey Ash what's your dream" asked Go

"My dream is to become a pokemon master.Befriend and meet all pokemon in the world, to make friends in different region.I want to travel till my death " said Ash

"And yours" asked Ash

"Wants to capture every pokemon in the world, " said Go

"Also wants to make my starter pokemon as mew" said Go

"Go mew is difficult to catch.Playful nature of mew makes difficult as mew is like a child that can be difficult to handle" said Ash

"How you know about mew," asked Go

"I encountered mew in hoenn region" said Ash that shocked Go

"You met mew and you didn't captured" asked Go

"I feel that capturing any legendary pokemon should be with their consent" said Ash

"I think we should go" said Ash to which Go nodded

"Lugia I am happy to have you on my team, we all together will become stronger" said Ash as Lugia gave a loud roar making pokemon cower in fear.

"Return for now" said Ash but Lugia telepathically said that it don't want to get inside the pokeball

"Well don't worry, get inside till we reach back to home then you can be free." said Ash to which lugia nodded and Ash recalled Lugia back to pokeball.

It's been a full day passed and now Ash and Go are back at Sakuragi Institute.

"Go you did amazing job by giving me the footage of Lugia in the air.Plus it shows how calm a legendary pokemon near the one it trusts" said Sakuragi

"What you say professor oak,seeing Lugia in a mid flight is an amazing experience." said Sakuragi

"Sure it is, " said Oak

"By the way Ash, what about you" asked Oak

"Well I have to show you something and please don't freak out" said Ash to which they nodded

"You have a park or something like that" asked Ash

"Yes, come with me" said Sakuragi as he took the Ash and Go towards the park

"Okay then, you will be shocked but please keep that a secret" said Ash to which Sakuragi nodded

"Come out " said Ash sending Lugia out

When Lugia came out it released strong stream of winds shocking professors and Koharu

"You caught Lugia" said Sakuragi with shocked expressions but for professor oak this is something not new.After all Ash owns legendary and mythical pokemon combined along with the ultra beasts he have.

"Lugia this is professor oak and sakuragi they are my friend and are good people" said Ash making Lugia nod

"Ash can I touch it" said Sakuragi to which both Lugia and Ash nodded

After one hour Ash and Go are in the research area.

"So Go, I forgot to give you starter.We have the three starters" said Sakuragi releasing the three starters namely Charmender,Bulbasaur and Squirtle

"So which pokemon you select" asked Sakuragi

"I choose mew" said Go making Koharu sweat dropped

"Sorry to say but mew are rare to find" said Oak

"Ash and Go, I have a request.Would you like to be my research fellow at Sakuragi Institute" asked profesor Sakuragi

"I accept professor" said Go

"Good and you Ash," asked Sakuragi

"I am in professor" said Ash

"Great, It will be awsome to work with you.You both will stay here, at our institute " said Sakuragi

"Ash whatever new pokemon you will get will be stayed here" said professor

"Professor oak why don't you send all of the Ash's pokemon here, we have plenty of space" said Sakuragi

"Sure, and Ash you should train for the league" said Oak

"I will professor" said Ash

Meanwhile Delia and Mr.Mime enters.

"So you are staying here, " asked Delia

"Yes mom, " said Ash

"In that case, mimy you stay here with Ash and take care of him." said Delia to which it nodded

"And Ash mimey wants to train under you to get stronger" said Delia

"You want to train mimey" asked Ash to which he nodded

"Okay then I have to capture you " said Ash as he gently tap one of his pokeball that captured Mr.Mime

"Now Ash we have to go, and be safe" said Oak

"And don't forget to change, you know what" asked Delia

"Mom, I am not a kid any more" said Ash

xxx August 6: 2019 9:00 A.M xxx

"Ash please show us your pokemon," said Sakuragi

"Lugia ready to meet your new friends" asked Ash to which Lugia nodded

Ash then released his pokemon one by one.Go, Sakuragi and Koharu are amazed to see the pokemon that Ash owned.

"You, you owns Solgaleo, Darkrai, Marshadow, Zeraora and Zekrom too," said everyone with shocked expression

"Everyone, meet your new team member Lugia" said Ash as his pokemon greeted Lugia

"Another legendary on our team" said Marshadow

"Yeah, and I am proud on my pokemon," said Ash

"And you guys these are our new friend, professor sakuragi, koharu and Go" said Ash

"Ash what are these," asked Go

"Well, these are ultra beasts, from another dimensions" said Ash

"Kind of Alien" asked Koharu

"Yes, but they are cute.Phermosa likes to be clean always " said Ash

"Now I have something for you, a rotom phone that can be work as pokedex," said Sakuragi giving rotom phone to both pokemon.

"Thanks professor," said Ash as Go started to record the all of Ash's pokemon.

"Guys this is our home now.So enjoy yourself.But for training we will find isolated place" said Ash

Somewhere near the route 1 in kanto a certain black fox is walking towards the pallet town

"Hope Ash would take me in his team," thought the pokemon

To be continued...

(A/N: Okay everyone this is my first fanfiction and hope you guys would like this one. Ash will redo his Indigo league quest with some new addition of pokemon in his team. About my update schedule, it is not fixed, it can take a month or more or less than a month which depends on how much free time I would have.

Please leave a review or suggestion that would help me to motivate for continuing this fanfiction.

Ash's Pokemon.

Noctowl,sandshrew,venusaur,Lapras,lycanroc,Decidueye,melmetal,Incineroar,naganadel,pikachu,pidgeot ,blastoise,Serperior,metagross,gumshoos,nosepass,kadabra ,Electivire,torkoal,meganium,Feraligatr,scrafty,Garchomp,typhlosion,glalie,boldore,tauros,noivern,donphan,primeape,greninja,muk,gliscor,kingler,Butterfree,snorlax,talonflame,infernape,goodra,hawlucha,swellow,emboar,Staraptor,Heracross,Floatzel,Torterra,crawdaunt,Leavanny,seismitoad,dewott,unfezant,charizard,Lucario,tyranitar,gengar,krookoodile,sceptile,zekrom,solgaleo,buzzwole,Xurkitree,phermosa,kartana,nihilego,blacephalon,guzzlord,Darkrai,Zeraora Marshadow