He could already see her perfect little head peeking out, "Okay, honey, when you feel the contraction, go for it."

Eddie's body tensed with the incoming contraction, forcing her to push with all her strength. Jamie encouraged her as she worked with all her might to bring their baby girl to the world. She sobbed in pain, begging him to get the baby out. Finally, after another hour of pushing, her body gave way and the baby spilled out.

Jamie caught her in his arms, studying their daughter through hot tears. "She's perfect Eddie, just perfect," his voice broke as he wrapped her in a blanket.

She was tiny, very tiny and made a mewl, not a cry. "Jamie...she's not crying. What's wrong with her?"

Tears quickly brushed away, Jamie supported his little girl while patting her back to clear the airways. "Come on, breath sweetie. Breath for daddy." He brought her to his chest, carefully swiping a finger around the inside of her mouth. He cleared out the mucus and finally, the baby let out a Reagan size wail.

The sound brought tears to Jamie and Eddie's eyes as Jamie carried their daughter to meet her mom. With his arm supporting her neck he carefully lay the baby in Eddie's awaiting arms, adding a peck to Eddie's head. "What should we name her?"

Eddie stared at the small baby that nestled against her chest quietly napping, warm and safe in her mom's arms. "I was doing some more research and I came across the name Macayla. What do you think of that name?"

"I think it's perfect. Welcome Macayla," Jamie pulled Eddie into his arms on the floor beside her, holding his two girls. He pressed his lips against Eddie's temple while pitter-patter of rain continued pounding their balcony door. Her hair was matted with sweat after giving birth but that didn't matter to him. Because of Eddie's strength, their little girl was here.

"I'm so proud of you Eddie," Jamie gently rubbed his finger over Macayla's hand smiling at how little her fingers were.

The storm lasted for another hour before subsiding into a light rain that allowed the electricity to turn back on. A knock tapped on their door forcing Jamie to let the doctor inside, alerted by Frank finally able to get through then returned to Eddie's side. "Oh well look at this little beauty. I want to check you both at the hospital all right?"

Two men pushed a wheelchair inside the room to take Eddie and Macayla for a thorough check. Jamie remained at her side the entire half-hour where the hospital was. A nurse waited for them in one of the exam rooms, reaching for the baby once the cord was cut. "I'll bring her right back," she promised.

Jamie took Eddie's hand in his, watching the nurse place Macayla on a bed across the room. The doctor washed her with a warm cloth then placed her on top of a large scale, "6 pounds, 19 inches long," the doctor noted on a form.

He checked her temperature, reflexes, breathing, and heart rate while noting everything. Jamie studied the doctor walking Macayla back to them in a diaper and wrapped up in a pink blanket. "Everything looks good but when you get back home I would make an appointment with your doctor for a check-up. You're next," the doctor gave Macayla to Jamie allowing him to check Eddie.

Jamie stood to the bed's left watching the doctor while he cradled Macayla tightly against his chest. "She's so early, only 38 weeks we were worried when I had to deliver," Eddie said.

"She's tiny but her breathing and heartbeat sound good. You look to be in good condition too but again when you get home make an appointment with your doctor," the doctor smiled.

Jamie's eyes quickly studied his daughter sleeping fast asleep in his arms. Her tiny nose wrinkled, one tiny balled fist by her eye, head turned into his chest. His heart melted at the tiny girl already in love with her. Carefully supporting her neck he took out his cell, snapping a picture to send Frank. Meet your granddaughter Macayla 6 pounds 19 inches long."

Jamie returned to hold Eddie, the small baby was already smacking her lips, wanting to eat. Before he could transfer her back, she let out a yell. "Someone has mommy's impatience when it comes to eating," Jamie carefully set the baby in Eddie's arms, sitting on the bed next to her.

She and Jamie discussed feeding their baby and chose to bottle feed her. The nurse came in with her tiny bottle. Macayla took the bottle immediately while her parents watched. "When she's done you should rest Eddie," Jamie whispered.

"I couldn't sleep," Eddie replied. "I never could take my eyes off her."

Jamie smiled, "I know. Just worried. I know you're exhausted and your body needs to rest. "

She smiled and sighed, "Love you..."

"Love you too." Her head lulled onto his shoulder watching Macayla finish her bottle. Jamie lifted the baby into his arms, rubbing her back until he felt the gas release. He turned back to Eddie, her eyes already closed in a peaceful sleep.

As it turned out Jamie preferred holding Macayla while she slept so he could keep his two girls close. The doctor wanted to keep them for precaution so Jamie settled on the bed wide awake, holding his-daughter while Eddie napped. They kept them for 24 hours. Eddie had to learn yo diaper, to swaddle, to bathe...there was so much to know. Of course, Jamie paid attention too so he could help her.. Macayla squirmed in his arms, scrunching up her face as his cell went off. "Oh, no no..." he soothed. "Don't cry, hello?"

"Jamie? Did I get you at a bad time," Frank pursed his lips at the phone, hearing Macayla crying.

"She is just saying hello," he replied. "Eddie's asleep and the baby is well not."

Frank leaned over his desk, "I can hear that son. How are they doing health-wise? The whole family is excited to meet her."

"They are perfect," Jamie bragged, locking his eyes on Macayla. "Not too fast though, just you and Pop the first day then the rest the next day, not to overwhelm Eddie. Her mom is meeting us to "help for a few weeks back. It's so much to learn."

"Yes it is but everything will come naturally if you just let it. You'll know what she needs, Eddie especially will gain that mother's intuition. Pop and I will be there and if you need anything let us know. Are you keeping your travel arrangements?" Frank studied the desk calendar, the day Eddie and Jamie were supposed to come back circled in black marker.

He shifted the phone to cradle Macayla back to sleep. "Yes, Eddie wants the baby back to New York. The doctor is keeping them overnight."

"I'll be there when your plane gets in to take you home and settle," Frank promised. "I have to go, the governor and mayor are here and not in the best mood. Kiss my granddaughter for me and give my best to Eddie."

Jamie smiled and kissed Macayla. "You are a lucky little girl." She brushed a tiny fist over her closed her, scrunched her face and wailed. The weight in Jamie's arms suddenly felt heavier.

"Uh oh ..did you make a dirty?" He asked. "I think you did..." He carried her across the room to the changing table softly making a face once the diaper was off. "Oh yeah, you did. Okay, I know Macayla. Daddy is on it." He could have sworn she laughed at him.

On their last day, Eddie sat up in bed, holding Macayla against her chest while Jamie made sure he packed everything. "Can you believe it's time to go home already," Eddie whispered softly. Her eyes drifted down to their baby girl happily drinking from the bottle.

He closed the suitcase satisfied they had everything and joined Eddie on the bed, slipping an arm behind her. "No but it was a great honeymoon and we're going home with the best gift ever," Jamie pecked the baby's head, causing her to grunt. Laughing he met Eddie's lips softly, "I love you, Eddie."

"Love you too." Eddie rested her head against his, both watching their daughter finish her bottle. Jamie called the front desk for a concierge to bring their bags out. He helped Eddie to a bench in the front while the cab came around.

He watched her hair blow with the gentle breeze, wrapping around her slowly making her look even more beautiful. The cab pulled up in front, driver helping with the bags so Jamie could get Eddie in back. He held her tight the entire ten miles to the airport for the flight back home.

A worker waited outside with a wheelchair for Eddie to board with. They breezed through customs, checked their luggage and ate a light breakfast until their plane was called. Eddie sat by the window holding Macayla tight while she watched the island grow smaller. "Back home," she lay her head on Jamie's shoulder.

Macayla's face twisted just after takeoff, squirming in Eddie's arms. She opened her mouth, letting a long wail. "Oh, it's okay I know," Eddie slowly rocked her, bounced her and rubbed her back.

"Let me try Eddie." Jamie supported Macayla's head with his arm, walking up and down the aisle slowly. "It's okay, " he soothed, continuing the path until she fell asleep again. He took a seat beside Eddie, afraid to let go of Macayla until their flight was over.

When they landed in New York staff unpacked the passengers' suitcases while one came on to unload those with wheelchairs and disabilities. Eddie held Macayla in her arms with Jamie at her side, holding the baby bag they bought at a local store, diapers extra clothes and enough formula to last until they got home.

With their suitcases loaded up the airport staff pushed Eddie out front slowly. Frank stood outside, hands in his trench coat pockets only looking up as they came out. He smiled, walking over to meet them halfway, "Welcome back and congratulations."

"Thanks. Would you like to meet your granddaughter?" She smiled, watching Jamie place Macayla in his father's arms.

"Oh she's beautiful," Frank croaked at the sleeping baby.

Jamie supported Eddie as-she stood to get in the black car, climbing in behind her with Frank last. He rubbed Eddie's back, watching her sleep on their way through Queens. She was making up for the lack of sleep coming home on the plane. He cradled Macayla against his chest while she slept too, his two girls. "Welcome home Macayla. Welcome home, Eddie."