I appreciate all of you that have followed this story to this point. I wish to let ya'll know that I truly do appreciate each and every one of you and I don't wish to offend anyone, but I feel like I have to say this.

This story started out as a coping mechanism for me with the loss of Jack, and because of some comments I received about what I was doing with the story I felt like I needed to change the direction of the story, and it worked out well in the end. But when it comes down to it, I want to write stories I want to write, not dictated by readers. Don't get me wrong, readers are important, but as a writer I shouldn't be afraid to take risks just because I might lose readers. Losing readers is not what concerns me, what concerns me is losing my integrity as a writer is what I want to keep intact. I want to expand my exploration of WCTH beyond Jack Thornton. Whether you like it or not Jack is gone, and he's not coming back. We shouldn't let that stop us from wanting the best for Elizabeth and Little Jack. Even if you don't think Elizabeth should love again, even though that's what Jack himself wants for her, Little Jack needs a father figure in his life.

I want to explore Elizabeth's relationship with Nathan, and if none of ya'll like that, fine. I won't be disheartened by that fact, I will continue on writing and if any of you wish to take a chance on the new story you will be welcomed with open arms, but if not I hold no I'll will. I wish for you to uphold your integrity as readers in what you choose to read. I wish you all the best in your future reading endeavors and hopefully I will see ya'll in the future.

