Martin and Chris were walking in the Tortuga bored. "I wish we could do something." Martin said to Chris. "How about if we explore the desert! "Chris suggested. "Great idea!" Martin agreed. The Kratt Bros went straight to Aviva. "Aviva, Chris said, "Can we please explore the Sonoran Desert. "Okay." Aviva said. "Bring your creature power discs and creature pods just in case." "We got it Aviva." The Kratt Bros left the Tortuga with their supplies.

2 hours, later, they were walking through the desert feeling very hot. "Martin" Chris said, "we have to find the Tortuga." "Uh Chris," Martin called out, "I think we're lost." "Don't worry Martin." Chris said. "We'll find a town nearby that can help us. Martin and Chris continued to walk through the desert. "I found a nearby town!" Martin called out. The Kratt Bros ran to the town until they saw what was there: TALKING CARS!!