Visitor: *Enters the room turns on the TV, body slams the couch, hugs a pillow and watches.

Isuka sighs in relief as she takes a hot shower. Today was so uneventful she finds herself re-thinking every piece of information she could remember obtaining. She didn't want to over think, but the numbers in the reports could be lies. What sane human would remember numbers of the reports he or she has read without preamble when to use them?

Ace of Spade must have been making it up, she assures to herself; but the doubts still linger, festering inside her like rot to wood. She doesn't understand why he would tell her this information. Was it a trick? To turn her against the marines, against Draw? What was his goal?

- (Play opening theme for Spades- Imagine Sogeking theme song but replace Sogeking to Spades and a whole slew of lyrics like this: From the future he had come, he will change the fate's design. 100 pranks, 100 laughs. Lululalalu. Facing the marines yeah we will (play-on). Forbidden love and destinies (play-on!). The man that came from the future! Lulululalala. He will change the fate's design.)-

EPISODE 11: What Became of Isuka? PART 3

Ok. He should have thought this thru. Ace says to himself. Sure Isuka would eventually need her coat and rapier, but did she really need it tonight? Ace could just return it to her tomorrow if they were still docked on land… But he wasn't exactly sure when the marines would finish re-stocking as Banshee was the one supposed to know this tidbit of information, which he did not ask from her.

"Oh just return it today baby brother." Sabo suddenly appears beside him. Surprising Ace with a startle. He was still donning the Lady Spades outfit and using the voice he wears with it.

"Geeze! Don't scare me like that!" He adds, "and why are you still wearing that?"

"Oh, this? I find it nice to wear. My legs have never felt so free!" Sabo does a twirl with the flats he decided to change in after his feet decided to ache in heels, "kind of drafty though."

"Just go feel your leg freedom somewhere else. I'm busy trying to figure out how exactly to give this back to the marines.

"You know, you could just leave it on their deck. Make it seem like it was airing out." Sabo advises.

"Annie, you are a gift!" Ace says as he runs off to the deck.

Not so stealthily, he climbs up the deck and into the Marine ship. Just as he was about to leave the coat and rapier on top of a wooden barrel, some marines decided to come out on deck from inside the ship. Ace panicked and hid at the corner of the starboard side.

The marines were laughing and talking on the rails, they brought out some non-alcoholic drinks and started making small talk that could last for who knows how long. Which made Ace's plan of escape harder to accomplish. So he guesses, he'll have to escape from inside the ship, through one of their port holes or something. Then he realizes he still has the coat… So drop off the coat at Isuka's quarters and then escape the ship.

After sneaking into the ship and looking at all the rooms, he just realized he didn't know where Isuka's quarters were. Well, he had all night and the Marine ships are easy to navigate because every ship is practically the same lay-out. So no one would mind if he decided to take some information from the Captain's quarters, would they?

And after thirty minutes he finally finished pilfering through the files in the Captain's desk, took a few pieces of information he needed for a prank, folded it and stuffed it on a pocket in his hat; and found a chart with all the men's assigned quarters and bunks, he finally found her room at the far end of the ship, room 155. He entered to find it empty with one person in the shower. He entered and was about to drop the coat and the rapier when he felt the lightheadedness that came with his narcolepsy. He cursed under his breath before he ungracefully fell on the bed and the let the darkness engulf him.

When Isuka finished her shower and steps out of her room wearing only a towel, she was met with a man on her bed.

(Dear viewers, due to country censorship, this scene was blocked.)

Ace wakes up to a blade in front of his face. He scrambles back until he falls off the bed.

"Geeze woman! Do you wake everybody up like that?" Isuka was wearing a tacky blue flower tee and a beige ankle length skirt. She was also wielding her weapon, poised and ready to attack.

"What are you doing in my quarters Portgas?" Isuka attacks again, a nailing strike with her rapier. Ace suddenly regrets returning it back to her.

"I just- just came to return your coat and weapon." He dodges another swipe. Raising his hands up in a placating manner, palms open and showing her. He was also curled-up fatally, with one leg in the air. It was a very disarming pose that helped Isuka realize he really wasn't willing to fight back, and that she just looks like a bully now.

Isuka relaxes her stance, just realizing that she did forget her weapon and coat, with everything that happened to her. So she decided she would let him slip out just now.

"Get out of here before I nail you in the heart." She commands instead.

Ace scrambles for the door, opening it before he realized that the marines drinking from above the deck were now at the end of the hall. Making out.

Ace steps back and closes the door with care before he turns and faces Isuka. His cheeks were flushed red, hiding the freckles she knew he had.

She raises her brow questioningly.

"Uhh, some marines are making out at the hall. Just feels awards to break them-up." He scratches the back of his neck.

Isuka blushes. As far as she knows, she's the only woman in the crew. So that made them homosexual lovers? Well, it would be awkward to break them up. But she's the Lieutenant here. If she goes out and they spot her, surely they would stop.

She then hears a click and a very loud moan from the other side of her wall. Well, shit.

Both Isuka and Ace ran out of the room, down the hall, up the stair case, off the deck, past the gangplank and out to the port as fast at hey could.

While Isuka turned Left, Ace turned right, and that's how the two ended their day. Isuka went to meet Vice Admiral Draw and some marines for dinner, while Ace want to the other side of the island to meet with his crew.

"So Ace, how did the return operation go?" Sabo enters their room. Their because he bunks with Ace when he visits. He was already out of the wig and make-up, but…

"Why are you still wearing that dress?"

When morning came, Ace was already at the market place. Due to yesterday's marine incident, he wasn't able to fully enjoy his market place adventure. He still wanted to taste the local delicacies and look at some of the local sights.

But as luck would turn out, he just wasn't lucky today. He was beginning to believe he was jinxed every time he stepped on the market place. He just had to bump into the glorified arsonist.

"Pirate SCUM like YOU should be burnt down!"

Vice Admiral Draw takes out his flame throwers, stronger than the last time Ace fought him in the previous life. Now, however, the duel takes place in a very flammable village near the bay side, just beside the market place. The houses were practically straw and dried leaves weaved together to make huts and small homes. Not the best place for a flame thrower.

Too late to talk it out, Draw had already burnt down 3 inhabited huts with a single press of his weapons, sweeping from left to right, which Ace only avoided by jumping up.

People started going out of their huts, scared and crying, carrying as many valuables as they can. And Isuka finally understood what Portgas D. Ace meant about falsified property damage reports as she neared the commotion and the fight.

"Vice Admiral! Stop! The civilians are still in their huts!" Isuka screams, already aiding the civilians in their relocation.

"So what if a few things get burned! What matters most is my prey!" Draw says with a gleam of greed and determination in his eyes.

"But the villagers!"

"Can save their own damn selves!" Draw attacks again, aiming for Ace as he dodges and runs. Still not sure how to subdue Draw and let Isuka get her answers.

"Vice Admiral! Please, don't be like this! You saved me from the fire the pirates set on my village. You're my hero then, please don't let the children suffer."

"Of course I'd save you! You were a kid." Draw says, his eyes shining with the familiar sincerity Iskua knew he felt in all realness, but a when Ace scored a punch on one of his flame throwers and breaking it in the process, his eyes turned wild.

"I swear I will burn this village down and I would not stop until you are DEAD pirate! Just like I did all those years ago!"

Isuka jolts. Did she hear right?

"So you admit to burning down all the other villages? Huski Island? Long-swan village? Whitewing village?" Ace asks as he dodged Draw's attacks with his fist and remaining flame thrower.

"Ha! I burnt them all!" Draw admits in bouts of sanity as he finally lands a punch on Ace, only for his fist to go straight through him, leaving only wisps of fire and flame.

"You! You're a logia?!" Draw realized too late. Ace had already placed his hand on the remaining flame thrower. Setting it on fire and melting it with the hottest flame he can conjure. The melted metal landed on draw's arms, burning him with permanent scars. As if that wasn't enough. The fuel he was using for the flame throwers were flammable, and one loud resounding Bang rang through the beach, indicating the end of the duel.

"You know, it's stupid to think you can kill me with my own element." Ace makes his way to the burnt and beaten Draw, still alive- sadly, as he hoisted him up by his crumbling collar. The burnt crater on the ground was not small. Draw being at the center of it all, must have taken the most damage. His flamethrowers were nothing now but burnt and melted pieces. Luckily, Ace was able to extract him. His hands were burnt badly, and Ace hopes this would be his lesson to never play with fire so carelessly again.

"Portgas-" Ace looks to his side, seeing Isuka, tears welling in her eyes and trying and failing to stay strong.

"I- I'll take it from here." She says as she bows, "Thank you. Thank you for telling me the truth." Her voice trembles as she lets her tears drop to the toasted ground.

The truth is not always pretty. Half the time, people would wish they never heard the truth. Half the time, people wished they lived in the bliss of ignorance instead of knowing and doing nothing... But sometimes the truth is what a healing heart needs.

"Ace! We gotta go! A whole fleet of Marines are coming this way!" Dusty says as he pulls Ace away from Isuka and Draw.

"Wait! I just gotta do something first. You tell everyone to get ready to set sail." Ace ordered, "Aye, Captain!" and went back to the Card Deck.

"Isuka... come with me. Become a pirate and sail the seas with me." Ace extends his hand. His hands shining with hope. Isuka already knew that Portgas D. Ace was a special pirate, no, a special person. This just proves it. He could accept her. Her flaws and mistakes, he forgives her for siding with Draw and mindlessly believing the reports and his ideals. She feels another surge of tears well in her eyes.

His offer warms her heart, but she knows her place, and she knows its not by his side.

"Thank you for the offer, but I refuse. I have my place, and you have yours." She holds his hand, a friendly grip.

"My dream is to save kids from the life I lived. Even if my savior was the one who caused this life, the one who put me here and made me a marine... I still wouldn't trade this job for the world." From her friendly grip, she pulls him close and lands a kiss on his cheek.

Ace blushes, bright red and not expecting that at all. This time, he was the one retreating with a hand cupping his freckled cheek, and a blush that just won't disappear.

As the Card Deck sets sail for another island, Isuka sits by the bay, watching it go.

She'd probably get demoted... Worst-case scenario discharged for letting the pirates escape. But it was all worth it, and she knows, if she did get discharged, maybe she can find work taking care of children. Maybe a school teacher. Either way, the future looks bright, and a weight she didn't know she was holding was lifted from her shoulders. She wonders when she'll cross paths with the Spades again, and waits patiently for the next time.

*Visitor: Fast asleep... Wasn't even listening to the ending credits anymore.

Author's notes:

With regards to the censored scene,,, its just Isuka in a towel. Nothing major. Seriously, country censorship does exist! And one good example is Sanji eating a lollipop instead of smoking. If I'm right, there were also other scenes with Dadan (of all people) that were edited,,, but wtvr.

Well, that's t for this fan made anime. Wait I think it's: fanmade anime-fiction of a fanfiction of an anime. Yes, this is the most accurate thing to call it. FMA-FoaFFoaA. :D

Thank you all readers, reviewers and fellow fans, for reading, reviewing and being yourself. :D Have a nice day! I won't be updating until BlueAutumn12 releases her next work to pump me up with inspiration and dramatic insanity so… this fic will be considered complete until that happens. :D

To my reviewers:

GolDEin13: Yes, Sabo enjoys it,,, but will never admit t to Koala and Dragon. He will admit it to Ace tho because Ace started it. Sabo would politely point out the fact that Ace wore drag first! Ha!

Kippysaurus: This (Spades and Seagulls) is still a fanfic of a fanfic, it sorta belongs here. If It were to get a separate I would have named it that,,, and would have its own stand-alone fic,,, maybe in AO3. :D (I actually have an AO3 account,,, and I don't know how to use it but leave comments and give kudos.) I'll think about it! :D